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        鄭貞美(정정미) 한국일본어학회 2015 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.44

        본 논문에서는 영유아(乳幼?) 의 언어를 둘러싸고 있는 다양한 용어를 정의하고, 또 한 아이의 발달 단계를 세분화 하여「영아기:乳?期」에 있어서의 미화어「영아어:乳?語」와「유아기:幼?期」의 미화어「유아어: 幼?語」로 구분하여 영아기(乳?期), 영유아기(乳幼?期)에 걸쳐 반복성 언어의「유아어: 幼?語」도 더불어 고찰하고 있다.「영아어:乳?語」는 어머니에 의해 주도 되어, 거의 일방적으로 어머니가 아이에게 말하는 것으로서 유아의 자발적인 언어가 아닌 아이를 대하는 성인의 행동을 나타내는 것이다. 한편, 유아기(幼?期)의 미화어인「유아어:幼?語」는 성인의 미화어가 전용 된 형태 이다. 이「유아어: 幼?語」의 미화어는「화자」와「청자」사이에서「쌍방향성」이 있고, 성인의 미화어에서 보이는 품위나 품격도완전히 부정할 수 없지만, 그것 보다는「친절」·「부드러움」·「어림」·「유치함」으로 볼수있다. 이러한「유아어: 乳?語」·「영유아기: 乳幼?語」·「유아어:幼?語」는「아동기:?童期」에 접어들 때에는 쓰지 않게 되며, 각각 단절성을 보여주면서도 일부는 아동어, 나아가서는 성인의 언어로 이행하는 것이다. In this study we first defined various terms pertaining to the language of infants. Next we broke down infant languages into “toddler language” and “preschooler language” according to the children’s developmental stages, and then observed the honorific prefixes “at the stage of toddler” and “at the stage of preschooler”. Further, we also looked at “infant language” as a whole, which appeared repetitively through the stages of toddler and preschooler. The “toddler language” is initiated by mothers and almost one-sidedly influenced by mothers. This language is not toddlers’ spontaneous speech, but represents the attitude of adults to their children. On the other hand, the “preschooler language”, more specifically the use of honorific prefixes at the stage of preschool children, is a diverted form of the honorific prefixes of adults. These honorific prefixes in the “preschooler language” have interactivity between “speakers” and “listeners” and, although not entirely deprived of dignity or decency found in the honorific prefixes of adults, are rather characterized as “gentleness”, “softness”, “infancy”, or “immaturity”. These “toddler language”, “preschooler language” and “infant language” become abandoned by the stage of school child and each of them shows some discontinuity but some part of them transitions into child language, and eventually into adult language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본어학(日本語學),일본어교육학(日本語敎育學) : 시어(詩語)로써의 오노마토피아의 표현(表現) -北原白秋의 시집(詩集)을 중심으로-

        황규삼 ( Kyu Sam Hwang ) 한국일어일문학회 2010 日語日文學硏究 Vol.75 No.1


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      • KCI등재

        유아의 자음 체계 습득 과정

        안미리(Mi Lee Ahn),김태경(Tae Kyung Kim) 국제한국어교육학회 2003 한국어 교육 Vol.14 No.2

        The aim of this study is to reveal the order and the age of mastery of phonemic contrast in consonantal sounds of Korean. For this purpose, we made an observation of the correspondences between the sounds produced by children of 12-36 months and the target sounds produced by adults. The provisional order and the age of contrast acquisition shown from the results of this study are as follows: 1) The differential production of consonants by the place of articulation is accomplished before 18 month. 2) As for the differential production of consonants by the manner of articulation, the contrast between the nasal and oral sounds is first established in the age of 24-30 months, and the contrast between the stop and the affricate is not accomplished until 36 months. The liquid and the fricative are not produced or rarely produced before 36 months. 3) As for the differential production of consonants by phonation type, the contrast between the tense and the non-tense is established in the 30-36 months, and subsequently the contrast between the plain and the aspirated is established around the age of 36 months.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 한국어 습득 초기에 나타나는 환유의 양상

        정병철 언어과학회 2022 언어과학연구 Vol.- No.103

        The embodied approach assumes that metonymy plays an important role in generating abstract and complex concepts based on bodily experiences. Therefore, it is required to explore the aspects and contributions of metonymy in the early stage of language acquisition in infants when concepts and forms of language begin to form. Although in previous studies researchers found that metonymic uses were prevalent in the productions of children aged 3-5 years, metonymic abilities in children aged 1-2 years in the early stages of language acquisition have not been covered. In Esther's records up to the age of 2, clear-cut cases of ICM-based metonymy were hardly found, but other cases like pre-linguistic metonymy, speech act metonymy, formal metonymy, and accompanied experience-based metonymy prevailed. These results suggest that in the early stage of language acquisition ICM-based metonymy does not occur well due to the lack of an empirical basis, but metonymy in other ways works strongly and contributes to successful language acquisition. .

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학령전 아동의 발음 오류에 관한 연구 - 음운 변동을 중심으로 -

        김태경 ( Kim Tae-kyung ),백경미 ( Baek Kyung-mi ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2010 국제어문 Vol.49 No.-

        본 연구는 만 3~6세 아동들의 발음 오류 가운데 음운 변동에 나타난 연령별 변화와 특징을 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 3~6세까지 연령별로 24명씩 총 96명의 자발화를 수집하고 각 음운 변동 오류를 보인 아동들의 수와 해당 오류의 발생빈도를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 3~6세 아동에게서 가장 빈번하게 나타난 음운 변동은 단모음화, 음절 탈락, 종성 자음 삽입 현상이었고, 2세 이전에 나타난다고 보고된 바 있는 중첩, 음절 도치, 구개음화 등은 3세 이상에서는 더 이상 나타나지 않음을 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 중성 자음 삽입을 제외한 대부분의 음운 변동은 연령이 증가함에 따라 그 빈도가 줄어들었다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 아동의 발음 능력 발달에 관한 연령별 지표를 마련하고 개별 분절음의 조음 능력과 연결음의 조음 능력을 구별하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. We studied changes in phonological processes of three to six year-old Korean children. We collected natural utterance data of 96 children, 24for each age group, and analyzed by two ways: number of children showing each process and their frequency of each process. Our data show that glide deletion, syllable deletion, and coda insertion process occurred most frequently. Although previous studies reported that reduplication, syllable inversion, and palatalization process occurred at two years of age, they did not occur at three years of age or older in our study. Most processes decreased whereas coda insertion increased over age. The results of this study would improve our knowledge in age-related phonological behaviors and in detecting differences in articulation abilities of an individual sound and sequencing sounds.

      • KCI등재

        Особенности речи взрослого, обращенной к ребенку: вопросительные реплики в русском и литовском языках

        Victoria V. Kazakovskaya,Ingrida Balčiūnienė 한국슬라브어학회 2011 슬라브어연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Результаты сопоставительного исследования литовского и русского инпута обнаружили наличие существенного количества сходных черт в речи взрослых, общающихся с маленькими детьми. В частности, было установлено, что предпочитаемой формой вопроса является форма общего вопроса, а наиболее частотной позицией вопросительной реплики в диалоге – позиция реактивная. К числу основных сходств следует также отнести преимущественное использование литовским и русским взрослыми конверсациональных разновидностей вопросительных реакций. Реактивные реплики, фокусом которых является содержание предыдущего высказывания ребенка, употребляются взрослыми как для запроса информации (то есть в собственно интеррогативной функции), так и для поддержания диалога с ребенком (в метаинтеррогативной (фатической) функции). Типичной метадискурсивной разновидностью реакций в речи взрослых является кларификативный вопрос. В целом специфика функционирования реплик в речи взрослых-носителей русского и литовского языков позволяет охарактеризовать их коммуникативную тактику в диалоге с ребенком третьего года жизни как тактику ‘конверсационального типа’. Это означает, что взрослый интуитивно «идет» за ребенком – подхватывает предложенную им тему и по возможности развивает ее (fine-tuning). Между тем при «стратегическом» совпадении тактик русского и литовского взрослых, отмеченном в прагматическом, позиционном и формальном аспектах, имеются расхождения в использовании отдельных структурных типов реакций, в частности, в употреблении вопросительных повторов, а также в динамике использования функциональных – собственно интеррогативных и метаинтеррогативных – разновидностей реплик. Таким образом, обнаруженные сходства в использовании «вопросного репертуара» русским и литовским взрослыми не может не свидетельствовать в пользу существования некоторой корреляции между типом языка и речеповеденческой тактикой взрослого-носителя этого языка, однако, вне всякого сомнения, данное утверждение нуждается в дополнительных исследованиях, выполненных на материале других языковых корпусов. Более того, верифицация гипотезы невозможна без достаточного количества свидете... Motherese, as a specific register of language, have been investigated intensively in Western psycholinguistic studies during several past decades, however, we still need more comprehensive studies in order to establish specific characteristics (e.g. parental reactions to child’s grammatically correct vs. incorrect utterances) of speech addressed to young children. The present paper deals with adult interrogatives, which appear to be one the most frequent and typical strategies of communicating with young children in both Russian and Lithuanian. The main objective of the study was to identify and to compare a variety and a distribution of interrogatives in Russian and Lithuanian motherese. The analysis was based on a longitudinal data of a Russian boy Vanja (2;0–2;8) and a Lithuanian girl Monika (2;0–2;8). The transcribed corpus of conversations between children and their parents was annotated for a multipurpose automatic linguistic analysis, using tools of the program CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System). During the investigation, pragmatic, functional, structural and formal features of parental interrogatives were analysed. Following the analysis of conversations between the target children and their parents, the following can be stated. In both Russian and Lithuanian languages the majority of parental interrogatives (87,1–88,2% in Lithuanian; 86,1–90,5% in Russian) are related to the content of a child’s previous sentence (i.e. conversational questions), while reactions to the form of a child’s previous sentence (i.e. metadiscursive questions) are rare. However, two differences were noted between pragmatic subtypes of conversational questions and between formal subtypes of both conversational and metadiscursive questions. Firstly, the pragmatic analysis indicated an increase in question requests for information (5,8% – 11,5% – 39,1%) and a decrease in question repair of conversation (94,2% – 88,5% – 60,9%) were observed in the Lithuanian corpus, while the percentage of these questions seems to remain relatively unchanged in the Russian corpus (questions requests for information contain 6,6% – 8,7% – 7,3% of all parental conversational questions). Secondly, a differing usage of the question repetitions (i.e. one of the formal subtypes of questions) was noted in that these questions are much more frequent in the Russian corpus (~34,5%) than in the Lithuanian one (~13,1%). Moreover, the number of conversational question repetitions increased significantly in the Russian corpus (3,8% – 12,1% – 18,9%) and decreased in the Lithuanian corpus (7,5% – 4,9% – 2,7%), while the number of metadiscursive question repetitions increased in the Lithuanian corpus (6,9% – 12,1% – 14,4%), while it remained relatively constant (~26%) in the Russian corpus. With the exception of these differences, interrogatives in both Russian and Lithuanian motherese are generally used for the same conversational strategies, and their form and structure seem to be similar or even identical. This leads us to the conclusion that a correlation between parental conversational strategy and the type of language can be identified.

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