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        반려동물의 상실로 인한 슬픔, 펫로스(Pet Loss) 증후군의 증상과 대처

        모효정(Mo, Hyojung) 인제대학교 인간환경미래연구원 2015 인간 · 환경 · 미래 Vol.- No.15

        1인 가구 및 가계 소득의 증가로 반려동물을 기르는 사람들이 늘어나면서 반려동물과의 상실로 인한 비애, 즉 펫로스를 경험하는 사람들이 증가하고 있다. 반려인에게 있어 반려동물은 가족과 같으며 삶의 동반자이고, 무조건적 사랑의 대상이다. 이러한 반려동물을 상실한 반려인은 정신적, 감정적, 신체적 고통을 겪게 되는데, 이는 사별을 겪은 사람들의 반응과 유사하다. 펫로스로 인한 비애는 보통 2~3개월 정도 지나면 사라지지만 1년 이상 지속되기도 하는데, 이 경우 복합 비애와 외상후 스트레스 장애로 악화될 수 있다. 반려동물의 사별로 인한 비애는 인간과의 사별로 인한 비애와 유사함에도 불구하고 사회적으로 인정받지 못하고 있기 때문에, 주변의 위로와 지지의 부재는 반려인의 고통을 더욱 가중시킨다. 일찍부터 반려동물에 관한 문화가 발달해온 서구유럽에 비해 펫로스에 대한 우리 사회의 관심은 그리 높지 않지만, 최근 들어 펫로스로 인한 반려인의 고통을 이해하고 이에 대처하기 위한 사회적 노력이 시도되고 있다. 반려동물의 상실로 인한 비애를 이해하고 이들을 지원하는 것은 반려인의 빠른 치유에 도움이 되며, 반려동물에 대한 올바른 문화 확산의 토대가 될 것이다. Increment of the number of one-person households and their income have led to an increase in the number of companion animals, which eventually leads to more people experiencing ‘pet loss.’ To the owners, the companion animals are deemed as members of the family and/or close friends, and they are at the receiving end of unconditional love. The sentiment after the loss of a companion animal, which is called ‘pet loss syndrome’, involves in severe psychological, emotional, and physiological stress, which resembles the loss of a spouse. The pet loss syndrome usually disappears in about 2 to 3 months, but some people may experience ‘complicated grief’ and ‘post-traumatic stresses’ due to prolonged grief which could last more than 1 year. Although the pain of losing a pet is similar to the suffering after bereavement of a loved one, the former pain is not conceived ‘normal’ in this society. Hence, the lack of support and condolence intensifies the pet loss syndrome. In contrast to the Western society where the culture of companion animals has been flourishing, our society’s interest on the pet loss issue is not high. Nevertheless, social efforts to understand the pet loss syndrome are being undertaken recently. Recognizing the pet loss syndrome and providing help for the victims of it will be crucial for a faster recovery. Moreover, it will make a fundamental ground for a desirable culture of companion animals.

      • KCI등재

        반려동물 장례 및 펫로스 증후군 관련 산업 현황 연구

        최시영,이지수,최영복 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.2

        This study is to analyze Pet Loss Syndrome and the companion animal funeral industry as the number of companions experiencing Pet Loss Syndrome increases, and to find out how to cope with Pet Loss Syndrome. The research examines existing literature and compares domestic and foreign pet post-mortem industries through statistics and press releases to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. The study also evaluates the factors that impact Pet Loss Syndrome and suggests services that can help individuals overcome this type of grief. Additionally, the research identifies the limitations and implications of the domestic companion animal industry through comparison with foreign studies. The findings provide suggestions for future improvements and studies to better support individuals experiencing Pet Loss Syndrome. In addition, it was confirmed that sufficient funeral facilities and various services were needed to overcome Pet Loss Syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        반려동물과의 애착에 따른 펫로스 증후군 경향성: 성인애착의 조절효과

        정한아 ( Hana Jeong ) 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.1

        연구 목적: 본 연구의 목적은 반려동물과의 애착에 따른 펫로스 증후군 경향성과 성인애착의 조절효과를 분석하는 데 있다. 연구 방법: 온라인 설문조사를 통해 수집된 6개월 이상 양육한 반려동물의 상실 경험이 있는 만 18세 이상의 성인 여성 153명을 대상으로 SPSS 23.0을 이용해 자료를 분석하였다. 연구 내용: 반려동물과의 애착에 따른 펫로스 증후군 경향성의 관계를 검증한 후, 반려동물과의 애착과 펫로스 증후군 경향성의 관계에서 성인애착이 조절변인으로 작용하는지 검증하였다. 결론 및 제언: 반려동물 불안애착은 지속비애, 반려동물 애도, 일반애도, 우울에 정적 영향을 미쳤으며, 반려동물 회피애착 수준이 높을수록 우울 수준이 높아지는 것으로 확인되었다. 또한 반려동물 애착(불안/회피)과 종속변인 간 성인애착(불안/회피)의 조절효과를 검증한 결과, 반려동물 불안애착과 지속비애의 관계에서 성인 회피애착의 조절효과가 확인되었으며, 반려동물 불안애착과 종속변인 간의 관계에서 성인 불안애착의 조절효과가 나타나지 않았다. 이를 통해 반려동물 상실을 경험한 개인에게 전문적이고 체계적인 심리적 개입이 필요함을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Pet Loss Syndrome tendency in relation to pet attachment and the moderating effect of adult attachment. SPSS 23.0 was used to analyze data from an online survey of 153 adult women aged 18 and older who had lost pets that they have raised for more than 6 months. The research verified whether adult attachment in the relationships among attachment to pets and pet loss syndrome came into the moderating variables after verifying the relationships among them according to attachment to pets. Anxious attachment to pets had a positive effect on pet loss syndrome. Every time the degree of avoidance attachment to pets was higher, the degree of depression was higher. Also, the research verified the moderating effects of adult attachment between attachment to pets and dependent variables. As a result, the research identified the moderating effects of adults’ avoidant attachment in the relationships between anxious attachment to pets and prolonged grief. There were no the moderating effects of adults’ anxious attachment in the relationships between anxious attachment to pets and dependent variables. It can be known that through this, individuals who experienced pet losses need professional, systematic, and psychological intervention.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <내 어깨 위 고양이, 밥>에 나타난 반려동물의 의미와 펫로스 증후군 상담의 필요성 연구

        최세아 ( Choi Se-a ),윤보영 ( Yoon Bo-young ),공리나 ( Gong Ri-na ) 한국문학치료학회 2022 문학치료연구 Vol.62 No.-

        본고에서는 반려동물에 대한 사회적 관심이 높아지는 상황에서 그에 따라 등장한 펫로스 증후군과 관련하여 심리상담의 필요성을 강조하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이에, 실화를 바탕으로 제작된 영화 <내 어깨 위 고양이, 밥>에 나타난 반려인과 반려동물의 서사를 심리학적 시각에서 분석해 본 후, 현대 사회에서 반려동물이 인간에게 갖는 의미가 무엇인지 우선적으로 살펴보았다. 그리고 영화의 내용과 최근 반려동물과 관련된 연구 결과를 종합해 본 결과 다음과 같은 특성들을 확인 할 수 있었다. 첫째, 반려동물은 더 이상 인간에게 종속적인 의미를 지니고 있지 않으며, 동등한 가족으로서의 권리를 인정받고 있다. 둘째, 인간은 반려동물과의 관계를 통해 치유의 경험을 할 수 있으며, 대인관계능력 또한 향상시킬 수 있다. 영화 <내 어깨 위 고양이, 밥>에서 나타난 제임스와 밥의 만남과 관계 형성 과정, 그리고 제임스의 가족관계 회복 및 마약 중독 치료의 성공 등의 모습에서 이러한 내용을 충분히 확인 할 수 있다. 끝으로, 영화 <내 어깨 위 고양이, 밥>이 실화를 기반으로 하고 있고, 실제 에세이는 30개국에서 베스트 셀러가 되며 많은 사람들의 공감을 얻기도 했는데, 이와 같은 성과가 결국 반려동물이 우리 사회에 얼마나 중요한 존재가 됐는지 알 수 있게 해주며, 반려동물이 반려인의 인생에 미치는 영향력이 얼마나 큰지 짐작할 수 있게 해주었다. 또한 반려동물 관련 서적이나 영화들이 오랜 기간 사람들에게 사랑받아왔고, 반려동물 작품 특유의 따뜻하고 온정적인 분위기가 보는 사람들로 하여금 치유를 받는 경험을 하게 해준다. 그렇기 때문에 반려인구 증가와 함께 나타난 펫로스 증후군 문제와 관련하여 문학치유는 상당히 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있을 것으로 예상되며, 펫로스 증후군과 관련된 심리상담 프로그램 연구가 상당히 부족한 현시점에서 해당 분야에 대한 활발한 연구가 꼭 필요하다고 피력하고자 한다. This study aims to highlight the significance of pet loss counseling as society is trending to pay more attention to pets and many people begin to experience pet loss syndrome. Therefore, a movie based on a true story, “A Christmas Gift from Bob” is qualitatively reviewed for the stories of pet owners and pets from a psychological perspective, and it prioritizes to think about what pet could mean to humans in the modern world. After integrally carefully contemplating the movie and the recent research studies related to pets, the study was able to confirm the following points. First, pets are no longer subordinate to humans, and their rights are being recognized as if they are members of the family. Second, humans can have a healing experience through building a relationship with the pet, and they can improve social skills. This is reassured in the movie, “A Christmas Gift from Bob,” that how the relationship between James and Bob is formed, James’s family is healing, and successfully getting better with the drug addiction. Lastly, the movie “A Christmas Gift from Bob” is based on a true story, and the original essay had become a bestseller in 30 countries by winning hearts from people worldwide, and such a successful result shows how pet becomes important in our lives, and how much influence pet can have in pet owners’ lives. On top of that, people love books or movies about pets, and a typical compassionate or warm impression gives a healing experience to the audience. Therefore, an increasing number of people is choosing to spend their life with pets, and the issue of pet loss syndrome and bibliotherapy could take significant roles. Unfortunately, information about pet loss counseling is lacking at this point, more research would be necessary for this area of the study.

      • KCI등재

        노래 중심 비대면 음악치료가 반려동물 상실을 경험한 여성의 펫로스 증후군 감소에 미치는 영향

        최혜원,황은영 한국예술심리치료학회 2023 예술심리치료연구 Vol.19 No.3

        This study is to find out whether singing-oriented Tele-music therapy affects the reduction of symptoms in women experiencing Pet loss syndrome such as depression due to the loss of pets. The subjects of the study were 14 female pet owners who lost their pet within one year and had a depression score of 21 or higher. Among them, 7 people were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 7 people to the control group, and 40 minutes once a week for 6 weeks, a total of 6 singing-oriented Tele-music therapy interventions were conducted, and no related interventions were conducted to the control group. The measurement tools used the Pet beavement questionnaire (PBQ) developed by Hunt and Padilla (2006) and the Prolonged Grief Disorder Scale (PG-13) developed by Prigerson and Maciejewski (2008) and validated by Kang Hyun-sook and Lee Dong-hoon (2017). The results of the study are as follows. First, the experimental group significantly decreased the companion animal mourning score compared to the control group. Second, the experimental group significantly decreased its prolonged grief disorder score compared to the control group. These findings suggest that singing-oriented Tele-music therapy can have a positive effect on reducing symptoms caused by Pet loss syndrome in women due to the loss of pets.

      • 펫로스 증후군 완화를 위한 반려동물 추모 공간 플랫폼

        김도현(Do-Hyun Kim),김정민(Jeong-Min Kim),안세은(Se-Eun An),염정아(Jeong-Ah Yeom),조은서(Eun-Seo Jo),최연지(Yeon-Ji Choi),윤현주(Hyeon-Ju Yoon),오병우(Byoung-Woo Oh) 한국정보기술학회 2021 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2021 No.6

        반려동물을 키우는 사람들이 증가하는 추세와 함께 반려동물과의 사별로 인한 우울함과 상실감이 지속되어 생기는 펫로스 증후군을 앓는 사람들 또한 증가하고 있다. 본 논문은 반려동물을 추모하는 공간을 반려동물이 살아가는 행성으로 이미지화하여 사용자들이 펫로스 증후군을 완화하는 데 도움을 주는 플랫폼을 제안한다. 각 행성은 사용자가 커스터마이징하여 구축할 수 있는 자신만의 추모 공간이다. Along with the increasing trend of people raising pets, a growing number of people are also suffering from Pet Loss Syndrome, which is caused by feelings of depression and loss caused by bereavement with pets. This paper proposes a platform to help users alleviate Pet Loss syndrome by imaging a space in memory of pets as a planet where pets live. Each planet is its own memorial space that users can customize and build.

      • 반려동물 추모 공간계획에 관한 연구

        김성일(Kim, Sung-Il),김동훈(Kim, Dong-Hoon) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The number of people living with companion animals has exceeded 10 million people due to factors such as an increase in the number of registered ones, aging, and low fertility. In a society where there is competition only due to rapid economic development, the companion animals that soothe the loneliness and gaze at me alone have become a relationship of a companion living with the world together, and the relationship is changed as a family member, Although it is a prestige of the making, and it carries out the cuteness of the family, the life cycle of the person is different, and it leaves the family and it makes a long trip first and it gives the family a sadness that can not bear it. The number of companions and companions is increasing and the pet market is also increasing, but studies on companion animal funerals are insignificant. In addition, there are more people who suffer from `Pet loss syndrome` suffering from the death and separation of companion animals, but there is not enough room to properly separate and memorize with companion animals. Therefore, in this study, `pet loss syndrome`, we understand the suffering suffered by the militants and the sadness caused by the animal loss, and help them to heal the sad sufferers quickly, I would like to present the possibility of becoming a foundation.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Interior Design of a Dog-Friendly Hotel Using Deepfake DID for Alleviation of Pet loss Syndrome

        황선기,류기환 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.1

        The environment refers to what is surrounded by something during human life. This environment is related to the way humans live, and presents various problems on how to perceive the surrounding environment and how the behaviors that constitute the environment support the elements necessary for human life. Humans have an interest in the supportability of the environment as the interrelationship increases as humans perceive and understand the environment and accept the factors supported by the environment. In space, human movement starts from one space to the next and exchanges stimuli and reactions with the environment until reaching a target point. These human movements start with subjective judgment and during gait movement, the spatial environment surrounding humans becomes a collection of information necessary for humans and gives stimulation. will do. In this process, in particular, humans move along the movement path through movement in space and go through displacement perception and psychological changes, and recognize a series of spatial continuity. An image of thinking is formed[1]. In this process, spatial experience is perceived through the process of filtering by the senses in the real space, and the result of cognition is added through the process of subjective change accompanied by memory and knowledge, resulting in human movement. As such, the spatial search behavior begins with a series of perceptual and cognitive behaviors that arise in the process of human beings trying to read meaning from objects in the environment. Here, cognition includes the psychological process of sorting out and judging what the information is in the process of reading the meaning of the external environment, conditions, and material composition, and perception is the process of accepting information as the first step. It can be said to be the cognitive ability to read the meaning of the environment given to humans. Therefore, if we can grasp the perception of space while moving and human behavior as a response to perception, it will be possible to predict how to grasp it from a human point of view in a space that does not exist. Modern people have the theme of reminiscing dog-friendly hotels for the healing of petloss syndrome, and this thesis attempts to approach the life of companions.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Interior Design of a Dog-Friendly Hotel Using Deepfake DID for Alleviation of Pet loss Syndrome

        Sungi Hwang,Gihwan Ryu 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.1

        The environment refers to what is surrounded by something during human life. This environment is related to the way humans live, and presents various problems on how to perceive the surrounding environment and how the behaviors that constitute the environment support the elements necessary for human life. Humans have an interest in the supportability of the environment as the interrelationship increases as humans perceive and understand the environment and accept the factors supported by the environment. In space, human movement starts from one space to the next and exchanges stimuli and reactions with the environment until reaching a target point. These human movements start with subjective judgment and during gait movement, the spatial environment surrounding humans becomes a collection of information necessary for humans and gives stimulation. will do. In this process, in particular, humans move along the movement path through movement in space and go through displacement perception and psychological changes, and recognize a series of spatial continuity. An image of thinking is formed[1]. In this process, spatial experience is perceived through the process of filtering by the senses in the real space, and the result of cognition is added through the process of subjective change accompanied by memory and knowledge, resulting in human movement. As such, the spatial search behavior begins with a series of perceptual and cognitive behaviors that arise in the process of human beings trying to read meaning from objects in the environment. Here, cognition includes the psychological process of sorting out and judging what the information is in the process of reading the meaning of the external environment, conditions, and material composition, and perception is the process of accepting information as the first step. It can be said to be the cognitive ability to read the meaning of the environment given to humans. Therefore, if we can grasp the perception of space while moving and human behavior as a response to perception, it will be possible to predict how to grasp it from a human point of view in a space that does not exist. Modern people have the theme of reminiscing dog-friendly hotels for the healing of petloss syndrome, and this thesis attempts to approach the life of companions.

      • KCI등재

        예술심리치료의 펫로스 증후군에 대한 선행연구 고찰과 적용방안 연구

        박상근,최명선 한국예술교육학회 2023 예술교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 반려동물 상실 후 반려인이 겪게 되는 펫로스 증후군을 도울 수 있는 예술치료 적용 선행연구와도움이 될 수 있는 다양한 부가적 선행연구에 대하여 분석함으로서 향후 펫로스 분야의 연구 방향을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 국내연구를 찾기 위하여 학술연구정보서비스(RISS), DBPIA, 국회도서관, 미술치료학회, 한국예술치료학회, 한국문화교육학회 등의 기관 홈페이지를 검색하였고 해외의 펫로스 증후군 관련 자료를 조사하기 위하여 Google Scholar, Proquest.com, APA PsyycNet, Sciencedirect.com, Researchgate.net 등의 홈페이지를 검색하였다. 검색을 통해 발견한 자료들 중 주제에 적합하지 않거나 중복된 연구들을 제외하고최종적으로 학술지 논문 15편, 학위논문 14편을 펫로스 증후군 관련 선행연구로 분류하였다. 선행연구들을 분석한 결과 펫로스 증후군의 성공적인 애도를 돕는 심리 치료적 접근으로는 예술치료적 접근이 가장 많았고 연구방법으로는 질적 연구가 다수를 차지했다. 애도 프로그램에 예술치료가 가장 많이 적용된 이유는 언어적 표현 없이도 무의식을 자연스럽고 거부감 없이 표현할 수 있는 예술치료적 특징 때문인 것으로 예상된다. 그러나예술치료적 접근을 활용한 질적연구에 비하여 실험연구 수가 상당히 부족하여 향후 펫로스 증후군 관련 연구에 있어서 실험연구가 보다 적극적으로 필요하다. 예술치료적 접근 이외에 온라인상에 구축하는 반려동물 추모공간이나 애도를 돕는 VR 시스템 활용 등 현대적인 매체를 활용하려는 시도의 연구들도 눈에 띄었다. 해외의 경우 수의사를 위한 펫로스 증후군 치료 프로그램, 펫로스 증후군을 도울 수 있는 전문적인 단행본들과 치료사를 찾을 수 있는 포털 사이트와 같은 체계적인 종합 시스템이 잘 구축되어 있었다. 한국도 이와 같은 사례를 본받아 보다 체계적인 펫로스 개입 예술치료 프로그램 개발 및 시행과 사회적 지지체계가 구축이 필요하다.

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