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      • KCI등재

        Mitochondrial DNA variation and phylogeography of Old World camels

        Ming Liang,Siren Dalai,Yi Li,Hai Le,He Jing,Ji Rimutu 아세아·태평양축산학회 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.4

        Objective: Old World camels are a valuable genetic resource for many countries around the world due to their adaptation to the desert environment. At present, Old World camels have encountered the challenge of unprecedented loss of genetic resources. Through our research, we would reveal the population structure and genetic variation in Old World camel populations, which provides a theoretical basis for understanding the germplasm resources and origin and evolution of different Old World camel populations. Methods: In the present study, we assessed mtDNA control region sequences of 182 individuals from Old World camels to unravel genetic diversity, phylogeography, and demographic dynamics. Results: Thirty-two haplotypes confirmed by 54 polymorphic sites were identified in the 156 sequences, which included 129 domestic and 27 wild Bactrian camels. Meanwhile, 14 haplotypes were defined by 47 polymorphic sites from 26 sequences in the dromedaries. The wild Bactrian camel population showed the lowest haplotype and nucleotide diversity, while the dromedaries investigated had the highest. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that there are several shared haplotypes in different Bactrian camel populations, and that there has been genetic introgression between domestic Bactrian camels and dromedaries. In addition, positive values of Tajima’s D and Fu’s Fs test demonstrated a decrease in population size and/or balancing selection in the wild Bactrian camel population. In contrast, the negative values of Tajima’s D and Fu’s Fs test in East Asian Bactrian camel populations explained the demographic expansion and/or positive selection. Conclusion: In summary, we report novel information regarding the genetic diversity, population structure and demographic dynamics of Old World camels. The findings obtained from the present study reveal that abundant genetic diversity occurs in domestic Bactrian camel populations and dromedaries, while there are low levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the wild Bactrian camel population. Objective: Old World camels are a valuable genetic resource for many countries around the world due to their adaptation to the desert environment. At present, Old World camels have encountered the challenge of unprecedented loss of genetic resources. Through our research, we would reveal the population structure and genetic variation in Old World camel populations, which provides a theoretical basis for understanding the germplasm resources and origin and evolution of different Old World camel populations.Methods: In the present study, we assessed mtDNA control region sequences of 182 individuals from Old World camels to unravel genetic diversity, phylogeography, and demographic dynamics.Results: Thirty-two haplotypes confirmed by 54 polymorphic sites were identified in the 156 sequences, which included 129 domestic and 27 wild Bactrian camels. Meanwhile, 14 haplotypes were defined by 47 polymorphic sites from 26 sequences in the dromedaries. The wild Bactrian camel population showed the lowest haplotype and nucleotide diversity, while the dromedaries investigated had the highest. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that there are several shared haplotypes in different Bactrian camel populations, and that there has been genetic introgression between domestic Bactrian camels and dromedaries. In addition, positive values of Tajima’s D and Fu’s <i>Fs</i> test demonstrated a decrease in population size and/or balancing selection in the wild Bactrian camel population. In contrast, the negative values of Tajima’s D and Fu’s <i>Fs</i> test in East Asian Bactrian camel populations explained the demographic expansion and/or positive selection.Conclusion: In summary, we report novel information regarding the genetic diversity, population structure and demographic dynamics of Old World camels. The findings obtained from the present study reveal that abundant genetic diversity occurs in domestic Bactrian camel populations and dromedaries, while there are low levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the wild Bactrian camel population.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic diversity and population structure of Lychnis wilfordii (Caryophyllaceae) with newly developed 17 microsatellite markers

        김보라,Koh Nakamura,Saya Tamura,이병윤,곽명해 한국유전학회 2019 Genes & Genomics Vol.41 No.4

        Lychnis wilfordii (Regel) Maxim. is a perennial plant designated as an endangered species by the Korean government because of rapid reduction in its population size. Thus, a population genetic study of this species is needed to establish the strategy for management and conservation based on scientific evidences. The goals of this study were to develop useful microsatellite markers for L. wilfordii and to understand current genetic status of L. wilfordii in Korean peninsula. Seventeen microsatellite markers were identified using next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic analysis and then analyzed genetic diversity in one hundred forty-five individuals from Korea (KI1, KI2, and KP), China (CX, CF) and Russia (RP). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and STRU CTU RE results consistently showed discontinuity among L. wilfordii populations. AMOVA showed that the percentage of variation among populations was 53%, which was higher than the variation within populations (19%). PCoA showed that the populations were divided into three genetic clusters, (1) Chinese (CX, CF), (2) Russian (RP) populations and Korean populations (KI1, KI2) excluding KP, and (3) the KP population. In particular, KP, the most southern population on the Korean peninsula, showed significantly lower observed and expected heterozygosity, number of effective alleles, and Shannon index (I) than those of KI1 and KI2. L. wilfordii showed high differentiation between populations with low genetic diversity within populations. Among Korean populations, KP is likely to be affected by genetic drift due to small population size, low genetic diversity and limited gene flow.

      • KCI등재후보

        Genetic diversity and population structure in five Inner Mongolia cashmere goat populations using whole-genome genotyping

        Zhang Tao,Wang Zhiying,Li Yaming,Zhou Bohan,Liu Yifan,Li Jinquan,Wang Ruijun,Lv Qi,Li Chun,Zhang Yanjun,Su Rui 아세아·태평양축산학회 2024 Animal Bioscience Vol.37 No.7

        Objective: As a charismatic species, cashmere goats have rich genetic resources. In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there are three cashmere goat varieties named and approved by the state. These goats are renowned for their high cashmere production and superior cashmere quality. Therefore, it is vitally important to protect their genetic resources as they will serve as breeding material for developing new varieties in the future.Methods: Three breeds including Inner Mongolia cashmere goats (IMCG), Hanshan White cashmere goats (HS), and Ujimqin white cashmere goats (WZMQ) were studied. IMCG were of three types: Aerbas (AEBS), Erlangshan (ELS), and Alashan (ALS). Nine DNA samples were collected for each population, and they were genomically re-sequenced to obtain high-depth data. The genetic diversity parameters of each population were estimated to determine selection intensity. Principal component analysis, phylogenetic tree construction and genetic differentiation parameter estimation were performed to determine genetic relationships among populations.Results: Samples from the 45 individuals from the five goat populations were sequenced, and 30,601,671 raw single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained. Then, variant calling was conducted using the reference genome, and 17,214,526 SNPs were retained after quality control. Individual sequencing depth of individuals ranged from 21.13× to 46.18×, with an average of 28.5×. In the AEBS, locus polymorphism (79.28) and expected heterozygosity (0.2554) proportions were the lowest, and the homologous consistency ratio (0.1021) and average inbreeding coefficient (0.1348) were the highest, indicating that this population had strong selection intensity. Conversely, ALS and WZMQ selection intensity was relatively low. Genetic distance between HS and the other four populations was relatively high, and genetic exchange existed among the other four populations.Conclusion: The Inner Mongolia cashmere goat (AEBS type) population has a relatively high selection intensity and a low genetic diversity. The IMCG (ALS type) and WZMQ populations had relatively low selection intensity and high genetic diversity. The genetic distance between HS and the other four populations was relatively high, with a moderate degree of differentiation. Overall, these genetic variations provide a solid foundation for resource identification of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region cashmere goats in the future. Objective: As a charismatic species, cashmere goats have rich genetic resources. In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there are three cashmere goat varieties named and approved by the state. These goats are renowned for their high cashmere production and superior cashmere quality. Therefore, it is vitally important to protect their genetic resources as they will serve as breeding material for developing new varieties in the future. Methods: Three breeds including Inner Mongolia cashmere goats (IMCG), Hanshan White cashmere goats (HS), and Ujimqin white cashmere goats (WZMQ) were studied. IMCG were of three types: Aerbas (AEBS), Erlangshan (ELS), and Alashan (ALS). Nine DNA samples were collected for each population, and they were genomically re-sequenced to obtain high-depth data. The genetic diversity parameters of each population were estimated to determine selection intensity. Principal component analysis, phylogenetic tree construction and genetic differentiation parameter estimation were performed to determine genetic relationships among populations. Results: Samples from the 45 individuals from the five goat populations were sequenced, and 30,601,671 raw single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained. Then, variant calling was conducted using the reference genome, and 17,214,526 SNPs were retained after quality control. Individual sequencing depth of individuals ranged from 21.13× to 46.18×, with an average of 28.5×. In the AEBS, locus polymorphism (79.28) and expected heterozygosity (0.2554) proportions were the lowest, and the homologous consistency ratio (0.1021) and average inbreeding coefficient (0.1348) were the highest, indicating that this population had strong selection intensity. Conversely, ALS and WZMQ selection intensity was relatively low. Genetic distance between HS and the other four populations was relatively high, and genetic exchange existed among the other four populations. Conclusion: The Inner Mongolia cashmere goat (AEBS type) population has a relatively high selection intensity and a low genetic diversity. The IMCG (ALS type) and WZMQ populations had relatively low selection intensity and high genetic diversity. The genetic distance between HS and the other four populations was relatively high, with a moderate degree of differentiation. Overall, these genetic variations provide a solid foundation for resource identification of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region cashmere goats in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Cambodian indigenous chickens

        Ren Theary,Nunome Mitsuo,Suzuki Takayuki,Matsuda Yoichi 아세아·태평양축산학회 2022 Animal Bioscience Vol.35 No.6

        Objective: Cambodia is located within the distribution range of the red junglefowl, the common ancestor of domestic chickens. Although a variety of indigenous chickens have been reared in Cambodia since ancient times, their genetic characteristics have yet to be sufficiently defined. Here, we conducted a large-scale population genetic study to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Cambodian indigenous chickens and their phylogenetic relationships with other chicken breeds and native chickens worldwide. Methods: A Bayesian phylogenetic tree was constructed based on 625 mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences, and Bayesian clustering analysis was performed for 666 individuals with 23 microsatellite markers, using samples collected from 28 indigenous chicken populations in 24 provinces and three commercial chicken breeds. Results: A total of 92 haplotypes of mitochondrial D-loop sequences belonging to haplogroups A to F and J were detected in Cambodian chickens; in the indigenous chickens, haplogroup D (44.4%) was the most common, and haplogroups A (21.0%) and B (13.2%) were also dominant. However, haplogroup J, which is rare in domestic chickens but abundant in Thai red junglefowl, was found at a high frequency (14.5%), whereas the frequency of haplogroup E was considerably lower (4.6%). Population genetic structure analysis based on microsatellite markers revealed the presence of three major genetic clusters in Cambodian indigenous chickens. Their genetic diversity was relatively high, which was similar to findings reported for indigenous chickens from other Southeast Asian countries. Conclusion: Cambodian indigenous chickens are characterized by mitochondrial D-loop haplotypes that are common to indigenous chickens throughout Southeast Asia, and may retain many of the haplotypes that originated from wild ancestral populations. These chickens exhibit high population genetic diversity, and the geographical distribution of three major clusters may be attributed to inter-regional trade and poultry transportation routes within Cambodia or international movement between Cambodia and other countries. Objective: Cambodia is located within the distribution range of the red junglefowl, the common ancestor of domestic chickens. Although a variety of indigenous chickens have been reared in Cambodia since ancient times, their genetic characteristics have yet to be sufficiently defined. Here, we conducted a large-scale population genetic study to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Cambodian indigenous chickens and their phylogenetic relationships with other chicken breeds and native chickens worldwide.Methods: A Bayesian phylogenetic tree was constructed based on 625 mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences, and Bayesian clustering analysis was performed for 666 individuals with 23 microsatellite markers, using samples collected from 28 indigenous chicken populations in 24 provinces and three commercial chicken breeds.Results: A total of 92 haplotypes of mitochondrial D-loop sequences belonging to haplogroups A to F and J were detected in Cambodian chickens; in the indigenous chickens, haplogroup D (44.4%) was the most common, and haplogroups A (21.0%) and B (13.2%) were also dominant. However, haplogroup J, which is rare in domestic chickens but abundant in Thai red junglefowl, was found at a high frequency (14.5%), whereas the frequency of haplogroup E was considerably lower (4.6%). Population genetic structure analysis based on microsatellite markers revealed the presence of three major genetic clusters in Cambodian indigenous chickens. Their genetic diversity was relatively high, which was similar to findings reported for indigenous chickens from other Southeast Asian countries.Conclusion: Cambodian indigenous chickens are characterized by mitochondrial D-loop haplotypes that are common to indigenous chickens throughout Southeast Asia, and may retain many of the haplotypes that originated from wild ancestral populations. These chickens exhibit high population genetic diversity, and the geographical distribution of three major clusters may be attributed to inter-regional trade and poultry transportation routes within Cambodia or international movement between Cambodia and other countries.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Distances between Two Cultured Penaeid Shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) Populations Determined by PCR Analysis

        Yoon, Jong-Man The Korean Society of Developmental Biology 2019 발생과 생식 Vol.23 No.2

        Genomic DNA samples were obtained from cultured penaeid shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) individuals such as fresh shrimp population (FSP) and deceased shrimp population (DSP) from Shinan regions in the Korean peninsula. In this study, 233 loci were identified in the FSP shrimp population and 162 in the DSP shrimp population: 33 specific loci (14.2%) in the FSP shrimp population and 42 (25.9%) in the DSP population. A total of 66 (an average of 9.4 per primer) were observed in DSP shrimp population, whereas 55 unique loci to each population (an average of 7.9 per primer) in the FSP shrimp population. The Hierarchical dendrogram extended by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (FRESH 01, 02, and DECEASED 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22) and cluster 2 (FRESH 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, and DECEASED 14, 18, 21). Among the twenty-two shrimp, the shortest genetic distance that exposed significant molecular differences was between individuals 20 and 16 from the DSP shrimp population (genetic distance=0.071), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-two individuals that established significant molecular differences was between individuals FRESH no. 02 and FRESH no. 04 (genetic distance=0.477). In due course, PCR analysis has revealed the significant genetic distance among two penaeid shrimp populations.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Distances between Two Cultured Penaeid Shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) Populations Determined by PCR Analysis

        윤종만 한국발생생물학회 2019 발생과 생식 Vol.23 No.2

        Genomic DNA samples were obtained from cultured penaeid shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) individuals such as fresh shrimp population (FSP) and deceased shrimp population (DSP) from Shinan regions in the Korean peninsula. In this study, 233 loci were identified in the FSP shrimp population and 162 in the DSP shrimp population: 33 specific loci (14.2%) in the FSP shrimp population and 42 (25.9%) in the DSP population. A total of 66 (an average of 9.4 per primer) were ob�served in DSP shrimp population, whereas 55 unique loci to each population (an average of 7.9 per primer) in the FSP shrimp population. The Hierarchical dendrogram extended by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (FRESH 01, 02, and DECEASED 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22) and cluster 2 (FRESH 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, and DECEASED 14, 18, 21). Among the twenty-two shrimp, the shortest genetic distance that exposed significant mo�lecular differences was between individuals 20 and 16 from the DSP shrimp population (genetic distance=0.071), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-two individuals that established significant molecular differences was between in�dividuals FRESH no. 02 and FRESH no. 04 (genetic distance=0.477). In due course, PCR analysis has revealed the significant genetic distance among two penaeid shrimp populations.

      • KCI등재후보

        Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Black-spotted Pond Frog (Pelophylax nigromaculatus) Distributed in South Korean River Basins

        Park, Jun-Kyu,Yoo, Nakyung,Do, Yuno National Institute of Ecology 2021 국립생태원회보(PNIE) Vol.2 No.2

        The objective of this study was to analyze the genotype of black-spotted pond frog (Pelophylax nigromaculatus) using seven microsatellite loci to quantify its genetic diversity and population structure throughout the spatial scale of basins of Han, Geum, Yeongsan, and Nakdong Rivers in South Korea. Genetic diversities in these four areas were compared using diversity index and inbreeding coefficient obtained from the number and frequency of alleles as well as heterozygosity. Additionally, the population structure was confirmed with population differentiation, Nei's genetic distance, multivariate analysis, and Bayesian clustering analysis. Interestingly, a negative genetic diversity pattern was observed in the Han River basin, indicating possible recent habitat disturbances or population declines. In contrast, a positive genetic diversity pattern was found for the population in the Nakdong River basin that had remained the most stable. Results of population structure suggested that populations of black-spotted pond frogs distributed in these four river basins were genetically independent. In particular, the population of the Nakdong River basin had the greatest genetic distance, indicating that it might have originated from an independent population. These results support the use of genetics in addition to designations strictly based on geographic stream areas to define the spatial scale of populations for management and conservation practices.

      • KCI등재후보

        Microsatellite Markers for Non-Invasive Examination of Individual Identity, Genetic Variation, and Population Differentiation in Two Populations of Korean Long-Tailed Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)

        Kim, Baek-Jun National Institute of Ecology 2022 국립생태원회보(PNIE) Vol.3 No.4

        Natural habitats of the Korean long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) have been fragmented by anthropogenic activities in South Korea in the last decades. Here, the individual identity, genetic variation, and population differentiation of the endangered species were examined via the multiple-tube approach using a non-invasive genotyping method. The average number of alleles was 3.16 alleles/locus for the total population. The Yanggu population (1.66) showed relatively lower average number of alleles than the Inje population (3.67). Of the total 19 alleles, only seven (36.8%) alleles were shared by the two populations. Using five polymorphic out of six loci, four and six different goral individuals from the captive Yanggu (n=24) and the wild Inje (n=28) population were identified, respectively. The allele distribution was not identical between the two populations (Fisher's exact test: P<0.01). A considerably low migration rate was detected between the two populations (no. of migrants after correction for size=0.294). Additionally, the F statistics results indicated significant population differentiation between them, however, quite low (F<sub>ST</sub>=0.327, P<0.01). The posterior probabilities indicated that the two populations originated from a single panmictic population (P=0.959) and the assignment test results designated all individuals to both populations with nearly equal likelihood. These could be resulted from moderate population differentiation between the populations. No significant evidence supported recent population bottleneck in the total Korean goral population. This study could provide us with useful population genetic information for conservation and management of the endangered species.

      • KCI등재

        미토콘드리아 Cytb 유전자를 이용한 잔가시고기의 신규 서식지 고령 회천 집단의 유전적 다양성 분석

        김강래,성무성,황유진,이명석,정주희,김희수,유정남 한국어류학회 2023 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        잔가시고기 Pungitius kaibarae의 신규 집단인 고령 (GR) 집단과 야생 집단의 특성을 규명하기 위해 미토콘드리아 cytb 유전자 영역의 886 bp 서열을 이용 총 4개 집단 (경상북도 고령 (회천, GR), 포항 (곡강천, PH), 경산 (오목천, GYSA), 강원도 고성 (배봉천, GS))을 분석하였다. 고령 (GR) 집단에서 가장 낮은 haplotype 다양성을 나타냈고 (Hd=0.000), 고성 (GS) 집단에서 0.755로 가장 높은 haplotype 다양성을 확인하였다. Nucleotide 다양성은 고성 (GS) 집단에서 0.00291로 가장 높은 다양성을 나타냈으며, 고령 (GR) 집단에서 가장 0.00000로 가장 낮은 다양성을 보였다. 유전적 분화도에서 고령 (GR) 집단은 포항 (PH) 집단과 유전적으로 가장 가까운 것으로 나타났다. Haplotype 네트워크는 고령 (GR) 집단이 포항 (PH) 집단과 군집되어 가장 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 고령 (GR) 집단은 계통발생학적 tree에서 높은지지도 (98%)의 값으로 포항 (PH) 집단과 군집됨을 확인하였다. 따라서 고령 (GR) 집단은 포항 (PH) 집단과 유사한 집단에서 유래됨을 추정하였다. The 886-bp sequence of the mitochondrial region encoding the cytb gene was used to identify the origin of the Goryeong (GR) population of Pungitius kaibarae and to characterize genetic diversity and structure among wild populations. The GR population showed the lowest haplotype diversity (Hd=0.000), while the highest haplotype diversity was confirmed at 0.755 among the Goseoung (GS) population. Nucleotide diversity ranged was the highest diversity at 0.00291 inthe GS population and the lowest diversity at 0.00000 in the GR population. The GR population was genetically closest to the Pohang (PH) population. The haplotype network confirmed that the GR population was most similar to the PH population. The GR population also clustered with the PH population with high bootstrap support (98%) in a phylogenetic tree. We thus conclude that the GR population is derived from a population similar to the PH population.

      • KCI등재

        Comparing the genetic diversity and structure of indigenous Korean and Chinese populations of Laodelphax striatellus Fallén using mitochondrial haplotypes

        권덕호,정인홍,이시우,이시혁 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.1

        The small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallén, is a major migratory pest from China to Korea andtransmits viral diseases of rice plants. In this study, we compared the genetic structures of overwintered indigenousKorean and Chinese populations. The eight Korean populations consisted of 33 haplotypes, and 16 ofthese were newly identified. The genetic diversity of the Korean population revealed high haplotype diversity(Hd) and low nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.86 ± 0.017 and 0.0024 ± 0.0001 on average, respectively. Thesevalues for the Chinese population were Hd =0.92 ± 0.016 and π =0.0026 ± 0.0002. Overall, genetic distancesby pairwise FST were generally low, ranging from −0.022 to 0.089. Moreover, the Korean populationrevealed its ongoing population expansion by showing negative values in the neutrality test (Tajima's D =−1.4,Fu's Fs =−15.8) and a unimodal pattern in the mismatch distribution analysis. The genetic structures andpopulation relationships were determined using 8 indigenous Korean and 30 Chinese populations by Bayesianapproaches and population tree construction, respectively. The genetic structure was inferred as five (K =5),and all indigenous Korean populations as well as 10 Chinese populations from the Shanghai city, Anhui, Henan,Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, and Zhejiang provinces were grouped into ‘G3’. These results provide partialsupport for unidirectional gene flow by migratory Chinese populations into Korea. Further analysis conductedusing specimens from China and Korea collected in similar periods is necessary to clarify the migration population'sorigin and its effect on the genetic structure of the indigenous populations.

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