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      • KCI등재

        豆滿江 河口 鹿屯島 李舜臣 遺蹟의 共同調査 成果와 展望

        백종오 백산학회 2021 白山學報 Vol.- No.121

        This paper examines the results and significance of the excavation and investigation of the remains of Admiral Yi Sun-shin in Nokdundo Island at the basin of the Duman River. To this end, it reviewed the archaeological environment and related literature of Nokdundo Island, excavation survey results, and their significance. The first international academic survey was conducted on the remains of Admiral Yi Sun-shin in the Duman River basin, an important historical place in Korean history. This can be of great significance above all in that it has attempted a more specific approach to Admiral Yi Sun-shin's activities in northern areas. As is well known, this area is bordered by three countries: North Korea, Russia, and China. The investigation set a milestone as the first excavation of the Nokdundonongbo in the military control zone, where military tensions linger. Sponsored by Seoul City Government, the Inter-Korean Historians Association, the Primorsky Krai Branch Office of the Russian Military History Association, and the Museum of Far Eastern Federal University formed a joint investigation team for the project. Beginning from the first survey in 2018, the fifth survey was conducted this year. As a result, the project achieved great success in excavating the cultural layer of the Joseon Dynasty and archaeological relics of the same period in Area 2 (Seongjang), the center of Nokdundo Island. In addition, it became an opportunity to recognize the terrain and natural environment of Nokdundo Island, which had been vaguely thought until then. Regrettably, the North Korean investigation team could not participate, unlike originally planned. Most of the relics of Admiral Yi Sun-shin's northern area remain along the downstream area of Duman River in North Korea. From its distribution scope, China can also participate in the joint project where South Korea, North Korea, and Russia work together. Some representative examples of such joint projects include Josanbo Fortress and Great Victory Monument (Seungjeon Daebi) in the Naseon City of North Korea, beacon and regiments belonging to the Josanbo, Gyeongwonbo Fortress and Muibo Fortress in Gyeongwon, and Gyeongheung Buseong Fortress and Seosurabo Fortress. Among them, the experience in the battle of Nokdundo Island is thought to have been fully exercised through the strategy to sweep "the complete victory by Admiral Yi Sun-shin" during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. For example, Admiral Yi Sun-shin once served without any title in wars after the Battle of Nokdundo Island in September 1587. Later, in September 1597, he achieved a great victory called the Great Battle of Myeongnyang. Is it a coincidence of history? It also happened when he was reinstated as a commander of the Naval Forces of Three Provinces after 10-year serving without a title. It is no exaggeration to say that the basis for 23 wins out of 23 battles was the Battle of Nokdundo Island. I remember the first time when I prepared for this project. It reminds me of an article in a daily newspaper that I read while conducting the "Research on the Promotion of a South Korea-Russia Joint Investigation of the Relics of Admiral Yi Sun-shin in Naseon and Nokdundo, " as a project sponsored by the Ministry of Unification in 2018. Among the tour schedules of Naseon City in North Korea, Victory Pedestal (Seungjeondae) and Great Victory Monument of Admiral Yi Sun-shin were indicated as tourist attractions, and it was possible to enter by land through Tumen or Hunchun city in China. Currently, the joint investigation has been done by South Korea and Russia. However, the Russian investigation team had invited archaeologists from North Korea. If South Korea invites Chinese archaeologists, the joint investigation on Admiral Yi Sun-shin's relics collaborated by South Korea, North Korea, Russia, and China can also be expanded and developed as a realistic project plan. Such international cooperation projects are expected t... 이 글은 두만강 유역 녹둔도 이순신 유적의 발굴조사 성과와 그 의미를 살펴본 것이다. 한국사에 있어서 중요한 역사적 장소인 두만강 유역의 이순신 유적에 대한 최초의 국제 학술조사가 이루어졌다. 이는 이순신 장군의 북방활동에 좀 더 구체적인 접근을 시도하게 되었다는 점에서 무엇보다도 큰 의미를 부여할 수 있다. 주지하듯이, 이 지역은 북한과 러시아, 중국 등 3국의 접경지역이다. 이번 조사는 군사적 긴장감이 맴도는 군사통제구역 안의 녹둔도농보 추정지의 최초 발굴조사라는 이정표를 세우게 되었다. 이 공동 조사는 서울시의 후원으로 남북역사학자협회와 러시아군사역사학회 연해주지부, 극동연방대학교 박물관이 공동조사단을 구성해 추진한 것이다. 2018년 1차 조사를 기점으로 올해까지 모두 5차 조사를 진행하였다. 그 결과, 녹둔도 중심지인 城場 지역에서 조선시대 문화층의 발굴과 동 시기의 고고 유물을 확보하는 개가를 올리게 되었다. 아울러 막연히 생각되었던 녹둔도 일대의 지형과 자연 환경을 보다새롭게 인식하는 계기도 되었다. 물론 당초 계획과 같이, 북한측 조사단이 참여 못한 것은 매우 아쉽게 생각한다. 이순신 북방유적은 대부분 북한의 두만강 하류를 따라 남아있다. 그 분포 범위로 볼 때, 남한과 북한 그리고 러시아만이 아닌, 중국도 참가하는 남한ㆍ북한ㆍ러시아ㆍ중국의 공동조사 실현도 상정해 볼 수 있다. 북한 나선시의 조산보와 승전대비, 조산보 소속의 봉수 및 연대들, 경원의 건원보와 무이보, 경흥부성과 서수라보 등이 대표적이다. 이중 녹둔도 전투의 경험은 임진왜란시 ‘충무공 이순신 장군의 전승 전략’으로 유감없이 발휘되었던 것으로 생각된다. 실례로, 이순신은 1587년 9월의 녹둔도 전투 후 백의종군 한 바 있다. 이후 1597년 9월에 명량대첩이라는 쾌거를 이루었다. 역사의 우연인가. 역시 백의종군 후 삼도수군통제사로 복직되었을 때다. 꼭 10년만의 일이었다. 23전 23승의 기반은 ‘녹둔도 전투’라고해도 과언이 아니다. 처음 이 사업을 준비할 때가 생각난다. 2018년에 통일부 과제로 「나선-녹둔도 이순신 유적남ㆍ북ㆍ러 공동조사 추진 방안 연구」를 수행하면서 보았던, 한 일간지의 기사가 생각난다. 북한나선시의 관광 일정 중 ‘이순신의 승전대와 승전대비’가 명소로 들어가 있었으며 이곳은 중국의도문이나 훈춘을 통해 육로로 입경할 수 있다는 것이었다. 지금은 한국과 러시아의 공동조사이다. 하지만 러시아측 조사단을 매개로 북측의 고고학자를초청한 바 있었다. 이렇듯 남측이 중국의 고고학자들을 초청한다면 ‘남한ㆍ북한ㆍ러시아ㆍ중국의 이순신 유적 공동조사’도 현실적인 프로젝트 방안으로 확대ㆍ발전시킬 수 있다고 생각된다. 이러한 국제 협력사업은 한국사의 역사적 인물인 忠武公 李舜臣 將軍이 중심이 되어 東北亞 平 和 共同體의 기반을 조성하는데 일정하게 기여할 수 있을 것으로 전망된다. ‘이순신의 사람됨은 말과 웃음이 적고 얼굴은 단아하여 마치 수양하며근신하는 선비와 같았다. 그러나 가슴속에 담력이 있어몸을 잊고 나라를 위해 죽었으니이는 평소 수양을 쌓아온 때문이다.’ -『懲毖錄』 중에서-

      • KCI등재

        두만강 하구에 자리한 녹둔도의 위치와 범위

        손승호(Seungho Son) 대한지리학회 2016 대한지리학회지 Vol.51 No.5

        본 연구는 두만강 하구에 자리한 녹둔도의 위치와 범위가 어떻게 획정될 수 있을지를 고찰한 것이다. 녹둔도는 두만강의 본류에서 분기한 여러 지류들에 의해 형성된 충적지로서 18세기에는 섬으로 존재하였다. 그러나 상류에서 흘러 내려온 토사가 지류의 물길을 막으면서 19세기 중반에는 이미 러시아의 영토에 연륙되었고 러시아의 영토로 귀속되었다. 조선시대에 작성된 지도에서는 녹둔도의 위치와 크기가 서로 일치하지 않게 묘사되었고 정확하게 그려지지도 않았다. 두만강 하구에서 발생한 하천의 퇴적작용으로 인해 두만강의 유로가 사라지고 생겨나는 과정이 반복되었기 때문에, 녹둔도의 위치와 범위는 시대에 따라 서로 다르게 획정될 수 있을 것이다. 19세기와 20세기에 간행된 기록의 거리정보에 따르면 녹둔도의 범위는 러시아의 연해주 방향으로 광범위하게 펼쳐져 있었다. 따라서 필자는 녹둔도의 북쪽 경계를 소두만강(카라식 강)으로 설정하였다. 소두만강은 두만강에서 분기한 지류로서 동쪽으로 흘러 포시에트 만으로 유입하는 물줄기이다. 녹둔도는 두만강과 소두만강에 의해 각각 한반도 및 연해주와 분리되어 있던 곳이다. 지금은 소두만강이 두만강과 분리되어 있지만, 과거에는 서로 연결되어 있었다. 두만강 하구에는 두만강의 지류들이 크고 작은 여러 하중도를 형성하였는데, 당시에 존재하던 여러 섬들의 집합을 녹둔도로 총칭하여 불렀을 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. This paper tried to delimitate the location and scope of Nokdundo located in the Dumangang estuary. In 18th century, Nokdundo was an alluvial island formed by several tributaries divided from the mainstream of Dumangang. In the mid-19th century, Nokdundo was connected to the Russian territory because some tributaries were blocked by sediment flows. In many maps published in the Joseon Dynasty, the location and size of Nokdundo had not been depicted consistently with each other nor been described correctly. Because of the recurrent extinction-generating phenomena of waterways of the Dumangang due to sedimentation process, the location and scope of Nokdundo can be delimitated differently according to the era. According to the distance information of the records published in the 19th and 20th century, the scope of Nokdundo can be extended widely to the Maritime Province of Siberia. So, the author have set the Sodumangang(Karasik River) as the northern boundary of Nokdundo. The Karasik River is called Sodumangang by the Koreans living in the Maritime Province. As a tributary of the Dumangang, Sodumangang flows into the Posyet Bay. Nokdundo was an island separated from the Korean peninsula and the Maritime Province by the Dumangang and the Sodumangang respectively. Tributaries of the Dumangang have formed many alluvial islands at the mouth of Dumangang where the Dumangang meets with the East Sea. So, the possibility that Nokdundo was consisted of several islands can not be excluded.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대 古地圖 속의 鹿屯島

        김귀한 백산학회 2021 白山學報 Vol.- No.121

        This paper aims to assume the change process of Nokdundo Island by period during the Joseon Dynasty through the early maps. Nokdundo Island was drawn on the early map as an oceanic island, river island, delta, etc. In the late Joseon Dynasty, it was connected to Russia's Primorsky Krai. The territory of Nokdundo shown on the early maps does not match each other. In particular, although the maps were produced at the same time, the characteristics of Nokdundo Island were expressed differently. Accordingly, there are limitations in grasping the appearance of Nokdundo Island through the early maps. This paper would like to explain the transition of Nokdundo Island in the Joseon Dynasty based on the literature of the time and the current geographic information, and the research results so far, excluding some early maps having apparent errors. The estuary of the Dumangang River seen in Dongyeo Bigo (東輿備攷, the 1680s) is consistent with the records of Sinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seungram (新增東國輿地勝覽, late 15th century to early 16th century). It is assumed that Nokdundo Island in the 15th to 17th centuries was a river island adjacent to the East Sea. However, because Nokdundo Island was close to the East Sea, it had the image of an oceanic island, and it is thought that such image was passed down until the late Joseon Dynasty through Dongramdo(東覽圖), an atlas of Sinjeungdongguk Yeoji Seungram. Since the early 18th century, sedimentation had been actively progressed at the estuary of the Duman River. It seems that the sediment has accumulated around the Nokdundo Island as well. The estuary of the Duman River, including Nokdundo Island, has been transformed into a delta. This can be confirmed in Haedong Jido (海東地圖, the early 1750s) produced in the mid-18th century and Bigyeon Sain Bangan Jido (備邊司印方眼地圖, around 1747), etc. Since then, as the sedimentation continued, it is assumed that Nokdundo Island has been connected to the left bank of the Duman River around 1760. Nokdundo Island shown in Yeojidoseo (輿地圖書, around 1760) shows this situation. 이 글은 고지도(古地圖)를 통해 조선시대 녹둔도(鹿屯島)의 시기별 변화 과정을 추정하는 데 목적이 있다. 녹둔도는 고지도에 해도(海島)ㆍ하중도(河中島)ㆍ삼각주(三角洲) 등으로 그려졌다. 조선 후기에는 현재 러시아 연해주에 연륙화(連陸化)되었다. 고지도에 보이는 녹둔도의 영역은 일치하지 않는다. 특히 동시기에 제작된 지도임에도 녹둔도의 성격은 다르게 표현되었다. 이에 따라고지도를 통해 녹둔도의 모습을 파악하는 것은 한계가 있다. 여기에서는 지금까지의 연구 성과를참고하여 오류가 분명한 고지도를 제외하고, 당시 문헌과 현재의 지리적 정보를 종합하여 조선시대 녹둔도의 변천을 설명해 보고자 한다. 동여비고(東輿備攷) (1680년대)에 보이는 두만강 하구는 신증동국여지승람(新增東國輿地 勝覽) (15세기 후반∼16세기 전반)의 기록과 많은 부분이 일치한다. 15∼17세기 녹둔도는 동해에 인접한 하중도였을 것으로 추정된다. 하지만 녹둔도가 동해에 가까웠기 때문에 일찍부터 해도라는 이미지가 생겼고, 그러한 이미지가 신증동국여지승람 의 부도(附圖)인 「동람도(東覽圖)」 를 통해 조선 후기까지 전승되었다고 생각된다. 18세기 초반 이후 두만강 하구는 퇴적 작용이 활발히 진행되었다. 녹둔도 또한 섬 주변으로퇴적물이 쌓였던 것으로 보인다. 녹둔도를 포함한 두만강 하구는 삼각주로 변모하였다. 이는 18 세기 중반에 제작된 해동지도(海東地圖) (1750년대 초반)와 비변사인방안지도(備邊司印方眼 地圖) (1747년경) 등에서 확인할 수 있다. 이후 퇴적이 지속적으로 진행되면서 녹둔도는 1760년경 두만강의 좌안(左岸)에 연륙되었을 것으로 추정된다. 여지도서(輿地圖書) (1760년경)에 보이는 녹둔도는 바로 이러한 상황을 알려준다. 요컨대, 조선시대 고지도를 통해 볼 때 녹둔도는 17세기까지는 두만강 하구의 하중도였다. 18 세기 초반경 녹둔도를 비롯한 두만강 하구는 퇴적물로 인해 삼각주가 형성되었다. 이후 늦어도1760년경에는 두만강의 좌안인 연해주에 연륙되었을 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 연해주 두만강 하구의 한인마을 크라스노예 셀로(鹿屯島)의 형성과 변화

        반병률 한국근현대사학회 2010 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.54 No.-

        The ‘Krasnoe Selo(Красное Село)’ represented administratively more than eleven Koreans villages. Russian authorities named it in the late 19th century and it means ‘beautiful village’ or ‘red village’ in Russian. Korean name, ‘Noktundo(鹿屯島)’ is presumably related to an older Jurchen name for the island, ‘Sachami(沙次亇)’ or ‘Sachimma(沙沈麻).’ The ‘nok(鹿)’ whose meaning is ‘a deer’ remains both in the Korean and Jurchen names for the island. This region was originally an delta island(河中島) at the mouth of the Tuman River(豆滿江), but it came to lose its feature as an island when the left side stream of the Tuman River gradually disappeared. When the Beijing Treaty(北京條約) was concluded between Russia and China in 1860, the region became the territory of Russia. Accordingly, Koreans who migrated to Russia knew that the region was no longer an island and came to call the village, ‘Noktun(鹿屯)’ or ‘Nokpyeong(鹿坪)’ dropping the ‘do(island)’ from the original name of Noktundo(Noktun Island). Korean farmers from the Six Garrisons(六鎭), a border region of North Korea, colonized the region and built more than eleven villages which existed until Stalin’s forced deportation of Koreans to Central Asia. The purpose of this work is to trace the history of the Korean villages which administratively belonged to Krasnoe selo with the focus on their names and geographical location. While Korean scholars generally stress the implication of potential territorial issues between Russia and Korea, this paper is a part of a larger regional study or history of Korean migration to Russia. Although individual Korean villages belonging to the Krasnoe Selo were not founded at the same time, more than one village were at the latest formed in 1875 and their formation was officially recognized by the Russian authorities in 1880. By the early 1890s, the number of villages had increased to eleven. Some Korean scholars contend that Koreans moved to ‘Noktundo’ before 1860 and had lived there thereafter pointing to the geographical proximity of ‘Noktundo’ from the border area of North Korea. However, there is no evidence supporting that hypothesis. They failed to give consideration to the relatively unfavorable natural environment of the region such as strong wind from the sea, frequent floods, and sand in a large portion of arable land. In addition, the Korean government kept a harsh policy of executing people who illegally crossed the Tuman River(越江罪). More importantly, it was indispensable to protect settled farmers from the seasonal plundering of Manchu bandits(Honghuz, 紅鬍賊). The encouraging and supporting policy of the Russian authorities eventually made it possible for Korean farmers to settle in the region in late 1870s. By relying on old documents and maps, it is possible to identify the names and geographical locations of Koreans villages which belonged to the Krasnoe Selo. By identifying the names and geographical names of the Korean villages, it is possible to restore history and culture of Korean residents who by 1937 had built and developed these now abandoned villages. The names of the villages contain incalculable information about history, culture and languages of resident. In this sense, this work can be a academic foundation for regional studies and history of Koreans in the Russian Maritime Province(Primorye). All the names of the Korean villages in the Krasnoe Selo are originally Korean. It is a result of the fact that all residents of the villages were Koreans except for the Russian soldiers guarding the borderline. Only the administrative name for the region, Krasnoe Selo, was Russian. These villages are also unique in that Korean villages in other regions often had names of varied origins such as Tungus-Manchuria, China, Russia and Korea. The majority of villages were named after rivers or lakes which were located nearby. S...

      • KCI등재

        조선중기 鹿屯島 확보와 北兵使 李鎰에 관한 일고찰

        李源明(Lee, Won-Myung) 백산학회 2009 白山學報 Vol.- No.83

        This article studies A study of security of Nockdundoe(鹿屯島; down area of the Duman-River) and Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander(咸慶北道兵馬節度使) in the middle age of Chosun Dynasty. Take care of this study, First of all, writer took a system of military affairs and reform of military administration of the middle of Chosun-Dynasty. Accordingly this, we are capable of Limites of the Jin-guan System(鎭管體制; defence of 鎭管) and effective Campaign of defence(制勝方略) in the Jurchen area. And in the 16 century, Accordingly military service and reform bills of military adminstration of lee-li(李珥) and You-sung roung(柳成龍) we have confirmed inconsistency and limitation of defence system of Chosun Dynasty. Second of all, writer took Jurchen campaign of North commander of military Lee il(李鎰) and Nocdundoe(down area of the Duman-River). Third of all, took Life of Lee-il(李鎰) General of military and his activities the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Specially this 2, 3 chapter, writer took campaigns and activities Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander of military and Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Accordingly this studies, writer requested truly-valuation of Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592, and careful judge a person by true materials.

      • KCI등재

        녹둔도의 노령화 과정과 그 현재적 음미

        노영돈(Loh, Yeong-Don) 백산학회 2005 白山學報 Vol.- No.73

        Nok-doon Do(Islet) which was located at the mouth of the Tumen River and indigenous territory to Korea from time immemorial. Nok-doon Do was connected by the alluvium to the northern side of the Tumen River, the Maritime Province at around the middle of 19th century but before 1860 when the Treaty of Peking was concluded between China and Russia. According to the Treaty of Peking, the two states would set up 20 boundary markers from the Ussuri River to the Tumen River and Russia could occupy upto 20 Li(里) from the mouth of the Tumen River as a territory. And its additional treaty, the Additional Article to the Treaty of Peking of 1861 reduced the boundary markers to 8 and Russia set up the last boundary marker of the “T(土)” at the spot of 46 Lis’ distance from the mouth of the Tumen River in August, 1861. In the process of setting up the boundary marker of “T” by Russia, Nok-doon Do was comprised in the territory of Russia. It was a part of the Russia’s expansionism. Korea made protests against Russia’s illegal measure from 1885. But since Korea forcibly became a protectorate of Japan in 1905, the protest to Russia could not be continued. Until now the situation that Russia illegally occupied Korea’s Nok-doon Do maintains. So including Nok-doon Do issue, Korea’s northern territory problems caused in the era of imperialism but since they were not dealt with legally proper measures, the present border lines between Korea and Russia and China do not have the finality. But this insistence does not mean to break the peaceful relationship between the authorities concerned. The point is that the historical fact that Nok-doon Do illegally belonged to Russia should be considered by Korea’s diplomatic policy towards Russia.

      • KCI등재

        이순신의 북방 지역 활동에 대한 사료적 고찰

        김경태(Kim, Kyong-tae) 호서사학회 2019 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.90

        이순신은 임진왜란 이전에도 무장으로서 활발한 활동을 보이고 있었다. 그의 주된 활동 무대는 동북방 지역이었다. 그러나 사료의 한계와 더불어, 그의 활동 지역이 현재 자유로운 조사가 불가능한 지역이라는 특징 때문에 다양한 분석이 이루어지지 못했다. 본 글에서는 특히 녹둔도 전투를 둘러싼 이순신의 활동에 주목했다. 이를 위해 이순신의「행장」류와『선조실록』,『선조수정실록』과 같은 관찬 사료, 그리고『징비록』,『재조번방지』,『제승방략』을 비롯한 사찬 사료와 이일의「행장」등, 이 전투를 다루고 있는 사료들을 비교하여 기초적 분석을 시도했고, 사료 간 영향 관계 및 전수 관계를 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 이순신의 북방 활동에 대한 기록은 해당 전투 직후부터 임진왜란이라는 이순신이 활약한 전쟁을 거쳐, 19세기에 이르기까지 상당한 변화가 있었음을 확인하였다. 주요한 요소는 녹둔도 전투의 주역, 아군의 피해 규모, 이순신의 활약 지점, 이일과의 갈등, 백의종군의 전말, 우을기내 생포의 주체 등이었다. 이 요소들은 작성시대에 따라, 그리고 집필 주체에 따라 기술 양상이 달라지고 있었다. 또한 특정 요소는 작성 목적에 따라 앞선 사료로부터 선택적으로 전수되는 양상을 보였다. 각 사료 간에 상반되는 서술을 남겨둔 채, 이를 사료의 성립 시기나 특정 인물을 기준으로 삼아 무리하게 정렬할 수는 없다. 따라서 역사적 사실이 어디에 위치하는지 쉽게 단정할 수는 없다. 그러나 의도적인 변용과 추가 양상은 구분할 수 있었다. 나아가 녹둔도 전투 지점에 건립된「승전대비」의 정보를 반영하여 지리적인 환경도 함께 조사할 수 있다면, 지금까지의 성과를 기반으로 새로운 연구가 가능할 것으로 기대된다. Even before the Imjin War(임진전쟁), Yi Sun-shin(이순신) was active as a military officer. At that time, his main stage of activity was in the Northeast. But there is a lack of historical data on his activities. And the area is currently difficult to conduct free academic research. In this article, particularly noted Yi Sun-shin’s activities during the Battle of Nokdun-do(녹둔도 전투). For the purpose of this study, the first analysis was made by comparing the Chungmugong Yi Collection(이충무공전서) and Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. And analyzed the records related to Yi Il(이일) with various historical materials. Through research, it was confirmed that Yi Sun-shin’s record of his Northern activities changed considerably from immediately after the Battle of Nokdun-do to the 19th century. The main factors were the main role in the Battle of Nokdun-do, the scale of the damage to our army, the location of Yi Sun-shin’s performance, the conflict with Yi Il, Punishment and amnesty, and who captured the enemy. These factors were changing the narrative patterns, depending on the writing age and the writing subject. In addition, certain factors were optionally passed from prior writings, depending on the purpose of the writing. We can’t arrange conflicting descriptions based on the period of creation of a book or a specific person. Therefore, it is difficult to determine where historical facts are located. However, it is possible to distinguish between intentional variations and additional aspects. If we can also investigate the geographical environment that reflects the “Sungjondae Monument” information built at the battle site of Nokdun-do, a new study is expected to be possible based on the achievements made so far.

      • KCI등재

        선조대(1587년) 녹둔도(鹿屯島) 전투에 대한 고찰

        김진수 육군군사연구소 2015 군사연구 Vol.- No.140

        이 글은 1587년 여진족이 녹둔도를 침략할 당시의 배경과 원인을 살펴보고, 전투의 전개 과정과 조선의 대응 양상에 대해 고찰해 보고자 마련하였다.녹둔도는 두만강 이북 여진족들의 침입을 예측할 수 있는 군사 전초기지이자,屯田 을 통해 상당한 군량을 확보할 수 있는 병참기지로서 조선전기부터 매우 중요한 군사적 요충지였다. 이 전투의 배경과 원인을 살펴보면,조선이 명종대 이응거도의 분쟁으로 인해경작이 중단된 녹둔도를 선조대에 들어와서 둔전을 재개하는 과정에서 이 지역에 있었던 여진 번호를 축출하였다.이에 이들은 조선에 대한 불만을 가지게 되었으며,인근의 여진들과 연합하여 녹둔도에 대한 대대적인 침략을 감행하였다. 조산보 만호 이순신을 비롯한 조선군은 전투 초반에 여진의 대대적인 공격을허용하였다. 하지만 조선군은 전투 이전에 진영 주변에 참호와 목책 등의 장애물을 사전에 구축하였으며,추가적으로 이순신이 이를 활용한 적절한 궁시 사격 위치를선정하였기에 적의 공격을 효과적으로 막아냈다.또한 진영 밖에 있었던 조선군의 군사 행동으로 인해 군사력을 집중시키지 못한 여진의 번호들은 기병 등의수적 우세를 나타내지 못하였고,오히려 공격을 주도한 추도의 마니응개가 사살됨으로써 퇴각할 수 밖에 없었다. 전투 결과 조선군은 비록 군사력의 열세로 상당한 수의 백성들이 여진의 포로로 잡혀가는 것을 막을 수 없었지만,수적으로 우세한 여진의 공격을 격퇴함으로써 녹둔도를 지켜 낼 수 있었다.이후 북병사 이일이 지휘하는 조선군은 2 차례의 정토로 여진에 대한 대대적인 응징을 단행하여 상당한 전과를 거두었다. 주제어:함경도,녹둔도,6진,둔전,이순신,선조,여진 번호 This study was conducted to look into the backgrounds and causes of the 1587 Jurchen’s Invasion of Noktun-do Island and discuss the aspects of the development of the battle and Choson’s response. Noktun-do had been a very important strategic point as an advance military base in which the Jurchen’s invasion of north of the Tumen River and a logistics base in which significant provisions could be secured through garrison farms since the early period of the Choson Dynasty. To look into the backgrounds and causes of this battle, the Jurchen occupied Noktun-do in which cultivation was suspended because of a dispute over Yieunggeo-do Island during the King Myeongjong period, and entering the King Seonjo period, Choson expelled the Boundary Jurchen that had occupied this region in the process of reactivating the garrison farms in Noktun-do. Later, they executed invasions of Noktun-do on a broad scale allied with the neighboring Jurchen with complaints and hostility against Choson. Choson Army, led by generals, including Josan-bo Manho Yi Sun-sin fell victim to the Jurchen’s broad-scale surprise attacks in early battles. However, the Choson Army had established trenches and wooden fences around its camp in prior to the battle, and additionally, Yi Sun-sin selected the proper positions for archers, so it would be the most efficient to defend against enemy attacks. On the otherhand, the Boundary Jurchen did not show superiority of cavalry in number, and could not but retreat as Maníyīngjiè o fChu-do Island, who led the attack was killed. As the result of the battle, even though the Choson Army could not prevent a significant number ofpeople captured by the Jurchen as prisoners due to its inferiority in military capability, but could defend Noktun-do by defeating the attacks of Jurchens that were superior in number. Later, the Choson Army led by Lee Il, the military commander in charge of the North Hamgyeong achieved significant victory,carrying out broad-scale chastisement on the Jurchen by making an attack for the preservation of order, two times. Keywords:Hamgyeongprovince,Noktun-do,Sixtowns,Garrisonfarms,Yi Sun-sin,KingSeonjo,Boundary Jurche

      • KCI등재

        이순신 북방유적 남·북·러 공동조사의 의의와 전망

        백종오(Baek Jongoh) 백산학회 2020 白山學報 Vol.0 No.116

        이순신의 북방유적은 함경도의 동구비보와 건원보 그리고 조산보와 녹둔도 등이 있다. 이중경흥부에 속한 조산보와 녹둔도는 두만강 하구에 위치하였으며 조선시대에 왜구와 여진족을방비하던 군사적 요충지였다. 녹둔도의 경우 지금은 러시아 연해주와 연육화되었지만, 일제강점기까지도 조선인들이 거주하고 활동하였던 지역이다. 녹둔도와 관련하여 가장 유명한 인물은 이순신이다. 임진왜란 이전에 이순신이 역임했던 관직이 바로 동구비보와 건원보의 권관, 조산보의 만호와 녹둔도의 둔전사의였다. 그러나 이순신의 북방지역 활동은 임진왜란 때의 업적에 비하여 그다지 알려지지 않은 편이다. 이는 임진왜란관련 사료에 비해 북방활동의 자료가 영세하기도 하고, 북방활동 당시 이순신의 활약이 비교적소략하게 드러났기 때문이다. 그간 녹둔도는 역사 지리적 측면에서 많은 연구들이 이루어졌으나, 그 고고학적 조사는 북한과 러시아의 국경지대라는 특수성으로 인해 전무할 수 밖에 없었다. 앞으로 북한의 함경북도나선시와 경원군에 소재한 조산보와 건원보 등 이순신의 북방유적까지 그 대상을 넓힌다면, 그동안 한반도 남부에 머물렀던 이순신의 활약상이 한반도 및 동북아에도 선양될 수 있는 계기가되리라 생각한다. 이렇듯 남한과 북한의 민족적 영웅으로 추앙받는 이순신의 북방유적을 조사 대상으로 하기때문에, 남북 간의 협력과 소통은 보다 원활해질 것으로 보여진다. 그리고 국제적인 공조 하에서러시아를 매개로 시도되는 남한과 북한, 러시아의 첫 공동조사인 만큼, 남북 교류와 학술 연구의새로운 모델이 제시 되었다는 점은 무엇보다도 큰 의미를 부여할 수 있다. 향후 이순신의 북방활동에 대한 대중적인 관심과 더불어 동북아 평화공동체의 형성에 일정 부분 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Relics of Yi Soon-shin in the Northern areas are located in Donggu Bibo, Geonwonbo, Josanbo, and Nokdundo in Hamgyeong-do. Among them, Josanbo and Nokdundo in Gyeongheungbu were located in the estuary of the Duman River and they were the military key stations to defense Japanese pirates and Yeojin tribe from Joseon Dynasty. Although they are connected with Maritime Province in Russia on the land now, they were the place where Joseon people had resided even until the Japanese colonial period. The most important figure related to Nokdundo was Yi Soon-shin. Before the outbreak of the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, the title of his government service was Josanbo Manho and Nokdundo Dunjeon Saeui. However, the activities of Yi Soon-shin in the Northern areas were relatively not known compared to his heroic achievements in the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. It is because the records related to his activities in Northern areas were small compared to the materials related to the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and also the heroic appearance of Yi Soon-shin at that time was relatively less revealed. A lot of studies regarding Nokdundo have been done in terms of historic and geographical perspectives so far, through which it provides an opportunity to think of the historic meaning of Nokdundo in Korean history. On the other hand, an archeological study on Nokdundo has a significance in the aspect that it is the first joint study done by South Korea, North Korea, and Russia together. In addition, if the relics of Yi Soon-shin located in Josanbo, Naseon City in North Korea were investigated together, the activities of Yi Soon-shin which were veiled by his outstanding naval activities in the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 could be informed widely to the public. As the subject of the joint study is the historic relics of Yi Soon-shin who are admired in both South Korea and North Korea as a hero of the people for his achievements in the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, it is expected that the understanding and communication between South Korea and North Korea will be done in a more active and smooth way. It also can be an opportunity to build an amicable and reliable relationship among three nations of South Korea, North Korea, and Russia as it is the first joint excavation study by the three nations. We also expect that this study can contribute a certain part to providing a footstone of the peace community for the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia through the study.

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