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      • 세대수 증가형 리모델링에 대한 공법적 규율

        김범준(Kim, Beumjun) 사단법인 건설법학회 2024 건설법연구 Vol.- No.11

        리모델링 제도는 공동주택의 개・보수를 통해서 주거환경의 개선을 도모하고 무분별한 재건축사업의 시행을 방지하기 위해 도입되었다. 따라서 초기의 리모델링사업은 공동주택의 유지 또는 관리행위로서의 성격을 갖는 것이었고, 이후 사업을 활성화하기 위해 새로이 도입된 세대수 증가형 리모델링 또한 이와 마찬가지였다. 그런데 오늘날에 추진되는 세대수 증가형 리모델링사업은 마치 재건축사업과 유사하게, 사실상 새로운 아파트를 건축함과 동시에 주택단지를 전면적으로 개편하는 개발사업으로서의 성격을 갖게 되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 리모델링사업은 주택법에 규정되어, 도시정비법에 따른 재건축사업보다 약한 공법적 통제를 받고 있다. 세대수 증가형 리모델링사업은 증가하는 세대수가 30세대 이상인 경우에는 주택법상 사업계획승인을, 그 미만인 경우에는 행위허가를 통해 사업 내용을 승인받는다. 행위허가는 건축물 관리행위를 규율하는 반면, 사업계획승인은 주택단지의 형성을 승인하면서 그 일대를 도시계획적으로 심사한다. 리모델링사업은 사업의 내용이 주택단지 전체의 존속에 영향을 미치는지 여부를 기준으로 유형화하여, 각각 별개의 제도에 따라 승인 기준을 마련하여야 한다. 현행법과 같이 증가하는 세대수를 기준으로 행위허가 대상과 사업계획승인 대상을 구별하는 것은 합리적인 것이라고 할 수 없고, 예기치 못한 규제 회피를 유발할 수 있다. 전통적으로 리모델링사업에서는 공사 완료 후 자기 소유 호실에 재입주하는 것이 원칙이었으므로, 주택의 소유권 변동이 거의 발생하지 않았고 따라서 사업 후의 권리를 배분하는 기준을 상세하게 수립할 필요가 없었다. 주택법은 세대수 증가형 리모델링사업을 추진함에 있어 권리변동계획을 수립할 의무를 부여하고 있지만, 권리변동계획의 수립기준 등을 상세하게 규율하지 못하고 있다. 그런데 세대수 증가형 리모델링사업이 점차 개발사업의 형태로 운용되면서 조합원의 권리변동 양상이 다양해졌고, 이에 권리변동계획의 내용에 따라 조합원 간 이해관계가 대립하고 분쟁이 발생할 가능성이 높아졌다. 리모델링사업을 통해 신축되는 건축물과 그 대지를 균형있게 배분하고 그 합리적 이용을 도모하기 위한 공법적 규율을 확충해야 한다. The public law regulations for remodeling projects were introduced to improve residential environments through the development and maintenance of multi-family housing, and to prevent low-quality reconstruction projects. Remodeling projects were initially focused on preserving and managing multi-family housing, and so did the “household-increasing remodeling,” which was introduced to activate remodeling projects. Notwithstanding, nowadays, household-increasing remodeling projects are more akin to reconstruction projects because they involve the reconstruction of new apartments and, simultaneously, a comprehensive reconstruction of housing complexes. Despite similarities, remodeling projects are governed by the Housing Act and subject to weaker public law regulations, while reconstruction projects are governed by the Act on the Improvement of Urban Areas and Residential Environments and subject to stronger regulations. To initiate a household-increasing remodeling project for increasing household numbers by 30 or more, it is necessary to secure project plan “approval”; if the household number increase is less than 30, it is necessary to secure a “permission”. The “permission” relates to building management activities, whereas an “approval” involves a comprehensive assessment of the residential area in light of urban planning. Remodeling projects are also examined differently based on whether they affect the entire housing complex. Still, distinguishing the procedure for project initiation based on the increase in household numbers may not be rational and can lead to regulatory arbitrage. Traditionally, remodeling projects involved minimal changes in property ownership because the residents came back to their remodeled houses. This led to less attention being given to post-project rights, and although the Housing Act mandates the establishment of a “plan to alter rights” for household-increasing remodeling projects, it fails to establish the details. As household-increasing remodeling projects are becoming more similar to reconstruction projects, the uncertainty has intensified regarding resident rights assignment. These uncertainties can lead to disputes among residents regarding the content of plans to alter rights. Currently, there is a need for more detailed legal regulations to enable the reasonable assignment of rights among residents regarding newly constructed buildings and their land. This can foster efficiency in the use of these buildings and land in remodeling projects.

      • KCI등재

        전통시장 현대화 과정의 정책 네트워크 분석 - 자갈치시장과 노량진수산시장 비교분석을 중심으로 -

        조은영(Eun-Yung Cho),서혜빈(Hye-Bin Seo),김광구(Gwang-gu Kim) 한국지방행정학회 2016 한국지방행정학보 (KLAR) Vol.13 No.3

        The remodeling projects of traditional markets in Korea have usually involved in multi-stakeholders with multi-interests. They often face serious public disputes that are not easy to resolve. This paper pays attentions to two similar but different cases of traditional market remodeling projects : Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market at Seoul and Jagalchi Market at Pusan. The former case has been progressing but the latter case has already been done. Although they differ in several features, especially management structures, they can be similar in size and business conditions and structures. This paper tries to analyze the differences from the two remodeling projects and find conflict resolutions for coming market remodeling projects. This paper utilizes the policy network approach to compare the two remodeling projects and analyze interests of stakeholders, interactions, and their relation structures, respectively. This paper also scrutinizes the remodeling processes of the two traditional markets to search for the aspects of the policy network approach. While Jagalchi Market at Pusan could be evaluated as a successful projects, Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market at Seoul may not be successful. This paper finds major differences in the structure of interactions among stakeholders of the two remodeling projects. The Noryangjin projects could not be successful in building collaborative governance through participation, communication, and consensus. This paper suggests that a remodeling project first designs not only a remodeling process but also a consensus building process.

      • KCI등재후보

        리모델링 프로젝트의 특성을 반영한 리스크 요인 분석

        이슬비,손보식 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회 2013 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Recently, according to the reflection of resource waste and environmental pollution caused by indiscriminate demolition of existing buildings and new construction and due to the contraction of the new construction market, the interest and demand of the remodeling project is increasing. Therefore the purpose of this study is analysis and suggestion of effective and usable risk factors for successful completion and management of this remodeling project in the every project execution phase. To this end, compared typical new construction projects and remodeling projects and derived risk factors that reflect the characteristics of remodeling project. As a result, plan/feasibility study phase and use/maintenance phase are relatively more important and risk factors were derived more in these phases. Particularly, because the planning/feasibility study phase and design phase of the remodeling project is proceed in the user occupancy status, the possible risk factors of the use/maintenance phase can effectively responded, and a selection and reflection of reliable materials and systems is expected.

      • 공동주택 재생을 위한 리모델링 계획요소 연구

        고산화,한연오,박태원 한국부동산분석학회 2016 부동산분석학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.-

        우리나라의 공동주택 공급은 1970년대부터 시작되어 1980년대 중반 이후까지 1기 신도시가 건설되면서 대량으로 공급해 왔다. 이 시기에 건설된 공동주택은 20년 이상이 경과되어 노후화된 공동주택이 급증하면서 주택의 유지ㆍ관리 및 개ㆍ보수의 필요성 증대와 주택의 질에 대한 사회의 다양한 요구 변화로 주거환경개선을 위한 재정비의 필요성이 제기되었다. 이러한 상황과 함께 저출산 고령화 시대에서 신규주택수요가 급감하고, 주택가격의 안정과 사업비부담으로 재건축사업의 사업성이 악화되는 상황에서 노후불량 주택은 매년 30만호가 증가하고 있으므로 공동주택 리모델링은 선택이 아니라 필수적인 사업이 되고 있다. 또한, 새로운 신도시가 지속적으로 건설됨에 따라 기존의 신도시들은 상대적으로 낙후되어 가기 때문에 리모델링에 대한 기대감이 높아지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 1기 신도시가 본격적으로 노후화 되면서 리모델링에 대한 필요성의 증대와 리모델링 사업 활성화가 예상됨에 따라 공동주택 리모델링의 계획기준을 선정하여 향후 진행될 공동주택 리모델링 사업을 위한 기초적 토대를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구의 목적인 공동주택 리모델링 사업의 계획기준을 선정하기 위하여 국내외 공동주택 리모델링 사례를 분석하였으며, 시사점을 도출하였다. 선행연구에서 논의된 공동주택 리모델링 사업의 고려사항과 시사점을 종합하여 예비변수를 선정하였다. 이후 도출된 예비변수를 중심으로 부동산, 건축, 단지계획 등의 관련 분야 전문가를 대상으로 표적집단면접법(Focus Group Interview)를 실시하여 변수의 위계 및 적합성 여부를 검토하였다. 이를 통해 공동주택 리모델링 사업 계획요소를 도출하였다. The supply of apartment houses began in 1970`s, and the 1st stage new town was constructed until mid-1980`s to be supplied in mass-scale. The apartment houses constructed in this period is now over 20 years since they were constructed, and due to the rapid increase in deteriorated apartment houses, the necessity of reorganization is brought up for improving the housing environment due to the increase in the necessity of maintenance and repair of houses and changes in various requirements of the society on the quality of housing. Along with these conditions, the demand for new housing is rapidly decreasing in the low-birth & aging period, and the business feasibility of the reconstruction is worsening due to the stabilization of the housing price and burden of reconstruction cost. Each year, approximately 300,000 deteriorated and defective houses are increasing, and remodeling of apartment houses is now not an option, but an essential project. In addition, as new towns are continuously being newly constructed, the existing new towns are relatively being falling behind, therefore, the expectation on remodeling is increasing. Therefore, in this study, as the 1st stage new towns are being deteriorated to increase in need for remodeling and as the activation of remodeling business is expected, the remodeling planning standard of apartment houses is to be selected to be provided as the basic foundation for future apartment house remodeling projects. To select the purpose of this study of planning standard for the apartment house remodeling project, domestic and foreign apartment house remodeling cases were analyzed, and implications were derived. The considerations and implications on the apartment house remodeling project that were discussed in advanced studies were gathered to select the preparative variables. Then, with the preparative variables that were derived, the focus group interview was conducted to experts in the fields of real estate, architecture and complex planning to review the hierarchy and conformance of the variables. Through this, the elements of the apartment house remodeling project plan were derived.

      • KCI등재

        공공건축물 그린리모델링 사전조사의 수행과정 및 활용에 따라 발생되는 장애요인 진단

        하래경(Ha, Rae-Gyung),남인식(Nam, In-Sik),오병철(Oh, Byoung-Chull) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2024 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        As Government endeavor to accomplish NDCs, discussion of green-remodeling (GR) which main reduction policy of greenhouse gas emission for old buildings stoke is also activated. To integrate green remodeling into private housing market, in green-remodeling project, early stage that judge whether green-remodeling is proper to old building is important. The purpose of this paper is that present hindrance during the early stage of green-remodeling project. For this, error issues related to pre-audit and its application are extracted from the results of public green remodeling project that have been operating by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport since 2020. The issues are classified depend on work phase, and then reclassified by influence factors modified from HFACS. As a result, planning green-remodeling phase is the most controversial phase for all of work flow, and systematic factor is recognized as the most influential factor to hinderance issues. To smooth proceed of green-remodeling project, these are need to; 1) schedule whole project progress as consider existence or nonexistence of blue-print, 2) make purpose of construction programming clearly. Additionally, collaboration public management in local government and resident’s understanding of green-remodeling are required.

      • KCI등재

        리모델링공사 현장관리자의 업무효율성 분석 및 향상방안

        김민재(Kim, Min-Jae),손창백(Son, Chang-Baek) 대한건축학회 2016 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.32 No.5

        As of 2015, remodeling market in Korea is estimated at 9 to 10 trillion KRW. Notwithstanding the deregulation, construction companies are very cautious of expansion remodeling business due to inefficiency resulting from unexpected incidents and various matters in the course of expansion remodeling construction. Hence, improvements in efficiency of field managers performing expansion remodeling construction are critical for vitalization of future remodeling market. Especially, capability of field managers in charge of remodeling construction greatly affects the efficiency and is a critical factor in success of remodeling construction. Hence, this research aims to present improvement plan by identifying key tasks of expansion remodeling at each construction step, and analyzing the level of field manager’s job performance and degradation factors of job efficiency, in order to vitalize remodeling market through enhanced efficiency of domestic expansion remodeling.

      • KCI등재

        세대수 증가 리모델링 분담금의 합리적 산정방안에 관한 연구

        이재순(Lee, Jae Soon) 한국도시행정학회 2013 도시 행정 학보 Vol.26 No.3

        지난해 「주택법」 개정과 최근 정부의 수직증축 리모델링 허용으로 일반분양을 통한 사업성 개선이 예상됨에 따라 리모델링 활성화에 대한 기대가 커지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 세대수 증가 리모델링 사업추진과정에서 예상되는 분담금 배분 문제를 검토하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 합리적 분담금 산정방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구결과 세대수 증가 리모델링 사업에서는 리모델링 전후 주택의 위치적 특성 변화와 대지권 가치변동 등이 발생하므로 자산가치의 변화를 고려하지 않고 세대별 분담금을 산정하는 경우 경제적 이해관계 상충에 따른 갈등이 예상된다. 이러한 분담금 갈등문제를 해결하기 위해 본 연구에서는 단위면적당 사업비를 적용하는 현행 분담금 산정방법과 비례율, 투자수익률법을 이용한 세대수 증가 리모델링의 분담금 배분 시뮬레이션을 실시하였다. 3가지 방식의 시뮬레이션 분석결과 현행 분담금 산정방식을 적용한 경우에 비용과 수익배분에 있어 세대별 불균형이 가장 크게 나타났다. 반면 리모델링 전과 후의 자산가치 변화를 고려한 투자수익률을 이용한 분담금 산정방법을 적용한 경우에 세대별 불균형이 가장 작은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 투자수익률을 이용한 분담금 산정방법을 세대수 증가 리모델링 추진과정에서 발생할 수 있는 개발이익과 비용배분의 갈등을 해결할 수 있는 가장 합리적인 대안으로 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, this study examines the expected problems of distribution on share of the expenses in remodeling projects entailing with an increase of the number of household. Secondly, this study seeks to come up with rational estimation methodthat can solve the problems of share of the expenses in remodeling projects. In the remodeling projects entailing with an increase of the number of household, it is assumed that the changes of locational characteristics and value of land area right before and after remodeling are to be occurred. Therefore, it is happened to conflicts on the economical interest if estimating share of expenses per household without specifically considering change of the asset values. To solve this problem, this study has implemented simulations of distributing share of the expenses in remodeling projects entailing with an increase of the number of household by utilizing current method applied with remodeling cost per unit area, the proportion to disposal of property, and return on investment. According to the result of simulations, the biggest imbalance in development gains and cost sharing per household has shown if applying current method of calculating the share of expenses. On the other hand, it has turned out to be the smallest imbalance among the households if applying the estimation method of share of the expenses using return on investment in consideration of changes in the asset value before and after remodeling. Therefore, this study intends to suggest the estimation method of share of the expenses using return on investment as the most reasonable alternative in order to solve the conflicts related to distribution of development gains and sharing expenses incurred in the remodeling projects with an increase of the number of household.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 리모델링 사업 추진단계별 주민의사 중요도에 관한 연구

        강문환,김호철 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.4

        This study analyzed the importance of residents’ decision-making factors by the promotion stage to activate the remodeling project of old apartment houses in the first new city in the metropolitan area. The results of the analysis showed that the importance ranking and the influence by factors differed according to the promotion committee stage and the union establishment stage. In the promotion committee stage, economic value, residential function improvement, residential environment improvement, interest communication, safety improvement, government policy support were in the order, and in the union stage, residential function improvement, economic value, residential environment improvement, interest communication, government policy support, safety improvement were in the order. Through this, it can be seen that the improvement of residential function is more influential than economic value as the economic value and residential function are improved in the promotion committee stage, which is the early stage of the project, and the concentration of each factor is eliminated in the union stage as the project progresses. Therefore, it is necessary to take a careful strategic approach for each step to revitalize the remodeling project. However, this study has limitations that it has not been able to grasp the decision factors of residents targeting the entire residents of the first new city in the metropolitan area. 본 연구는 수도권 1기 신도시의 노후 공동주택의 리모델링 사업 활성화 방안모색을 위해 리모델링사업을 추진하고 있는 단지의 주민 대상 설문조사를 통해 사업추진단계별 주민의사결정요인의 중요도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 사업추진단계에 따라 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 중요도가 상이하게 나타났다. 추진위원회 단계에서는 경제적가치 > 주거기능향상 > 주거환경개선 > 이해관계소통 > 안전성향상 > 정부정책지원의 순으로 나타났으나 조합단계에서는 주거기능향상 > 경제적 가치 > 주거환경 개선 > 이해관계소통 > 정부정책지원 > 안전성 향상의 순으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 사업 초기인 추진위원회 단계에서는 경제적 가치 및 주거기능향상에서 월등한 영향력이 미치고 있으며 사업이 진행될수록 조합단계에서는 각 요인의 편중이 없어지면서 주거기능향상이 경제적 가치보다 더 영향력이 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 리모델링사업 활성화를 위해 사업추진단계에 맞는 전략적 접근을 통해 조합원들의 만족도를 제고하는 정책이 모색되어야 할 필요가 있다. 다만, 본 연구는 1기 신도시 전체 지역을 대상으로 주민들의 의사결정요인을 파악하지 못한 한계가 있으므로 이에 대한 후속 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI우수등재

        조직문화가 공동주택 리모델링사업 참여결정시 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        윤향승(Yoon, Hyang-Seung),노명록(Noh, Myung Rok),김기수(Kim, Gi-Soo) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.33 No.3

        It is expected that remodeling market will be changed and developed due to sharp increase of old apartments, reflecting their situations and the residents" need. The preoccupancy of remodeling market would be very competitive between constructors. This research is to prove the effect of organization culture in a construction company on its business performance in case of deciding the participation in remodeling project of apartment houses, based on the four types of organizations, three steps of decision making, and business performance. The results of the research are as follows: Relationship/Innovation/Rationality-oriented Businesses make decisions in light of decision-making considerations step by step, but decision-making steps and considerations have no relation to business performance in the Hierarchy-oriented businesses. Decision-making considerations for remodeling lead to business performance by decision-making steps in the Relationship/Innovation/Rationality-oriented Businesses in high sales. Decision-making considerations have effects on business performance in the Relationship-oriented businesses in low sales. Decision-making considerations have no effects on business performance in the Hierarchy-oriented businesses, thus, such businesses need to establish their decision-making process for business performance from remodeling project. In conclusion, the considerations for remodeling apartment houses should be differently applied to businesses in light of their culture.

      • 공동주택 리모델링 사업 분담금 산정의 문제점 및 개선방안

        김정원 ( Kim Jeong-won ),이동진 ( Lee Dong-jin ),이민주 ( Lee Min-joo ),이지형 ( Lee Ji-hyung ) 한국건축시공학회 2019 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to suggest the improved methods for cost sharing in apartment remodeling projects. Case studies on apartment remodeling projects with different plan type were analyzed and compared. Cost sharing estimated by ‘proportional rate method’ shows similar results estimated by ‘return on investment method’ in case of similar area ratio of existing plan to remodeling plan. Otherwise cost sharing estimated by ‘proportional rate method’ shows great differences comparing the results estimated by ‘return on investment method’. Although return on ‘proportional rate method’ is widely used, it is not proper to estimate cost sharing when each householder’s contribution for the project varies, such as considerable differences area ratio of existing plan to remodeling plan. Improved cost sharing method is needed taking into account project contribution and characteristics.

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