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      • KCI등재

        기술사 평가제도 혁신방안 연구

        나승일,조정윤,강순희,이영민,오춘식,김영흥,아티카,조성은 (사)한국직업자격학회 2019 직업과 자격 연구 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to propose a reformation of the professional engineer evaluation system, in order to produce professional engineers that conform to international standards. This research were conducted through a review of relevant literatures in Korea and abroad, performing a comparative analysis of the evaluation system of professional engineers in selected advanced countries, visiting and meetings with officials in advanced countries to benchmark their best practices, meetings with stakeholders and technical experts, and through the consultation meetings with experts. First, the following aspects of the professional engineer evaluation system in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Japan were reviewed and compared. This includes the standard for engineering disciplines, linkage with engineering education accreditation system, testing methods and management, and consequently differences and implications for benchmarking were derived. Second, instead of the consolidation of all the existing professional engineering disciplines, a sustainable system of the professional engineer discipline system was developed which conforms to the international standards, and could strengthen professional engineer’s professional development, autonomous governance and the principles of flexible supply and demand balance. Third, the professional engineer disciplines should be revised according to the technical field. The proposed revision includes revising them according to 1) APEC technical field, 2) engineering education accreditation system, and 3) systematization of new and reorganized items according to technical field or engineering education certification system. Fourth, the proposed alternatives for the testing methods includes 1) a common basic subject and a major basic subject test; 2) a technical aptitude test; and 3) a measure which strengthen the first phase of the existing written test, to include common basic and basic practical subject test. The proposed ways to utilize these alternatives are 1) using these alternatives on a separate track for those who has obtained accredited engineering education qualification, and 2) utilizing it as part of the current professional engineer written test. Fifth, the improvement in the current standards for qualification examination of professional engineers, testing methods (application form and supporting document, written and interview test), and evaluation management were proposed. 이 연구의 목적은 국제기준에 부합하는 기술사를 배출하기 위해 기술사 평가제도의 혁신 방안을 제시하는데 있었다. 주요 연구 방법은 국내외 관련 문헌 고찰, 주요 선진국의 기술사 평가제도 비교 분석, 선진국 벤치마킹 방문 및 관계자 면담, 이해당사자 및 기술사 면담, 전문가 자문회의 등을 통해서 이루어졌다. 첫째, 미국, 캐나다, 호주 및 일본의 기술사 평가제도를 종목체계 기준, 공학교육인증제와의 연계, 검정 방법 및 관리 차원에서 고찰 및 비교하였고, 결과적으로 우리나라가 벤치마킹할 수 있는 차이점과 시사점이 확인되었다. 둘째, 현행 기술사 종목의 통폐합보다는 산업 및 기술 변화에도 지속 가능한 종목체계가 운영되고 국제적 통용성, 기술사 전문성, 자율적 거버넌스, 유연한 수급균형의 원칙이 더 강화되도록 ‘지속가능한 기술사 종목체계 모형’이 개발되었다. 셋째, 기술사 종목체계 개편안은 기술분야에 따라 추진되어야 하는데, 개편안은 1)APEC의 기술 분야, 2)공학교육인증제, 그리고 3)신설 및 개편하는 종목만 기술분야 혹은 공학교육인증제에 따라 체계화하는 방안이 제시되었다. 넷째, 기본시험 방안으로 1)공통기본 과목과 전공기초 과목 시험, 2)기술사자격적성시험, 3)현행 1교시 필기시험을 공통기본 및 기본실무 과목 시험으로 강화하는 방안이 제시되었고, 이를 활용하는 방안으로 1)공학교육인증 이수자 별도 검정 트랙에서의 활용 2)현행 기술사 필기시험의 부분으로 활용하는 방안이 제시되었다. 넷째, 현행 기술사 자격검정 기준, 자격 검정 방법(응시원서 및 증빙서류, 필기 및 면접시험) 및 검정관리 개선방안이 제시되었다.

      • KCI등재

        신사 엔지니어에서 공인(chartered) 엔지니어로

        이은경(Eunkyoung Lee) 한국서양사연구회 2013 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.49

        How were the engineers professionalized during the 19th century in England? Who were the key players? What kinds of factors were important to establish engineering as a profession? What are the implications of the professionalization process for the present? To answer these questions, this essay examines the organized efforts to gain social respect for engineers, engineering education and training, and qualification of engineers in the 19th century in England. For the professionalization of engineering, engineers’ institutions played important roles by setting the qualification of a professional engineer, by encouraging learning and research of members, and by diffusing the idea of a gentleman engineer. As a new born profession, leading civil engineers including John Smeaton tried to behave like people from other more traditional professions. Especially, the membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers(ICE) with the Royal Charter would bring the engineer the feeling of being a gentleman just like other professions. And to be a member of ICE, apprenticeship or pupilage and some experience at works were minimum criteria. ICE and other engineers’ institutions were in the shop culture. They claimed the best way to train a younger as an engineer was to do apprenticeship and practical work under an excellent engineer. But after 1870 when the school culture began to formulate and expand, they accepted the engineering education at colleges as the substitute of the first 2 or 3 years out of 5-6 year apprenticeship. After the World War I, the population of engineers was too large to be homogeneous to pursue the ideal of gentleman engineer. Instead, more and more engineers’ institutions gained the Royal Charter and their members were referred to “a Chartered Engineer.” But engineers who were sympathetic to the shop culture never gave up the apprenticeship or pupilage in training an engineer. As the result, no matter how the curriculum was good enough to combine the theory and practice in engineering, the certificate or degree of colleges and universities would never be sufficient training to be a Chartered Engineer. In Concluding, the shop culture of English engineers was not replaced by the modern engineering education. It survived in the membership qualification of professional engineering societies, which is the only but informal certificate of a professional engineer. And the notion of professional engineer in England changed from “gentleman engineer” to “chartered engineer.” This is the English style of professionalization of engineering to combine the shop culture and the school culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술사 노동시장 수급현황 진단과 제도개선을 위한 시사점

        홍성민,김갑수 (사)한국직업자격학회 2017 직업과 자격 연구 Vol.6 No.1

        In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the supply and demand situation of professional engineers is conducted, focusing on the construction industry, where the number of professional engineers is absolutely large. Based on this analysis, policy implications for stabilizing supply and demand of professional engineers are derived. The main results are as follows; First of all, the total number of skilled engineers who have completed 9~12 years of experience and earned enough experience to fulfill the tasks of professional engineers is 109,000. On the other hand, the proportion of active professional engineers who updated their career in the technical manpower database within the last 5 years is only 14.6% of those skilled engineers. Secondly, as a result of analyzing the labor market supply and demand of major occupations engaged by professional engineers in terms of changes in employment and wage, it is suggested that the constraint of labor supply may be a main factor impeding the facilitation of related labor supply and demand. In the end, the policy for improving the professional engineer system should be the introduction of schedule to announce the number of passers who passed the qualification examination to expand professional engineer emissions. However, it is important to accelerate the investment of human resource development of professional engineers by promoting the capacity development program of the engineers along with the expansion of supply. 이 연구의 목적은 기술사 검정의 난이도가 너무 높은 등의 문제로 기술사 배출이 노동시장에서 필요한 규모보다 적게 이루어지고 있다는 주장을 검증해 보는 데 있다. 기술사 자격 배출을 늘리는 방향으로 검정 제도 개선을 추진할 필요가 있는지, 이런 제도 개선이 이루어질 경우 노동시장의 균형을 악화시킬 가능성이 있는지 진단하고자 한다. 분석 결과, 기술사에 해당하는 역량을 갖춘 기술인력은 현재 기술사 규모의 최소 4배 넘게 활동하고 있어, 기술사 검정 개선을 통해 기술사 배출을 확대하는 정책이 바람직한 효과를 가져올 것으로 판단된다. 기술사의 임금 및 고용에 대한 대리지표 분석 결과도 노동수요의 증가 추세가 나타나고 있다는 점을 보여주고 있어서, 기술사 확대 배출이 노동시장을 교란할 가능성도 낮다고 판단된다. 다만 기술사 확대 배출을 위한 정책은 기술사 자격의 직업 매력도를 저해하지 않도록 역량 개발 프로그램과 함께 단계별로 추진되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        기술사 공통직무능력표준 개발 연구

        조정윤,김현수,김덕기,박종성 한국직업교육학회 2009 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop generic competency standards and definition of competency for professional engineer in terms of establishing infrastructure to manage and operate professional engineers' qualification system, based on demand-driven system by linking between education & training, qualification, and labor market. Generic competency standards consist of 12 major groups, and also each major group could be divided into several sub-major groups. In parallel with developing generic competency standards, definition of competency for professional engineer has been developed, which would be barometer to figure out professional engineers' qualification status in engineering industry and detailed jobs in terms of competency. It is composed of role & function, and major jobs, which would be carried out professional engineer. Generic competency standards and definition of competency for professional engineer would be applied to improve and reform of certification, testing, and interview criteria in National Technical Qualification System because professional engineers' qualification is operating under this system, and also they would be used to develop CPD curricula, formal curricula of engineering college, and also apply to prepare personal management system in companies, etc. 이 연구의 목적은 교육훈련-자격-노동시장의 연계를 통해 수요자 중심으로 기술사 제도를 관리․운영할 수 있는 인프라 구축을 위한 기술사 공통직무능력표준과 직무능력정의를 개발하는데 있다. 직무능력표준과 관련된 이론적 문헌과 선행 연구 결과를 바탕으로 직무능력표준 개념 정의와 직무능력표준 개발 방법 등에 대해서 논의하였다. 한국 기술사의 「공통직무능력표준」의 12가지 대영역과 그에 해당하는 중영역의 적정성을 분석하기 위하여 기술사 자격 취득자를 대상으로 업무수행 시 중영역에 제시한 항목의 활용빈도와 중요도를 조사하였다. 아울러 대영역과 중영역으로 제시된 내용의 타당성과 적정성에 대한 전반적인 검토의견 및 수정․보완 사항에 대한 요구분석을 실시하였다. 이 때 기술사 직무능력정의에 대한 타당성과 적정성에 대한 조사도 실시하였으며 이에 대한 검토의견도 수렴하였다. 설문조사 결과에 기반하여 연구진이 도출한 공통직무능력표준을 최종적으로 수정․보완하여 기술사 공통직무능력표준과 기술사 직무능력정의의 최종안을 마련하였다. 또한 한국 기술사의 공통직무능력표준이 기술사가 실제 작업현장에서 필요한 직무수행능력과 어떻게 관련되는 지에 대한 근거를 제시하기 위해서 기술사 업무수행 역량군과 공통직무능력표준과의 상호 연관성을 파악하였다.

      • KCI등재

        전문직의 계속교육 체제 구축 실태와 개선 방안 - 기술사 계속전문교육 시스템을 중심으로 -

        최돈민 한국직업교육학회 2010 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        This research examined the appropriate recognition of experiential learning which is the theoretical background of continuing professional development(CPD) and proposed reforming agendas against objections after analyzing the actual managing conditions of CPD for professional engineers that is a part of compulsory education in order to activate certificate of specialized occupation. In developed countries, the governments run CPD for specialized jobs as they are able to gain new knowledge and technology and count it as compulsory continuing education. On the other hand, it is placed toward some engineers for the purpose of increasing national competitiveness by having international standard of professional engineer's certificate in South Korea. Consequently, professional engineers who supposed to be educated with the voluntary CPD motivation demand on continuing education, the participation rate of CPD is low. This was caused by not having systematic structure on recognition of experiential learning and not fully securing human resources treating it well, differentiated from foreign countries which acknowledge experiential learning comprehensively. The essential requirement for the successful settlement of CPD is a tool that can evaluate diverse experiential learning at the field. As professional engineers are there having busy work at the field, securing the simplicity of the study is needed with the recognition of experiential learning. In order for professional engineer's CPD to be successful, we need to make sure there is openness of learning hours and place corresponding to the principles of lifelong education. Also, other specialized job's CPD system needs to be set up based on the managing experience of engineer's continuing education. 본 연구는 전문직 계속교육의 이론적 기반이 되는 경험학습 인증의 타당성을 검토하고, 의무교육으로 되어 있는 기술사의 전문계속교육의 운영 실태를 분석한 후 이의 개선 방안을 제시하였다. 선진국에서는 전문직의 새로운 지식과 기술을 습득할 수 있도록 계속전문교육(CPD)을 실시하고 있으며, 이를 의무적으로 부과하고 있다. 이러한 경향에 따라 우리나라에서도 국제적 표준에 적합하게 자격의 전문성을 유지하고 국제적 통용성을 확보하기 위하여 기술사 CPD를 실시하고 있다. 그러나 CPD를 이수해야 하는 기술사들이 계속교육에 대한 자발적인 요구가 부족하고 이를 이수하는 비율도 대상자의 절반에 지나지 않는 실정이다. 이러한 원인은 외국과 달리 경험학습을 포괄적으로 인정하는 시스템을 갖추지 못하고 이를 처리할 수 있는 인적 자원을 충분히 확보하지 못한 것에서 기인한 것으로 분석된다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 계속전문교육이 성공적으로 정착되려면 현장에서 이루어지는 다양한 경험학습을 평가할 수 있는 도구가 필수 요건으로 확인되었다. 기술사들이 현장에서 바쁜 업무에 놓여 있기 때문에 경험학습의 인증과 아울러 학습의 용이성을 확보하는 일도 필요하다. 이를 위하여 평생학습이 원리에 부합되는 학습 시간과 장소의 개방으로 기술사의 계속교육 시스템을 정착시킬 필요가 있다. 아울러 기술사의 계속교육 운영 경험을 토대로 다른 전문직의 CPD제도가 구비되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        기술과 정치 사이에서 엔지니어의 사회적 역할과 책임성의 변화

        한경희(Kyonghee Han),최문희(MoonHee Choi) 한국사회학회 2014 韓國社會學 Vol.48 No.5

        이 연구는 한국의 공학 전문직의 형성과 특성에 대한 사회적 연구이다. 전문직으로써 공학의 발전과정은 근대 국가의 발전 및 산업화 과정과 긴밀히 연관되어 있다. 이 과정에서 공학 전문가들은 자신들의 역할과 책임성에 대한 특정한 인식을 갖게 된다. 우리는 기술 논쟁의 역사에서 중요한 위치를 점하고 있는 세 개의 사례들, 즉 경부고속도로, 당산철교, 4대강 사업을 분석하여 한국공학 전문직의 정체성 구성, 특히 사회적 역할과 책임성이 형성된 과정과 특징을 조사한다. 기술과 정치가 얽히는 다양한 국면을 분석할 수 있는 기술-정치 시스템의 개념을 기반으로 첫째, 한국 공학 전문직의 지배적 이미지와 실천이 형성되는 과정의 특징이 공학 전문직의 정체성과 책임을 규정하는 데 어떤 역할을 해 왔는지를 분석한다. 둘째, 이러한 지배적 이미지가 이후의 기술적 이슈와 논란에 어떻게 영향을 미치고 있는지의 역사적 연계 과정을 탐구한다. 세 번째는 한국 사회의 발전 과정 속에서 공학과 엔지니어의 역할과 책임성에 대한 인식이 어떻게 변화되고 도전받고 있는지를 검토한다. 이 과정을 통해 우리는 한국의 공학 전문직이 탈정치화되고 과도하게 정치화되는 모순적 상황에 처하게 되었다는 것, 그리고 독특한 관료지향성을 갖게 되었음을 밝힌다. 무엇보다 국가로부터의 자율성 확보가 어려운 환경 속에서 한국의 공학 전문가들은 사회적 발언권과 신뢰를 확보하기 위한 중대한 도전에 직면해 있다는 것이다. This is a sociological study on the formation and characteristics of Korean engineer as a profession. The development of engineer as a profession has been closely related to the modern state, its development and industrialization process in particular. The profession of engineer is said to recognize what is its role and responsibility in the relation to the modern state. This study looks into three significant historical cases in Korean engineering and Korean engineer, the construction of Gyeongbu Expressway, the destruction of Dangsan Steel Railroad and the restoration of Four rivers. This study centers on "technology-politics system’ showing how technology and politics are inter-connected each other and how technology becomes the social. Based on the system, this study shows what dominant images and practice are in Korean engineering and engineer and how they have been formed and developed. The profession of engineer has carved them into its professional identity and that influenced on its social role and social responsibility. This study also investigates how the dominant images and practice once formed, has influenced on the following critical social issues, controversies and disputes in technology and engineering. Through the historical change of dominant ideas and practice, this study shows how the three cases on target here are historically linked one another. This study concerns about the change of social role and social responsibility of engineer. It claims that Korean profession of engineer is de-politicalized and at the same time is over-politicalized, and that contradictory within the profession seems to lead to the bureaucrat-oriented direction. Whether the bureaucrat-orientation of the engineer is problematic or not, the profession is sure to take severe damage to its professional autonomy(the ability to decide what kinds of work they would do) on the current context. The profession of engineer now faces challenge of recovering social credibility and regaining social voice.

      • KCI등재후보

        자동차 신제품개발 관련 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량 분석

        김주영,임세영 대한공업교육학회 2008 대한공업교육학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        This paper investigated the perceived criticalities and patterns of Korean Professional Engineer's competency regarding the working activities of automative product development, manufacturing, etc by using questionnaires responded to the survey which were applied to the automotive professors, experts and professional engineers (vocational parties) by e/mail, etc. This research investigated the following questions: First , what are the characteristic patterns, relevancy and perceived criticalities of Korean Professional Engineer's competencies? Second, What are the ranked priority of the Korean Professional Engineers' competencies? Are there any differency for each item, sub group of job, intelectual criterior of the competencies between relevancy and perceived criticalities according to the types of vocational parties, etc.? Accoring to the results; first, Professor group showed highest points among 3 groups per each item of the competencies by vocational parties Second, Chassis design group ranked top position among the 8 sub groups by vocational parties and, third, Problem Solving Knowledge ranked highest points than any others. Korean Professional Engineers are found to be positioned as key members , leaders and managers on surveying market, product planning, designing product & components, developing component parts, establishing shop with production equipment, managing quality control & material handling , organizing relevant meetings, developing human resources by training and learning , to back up finance with law matters, cooperating with concerned parties to achieve organizational goals, and to coordinate projects. etc, identifying ethical issues and business skills in order to survive and win to be competitive in various kinds of the automotive industry battle fields. 차량기술사들은 자동차산업의 현장에서 신제품기획, 마케팅, 연구개발, 제조 및 관리 등의 전문적인 업무를 수행한다. 이들의 전문 기술역량은 기업과 조직의 경쟁력을 증진시키는 원동력이다. 이 연구는 차량기술사들의 전문적 업무역량 특성과 중요도를 규명하여 자동차 기술 분야의 자격검정과 공학교육을 효율적으로 연계할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하는 데 목적이 있다. 세부 연구문제는 첫째, 전문가(차량기술사, 자동차 관련 전공 대학교수, 자동차 전문가)들은 추론된 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량별 중요도를 어떻게 인식하고 있는가? 둘째, 차량기술사의 업무역량에 관한 중요도 인식에 있어서 응답자의 소속집단(차량기술사, 자동차공학 전공 대학교수, 자동차 전문가)간에 차이가 있는가? 이다. 연구자들은 현직에 근무하고 있는 차량기술사 등 자동차 신제품 개발관련 전문가 협의 및 개인면담을 통해 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량을 추출한 다음, 차량기술사 108명, 자동차 및 기계공학전공 대학교수 49명, 기업체의 자동차 전문가 55명을 대상으로 설문지를 배포하여 총 152명(72%)으로부터 설문지를 회수하여 분석하였다. 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량에 대한 설문지는 영역 및 항목별로 빈도 및 변량분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 제동장치설계, 프로젝트진행리더십, 미래예측과 변화관리, 디젤엔진설계, 환경대책, 제품기획과 안전에 대한 기술이 가장 중요한 것으로 나타났고, 인사총무와 재무회계, 노무관리 등에 대해서는 중요도를 낮게 인식하고 있었다. 또한 업무영역평균의 집단별 중요도는 섀시설계영역, 엔진·변속기설계영역, 제품기획·마케팅영역, 자재·물류·품질관리영역, 디자인·차체·의장설계영역, 판매·정비 및 경영지원영역, 소재 및 엔진 제조영역, 프레스 및 조립공장 제조 영역 순으로 나타냈다. 자동차개발업무관련 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량중 고객편익과 안전관련 신기술 응용력, 경쟁력 있는 신제품개발 능력의 중요도가 높았다. 응답집단별로는 교수집단이 타집단 보다 모든 항목에서 중요도 평가 평균값이 높았고, 다음은 차량기술사, 차량전문가 순으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일 엔지니어 집단의 분화와 정체성: 1870년~1930년

        박진희(Jin Hee Park) 한국서양사연구회 2014 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.50

        The development of electrical and chemical industry in Germany resulted in the growth of industrial engineers who were trained in Technische Hochschulen and employed in the firms. With the increasing number of industrial engineers, interests of engineers were diversified and there appeared various engineer associations. While the association of german electrical engineers(VDE) and the association of german chemists (VDC) appealed to engineers to contribute their ability to the national wealth, the new engineer organizations such as VDDI or Butib pointed the professional interests of engineers. The VDDI tried to separate labour market for the diplom engineers from the market for the technicians with the state certification of the diplom degree. The Butib concentrated on solving the problems such as low wage or unemployment of engineers which were not differed from those of labours. Although the rationalization and bureaucratization enforced the degradation of engineering works, the german engineers could not find sympathy with the professional organizations. Rather than to be identified as labour, they tried to remain as expert.

      • KCI등재

        차량기술사의 전문성 발달과정에 관한 질적 연구

        임세영,김주영 한국직업교육학회 2012 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        This research analysed the technological expertise developments of 10 Korean automotive professional engineers through interview method of the qualitative research. The research participants(10 professional engineers) were intentionally selected and interviewed by researchers. The result of the study showed following: The automotive professional engineer's main expertises were developing, designing, testing, manufacturing, module assembly, developing testers, maintenance services, analysing car accidents and its components. The automotive professional engineer's expertise development stages were classified into 5 stages such as preparation, certificate acquisition, enlarging capacity, compiling top technology and co-prosperity period, The certificate acquisition and co-prosperity period are unique stages which were not shown on the previous studies. The expertise developments for the automotive professional engineers were motivated by stimulation of personal and material environments, excavating inherent talent, the aids of expert and OJT, sublimating loss experience, creative reflection, mind control and systemic thinking, long and various experience. 이 연구는 우리나라 차량기술의 급속한 발전을 배경으로 이루어진 차량기술사들의 전문성 발달과정을 질적으로 탐구하여 인적, 물적 환경 등 전문성 발달의 계기와 발달 단계를 기술하는데 목적이 있다. 차량기술사로서 전문성은 어떠한 과정과 계기를 통해 발달되었는가? 를 탐구하기 위해 신제품 개발과 완성차 생산부문 등에서 전문성을 습득한 차량기술사 10명을 의도적으로 선정하여 각자의 전문성 발달과정에 대해 면담 조사하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다: 차량기술사로서 연구참여자들은 차량기술과 관련된 기초교육을 이수하고 차량기술 분야에 장기간 종사하며, 업무현장의 도전적 문제에 부딪혀 해결하는 과정에서 전문성을 축적하였다. 차량기술사들의 전문성 발달 단계는 자격취득 전 준비기, 자격 취득기, 자격취득 후 전문능력심화 확장기, 전문성 집대성기, 전문성 공영기의 5단계로 구분되었다. 전문성 발달에 영향을 미친 인적 환경은 선임자, 동료, 외국의 엔지니어, 기술고문, 스승 등이었으며, 물적 환경은 선행 문서자료, 자동차 신제품, 시제품 개발 작업장의 제조·생산·품질·자재 관리기술 등이었다. 그들의 전문성 발달 계기가 된 애로점 극복 방법은 맨손으로 개척하기, 희망을 갖고 인내하며 목표추구하기, 거꾸로 생각하기, 스스로 공부하기, 회사가 제공해주는 전문교육 이수하기, 전체를 거시적으로 관찰하기, 정신수련과 몰입하기, 실패로부터 배우기, 오랜 경험, 무의식적 행동 자제 및 심사숙고하기 등이었다.

      • KCI등재

        미국 엔지니어의 정체성을 찾아서 : 전문가와 기업 사이에서

        김덕호 수선사학회 2012 史林 Vol.0 No.43

        I want to deal with question of how to position the American engineers as a professional between the 1880s and the 1920s. The character of American engineers could be seen in their relationship to big business or, to corporate capitalism in America. The relationship between the American engineers and corporate business was a big problem for the engineers. They had always conflicted with big business in how to get along until the end of the 19th century. I will trace the historical process of making the American engineers through the rise of professionalism, the growth of the big business, and the preoccupation of four major engineering societies[American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and American Institute of Electrical Engineers]. These four "founder" societies made use of three strategies. First, in the traditional sense, it was professionalization among the elite engineers in the Eastern region. Their members usually held stable positions. They had consulting status or, in many cases, they were the entrepreneur running their firms. Second, the "founder" societies tried to require high and strict qualifications like the American Bar Association or the American Medical Association. As a result, they distinguished the status of engineer from that of a draftsman or technician. Third, they were less interested in autonomy as a profession, than they were in business and business values. Thus, they became composed of more and more business-oriented engineers. However, some elite engineers were against this way of thinking. While Maurice L. Cooke was a mechanical engineer, a Taylorite, and had worked for the secretary of the ASME for a long time, he played an important role in “the revolt of the engineers.” Although he accepted elitism among engineers, he asserted that the division between engineer and business should be respected. He also maintained that engineers must be independent from the interests of big business. He believed that engineers should not be dependent on business, that they be professional in terms of being autonomous, democratic, and ethics-minded. Even though he suggested his ideas to these "founder" societies, his action was in vain. He finally became actively involved in the American Association of Engineers(AAE) which was founded in 1915. Most members of the AAE came from rank-and-file engineers. With Frederick H. Newell he helped to strengthen the AAE's activities. There could be, at least, three interpretations on "the revolt of the engineers." The first perspective sees that since the early period of the 20th century "the revolt of the engineers" ended as a tempest in a teapot. And the case of the AAE was a perfect example. The second perspective sees that the American engineers have resisted regularly against big business in their own way. The failure of the revolt was due to the engineers or the innovative engineers, who were the pioneers or leaders of "the revolt of the engineers" rather than having been pressured by big business. The last perspective agrees that "the revolt of the engineers" has occurred regularly. However, it emphasized the social roles of the engineering societies or engineering professionalism. It also suggests that the failure of "the revolt of the engineers" could give some opportunity for another kind of resistance, and in turn, sometimes this could raise the issue on the material base of the rank-and-file engineers. The pivotal point is the balance between business and professionalism. If the engineer is a real professional he/she must be in a position which allows him/her to decide things independently. Unlike lawyers or doctors, the majority of the engineers in America were the employees of big business. In other words, they were industrial engineers. Because of the diverse strata of the engineering groups, the more they wanted to disclose their identities the more the conflict among them grew. Thus, American engineers had maintained their status of a “fragmented profession” as Monte Calvert asserted.

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