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      • KCI등재

        고려본 『大顚和尙注心經』과 저자 문제

        김방울 한국서지학회 2019 서지학연구 Vol.77 No.-

        This paper aims at revealing the origin of Joseon Edition Dadian he shang zhu xin jing (大顚和尙注心經). For this purpose, I found out Goryeo Edition Dadian he shang zhu xin jing housed in Library of Congress. Comparing with each other, I lightened the difference between two editions and explained the characteristics of Goryeo Edition. Throughout this process, I could become to know a few facts newly. First, Library of Congress introduces this book a Chinese Edition. But this book is Goryeo Edition published in 1360. Second, the original edition of this book was Chinese Yuan(元) Edition. This edition was imported by Goryeo and republished in 1360. Third, who is the author of this book, Dadian heshang (大顚和尙) We cannot determine yet. I summarized three opinions that is a counterfeit, Dadianbotong (大顚寶通) of Tang (唐) and Dadiantong (大顚通) of South Song (南宋). 본 논문은 조선본 『대전화상주심경』의 원류을 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 미국의회도서관에 소장되어 있는 고려본 『대전화상주심경』을 찾아내었다. 첫째, 미국의회도서관 목록에 중국본으로 소개되어 있었던 이 자료는 그 특징을 통해 이 판본이 1360년 고려에서 간행된 고려본임을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 이 고려본이 원본의 복각본인가에 대해서는 원에서 제작된 판본이 고려에 들어와 있다가 1360년에 간행된 것으로 보았다. 셋째, 이 책의 저자인 대전화상 요통이 누구인가 대해서는 아직까지 명확하게 단정 지을 수는 없지만 위작이라는 설, 당나라 대전보통이라는 설, 남송 대전통이라는 설의 세 가지 견해로 정리해 보았다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        《論語集解》 高麗本은 日本의 正平本인가?

        李康齋 한국중국어문학회 2000 中國文學 Vol.34 No.-


      • KCI등재

        새로 발견된 「詳校正本慈悲道場懺法」에 관한 서지적 연구

        김성수 한국서지학회 2018 서지학연구 Vol.73 No.-

        This research is a bibliographical investigation of Volumes 1 and 2 of the newly discovered Sanggyojeongbon Jabidoryang Chambeop(詳校正本慈悲道場懺法). Major findings are as follows: 1) From the preface and content of Jabi Chambeop Seogmun(慈悲懺法釋文), it was found that its draft was Sanggyo Jabi Chambeop(詳校慈悲懺法) re-corrected by Gwanggyun(廣鈞), a Buddist monk in the Song(宋) Dynasty, and published during the period of Gyeongdok(景德年間: 1004-1007). 2) Based on the avoidance of using names of Kings Taejo(太祖: Wang Geon(王建)), Jeongjong (定宗), Mokjong(穆宗), and Seongjong(宣宗) in the Goryeo(高麗) Dynasty, this book is assumed to be published in the Goryeo Dynasty. 3) When compared with other volumes of Sanggyo Jabi Chambeop which were designated as the existing national treasure, etc., this book is confirmed as the unique edition which had never been included in any existing editions. 4) An analysis of physical characteristics of this book evidences that it was published in the early 14th century, based on the quality of book papers (thickness: 0.06㎜, number of frame base sticks: 17 sticks, width of frame base sticks: 2.5㎝, etc), the avoidance of using the names of four kings, and the condition of printing. Therefore, it is confirmed that Volumes 1 & 2 of the newly discovered Sanggyo Jabi Chambeop represent the unique edition published in the 14th century of the Goryeo Period and a genuine cultural heritage which should be later designated and valued as a national as well as regional treasure. 이 논문은 ‘새로 발견된 「상교자비참법」 卷第1⋅2’에 관하여 書誌的으로 연구한 것이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 이 책의 序文과 <慈悲懺法釋文>의 내용을 통하여, 그 底本은 宋나라 사문 廣鈞이 再詳校하여 景德年間(1004-1007)에 간행한 「상교자비참법」임을 규명하였다. 2) 이 책에는 고려 太祖(王建)⋅定宗⋅穆宗⋅宣宗의 避諱字가 있기 때문에 고려시대의 간행본이라고 1차 추정하였다. 3) 이 책과 기존의 국가문화재 등으로 지정되어 있는 「상교자비참법」들과 비교한 결과, 이 책은 기존의 판본에도 없는 唯一本임을 확인하였다. 4) 이 책의 形態書誌 사항들을 조사한 결과, 이 책의 紙質(종이두께: 0.06㎜, 발촉수: 17촉, 발끈폭: 2.5㎝ 등)과 고려 4國王의 피휘자 및 인쇄상태 등을 종합적으로 판단한 결과, 이 책은 14世紀初(前期)에 간행되었을 것임을 立證하였다. 그리하여 ‘새로 발견된 「상교자비참법」 卷第1⋅2’는, 지방문화재의 지정뿐만 아니라 향후 국가문화재로 昇格되어야 할, 고려시대 14世紀初(前期)에 간행된 唯一本(稀貴本)인 眞本 文化遺産임을 糾明하였다.

      • KCI등재

        高麗本 佛說大報父母恩重經의 校勘에 관한 硏究

        박문열,김동환 한국서지학회 2007 서지학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        This study evaluates the historical value of the Goryeo edition of Bulseol-Daebo- Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong which has been possessed at Kwangje Temple, as a cultural asset book. Also a textual study for the original version of Bulseol- Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong was conducted.Results of this study are as follows: (1) As the editions of Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong produced in the Goryeo Period, there are Bulseol-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong published in 1300(the 26th year of King Chungnyeol's reign) and held at Kirim Temple, Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung- Gyeong published in 1378(the 4th year of King Woo's reign) and held at Kirim Temple and Lium Museum, and Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong held at Kwangje Temple, (2) Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong of wood-block printed book at Kwangje Temple, even with a couple of missing volumes, is assumed to have been published at or before 1378 AD, because its style of printing, engravings and illustrations are very similar to Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kirim Temple. (3) When the text of Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong of the Goryeo Dynasty was compared with Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kwangje Temple, there are more than 300 differences in the words and phrases.(4) It is judged that Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kwangje Temple is as valuable as an important cultural asset at the level of treasures. 본 연구는 청원군의 廣濟寺 소장의 高麗本 佛說大報父母恩重經의 內容과 版本을 중심으로 原文을 校勘하고 典籍文化財로서의 價値를 고구한 것이다.(1) 父母恩重經의 高麗時代 版本으로는 고려 忠烈王 26년(1300)에 간행된 佛說父母恩重經(祇林寺所藏)을 비롯하여 고려 禑王 4년(1378)에 간행된 2가지 佛說大報父母恩重經(祇林寺所藏리움美術館所藏)과 廣濟寺 所藏의 佛說大報父母恩重經 등이 있다. (2) 廣濟寺 所藏의 佛說大報父母恩重經 木版本은 비록 缺落本이는 하나, 그 판식이나 變相圖는 물론 원문의 교감 등을 통해서 볼 때, 祇林寺 所藏의 佛說大報父母恩重經 木版本과 같은 시기인 1378년(우왕 4, 戊午) 혹은 그 이전에 간행된 목판본인 듯하다.(3) 廣濟寺 所藏의 佛說大報父母恩重經을 底本으로 高麗本 佛說大報父母恩重經을 校勘한 결과 무려 300여 곳에서 字句나 語節의 차이가 있었다.(4) 廣濟寺 所藏의 佛說大報父母恩重經도 寶物級에 해당하는 典籍文化財로 평가된다.

      • KCI등재

        《논어집해(論語集解)》 고려본(高麗本)은 일본(日本)의 정평본(正平本)인가?

        이강재 한국중국어문학회 2000 中國文學 Vol.34 No.-

        《論語集解》高麗板本是日本正平板本在中國的訛傳, 這是大部分中日學者的主張. 筆者對這一點提出疑問幷進行考察, 將陳?《論語古訓》裏引用的高麗本論語經文和邢昺本、皇侃本以及日本正平本的論語經文進行了比較分析, 陳?引用的高麗本與日本正平本訛傳的高麗本幷不相同. 筆者在證明這一點的過程中, 首先將陳?沒引用高麗本時的論語經文和引用高麗本時的論語經文分別與其他板本的論語經文進行了比較, 發現兩種情況大有不同. 然後又對陳?引用的高麗本與現傳正平本論語經文的詞句進行了分析比較. 筆者認爲陳?引用的高麗本幷不是正平本筆寫過程中的訛傳, 而是?正平本完全不一樣的?一板本.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        새 자료, 고려본 『자비도량참법』의 석독 구결 분석 및 음독 구결과의 상관성 비교 연구

        남경란(Nam, Kyeong-Nan) 한국어문학회 2018 語文學 Vol.0 No.140

        This study was conducted to analyze Seokdok Gugyeol in Goryeo ChojuDaejangkyung, ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ discovered at Kirimsa Temple in December 2015. The purpose was to compare and analyze the correlation between Seokdok Gugyeol shown in this new material and Eumdok Gugyeol, which is a previous edition Goryeo period copy. The main study object, ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from the Kirimsa Temple remains only in chapters 17 to 20 of Volume 4 and it is the crucial information academics are studying due to the discovery of one more Seokdok Gugyeol material dated to the middle of the 13th century. Although the number of Gugyeol letter types in the text is only about 50, it has been paid a great deal of attention in academia because it uses letter types that are quite different from the existing Seokdok materials. In addition, this is very precious data in Korean history because it contains Eumdok Gugyeol data that can not be found in any other existing material. Furthermore, Seokdok Gugyeol and Eumdok Gugyeol can be analyzed at the same time, providing the potential for new discoveries. However, in ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from Kirimsa Temple, Gugyeol letter types have been erased or destroyed in some main parts of original copy, and it is difficult to clearly judge the original image of the Gugyeol letter types based solely on the released images. In order to more accurately understand the presented information, the researcher used Adobe Photoshop to precisely identify missing or damaged Seokdok Gugyeol letter types. The significance of this study lies in the correlation found between Seokdok Gugyeol and Eumdok Gugyeol in the Goryeo period, via and informaton processing method and comparative analysis of Seokdok Gugyeol of ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from Kirimsa and Eumdok Gugyeol of ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from a private collection.

      • KCI등재

        미공개 고려본 『楞嚴經 卷第八·九』의 음독 구결 비교 연구

        남경란 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.44

        This study examines the Eumdok Gugyeol, the phonetical Gugyeol reading, in 『Neungeomgyeong Vol 8·9』Eumdok Gugyeol Data, which have not yet been disclosed among the Buddist scriptures published during the Goryeo dynasty. This data consists of two volumes and one book, with only 8 and 9 volumes remaining. The study looks at the chracteristics of Eumdok Gugyeol in the edition of ‘Girimsa Temple’ published in the Goryeo Dynasty through a comparative analysis with the edition of ‘Nam Kwon-hee(A)’. A brief summary of what has been discussed above is as follows. First, considering the form and bibliographic aspects of this book, it is estimated that the pubication date is from the 12th to 13th century. Second, there are 55 total types of Gugyeol recorded in this data. Among these, there are a total of 53 Gugyeol types written in Volume 8, and a total of 38 Gugyeol types written in Volume 9. Third, there are 275 combined types of Gugyeol recorded in this data. Among them, there are 212 types of combination in Volume 8 and 161 types in Volume 9. Fourth, by comparing and analyzing『Neungeomgyung』, the different edition of Eumdok Gugyeol and『Neungeomgyung Eonhae』, the Korean translation of Eumdok Gugyeol from the end of the Goryeo dynasty to the early Joseon dynasty, the usage was examined focused on the types of combination such as ‘--’, ‘--’, ‘()[딧ᄒᆞ-]’, ‘-[-ㅅ다]’, ‘[ᄒᆞ사]’, ‘[셔]’, ‘[ᄒᆞ여드샤가]’ and so on, which are considered to be a characteristic of ‘the edition of Girimsa Temple’.

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