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      • KCI등재

        An Assessment Model of Owner Safety Management and its Application to Real Estate Projects

        Ruipeng Tong,Chunlin Wu,Yang Li,Dongping Fang 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.22 No.5

        Establishing a scientific and applicative safety management assessment system is crucial in improving safety performance oforganizations. Currently, there are few studies on owners’ safety management assessment systems. Based on the behavioral-basedsafety theory, this paper explores the links among safety management system, safety management behavior, safety management stateand safety performance, which constitute an assessment model that characterizes the features of safety management. It then proposesa safety management indicator system that applies to real estate owners. The applicability and effectiveness of the system is verifiedby a four-year case study with a real estate owner. Relationships between safety management system, safety management behavior,safety management state, and their main impacting factors are obtained. Results indicate that the assessment model makes safetyevaluation clearer and demonstrates significant correlations between different safety management issues. Owners’ safetymanagement system is established and implemented favorably under the safety management assessment indicator system. This paperpresents a profound understanding of safety management assessment, in which the safety management assessment model and theindicator system is applied effectively in practice. To improve safety management level, specific theoretical and practicalimplications lead researchers and practitioners to pay more attention to safety management assessment.

      • KCI등재

        건설공사 안전보건관리가 안전점검평가 사후관리에 미치는 영향관계

        문유미,신용승,김진태 한국재난정보학회 2022 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        A comprehensive safety management system will be required in accordance with the implementation of the Major Disaster Punishment Act for close-up safety management of construction sites. Safety management level evaluation management requires a comprehensive relationship between safety management under the Construction Technology Promotion Act and health and health management system under the Industrial Safety and Health Act. Purpose of research: Safety under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act. The ultimate goal is to study the comprehensive analysis and relationship of health management and to improve the safety evaluation level of health and health management. Methods: The feasibility of the questionnaire was confirmed through the second Delphi analysis of construction site experts and safety managers, and the regression coefficient and path analysis of potential variants in safety management, safety management, health management and safety inspection were confirmed. Conclusion: In the structural model, the regression coefficient (89%) from safety management, health system, and safety management to safety inspection execution and lambda values of appropriate observation variables were confirmed. In the path analysis, the total effect (.809) was confirmed by mediating health hygiene in the relationship between health plan establishment adequacy and post-inspection management, and the path coefficient (.82) of temporary structure safety was confirmed. 건설현장의 밀착형 안전관리를 위해 중대재해처벌법이 시행됨에 따라서 종합적 안전관리체계가 요구되고 있다. 안전관리수준평가관리는 건설기술진흥법에 따른 안전관리와 산업안전보건법에 따르는 보건위생 관리 체계와 안전경영시스템 등의 종합적 관계분석이 필요하다. 연구목적: 중대재해처벌법에 따른 안전. 보건관리의 종합적 분석 및 관계를 연구하여 보건위생관리의 안전평가수준향상에 궁극적 목적이 있다. 연구방법: 건설현장 전문가와 안전 관리자 대상으로 2차 델파이분석을 통해 설문항목의 타당성을 확인 후 구조방정식 (SEM)예비모형을 통해 안전경영, 안전관리, 보건관리, 안전점검실행에 대한 잠재변인이 존재하는 회귀계수확인과 경로분석(Path Analysis)을 통해 총 효과(직접효과, 간접효과)로 매개효과를 확인하였다. 결론: 구조모형에서는 안전관리, 보건체계, 안전경영에서 안전점검실행으로 가는 회귀계수(89%) 와 적정한 관찰변수의 람다 값이 확인되었다. 경로분석에서 보건계획수립적절성과 사후점검관리의 관계에서 보건위생을 매개하여 총 효과(.809)를 확인하였으며, 가설구조물안전성의 경로계수(.82)가 확인되었다

      • 핵의학과 혈액검사실의 안전 관리 활동에 대한 고찰

        심성재,신영균,문형호,유선희,조시만,Sim, Seong-Jae,Shin, Young-Kyun,Moon, Hyeong-Ho,Yoo, Seon-Hee,Jo, Shi-Man 대한핵의학기술학회 2011 핵의학 기술 Vol.15 No.2

        Purpose: The object evaluation method about medical institutes of these days increases credibility of consumers about medical services by conducting a certification system about medical institutes. In addition, as nuclear medicine test rooms and diagnosis test medicine room adopt many kinds of international certification systems, the matters regarding safety management of test rooms are being regarded as important. Since the blood test rooms of nuclear medicine are exposed to many harmful factors such as infection from clinical specimen and radioactive isotope reagent, there is a need to pay lots of attention to the safety management of staff and patients. Therefore, this study discusses safety management activities of staff and patients, which are conducted in the blood test rooms of the nuclear medicine department in Asan Medical Center. Materials and Methods: In the blood test rooms of the nuclear medicine department in Asan Medical Center, the matters regarding comprehensive safety management by the person in charge of safety management are offered and all staff members of the test rooms apply them into work. Safety management education is regularly conducted according to established regulations, and infection is prevented through implementation of wearing personal protectors and hand sanitation during test work. In addition, technical safety guides and accident guides for interruption of electric power are provided against emergencies. Through infection management guides, infection prevention and preparation methods for infection are learned and radioactive isotope management, safety management about reagent use and safety guides about harmful chemical substances are being applied to work. Results: The blood test rooms of the nuclear medicine department apply safety management regulations to work. Under the situation where hand sanitation should be conducted, hands are washed to prevent infection between staff and patients, and for preventing infection from clinical specimen, personal protectors are worn. The reagent, which is classified as harmful substance, is separately stored to be easily recognized, radioactive wastes and general medical wastes are also safely managed. Through these lots of safety management activities, safety management awareness of staff members is enhanced, and patients are protected from many dangers. Conclusion: Staff members of the blood test rooms of the nuclear medicine department should be fully aware of safety management regulations and apply them to work. When better safety management suggestions are made, they need to be examined and applied for increasing quality of safety management for staff and patients. Purpose: 최근 의료기관에 대한 객관적인 평가방법은 의료기관 인증제도를 시행하여 의료서비스에 대한 수요자의 신뢰성을 높이고 있다. 또한 핵의학 검사실과 진단검사의학 검사실도 국제적인 여러 종류의 인증제도를 채택하면서 검사실내의 안전관리에 관한 사항이 중요시 되고 있다. 핵의학과 혈액검사실에서도 검체에 의한 감염 및 방사성 동위원소시약을 비롯한 여러 유해환경에 노출되어 있으므로 직원 및 환자의 안전관리 영역에 많은 관심이 요구된다. 이에 본원 핵의학과 혈액검사실에서 실시하고 있는 직원 및 환자의 안전관리 활동에 대해 논해 보고자 한다. Material & Method: 본원 핵의학과 혈액검사실에서는 안전관리 책임자에 의해 전반적인 안전관리 사항이 제시되고 검사실 모든 직원이 이를 업무에 적용하고 있다. 정해진 규정에 따라 안전관리 교육을 정기적으로 실시하고 있으며, 검사 업무 중에는 개인 보호구 착용 및 손 위생을 시행하여 감염을 예방하고 있다. 또한 기술적 안전지침과 정전으로 발생되는 사고지침을 통해 유사시에 대비하고 있다. 감염관리 지침을 통해 감염 예방 및 감염 시 대비 요령을 숙지하고 방사성 동위원소 관리, 시약 사용에 대한 안전관리 및 유해화학 물질에 대한 안전 지침을 업무에 적용하고 있다. Result: 핵의학과 혈액검사실에서는 안전관리 규정을 업무에 적용하고 있다. 손 위생을 실시해야 하는 상황에서 손 씻기를 시행하여 직원 및 환자 간 감염을 예방하고 있으며, 검체에 의한 감염을 예방하고자 개인 보호구 착용을 하고 있다. 혈액검사실 내에서 사용하고 있는 시약에서 유해물질로 분류된 시약은 쉽게 알아 볼 수 있도록 분리하여 보관하며 방사성 폐기물 및 일반 의료 폐기물도 효율적으로 안전한 관리를 하고 있다. 이와 같은 많은 안전관리 활동을 통해 직원들은 안전관리 의식이 향상 되었으며 환자들은 여러 위험으로부터 보호되고 있다. Conclusion: 핵의학과 혈액검사실 직원은 안전관리에 대한 규정을 충분히 숙지하고 업무에 적용해야 한다. 더 나은 안전관리에 대한 제안이 나오면 검토하여 적용하고 직원 및 환자의 안전관리에 대한 질적 향상을 높여야 할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        시설물의 법적 의의 및 안전성 제고 방안 연구

        이재삼 한국토지법학회 2015 土地法學 Vol.31 No.2

        시설물이란 건설공사를 통하여 만들어진 구조물과 그 부대시설로서 각종 건축물 등 공중의 이용편의와 안전을 도모하기 위하여 특별히 관리할 필요가 있거나 구조상 유지관리에 고도의 기술이 필요한 시설물을 말한다. 시설물의 안전점검과 적정한 유지관리를 통하여 재해와 재난을 예방하고 시설물의 효용을 증진시킴으로써 공중의 안전을 확보하고 나아가 국민의 복리증진에 기여해야 함은 물론이다. 그러나 시설물에 대한 안전관리상의 여러가지 문제점이 지적되고 있다. 우선, 시설물에 대하여는 현행 법규에서 완전하게 규정하고 있으나 대부분의 시설물 사고는 안전 불감증으로부터 기인되고 있는바, 그 이유는 관리자와 시행자의 책임과 역할이 나뉘어 있고, 사고 발생 시 책임을 회피하려는 노력부터 하기 때문에 적절한 처벌도 이행되지 않고 있다. 그리고 시설물의 안전관리와 유지관리에 대하여도 많은 법령들이 규정되어 있으나, 현행 법령상 안전관리와 유지관리의 범위와 내용간 그리고 각 법령간 서로 연계되어 있지 않으며, 이를 적용하는 기관도 다양화 되어 있어서 일반시민 뿐만 아니라 담당공무원 조차도 법령의 해석이나 적용에 있어서 어려움을 겪고 있다. 또한 시설물의 책임감리제도에 대해서도 관련 법규가 완전하게 규정되어 있지만, 관련 법령간 상호 연계가 되어 있지 않아 이를 제대로 반영하지 못하거나 상호간 충돌이 발생하고 또한 감독관청의 책임한계가 불분명하며 담당 공무원의 업무 과다와 전문 지식이 없어 형식적인 검사만이 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 아울러 시설물에 대한 관리・감독상의 문제점이다. 즉 시설물에 관련 법령에서 정하고 있는 안전관리와 유지관리의 범위와 내용이 서로 연계되어 있지 않으며, 각기 운영됨으로서 안전 및 유지관리가 체계적이고 종합적으로 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 비용적 측면에서도 관리주체가 부담해야 하기 때문에 시설물의 유지관리는 거의 형식적으로 이루어지고 실정이다. 이와 같은 문제점에 대하여는 우선적으로 시설물 안전관리를 표준화하는 것이 바람직하다. 즉 시설물의 안전관리기준을 표준화하므로서 시설물에 대해 담당분야별로 효율적인 관리가 가능할 것이다. 즉 시설물의 안전관리 기준은 부서간의 정책의 총괄·조정이 가능하고, 비효과적인 시설에 대하여는 규제의 강화가 용이하게 될 것이며, 각종 시설물의 안전점검와 검사의 효과를 높일 수 있으며, 민・관・기업간 합동안전점검을 통한 시설물 전체에 대한 안전관리의 통합기능도 활성화 될 수 있을 것이다. 아울러 효율적인 안전관리체계로 인한 국가예산의 절감의 효과도 가져오게 될 것이다. 그리고 시설물의 기능과 안전을 유지하기 위하여 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단지침에 따라 소관 시설물에 대한 안전점검을 철저히 해야 한다. 즉 안전점검의 실시시기, 안전점검을 실시할 수 있는 자의 지정, 비용부담 등을 지정·강화해야 한다. 또한 감리에 있어서는 감리업자에게 책임과 권한을 실질적으로 부여하고 감리회사 자체의 기술력 및 기술자 확보와 기술개발에 필요한 운영자금 및 투자 확대를 유도해 나가야 한다. 그리고 부실감리에 대한 제재로서 법규 및 지침서상 공사 중지권 및 재시공 명령권의 행사와 법에 의한 형량 및 벌금형을 강화하고 계약서에 당사자 간의 합리적인 권한과 책임에 비례하여 손해배상의무를 강화하는 ... Facilities mean the structures and ancillary entities built through construction works and refer to the facilities that are needed to be managed with special care for the sake of convenience and safety of the public or require advanced skills for maintenance due to its structure. It is imperative that disasters and accidents are prevented through proper safety management and maintenance of the facilities and the utility of the facilities is increase in order to contribute to the safety of the public and welfare of the people. However, there are many problems being discovered with regard to the safety management of the facilities. Firstly, while the current laws and regulations provide comprehensive rules on facilities, most of the accidents involving facilities originate from negligence on safety. This is because the responsibilities of the developer and the operators are divided, and they do whatever they can to evade their responsibilities when there is an accident, resulting it those that are responsible walking away without punishment. Also, the provisions, laws, and regulations on the safety management and maintenance of facilities are not interconnected, and the organizations which implement such rules or regulations are diversified, resulting in difficulties in interpreting the provisions of the laws even by the public servants who are responsible for the tasks. The system of supervision with responsibility for facilities is not without a comprehensive set of laws and regulations. However, these laws and regulations are not interconnected with each other, making it impossible to apply them properly or in contradiction with one another. Also, the scope of responsibility on them is not clear and the public servants who are responsible for such tasks are overburdened with other works and lack expertise, resulting in inspections being performed only as formalities. Management and supervision of the facilities are not without problems, either. That is, the scope and provisions on safety management and maintenance in the related laws are not interconnected with one another, while being implemented separately. Therefore, safety management and maintenance of such facilities are not being performed in a comprehensive manner. In terms of the cost, as well, as the cost should be borne by the managing party, the maintenance of the facilities re being performed almost as mere formalities. To cope with such problems, first of all, it would be desirable to standardize the safety management of the facilities. That is, by standardizing the safety management criteria for facilities, it would become possible to perform efficient management activities for each area. That is, the safety management criteria for facilities may be orchestrated between the departments, and it would become easier to strengthen the regulatory grip on facilities that are not effective. Also, it would be possible to enhance the effectiveness of the safety inspections and the effects of tests, while the integrated safety management functions for all facilities through joint safety inspection by the civil, public, and private sectors. In addition, effective safety management systems may result in reduction of the cost. And, in order to maintain safety and functioning of the facilities, it is important to prepare for safety inspection of the facilities under one’s responsibility in accordance with the detailed safety inspection guidelines. That is, the rules should specify the timing of inspections, qualification requirement for the individuals who may perform safety inspections, and the parties to bear the cost, while efforts to strengthen such rules should also be made. With regard to supervision, it is necessary to provide the supervising contractors with substantial responsibilities and authorities, while inducing them to invest more in their operation and business in order to secure necessary technicians and develop technologies. Also, it is necessary to ...

      • KCI등재

        레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식과 안전문화 및 안전추구행동의 관계

        장미란 ( Jang Mi-ran ),김찬선 ( Kim Chan-sun ) 한국융합과학회 2017 한국융합과학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식과 안전문화 및 안전행동의 관계를 분석 규명 하는데 연구의 필요성 및 목적이 있다. 연구방법: 이 연구는 2016년 수도권 소재(서울?경기) 레저스포츠 활동에 참가하고 있는 일반 시민들을 모집단으로 선정한 다음, 유의표집법(purposive sampling method)을 이용하여 총 300명을 표집 하여 최종 247명을 연구에 이용하였다. 입력된 자료처리는 SPSSWIN 18.0 프로그램을 활용하여 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 빈도분석, 다중회귀분석, 경로분석 등의 방법을 이용하였다. 결론: 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식은 안전문화에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 안전교육의식이 높아지면 안전관리, 안전철차 문화는 증대된다. 안전규칙의식이 높아지면 안전관리, 안전가치관, 안전태도, 안전절차 문화는 증대된다. 안전이해도의식이 높아지면 안전관리의식은 높아진 반면, 안전가치관, 안전태도는 감소한다. 위험처리방식의식이 높아지면 안전관리, 안전가치, 안전절차문화는 높아진다. 둘째, 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식은 안전추구행동에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 안전교육, 안전규칙, 위험처리방식 등에 대한 의식이 높아지면 안전추구행동은 증가한다. 셋째, 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식은 안전추구행동에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 안 전교육, 안전규칙, 위험처리방식 등에 대한 의식이 높아지면 안전추구행동은 증대한다. 넷째, 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전관리의식은 안전문화 및 안전추구행동에 인과적 영향을 미친다. 즉, 안전관리 의식은 안전추구행동에 직접적인 영향을 미치지만 안전문화를 통해서 간접적인 영향도 함께 미친다. 이는 레저스포츠 참가자의 안전추구행동을 증대시키기 위해서는 우선적으로 안전문화에 대한 정착을 최우선적으로 시행되어져야 함을 의미한다. Pupose: This research is to elucidate and analyze the relationship between safety culture, safety behavior and Safety Management Awareness of leisure sports player. Methods: This research samples normal citizens living in Seoul City and Gyong-gi province who participate in leisure sports. Using purposive sampling method, it samples 300 persons and the data of 247 persons is used. The input data is analyzed with SPSSWIN 18.0 program which entails factor analysis, credibility analysis, frequency analysis, multiple regreassion analysis and path analysis. The conclusion is the following. Conclusion: Firstly, awareness on safety of the participants influences safety culture. In other words, as the awareness on safety rises, safety management and safety procedure culture increase. As people understands more about safety rule, safety management, awareness, attitude and culture improves. As awamess of understanding safety rises, safety management awareness improves while sense of values on safety and safety attitude decrease. The higher risk management awareness is, the higher safety management, values and culture becomes. Secondly, awareness on safety management of leisure sports player impacts safety-seeking behavior, h other words, as the safety education, rules and risk management methods becomes more important, safety-seeking behavior gets intense. Thirdly, leisure sports player` s awareness on safety management influences safety-seeking behavior. In other words, safety eduction,as safety rules and risk management awareness become more important, safety-seeking behavior becomes more important. Fourthly, safety management awamess of the player impacts correlational impact on safety culture and safety-seeking behavior. In otherwords, the awareness directly influences safety-seeking beahavior and indirectly influences through the culture as well. Therefore, to improve safety-seeking behavior of the player, safety culture should be established as the priority.

      • KCI등재후보

        건설현장 안전관리 성공요인 분석을 통한 자율안전관리활동 개선에 관한 연구

        이주성,홍정석,김재준 한국건축시공학회 2008 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.8 No.5

        Recently, there has been constituted the government regulations and the normative methods to control the safety management activities in construction fields, but almost of these regulations are ineffective, because of some characteristics safety management have. The needs of the times make government regulations and the normative methods change to autonomic management methods. In this context, it is significant certainly to improve the standard of safety management that is used as a tool to protect the workers from the accidents or industrial disasters in the construction field. In this research, it will be showed that the outside regulations and safety management systems of the head office have their limits to reflect the safety managements of field participants. Then, it will be presented the improved model of self-control safety management activities which is essential for success safety management. Recently, there has been constituted the government regulations and the normative methods to control the safety management activities in construction fields, but almost of these regulations are ineffective, because of some characteristics safety management have. The needs of the times make government regulations and the normative methods change to autonomic management methods. In this context, it is significant certainly to improve the standard of safety management that is used as a tool to protect the workers from the accidents or industrial disasters in the construction field. In this research, it will be showed that the outside regulations and safety management systems of the head office have their limits to reflect the safety managements of field participants. Then, it will be presented the improved model of self-control safety management activities which is essential for success safety management.

      • KCI등재

        AHP 분석에 의한 선박안전관리대행업체 평가요인 중요도 분석

        김화영 한국해양수산개발원 2013 해양정책연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Marine accidents have influence over a seafarer’s life, the property on the ship and cargo, as well as the environment at sea. According to the analysis of marine accident, most accidents usually happened as a result of human error, in the form of negligence, improper maneuvering of the ship, violating international regulations for preventing marine accidents. As result, many countries adopted the ISM Code for preventing marine accidents and enforcement of the ship’s safety management. The Korean government also legislated a maritime safety law for systematic safety management on Korean flag ships, and ship owners can now outsource their ship’s safety management, to a safety management company, under this law. However, there are many small companies without professionalism because it’s easy to enroll a safety management company abiding by only this basic requirement. As a result, requests for improvement of business expertise are increasing through the objective evaluation system, in the safety management market. Therefore, in this paper, we defined evaluation items for safety management companies through brainstorming with expert group, and then we carried out a survey to two groups (evaluator group, examinee group), and identified the weights of importance determinants in evaluation, using AHP. We also carried out statistical tests to determine the perception gap of weights between the evaluator group and the examinee group. The weights for evaluation of the ship’s safety management company had been identified, and there are differences of weight between the two groups, We learned that the evaluator group considered the staff’s safety education, education & training system and safety quality improvement rate, to be more important. On the other hand, in the examinee group, customer satisfaction and system management results, such as ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, are treated more importantly than others. In conclusion, we can put the evaluation items and the importance to practical evaluation of safety management ability under responsibilities of the safety management company.

      • KCI등재

        한·일간 스포츠시설의 안전관리 사례조사를 통한 발전방안 연구

        이성민 대한체육학회 2024 대한스포츠융합학회지 (jcses) Vol.22 No.2

        As a secondary data study on the survey and analysis of the safety management status of Korea-Japan sports facilities, this study identified the safety environment between countries and benchmarked the case of Japan, which has an advanced system, to seek development plans for domestic sports safety. The development plans for safety management of sports facilities through case studies and analysis between Korea and Japan are as follows. First, it is necessary to benchmark the field safety management of advanced Japan sports facilities. Second, it should be applied to the field through the development of the domestic sports facility safety management manual. Third, it is necessary to cultivate professional sports facility safety managers. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a safety certification system for sports facilities. Fifth, it is necessary to establish an integrated management system for sports facilities. Sixth, safety inspection and management and operation through specialized institutions must be conducted. Seventh, a budget for presenting safety standards for public sports facilities must be secured. Eighth, a plan for maintaining the safety of aging sports facilities must be established. According to the analysis of the Korea-Japan case study, the search for development plans for the safety management of domestic sports facilities can be presented as a prior study on the safe operation and management of public sports facilities along with the preparation of safety management measures, and it is expected to contribute to the establishment of a safe sports environment by playing a leading role in the operation and management of public sports facilities of local governments.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 안전 인식, 사전 제품안전관리 불만이 사후 제품안전관리강화 요구에 미치는 영향

        허경옥(Huh, Kyungok),윤각(Yoon, Gak) 표준인증안전학회 2020 표준인증안전학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 제품인증마크에 대한 인식, 안전정보 불만, 제품안전 불신이 사전 제품안전관리불만, 사후안전관리강화에 미치는 영향력을 공변량구조분석을 사용하여 검증하였다. 본 연구의 주요 분석결과는 다음처럼 요약할 수있다. 첫째, 제품안전정보에 대한 소비자불만, 제품안전에 대한 소비자불신이 사전 제품안전관리불만에 정적 영향을미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 제품안전정보에 불만이 많고, 제품안전에 대한 소비자불신이 높은 소비자일수록 제품사전안전관리에 대한 불만 수준이 높음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 매개변수인 사전 제품안전관리 불만은 소비자의 사후안전관리강화 요구에 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 사전안전관리에 대한 불만이 높은 소비자일수록 사후안전관리강화 요구가 높다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 몇 가지 제안하였는데, 첫째, 소비자들의 전에 대한 인식, 소비자들의 안전관리정책에대한 수요를 반영하는 안전관리정책으로 전환되어야 한다. 둘째, 사후 제품안전관리 강화를 적극 도입할 필요가있다. 셋째, 사후안전관리의 수단인 집단소송법, 징벌적 손해배상제도 등의 도입을 적극 검토하고 불법행위에 대한 사업자의 손해배상책임을 엄격히 부과시켜 사업자의 불법행위 및 제품안전사고를 예방해야 한다. 넷째, 제품안전사고에 대한 집단피해구제 인정, 제품결함 등의 입증책임 등에서 소비자 관점이 반영되어야 한다. 다섯째, 소비제품의 사전 안전관리를 철저히 하기 위해 전문적 관리체계 구축, 위해성에 대한 과학적 분석 및 위해정보체계 구축이 시급하다. 끝으로 소비자의 안전의식 고취로 제품으로 인한 대형 안전사고 예방이 중요하다. This study verified the effects of recognition of product certification marks, complaints about safety information, and distrust of product safety on pre-product safety management complaints and reinforcement of post safety management using covariate structure analysis. The main analysis results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that consumer complaints about product safety information and consumer distrust about product safety had a positive effect on prior product safety management complaints. This result shows that the more dissatisfied with product safety information and the higher consumer distrust of product safety, the higher the level of dissatisfaction with product safety management. Second, it was found that the pre-product safety management complaint, a parameter, had a positive effect on the consumer s demand for reinforcement of post safety management. It can be said that the more dissatisfied with the pre-safety management, the higher the demand for reinforcement of post-safety management. Based on the results of this study, several proposals were made. First, it should be converted into a safety management policy that reflects the consumer s perception of the war and the consumer s demand for safety management policy. Second, it is necessary to actively introduce reinforcement of post product safety management. Third, it is necessary to actively review the introduction of the collective action law and punitive damage compensation system, which are means of post-safety management, and strictly impose liability for damages of the business operator for illegal activities to prevent illegal acts and product safety accidents. Fourth, consumer s perspective should be reflected in the recognition of collective damage relief for product safety accidents and the responsibility to prove product defects. Fifth, it is urgent to establish a professional management system, a scientific analysis of risk, and a risk information system to thoroughly manage the safety in advance of consumer products. Finally, it is important to prevent large-scale safety accidents caused by products by raising consumer safety awareness.

      • ESG 패러다임하에서의 제품안전가치경영

        노경호(Roh, Kyung Ho) 한국경영학회 2022 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2022 No.8

        This study proposes the meaning and direction of product safety value management for product safety by examining the impact on product safety policies in terms of corporate social value amid the recent spread of responsible investment centered on ESG, and social value management. In this aspect, a product safety value management practice strategy was proposed to build a product safety society. The following are suggestions for product safety management in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. First, it is necessary to establish a systematic safety management network to prevent product damage and consumer damage from accidents and to prevent the spread in the changing product environment in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. Second, as complex and various smart products based on the Internet of Things are rapidly spreading, the need for safety management in new areas increases. Third, as the number of artificial intelligence products increases, the need for safety management in new areas such as software installed in products in addition to products increases. Fourth, in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, companies strengthen their safety responsibility for new convergence products, the government establishes policies for new convergence products and improves market monitoring functions, and consumers expand participation in safety management for new convergence products. , it is necessary to create a product safety ecosystem in which companies and the government participate. In consideration of such product safety management measures in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, product safety management promotion strategies are proposed as follows. First, a paradigm shift in product safety management is required. Second, consumer and corporate awareness of product safety should be raised. Third, product safety culture should be spread. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a product safety ecosystem in which consumers, companies, and the government all participate. Fifth, product safety and value management based on ESG management should be promoted in all economic entities of companies, the private sector, and the government. Based on the definition of product safety value management, the product safety value management practice strategy is as follows. First, product safety value management should be practiced with the objective of product safety value management as ‘creating economic value and social value through product safety value at the same time’. Second, in the process of product safety value management, the organizations strategy, governance, process and system should be established with the goal of product safety value management, and the organization should be operated on this basis. Third, it is necessary to accurately recognize that the subject of product safety value management is entrepreneurs, members, and stakeholders, and practice product safety value management.

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