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      • KCI등재

        《諺解 胎産集要(언해 태산집요)》에 나타난 17세기 국어 부정법 고찰

        이태욱(Tae Wook Lee) 언어과학회 2003 언어과학연구 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to examine the types and characteristics of negations shown in ≪Eonhae Taesangjibyo≫, a text of the early of the 17th century, in order to formulate the types of negations of the 17th century and modern Korean language. In ≪Eonhae Taesanjibyo≫, the short forms of `ani` negations are shown as `ani stem`, `Chinese characters etymon ani hΛ(??)/ani`, `stem+ge ani hΛ`, `stem+eo ani h(ㅎ)`, and `adverb ani`. The form of `ani stem` is used with adjectives as well as intransitive verbs and transitive verbs. The long forms of `ani` negations are shown as `stem+di anihΛ/anih/ani`, `Chinese characters etymon+ti arhΛ/ani`. According to the suffix next to `anihΛ` in the `ani` negations, the alternation into `h` and apocope of `hΛ` are shown more than the keeping of `hΛ`. The representative form of `ani`negations is `stem+di anilΛ`. The short forms of `mod` negations are shown as `mod stem`, `Chinese characters etymon mod hΛ`, `pure Korean etymon mod hΛ`, and `noun+auxiliary mod hΛ`. The form of `mod stem` is used with intransitive verb and transitive verb but not adjective. The long forms of `mod` negations are shown as `stem+di modhΛ` and `Chinese characters etymon+ti modhΛ`. The representative form of `mod` negations is `stem+di modhΛ`. The `mod` negations are shown in only `modhΛ` keeping `hΛ` no matter which suffixes appear next to `modhΛ`. This is the most different point between `ani` negations and `mod` negations and it does not appear in the literary works of the 15th and 16th centuries.

      • KCI등재

        On negative polarity items and free choice items in English with special reference to inherently negative predicate constructions

        송홍기 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2014 언어연구 Vol.31 No.1

        This paper explores the uses of any that has a free choice interpretation in generic contexts and an existential interpretation in polarity contexts, with special focus on the uses of any in inherently negative predicate constructions. Following the approaches by Giannakidou (2001:673) and Montague (1969), I argue that inherently negative predicates are verbs with negation inherent in them, and that they are nonveridical operators. Considering any as a unitary lexical item, I have put forth the Licensing Conditions on Any, modifying Giannakidou’s Condition and incorporating Chung’s (2010) Free Choice Condition. I have shown that the uses of any in inherently negative predicate construction as well as the other uses of any in this paper can be adequately handled via the Licensing Conditions proposed. I have shown that the c-command requirement of the Licensing Conditions follows from the structural relationship between a nonveridical operator and any, and that the Condition on free choice of the Licensing Conditions is derived from the lexical semantics of any.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On negative polarity items and free choice items in English with special reference to inherently negative predicate constructions

        ( Hong Ki Sohng ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2014 언어연구 Vol.31 No.1

        This paper explores the uses of any that has a free choice interpretation in generic contexts and an existential interpretation in polarity contexts, with special focus on the uses of any in inherently negative predicate constructions. Following the approaches by Giannakidou (2001:673) and Montague (1969), I argue that inherently negative predicates are verbs with negation inherent in them, and that they are nonveridical operators. Considering any as a unitary lexical item, I have put forth the Licensing Conditions on Any, modifying Giannakidou’s Condition and incorporating Chung’s (2010) Free Choice Condition. I have shown that the uses of any in inherently negative predicate construction as well as the other uses of any in this paper can be adequately handled via the Licensing Conditions proposed. I have shown that the c-command requirement of the Licensing Conditions follows from the structural relationship between a nonveridical operator and any, and that the Condition on free choice of the Licensing Conditions is derived from the lexical semantics of any.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 전기 구어 자료에서의 "안" 부정법

        정연주 ( Yeon Ju Jeong ),정경재 ( Kyeong Jae Chung ),홍종선 ( Jong Seon Hong ) 민족어문학회 2015 어문논집 Vol.- No.75

        이 논문은 20세기 전기의 구어 자료를 대상으로 하여 당시의 ‘안’ 계열 부정문이 보이는 형태적·분포적·기능적 특성을 살핀 것이다. 형태적 특성으로는 구형인 ‘아니’형이 동시기의 문어 자료에 비해 뚜렷하게 적은 비율로 실현되고 있다는 것, 또 ‘아니’형이 단형 부정보다 장형 부정에서 덜 쓰이고 있으며 장형 부정문에서 ‘아니’형이 쓰인 예 중 의문 어미가 이어지는 경우는 보이지 않는다는 것, 또장형 부정의 ‘아니’는 동사보다 형용사에서 덜 쓰이고 있다는 것을 지적하였다. 분포적 특성으로는 동사에 비해 형용사에서 단형 부정이 극도로 잘 쓰이지 않는다는 것, 또 부정부사의 어근 분리 현상이 동시기 문어 자료에 비해 아주 드물게 보인다는 것을 지적하였다. 기능적 측면에서는 부정적 전제 확인 기능이 장형 부정 형식으로 실현된 비율이 오늘날보다 높게 나타나고 있다는 것을 지적하였다. This thesis analyze the morphological, distributional and functional characteristics of the ``an`` type negative sentences in the first part of the twentieth century, based on the spoken language data. The data shows that morphologically, the old form ``ani`` was noticeably less frequently realized, compared its usage in the written language data of the era. Moreover, ``ani`` is less frequently used in the long-form negation than in the short-form negation. When ``ani`` is used in sentences with the long-form negation, it is not followed by interrogative endings and ``ani`` in sentences with the long-form negation are less frequently used in adjectival verbs than in action verbs. In terms of distribution, this study concludes that short-form negations are rarely used in adjectival verbs in comparison to action verbs and that root-separation of the negative adverb is seldom found in spoken language, when compared to written data. This study further shows that the confirmative function of the negative presupposition is realized more frequently through the long-form negation.

      • KCI우수등재

        On Some Distributional Differences between Shortened NEG and Unshortened NEG in Korean

        Hyon Sook Choe(최현숙) 한국언어학회 2017 언어 Vol.42 No.4

        In the Korean literature, it has been noted or assumed that so-called short-form(SF) and long-form(LF) negations cannot appear in imperatives and exhortatives. In this paper, I discuss the distributional properties of the four varieties of NEG in Korean (i.e., (i) ani-ha-, (ii) an-h-, (iii) ani, and (iv) an) by examining negative imperatives/exhortatives which employ more than one morphological variety of the imperative/exhortative markers. Based on empirical data, I suggest the following: Frist, all the four varieties can appear in imperatives/exhortatives in principle, contrary to what Han and Lee (2007) would suggest. Second, while the two unshortened varieties (= (i,iii)) may not be prohibited in imperatives/exhortatives, making sentences sound old-fashioned, the distribution of the two shortened varieties (= (ii,iv)) may be restricted because of some co-occurrence restrictions they should respect. Third, the distributional difference between (i,iii) and (ii,iv) can be attributed to the diachronic change from (i,iii) to (ii,iv), which partly triggers a tendency for negative imperatives/exhortatives to be replaced by mal-imperatives/exhortatives.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 부정소의 의미 분화에 대한 연구

        박형우 ( Hyeong Woo Park ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2010 청람어문교육 Vol.42 No.-

        본고는 한국어 부정소의 의미 분화와 관련한 것이다. 그 중에서 한국어 부정소의 ``아니``와 ``몯(>못)``에 대하여 그 의미 분화의 시점은 언제인가에 대해 논의했다. 선행 연구에서 다루어 온 시기의 문제를 비판적으로 검토하는 과정을 통해 다음과 같은 몇 가지 결론을 얻게 되었다. 1. 근대국어 시기 이전까지 부정소 ``아니``와 ``몯``의 명확한 의미 분화가 이루어지지 않았다는 주장에 대해서는 관련 예문을 정밀하게 검토한 결과 그 주장을 신뢰하기 어렵다는 결론을 얻었다. 2. 중세국어 시기에 부정소 ``몯``의 의미 기능이 확장되었다는 주장에 대해서도 검토한 결과 관련 예문에서 나타나는 부정소의 변화가 이러한 사실을 증명하는 것이 아님을 확인할 수 있었다. 3. 고대국어와 관련해서는 부정소, 특히 ``몯``의 경우, 형태상 연계성이 문제되어 부정소의 의미 분화 문제와 관련하여 생각해 볼 수 있다. 그러나 다양한 부정소 형태는 사실상 부정소로서 기능하지 않을 가능성이 높아 보이며, 이러한 점을 고려한다면 이와 관련하여 부정소의 의미 기능분화나 확장에 대해서 논의하는 것은 부적절하다. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the meaning differentiation of negatives in Korean language. The main issue is when the meaning of /ani/ and /mot/ was differentiate if this differentiation happened. As a result of analyzing preceding studies, the conclusion of this paper is as follow. Firstly, the theory that the meaning differentiation of /ani/ and /mot/ happened before the modern age of Korean language history is not true as a result of analyzing related example sentences. Secondly, the theory that the meaning function of /mot/ was extended in the middle age of Korean language history is tentative because the change of negative /ani/ and /mot/ cannot prove this theory. Thirdly, in ancient times of Korean language history, various morphs known as relating the negative /mot/ had little chance of functioning as negative. Considering this point, the meaning extension and differentiation of negative is not appropriate concerning these morphs.

      • KCI우수등재

        On Some Distributional Differences between Shortened NEG and Unshortened NEG in Korean

        최현숙 한국언어학회 2017 언어 Vol.42 No.4

        Choe, Hyon Sook. 2017. On Some Distributional Differences between Shortened NEG and Unshortened NEG in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 42-4, 903-926. In the Korean literature, it has been noted or assumed that so-called short-form(SF) and long-form(LF) negations cannot appear in imperatives and exhortatives. In this paper, I discuss the distributional properties of the four varieties of NEG in Korean (i.e., (i) ani-ha-, (ii) an-h-, (iii) ani, and (iv) an) by examining negative imperatives/exhortatives which employ more than one morphological variety of the imperative/exhortative markers. Based on empirical data, I suggest the following: Frist, all the four varieties can appear in imperatives/exhortatives in principle, contrary to what Han and Lee (2007) would suggest. Second, while the two unshortened varieties (= (i,iii)) may not be prohibited in imperatives/exhortatives, making sentences sound old-fashioned, the distribution of the two shortened varieties (= (ii,iv)) may be restricted because of some co-occurrence restrictions they should respect. Third, the distributional difference between (i,iii) and (ii,iv) can be attributed to the diachronic change from (i,iii) to (ii,iv), which partly triggers a tendency for negative imperatives/exhortatives to be replaced by mal-imperatives/exhortatives. (Yeungnam University)

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘아니’계열 부정소의 지위에 관한 고찰

        조미희 한국언어연구학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Cho, Mihee. 2014. A Study on the Status of 'ani' series negative marker. Journal of Linguistic Studies 19(2), 137-159. The theme of this paper is the change of the characteristic of ‘ani' series negative marker from Old-Korean to Present-Korean. Main changes of the negative marker are the change of part of speech of 'ani(an)' and lexicalization of 'ani-' and 'aniha-'. 'ani-' and 'aniha-' are negative predicates in Present-Korean, but they are originated from 'ani' + 'i-' and 'ani' + 'ha-' in Old-Korean. for this reason, 'ani-' and 'aniha-' not only have one meaning, such as meaning as support verb, but also have diverse meaning responding positive counterpart like 'i-' and 'ha-'. As a result, lexicalized negative marker 'ani-' and 'aniha-'have diverse functions such as quotation verb and pro-verb in Present-Korean. (Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재

        『번역소학』의 부정문 연구

        박형우 청람어문교육학회 2005 청람어문교육 Vol.30 No.-

        본고는 『번역소학』에 나타나는 부정문의 특징을 그 형성 제약 측면에서 밝히고자 한 것 이다. 권6 에서 권10 전체의 부정문을 분석하여 중세국어의 전반적인 부정문과 비교하며 그 특징을 밝혔다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『번역소학』 에 나타나는 부정문의 경우 ‘아니’ 부정문과 ‘??’ 부정문 모두 단형부정문에 비하여 장형부정문의 비율이 매우 높다. 둘째, 일반적인 현대국어의 부정문 제약과 마찬가지로 장형부정문에 비하여 단형부정문 형성에서 품사에 따른 제약이 많은 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 몇몇 예외는 있지만, 파생어나 합성어가 부정문에 쓰일 경우 단형부정문에서와는 달리, 장형부정문 형성에는 제약이 없었던 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 체언 어근을 갖는 복합어의 경우 ‘체언어근+부정소+용언어근’ 형식의 부정문을 형성하게 되는데 이러한 부정문의 형성은 단형부정문 형성의 제약과 장형부정문화의 경향을 반영하는 것이라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to get knowledge about characteristics of negative sentences in 『Beonyeoksohak』 . This paper is described by analyzing all negative sentences in 『Beonyeoksohak』 , and by comparing with characteristics of negative sentences in the Middle Korean. Firstly, the long forms are used more than the short forms in negative sentences of 『Beonyeoksohak』not only /ani/ negative sentences but also /mot/ negative sentences. Secondly, in a point of a word class, there are more restrictions on forming the short forms than the long forms. Thirdly, the short forms are restricted on forming negative sentences with complex words or compound words. But the long forms are not restricted on forming negative sentences. Finally, in compound words case having a noun root, negative sentences are constructed as 'noun root + Neg. + verb root'. This pattern might be related with the phenomena of restriction for forming the short forms and increase of the long forms.

      • KCI등재후보

        <번역소학>의 부정문 연구

        박형우 청람어문교육학회 2004 청람어문교육 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to get knowledge about characteristics of negative sentences in 『Beonyeoksohak』. This paper is described by analyzing all negative sentences in 『Beonyeoksohak』, and by comparing with characteristics of negative sentences in the Middle Korean. Firstly, the long forms are used more than the short forms in negative sentences of 『Beonyeoksohak』 not only /ani/ negative sentences but also /mot/ negative sentences. Secondly, in a point of a word class, there are more restrictions on forming the short forms than the long forms. Thirdly, the short forms are restricted on forming negative sentences with complex words or compound words. But the long forms are not restricted on forming negative sentences. Finally, in compound words case having a noun root, negative sentences are constructed as 'noun root + Neg. + verb root'. This pattern might be related with the phenomena of restriction for forming the short forms and increase of the long forms. 본고는 『번역소학』에 나타나는 부정문의 특징을 그 형성 제약 측면에서 밝히고자 한 것이다. 권6에서 권10 전체의 부정문을 분석하여 중세국어의 전반적인 부정문과 비교하며 그 특징을 밝혔다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 『번역소학』에 나타나는 부정문의 경우 ‘아니’ 부정문과 ‘몯’ 부정문 모두 단형부정문에 비하여 장형부정문의 비율이 매우 높다. 둘째, 일반적인 현대국어의 부정문 제약과 마찬가지로 장형부정문에 비하여 단형부정문 형성에서 품사에 따른 제약이 많은 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 몇몇 예외는 있지만, 파생어나 합성어가 부정문에 쓰일 경우 단형부정문에서와는 달리, 장형부정문 형성에는 제약이 없었던 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 체언 어근을 갖는 복합어의 경우 ‘체언어근+부정소+용언어근’ 형식의 부정문을 형성하게 되는데, 이러한 부정문의 형성은 단형부정문 형성의 제약과 장형부정문화의 경향을 반영하는 것이라 할 수 있다.

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