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        현행 단체소송 제도의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구 ― 공익소송의 활성화를 중심으로 ―

        최광선 전남대학교 공익인권법센터 2022 인권법평론 Vol.- No.28

        In this article, the Association action introduced in Korea is reviewed. While examining the outline of the system, the actual case of Association action was reviewed through representative example. Based on this, the nature and utilization of the current Association action were discussed. The right to file a Association action is a unique right of a association and is subject to restrictions by law and lawsuit permission of court. Association action is limited to litigation that can be carried out by a association according to the purpose set forth in the articles of association. Unlike Class action, Association action is not litigation in which a association can pursue its own interests, but always takes the form of litigation for others, so it has an appearance that conforms to public interest litigation. In order to vitalize Association action, it is necessary to abolish the permission of action that is not systematically incompatible and to expand the scope of claims for preventive prohibition (or suspension). In this article, I suggested that it is required to allow the prohibition and suspension of illegal acts to be requested in the field suitable for the purpose of the association without limiting the field of association action. It is desirable that association action contributes to public interest lawsuits by expanding not only to the consumer and personal information fields, but also to health, environment, and anti-discrimination issues. To this end, it is necessary to solve the problem of litigation costs, which has become a problem in practice. Even though public interest litigation is a lawsuit for the marginalized and powerless, if the litigation cost principle of the loser pays is strictly applied, it may lead to a level of burden in exercising the right of access to courts. If this happens, it will infringe on the essential content of the people’s right of access to courtsl. Therefore, in public interest litigation, especially in Association action, it is requirede to revise the litigation cost principle of the loser pays. 이 논문에서는 우리나라에 도입된 단체소송에 대하여 살펴보았다. 개략적인 제도의 모습을 살피면서 대표적인 사례를 통하여 단체소송의 실제를 검토하였다. 이를 바탕으로 현행 단체소송의 성질과 활용방안을 논하였다. 단체소송의 제소권은 단체가 가지는 고유한 권리로서 법률과 법원의 허가에 따른 제한을 받는다. 단체소송은 정관에 정한 목적에 따라 단체가 성질상 수행할 수 있는 소송에 제한되며, 현행법상 소비자단체 등 비영리법인이 수행하게 된다. 대표당사자소송과 달리 단체소송은 단체가 스스로 이익을 추구할 수 있는 소송이 아니라 항상 타인을 위하여 소송을 수행하는 모습을 취하게 되므로 공익소송에 부합하는 모습을 가진다. 단체소송이 공익소송에 이바지하기 위해서는 대표당사자소송과의 관계 설정이 중요하다. 대표당사자소송은 대표당사자가 직접 소송을 통하여 얻는 것이 있기 때문에 기본적으로 사익에 친하다는 점을 고려하면 사익과 공익의 조화를 위해 대표당사자소송과 단체소송이 각자 역할을 할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 그런데 단체소송에서 단체에게 손해배상청구권을 인정하는 점은 신중해야 한다. 단체에게 어떤 손해가 있는지, 손해배상이 귀속되어야 하는 정당한 근거가 있는지 의문이기 때문이다. 단체는 금지・유지청구권 행사를 기본으로 하되, 손해배상이 필요하다면 개인이 일반 민사소송을 하든 대표당사자소송으로 하든 별도의 손해배상청구를 하도록 하여 단체소송과 대표당사자소송을 병합시키는 방안도 검토해 볼 수 있다. 단체소송의 활성화를 위해서는 체계상 맞지 않는 소송허가 제도를 폐지하고 예방적 금지(또는 중지)청구까지 범위를 확대할 필요가 있다. 이 점은 선행연구에서 많이 지적되었던 사항이다. 본 논문에서는 여기서 더 나아가서 단체소송은 분야를 한정하지 않고 단체 고유의 목적에 맞는 분야에서는 위법행위의 금지와 중지를 청구할 수 있도록 하는 것이 바람직하다고 제안하였다. 단체소송은 유럽식 제도로서 단체가 발달하기 시작한 19세기부터 논의가 시작되어 오늘날에 이르고 있다. 독일, 프랑스 같은 유럽 주요 국가는 미국식 대표당사자소송 제도에 거부감을 가지고 있었고 제외신고 방식과 같이 직접 소제기하지 않은 자에게 기판력을 미치게 하는 것은 처분권주의에 반한다고 판단하는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 우리나라의 경우 제외신고 방식이 이미 증권관련 집단소송법에 입법화 되어 있는데, 소의 제기, 소송물의 특정, 소의 종결을 당사자에게 기회를 주면 족하다. 따라서 대표당사자가 먼저 소를 제기하고 구성원들은 제외신고를 할 기회를 부여받으면 재판청구권의 본질적인 내용이 침해되었다고 보기는 어렵다고 생각한다. 단체소송은 소비자 분야, 개인정보 분야 뿐 아니라 보건, 환경, 차별시정 문제 등까지 확대시켜 공익소송에 이바지 하도록 함이 바람직하다. 이를 위해서는 최근 실무상 문제가 되고 있는 소송비용 문제를 입법상 개선할 필요가 있다. 공익소송은 소외되고 힘없는 자들을 위한 소송임에도 소송비용의 패소자 부담원칙을 엄격히 적용한다면 소송의 장애사유로 기능하여 재판청구권 행사에 부담을 느끼는 수준에 이를 수 있다. 그렇게 된다면 이는 국민의 재판청구권의 본질적인 내용을 침해하게 된다. 따라서 공익소송, 특히 단체소송에 있어서는 소송비용의 패소자 부담원칙을 수정할 필요...

      • KCI등재

        共同牧場組合의 法理 硏究

        한삼인 한국토지법학회 2008 土地法學 Vol.24 No.2

        법인 아닌 사단은 법인 등기가 되지 않는다는 점에서 조합과의 구별이 용이하지만은 않다. 특히 어떤 단체에 업무집행자가 정해져 있지 않은 경우에는 조합으로 볼 수 있겠지만, 조합에 업무집행 조합원이 선임되어 있는 경우에는 법인 아닌 사단과 거의 차이가 없다. 이와 같은 범주에 속하는 것 중의 하나가, 제주사회에 특유한 공동목장조합이다. 마을 단위로 조직된 자생단체로서의 공동목장조합은 가축 공동방목에 의한 축산진흥, 가축개량 및 가축방역을 공동으로 실시하려는 목적 하에 설립된 것으로서, 그 형성의 역사는 1930년대로 볼 수 있다. 공동목장조합의 경우, 그 법적 지위를 따지는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 다시 말하면, 공동목장조합은 단체의 유형 중에서 법인 아닌 사단의 범주에 속하는 것으로 보아야 할 것인지? 아니면 조합으로 취급해야 할 것인지가 문제이다. 어느 것으로 볼 것이냐에 따라 그 법적 규율의 차이를 가져오기 때문이다. 이 글은 주로 문헌연구(공동목장조합 정관 등의 분석을 포함한다)의 방법을 통하여 단체의 일종으로서의 공동목장조합의 법률관계(내부관계, 외부관계, 재산관계)를 검토·분석하였고, 그 바탕위에서 공동목장조합의 법적 지위를 밝힌 것이다. 이러한 일련의 작업은 단체법을 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 생각한다. 논술의 핵심은, 우선 법인 아닌 사단과 조합의 기본법리를 검토한 다음, 단체의 법적 성질을 어떻게 판단할 것이냐에 대하여 논술한 후, 제주도 특유의 공동목장조합의 단체성에 대하여 실증적인 연구를 시도한 것이다. 공동목장조합 정관의 분석을 통해 볼 때 제주도 공동목장조합은 법인 아닌 사단의 성질을 상당히 많이 내포하고 있는 비전형 단체의 일종이라 할 수 있다. 하지만, 공동목장조합이 외부와 거래한 경우, 그 채무를 목장조합 자체가 부담해야 하는지? 아니면 조합원들이 지분비율에 따른 분할채무를 부담하는지 등에 관한 명문규정을 정관에 두고 있지 않다는 점에서, 공동목장조합의 법적 지위를 일률적으로 법인 아닌 사단으로만 볼 수는 없다. 그렇다면, 제주도 공동목장조합의 경우, 기본적으로는 법인 아닌 사단으로서의 법적 지위에 있고, 구체적인 경우에는 조합적 성질의 일면을 내포하는 ‘변형적 형태’로 파악하는 것이 합리적이라고 생각한다. Of all organization and group types that are formed by human beings, the distinction between a 'corporation that does not have juridical obligations' and just an 'association' is somewhat ambiguous. One group which fits into this category is the Jeju's unique 'Mutual Ranch Collaborative Association'. The mutual ranch collaborative association is an organization which was formed in village units on a purely voluntary basis. It was established with the goal of carrying out livestock promotion, reforms, as well as quarantine through mutual grazing in the fields. The origin of its historical formation can be found sometime in the 1930's. In the case of the mutual ranch collaborative association, it is not easy to quite figure out exactly where its legal position lies. In other words, the problem is whether to classify the mutual ranch collaborative association as a 'corporation that does not have juridical obligations' or to treat it just as an 'association' out of the organization types because the legal implications depending on how you classify it brings about a considerable difference. This paper aims to grasp the legal position of the mutual ranch collaborative association as a type of an organization after investigating first into the legal principles of the associations and groups that have no juridical obligations mainly through research into the literature. The legal position of the mutual ranch collaborative association ultimately can only be dependent on the overall analysis of the statutes of the mutual ranch collaborative association. When looking through the analyses of the statutes, the mutual ranch collaboration association within Jeju can be said to be a non-obligatory type of a corporation without any juridical responsibilities in possession of many characteristics like that of an association. However, if the mutual ranch collaborative association were to carry out a transaction with an external party, the point where they do not have any rules within the statutes about such things as whether the debt should be taken care of by the association itself, or according to the percentage of the stock holdings of the members, makes it difficult to view the legal position of the mutual ranch collaborative association as just an association without any legal responsibilities across the board. Therefore, in the case of the mutual ranch collaboration association within Jeju, it is the opinion of this author to believe it would be logical to understand it as a 'modified form' which acknowledges the aspects of characteristics of an association in specific cases while at the same time acknowledging its legal position as an association and not a corporation with legal responsibilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인과 중국인의 단어 연상의미 조사 분석

        박선옥(Park Sun-ok) 중앙어문학회 2008 語文論集 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper, titled “Word Association Research Methods”, reports on a comparative questionnaire conducted by 200 native Koreans and 200 native Chinese who are requested to answer an associative word within ten seconds per question. The result was explored according to each language: 1) Analyzing associative words indicating paradigmatic and syntagmic relationship from a linguistic viewpoint 2) Analyzing the meanings and features from social and cultural viewpoint; and 3) The meaningful interpretation was carried out by comparing and contrasting the character of the two languages. In this questionnaire, the analysis of words association was conducted by using only six words, which were ‘hobby’, ‘appear’, ‘happen’, ‘broad’, ‘afraid’, and ‘beautiful’, out of twenty words. Approximately 55% of Koreans and 44% of Chinese replied kinds of ‘hobby’in response to the question ‘what word makes you think of ‘hobby’’. ‘Talent’, a word of high frequency in word association has represented the feature of social class well. ‘Disappear’, which has the opposite meaning of ‘appear’, is a word of high frequency in word association of ‘appear’. When seeing any words, Koreans associated them with negative circumstance or objects. However, in case of Chinese, it was vice versa. Chinese presented ‘appear’ as a word association of ‘happen’. Considering ‘miracle’ is associated many times as a word association of ‘happen’ as well as a word association of ‘appear’, Chinese have strongly recognized ‘happen’ and ‘appear’ as having a meaningful relationship than have Koreans. A meaningful analysis result was achieved for the given words ‘broad’ and ‘beautiful’. Unlike researches have done before, which have studied word association from linguistic viewpoint, this findings are significant in that the research involved two groups from different languages and cultures comparing word association. Such a research might also be effectively applied to the communication and lexicon education of Korean learners.

      • KCI등재

        패션비즈니스에서 소비자의 에코라벨 인지도가 기업연상과 구매의도에 미치는 영향연구

        신상무 ( Sangmoo Shin ),김민정 ( Min Jung Kim ) 복식문화학회 2015 服飾文化硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        Corporate association-which refers to consumers’ beliefs, knowledge, perceptions, and evaluations of a corporation -can affect consumers’ purchasing intentions. Corporate association consists of corporate ability association and corporate social responsibility association. Corporate ability association refers to a company’s product quality, corporate innovation, productivity, consumer orientation, and after service. Corporate social responsibility association, which refers to the social perspective a company has of its responsibility to society, can affect corporate image and consumers’ purchasing intentions. Eco-labeling for protecting and sustaining the environment is one of the important green marketing strategies in the fashion business that can influence corporate association and consumers’ purchasing intentions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumers’ eco-label recognition on their corporate association and intentions to purchase eco-friendly fashion products. Questionnaires were distributed to consumers. The 263 usable questionnaires that were returned were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, factor analysis, regression analysis, and t-test. The results were as follows: There was a significant effect of eco-label recognition on corporate association (ability association and social responsibility association). Eco-label recognition and corporate association were found to significantly affect consumers’ purchasing intentions. Regarding the eco-friendly fashion product buying experience, there was no significant difference on corporate association and buying intention, but there was significant difference on eco-label recognition.

      • KCI등재

        1차색의 추상적 상징에 대한 색채연상 특성연구

        주정희 ( Junghee Joo ),최경실 ( Gyoungsil Choi ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) The symbolism of color is divided into concrete and abstract aspects. Concrete symbolism can be associated with colors easily because it is based on visual experience, whereas abstract symbolism is difficult to associate with colors, as it does not entail specific visual experience nor is it a concept derived from concrete symbolism. However, people tend to associate colors with abstract symbolism. This study aimed to shed light on the characteristics of colors that are associated with abstract symbolism and do not have a specific object. (Method) We extracted the abstract symbolism of primary colors through advanced research review and two rounds of survey. We asked the participants to evaluate the level of association for the abstract symbols of items in primary colors extracted from the KS Korean standard color digital palette; this part of the study was completed through Google online survey. We extracted 10 abstract symbols for each of the primary colors and then used them as evaluation items. We collected a total of 140 survey responses, all of which were valid samples. To analyze the evaluation result, we used SPSS/PC+ 12 to validate reliability and used technical statistics and independent T-validation to verify the hypothesis. (Results) We derived the characteristics of color association regarding the abstract symbolism of primary colors through the association level of abstract symbols for independent color samples, association relationship with specific visual experience colors, and relationship between association of abstract symbols and memorial color. The color association of the abstract symbolism for yellow and blue could be attributed to the experience of specific symbols; this finding was not applicable to the color red. The color association of abstract symbolism for the colors red and blue had characteristics similar to that of a memorial color, but not in the case of the color red. Overall, the color yellow had a low level of association. Meanwhile, we noted a meaningful difference in color association depending on sex, with females tending to associate colors at a higher skill level. (Conclusions) Humans’ color association occur when remembering a color from seeing a specific image or associating symbols from seeing an independent color sample. When this phenomenon happens, one recalls a prototype based on a visual experience stored in one’s long-term memory. Similar characteristics have been observed in the association of language and colors. In conclusion, a concept that has been shared in a certain cultural area for a long time can be reflected in the area’s color symbolism. The low level of association for the color yellow and the difference between sexes, in particular, are observed in every cultural area.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 단체에 관한 법제도

        김태선 중앙법학회 2017 中央法學 Vol.19 No.4

        This article explores the law of associations in the United States, focusing on the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (1997). Under the traditional common law, an unincorporated association was treated as an aggregate of individuals. The association as such was incapable of holding property or making contracts. Its contract liabilities were joint obligations of its members. Torts committed against others in the course of association activities resulted in joint and several liability of its members. The association as such could neither sue nor be sued. Litigation to protect the interests of its members was conducted in the form of a class action by its members. The Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (UUNAA) addresses these significant legal problems that arose under the common law's treatment of such associations. UUNAA recognizes an unincorporated nonprofit association as a legal entity distinct from its members and managers. It has the same powers as an individual to do all things necessary or convenient to carry on its purposes including ownership and transfer of property. It may sue or be sued in its own name. The Act clarifies the contract and tort liability of an unincorporated nonprofit association and its members and managers. A debt, obligation, or other liability of an unincorporated nonprofit association whether arising from a contract or tort is solely that of the association and does not become that of its members solely by virtue of their status as members. The above framework of the Act may have implications for the study on unincorporated, nonprofit association theory in Korea. This article, pointing the limitations of the current Korean system, proposes the following to improve it : (1) recognizing an unincorporated nonprofit association, especially an nonprofit partnership, as a legal entity, (2) providing members of an unincorporated nonprofit association with limited liability. 이 글은 미국의 단체에 관한 법제도의 발전 과정과 특징을 개관해보고 그 시사점을 찾고자 한 것이다. 미국 법제도의 발전 과정을 참조해볼 때, 우리의 경우에도 민·상법의 상호 연관 하에 법인격 유무, 영리성 여부를 고려하여 우리의 실정에 부합하도록 단체에 관한 법제도를 정비하는 것이 필요하다고 생각된다. 민법상 법인제도의 경우 적절한 지배구조제도의 법제화가 필요하고, 이때 상법상 회사제도의 규정과 관련 법리가 참고 될 수 있을 것으로 본다. 다만 그 경우에도 비영리법인의 특수성을 세심히 고려할 필요가 있다. 법인 아닌 단체의 경우, 법적 규율의 수월성과 예측가능성을 위해 단체의 실체성과 독자성을 인정하는 방향을 긍정적으로 검토할 필요가 있다. 비교법적으로도 단체의 실체성과 독자성을 인정하는 것이 주류적인 흐름으로 생각된다. 나아가 단체의 영리성을 기준으로 구성원의 책임 정도를 달리하여 조합과 비법인사단의 경우 모두 영리 단체의 구성원의 책임은 무한책임을 원칙으로, 비영리단체의 경우 유한책임을 원칙으로 규율하는 것을 고려해볼 필요가 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Corporate Association on the Perceived Risk of the Product

        조현철(Cho, Hyun-Chul),강석후(Suk-Hou Kang),김진용(Jin-Yong Kim) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        기업연상(corporate association)이 제품 평가(product responses)에 어떻게 영향을 미치는 가에 대한 연구가 부진하다는 Brown and Dacin(1997)의 문제 제기가 있은 후, 기업연상이 제품 판단에 미치는 영향과 과정에 대한 조절변수와 매개변수들을 파악하려는 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 기업연상의 두가지 유형인 CA(corporate ability) 연상과 CSR(corporate social responsibiliy) 연상이 성능과 재무위험에 미치는 영향력과 그 영향력을 조절하는 변수들을 조사하였다. 분석 결과에 의하면, 주효과(main effects)에 있어서는, 가설에서 기대한 바와 같이 CA 연상이 성능위험과 재무위험에 유의한 영향력을 갖는 것으로 나타난 반면, CSR 연상은 성능위험과 재무위험에 대해 유의한 영향력을 갖지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 조절변수로 인한 상호작용효과와 관련해서는, CA 연상이 성능위험과 재무위험에 미치는 주효과에 대해 조절변수로 인한 상호작용효과와 관련해서는, CA 연상이 성능위험과 재무위험에 미치는 주효과에 대해 제품범주 지식과 관여는 각각 유의한 조절효과를 나타내었다. 하지만, CSR 연상이 성능위험과 재무위험에 미치는 주효과에 대해서는 제품범주 지식과 관여의 조절효과는 나타나지 않았다. 이러한 연구 결과를 통하여 제품의 기능적인 속성에 대한 정보가 부족한 제품에 대해 소비자가 지각하는 위험을 감소시키기 위하여, 기업은 CSR 연상보다는 CA 연상에 대해 강조할 필요가 있다는 결론을 내리게 되었다. Brown and Dacin (1997) have investigated the relationship between corporate associations and product evaluations. Their study focused on the effects of associations with a company's corporate ability (CA) and it corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumers' product evaluations. Their study has found that both of CA and CSR influenced product evaluation but CA association has a stronger effect than CSR associations. Brown and Dacin (1997) have, however, claimed that there are few researches on how corporate association impacts product responses. Accordingly, some of researchers have found the variables to moderate or to mediate the relationship between the corporate association and the product responses. In particular, there has been existed a few of studies that tested the influence of the reputation on the product-relevant perceived risk, but the effects of two types of the corporate association on the product-relevant perceived risk were not identified so far. The primary goal of this article is to identify and empirically examine some variables to moderate the effects of CA association and CSR association on the perceived risk of the product. In this articles, we take the concept of the corporate associations that Brown and Dacin (1997) had proposed. CA association is those association related to the company's expertise in producing and delivering its outputs and CSR association reflected the organization's status and activities with respect to its perceived societal obligations. Also, this study defines the risk, which is the uncertainty or loss of the product and corporate that consumers have taken in a particular purchase decision or after having purchased. The risk is classified into product-relevant performance risk and financial risk. Performance risk is the possibility or the consequence of a product not functioning at some expected level and financial risk is the monetary loss one perceives to be incurring if a product does not function at some experiences or knowledge of the product in consumer position and novice consumers does not. The model tested in this article are shown in Figure 1. The model indicates that both of CA association and CSR association influence on performance risk and financial risk. In addition, the effects of CA and CSR are moderated by product category knowledge(product knowledge) and product category involvement (product involvement). In this study, the relationships between the corporate association and product-relevant perceived risk are hypothesized as the following form. For example, Hypothesis la(H1a) is represented that CA association has a positive influence on the performance risk of consumer. Also, the hypotheses that identified some variables to moderate the effects of two types of corporate association on the perceived risk of the product are laid down. One of the hypotheses of the interaction effect is Hypothesis 3a(H3a), it is described that consumer's knowledges of the product moderates the negative relationship between CA association and product-relevant performance risk. A field experiment was conducted in order to examine our model. The company tested was not real but imagined to meet the internal validity. Water purifiers were used for our study. Four scenarios have been developed and described as the imaginary company: Type A with both of superior CA and CSR, Type B with superior CSR and inferior CA, Type C with superior CA and inferior CSR, and Type D with both inferior of CA and CSR. The respondents of this study were classified ingo four groups. One type of four scenarios (Type A, B, C, or D) in its questionnaire was given to the respondent who filled out questions. Data Were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire to the respondents, chosen in convenience. A total of 300 respondents filled out the questionnaire but 207 were used for further analysis. Table 1 indicates that the scales in this study are reliable because the range o

      • KCI등재

        일제하 수리조합사업과 일본인 토목청부업자

        도리우미 유타카 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2014 한국문화 Vol.68 No.-

        There are two problems of advanced research regarding irrigation association business. Firstly, how Korean landowners of irrigation association business were collapsed, and how Japanese landowners increased landholding. And secondly, rice price was a downward trend for a long time since 1920 and why Japanese landowners tried to repel Korean landowners and conducted irrigation association business. A keyword for these two problems can be an existence of Japanese engineering contractors and furthermore, a back-scratching alliance with Japanese landowners. It can be thought that Japanese engineering contractors used irrigation association business in order to increase public works. People who will benefit the most from irrigation association business are Japanese contractor who took sub contracts, and they can only start the construction when an irrigation association is established after agreeing with landowner. It can be expected that instead of distributing benefits of public works to public works, Japanese contractors asked for a favor to Japanese landowner to make irrigation association. As one of the circumstantial evidences, there was an expense called preliminary expense on irrigation association business financial report. preliminary expense refers to an expense to persuade landowner when making irrigation association, and it is strange to persuade landowner with money rather than deciding irrigation association business objectively. It can be simply guessed that Japanese contractors who will benefit the most from sub-contracts of public works persuaded Japanese landowner to proceed irrigation association business by force. Also, for Bupyeong irrigation association which made some problems including fraudulent work, president of contractor, Haesa Hwang>Kokai-sha who received sub contract of public works with the head of irrigation association and Matsuyama Chunejilo were the same person. Considering this, purpose of irrigation association business which is an increase of agricultural production was secondary, and the real hidden purpose for Japanese contractor was to distribute the benefits with Japanese landowner by increasing profit through public works. Looking at this macroscopically, it can be said that the capital of Korean landowner was converted to the capital of Japanese contractor with Japanese landowner. Thus, it is thought that the reason that land holding of Japanese landowner was increased and Japanese landowner conducted irrigation association business was to seek benefits.

      • KCI등재

        패션비즈니스에서 소비자의 에코라벨 인지도가 기업연상과 구매의도에 미치는 영향연구

        신상무,김민정 복식문화학회 2015 服飾文化硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        Corporate association—which refers to consumers’ beliefs, knowledge, perceptions, and evaluations of a corporation—can affect consumers’ purchasing intentions. Corporate association consists of corporate ability association and corporate social responsibility association. Corporate ability association refers to a company’s product quality, corporate innovation, productivity, consumer orientation, and after service. Corporate social responsibility association, which refers to the social perspective a company has of its responsibility to society, can affect corporate image and consumers’ purchasing intentions. Eco-labeling for protecting and sustaining the environment is one of the important green marketing strategies in the fashion business that can influence corporate association and consumers’ purchasing intentions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumers’ eco-label recognition on their corporate association and intentions to purchase eco-friendly fashion products. Questionnaires were distributed to consumers. The 263 usable questionnaires that were returned were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, factor analysis, regression analysis, and t-test. The results were as follows: There was a significant effect of eco-label recognition on corporate association (ability association and social responsibility association). Eco-label recognition and corporate association were found to significantly affect consumers’ purchasing intentions. Regarding the eco-friendly fashion product buying experience, there was no significant difference on corporate association and buying intention, but there was significant difference on eco-label recognition.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 대만의 민법상 권리능력 없는 사단

        김성수(Kim, Seong-Soo) 한국재산법학회 2016 재산법연구 Vol.33 No.1

        본 논문은 중국과 대만의 민법상 권리능력 없는 사단에 관한 논의를 개관하고 우리법과의 비교를 통한 시사점을 검토한 것이다. 권리능력 없는 사단은 단체의 실질이 사단이면서도 법인격(권리능력)을 가지지 않는 것으로 우리 현행법상 법인 아닌 사단(비법인사단)이라고 하기도 하는데 중국에서는 이를 통칭하여 기타의 조직 또는 비법인조직이라고 하고 대만에서는 이를 비법인단체라고 하고 있다. 우선 중국의 현행법에서는 여러 단행법에서 이러한 비법인조직(非法人組織)에 관한 규정을 두어 해당 분야의 주체로서의 지위를 인정하고 있다. 가령 담보법(1995년)(제7조), 계약법(1999년)(제2조 제1항)이나 민사소송법(1991년)(제4조) 등이 그러하다. 중국에서는 최근에 특히 이러한 권리능력 없는 사단에 대하여 종래의 자연인과 법인의 권리주체 이외에 제3의 권리의 주체로서 인정하려는 논의가 주장되고 있다. 이외에 권리능력없는 사단에 관한 법적 지위를 인정하는 것으로는 민사소송법(제49조)에서 비법인조직은 대표자나 관리자가 있으면 민사소송의 당사자가 될 수 있는 것으로 하고 있다. 본 고에서는 중 국의 비법인조직의 개념, 현행법규정, 특징, 법인이나 조합과의 구별, 성립요건과 효과와 유형 등을 차례로 다루었고 비법인조직의 법적 지위와 관련하여서는 특히 권리능력과 당사자능력을 다루었다. 이어서 현행법에 대하여 최근 논의가 되고 있는 민법총칙 개정안(2015년)과 학자들의 민법총칙 초안의 내용을 통하여 향후 민법총칙에서의 비법인조직의 논의를 검토하였다. 이어서 대만의 경우에서는 권리능력 없는 사단으로서의 비법인단체(非法人團體)에 대한 개념, 법규정, 특징, 법인과 조합과의 구별, 주요 유형을 개관한 다음에 이어서 법적 지위로서 권리능력, 당사자능력, 성명권과 재산의 귀속 등에 관하여 살펴보았다. 특히 이러한 단체의 법적 지위를 인정하는 것으로는 민사소송법(1930년)(제40조 제3항)에서 비법인단체가 대표자나 관리인이 둔 경우에 당사자능력이 있다’고 규정하고 있다. 우리 법에서는 권리능력이 없는 사단, 즉 법인이 아닌 사단에 대하여는 이를 총칙의 권리의 주체에서 적극적으로 규율하지 아니하고 개별규정에서 그 법적 지위를 인정하고 있다. 가령 민법에 의하면 재산의 귀속을 총유로 하고(제275조) 종중, 문중 그밖에 대표자나 관리인이 있는 법인 아닌 사단에 속하는 부동산의 등기에 관하여는 그 사단을 등기권리자 또는 등기의무자로 하고 그 등기는 그 사단의 명의로 그 대표자나 관리인이 신청하는 것을 인정하고(부산등기법 제26조) 법인 아닌 사단도 대표자가 정해져 있으면 소송상의 당사자능력이 있는 것으로 한다(민사소송법 제52조). 학설과 판례는 법인 아닌 사단에 대하여는 사단법인에 관한 규정 가운데 법인격을 전제로 하는 것을 제외하고는 모두 이를 유추적용하여야 하고 조합에 관한 규정을 유추적용하여서는 안된다고 한다. 하지만 구체적인 문제에 대하여는 여전히 학설과 판례에 맡기고 있다. 이러한 문제는 2009-2014년 민법개정작업에서도 이러한 논의되어 현행법의 해석론이 입법의 개정시안으로 제안되기도 하였다. 향후 권리능력 없는 사단에 관한 중국과 대만의 논의는 입법론과 해석론에서 우리 법의 해당 문제에 대한 더 깊은 이해와 유용한 시사점을 제시해 줄 것이다. 특히 우리와 중국과 대만은 민사소송에서의 당사자의 지위를 인정하는 것에서는 동일하지만 우 리는 더 나아가 총유로서의 권리귀속을 인정하는 점에 독특성이 있는데 이러한 우리 법조문의 비교법적 지위의 재검토와 함께 기타 권리주체로서의 논의, 유형과 여러 법적 문제 및 개정안에 대한 중국과 대만의 논의는 학설과 판례의 논의를 통하여 이를 유연하게 해결하여 나가는 점에서 우리에게도 비교법적 시사점이 크다 This study has focused on the survey of the unincorporated Association in Chinese and Taiwan Civil Law and its suggestion to Korean civil Law. To attain the goal, we have investigated the situation in China and Taiwan, separtely. To begin with, we reviewed the unincorporated association in general in China: definition and its regulation, features, comparison with the distinct concepts, for example, legal person and partnership, establishing requirements and effects, types or classification, capacity for civil rights, capacity of civil litigation party for the application in legal affairs. Moreover the draft on the General Part of the Civil Code(2015) and other drafts by scholars were also reviewed. China use the term ‘any other organization’ or Unincorporated Organisation(非法人组织) to cover this association. For example, this is true of the Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China(1995)(article 7), the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China(1999)(article 2, paragraph 1), the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China(1991)(article 41), etc. In particular, it has been claimed in China to recognize the legal status of the unincorporated organization as the person of the civil rights, separately and equally with the traditional natural or legal person. In addition, it also provides as follows in the Code of Civil Procedure(1991) as the current law : Any citizen, legal person and any other organization may become a party to a civil action(article 49). Next to China,we surveyed the unincorporated association(非法人團體) in Taiwan, one by one : definition and its regulation, main features, comparison with a legal person and a partnership, current law, main types, legal status : for example, capacity for civil rights capacity of civil litigation party, right to name and attribution of the property, etc. In particular, it provides as follows in the Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure(1930) as the current law : An unincorporated association with a representative or an administrator has the capacity to be a party(Article 40, paragraph 3). Korea has some following provisions on the association which is not a juristic person : If a piece of property is owned collectively by the members of an association which is not a juristic person, it shall belong to collective ownership(Code civil article 275, paragraph 1, the title : Collective Ownership of Property). With regard to collective ownership, the following two Articles shall apply subject to Articles of an association or other covenants(para. 2 of the same article); As for the registration of real estate belonging to a clan, family, or association or foundation with a representative or manager, other than a corporation, such association or foundation shall be an entity entitled to file for a registration or an entity obliged to file for a registration(Registration of real estate act article 26, para, 1). Registration under paragraph (1) shall be applied in the name of the association or foundation by its representative or manager(para. 2 of the same article); Other association or foundation than a juristic person may, in case where it has a representative or administrator, become a party to a lawsuit in the name of such association or foundation(Civil procedure act article 52). It has been generally accepted in doctrine and jurisprudence : Outside the previous provisions, if it is not assumpted of the legal personality, the provision on the legal person shall apply by analogy. However, the specific issue is discussed between scholars. It was also suggested in the Civil Code reform of 2009 to 2014 in this point to reflect the situations of the jurisprudence and doctrine in the current law. The examples of China and Taiwan will give us a deep understanding about this problem and some plentiful suggestions de lege ferenda and de lege lata.

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