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        Lebrun, He′le`ne 프랑스문화학회 1996 프랑스 문화읽기 Vol.1 No.1

        On peut dire qu'il n'y a aucune oeuvre litte´raire franc¿aise ou` Paris ne soit pas e´voque´. Des textes du Moyen Age tre`s varie´s comme les Grandes Chroniques de France, des poe`mes d'Eustache Deschamps ou de Villon, ou les journaux de bourgeois de Paris et des lettres dont les auteur restent inconnus nous permettent de connai^tre l'aspect de la ville, l'impression qu'elle faisait a` ceux qui la de´ouvraient et la vie quotidienne des parisiens. On peut se rendre compte que de`s cette e´poque Paris est un centre commercial et intellectuel qui attire des gens de tous les pays. Des te´moignages tre`s re´alistes te´moignent aussi que les proble`mes des grandes villes (traitement des ordures, odeurs, circulation, se´curite´) e´taient de´ja` se´rieux. Il serait possible de faire une anthologie qui comprendrait des textes d'auteurs aussi divers que les Grandes Chroniques, Boileau, Audiberti ou Le Clezio. En fonction de leur attitude a` l'e´gard de Paris, on pourrait re´partir les e´crivains franc¿ais en deux grandes familles. Les uns aiment Paris qui est un lieu cosmopolite et ouvert a` toutes les rencontres, un espace de cre´ation. Pour de tels e´crivains, quelle que soit l'e´poque a` laquelle ils appartiennent, la vocation de la France est universaliste et Paris en est le symbole. Les autres de´noncent la corruption de cette grande Babylone et pro^nent le respect des valeurs que repre´s entent le terroir et la vie villageoise. Les uns aspirent au progre`s que rend possible le choc des cultures. Les autres louent la sagesse de la tradition et l'enracinement dans la terre des ance^tres. Pour un certain nombre d'e´crivains, qu'ils soient personnellement parisiens ou provinciaux, Paris est le lieu de l'initiation ou` un jeune fait l'expe´rience de la re´alite´ et de ses propres limites comme de ses potentialite´s. La ville est alors un mirage ou un tremplin. De tels e´crivains se situent dans une perspective plus individuelle que les pre´ce´dents qui ont davantage pre´sent a` l'esprit les proble`mes politiques et internationaux. A partir de Baudelaire, Paris est le signe de la modernite´ L'importance de Paris dans son oeuvre correspond a` une transformation profonde de l'esthe´tique. De´sormais la beaute´ ne correspond plus a` un canon ide´al. Elle est a` de´couvrir au coeur du re´el le plus minable. Elle est un nouveau regard sur la re´alite´. Pour les poe`tes qui ont eu l'expe´rience de la seconde guerre mondiale et de la re´sistance au nazisme, Paris devient un symbole, celui de la liberte´ et du combat contre toutes les formes de tyrannie. Avec la parution d'oeuvres e´crites par des e´crivains d'anciennes colonies franc¿aises, un nouveau visage de Paris se dessines dans la litte´rature francophone.

      • A combinatorial constraint satisfaction problem dichotomy classification conjecture

        Neš,etř,il, Jaroslav,Siggers, Mark H.,,dori, Lá,szló Elsevier 2010 European journal of combinatorics : Journal europ& Vol.31 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>We further generalise a construction–the <I>fibre construction</I>–that was developed in an earlier paper of the first two authors. The extension in this paper gives a polynomial-time reduction of CSP(H) for any relational system H to CSP(P) for any relational system P that meets a certain technical partition condition, that of being <SUB>K3</SUB>-<I>partitionable</I>.</P><P>Moreover, we define an equivalent condition on P, that of being <I>block projective</I>, and using this show that our construction proves NP-completeness for exactly those CSPs that are conjectured to be NP-complete by the CSP dichotomy classification conjecture made by Bulatov, Jeavons and Krohkin, and by Larose and Zádori. We thus provide two new combinatorial versions of the CSP dichotomy classification conjecture.</P><P>As with our previous version of the fibre construction, we are able to address restricted versions of the dichotomy conjecture. In particular, we reduce the Feder–Hell–Huang conjecture to the CSP dichotomy classification conjecture, and we prove the Kostochka–Nešetřil–Smolíková conjecture. Although these results were proved independently by Jonsson et al. and Kun respectively, we give different, shorter, proofs.</P>

      • Silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/graphene hydrogels – Synthesis, biological and physicochemical properties and silver release kinetics

        Neš,ović,, Katarina,Janković,, Ana,Kojić,, Vesna,Vukaš,inović,-Sekulić,, Maja,Perić,-Grujić,, Aleksandra,Rhee, Kyong Yop,Miš,ković,-Stankovi Elsevier 2018 Composites. Part B, Engineering Vol.154 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study presents the synthesis of novel silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/graphene (Ag/PVA/CHI/Gr) nanocomposite hydrogels by <I>in situ</I> electrochemical reduction of silver ions in the hydrogel matrix and their thorough characterization by UV–visible and Raman spectroscopies, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and silver release measurements. The influence of chitosan content on the incorporation and stabilization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was investigated, and we found that hydrogels with higher chitosan content contain higher amounts of AgNPs. In addition, the cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity of Ag/PVA/CHI/Gr nanocomposite hydrogels were evaluated. Based on <I>in vitro</I> investigations, the obtained materials exhibit diffusion-controlled release profiles over 28 days, strong antibacterial activity against <I>Staphylococcus aureus</I> and <I>Escherichia coli</I> bacterial strains, and no cytotoxicity toward human and mice fibroblast cell lines.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> <I>In situ</I> electrochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles in PVA/CHI/Gr hydrogels. </LI> <LI> Effect of chitosan concentration on the amount of embedded silver nanoparticles. </LI> <LI> Effect of chitosan concentration on the silver release kinetics. </LI> <LI> Strong antibacterial activity against <I>S. aureus</I> and <I>E. coli</I>. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재


        ( Neşe Ömür ),( Ömer Duran ) 호남수학회 2020 호남수학학술지 Vol.42 No.1

        In this paper, we consider interesting binomial and alternating binomial triple sums evaluated in multiplication forms in terms of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers.

      • KCI등재

        Estimating Cognitive Load in a Mobile Personal Health Record Application: A Cognitive Task Analysis Approach

        Neşe Zayim,Hasibe Yildiz,Yilmaz Kemal Yüce 대한의료정보학회 2023 Healthcare Informatics Research Vol.29 No.4

        Objectives: Mobile health applications that are designed without considering usability criteria can lead to cognitive overload,resulting in the rejection of these apps. To avoid this problem, the user interface of mobile health applications should be evaluatedfor cognitive load. This evaluation can contribute to the improvement of the user interface and help prevent cognitiveoverload for the user. Methods: In this study, we evaluated a mobile personal health records application using the cognitivetask analysis method, specifically the goals, operators, methods, and selection rules (GOMS) approach, along with the relatedupdated GOMS model and gesture-level model techniques. The GOMS method allowed us to determine the steps of the tasksand categorize them as physical or cognitive tasks. We then estimated the completion times of these tasks using the updatedGOMS model and gesture-level model. Results: All 10 identified tasks were split into 398 steps consisting of mental andphysical operators. The time to complete all the tasks was 5.70 minutes and 5.45 minutes according to the updated GOMSmodel and gesture-level model, respectively. Mental operators covered 73% of the total fulfillment time of the tasks accordingto the updated GOMS model and 76% according to the gesture-level model. The inter-rater reliability analysis yielded anaverage of 0.80, indicating good reliability for the evaluation method. Conclusions: The majority of the task execution timescomprised mental operators, suggesting that the cognitive load on users is high. To enhance the application's implementation,the number of mental operators should be reduced.

      • KCI등재

        Kinetic models of swelling and thermal stability of silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/graphene hydrogels

        Katarina Nešovi c,Ana Jankovic,Aleksandra Peri c-Gruji c,Maja Vukašinovic-Sekulic,Tamara Radeti c,Ljiljana Živkovi c,박수진,이경엽,Vesna Miškovi c-Stankovi c 한국공업화학회 2019 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.77 No.-

        Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized by in situ electrochemical reduction of Ag+ ions in poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan/graphene (PVA/CHI/Gr) hydrogel matrices with different concentrations ofchitosan. The physicochemical properties of nanocomposite hydrogels were investigated by UV–visspectroscopy (UV–vis), dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal characteristics were determined by differentialscanning calorimetry (DSC) and mechanical properties were measured by tensile test. The swellingstudies were carried out in phosphate buffer to simulate natural physiological environment and datawerefitted by several kinetic models to determine the diffusion mechanism and diffusion coefficients ofthe swelling medium through the hydrogel matrices. It was shown that the presence of silvernanoparticles increased the uptake capability and equilibrium swelling degree of the compositehydrogels. The antibacterial activity was confirmed against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus,while the hydrogels without AgNPs exhibited antibacterial properties due to the presence of chitosan. With the addition of AgNPs, the samples showed stronger activity and fast reduction in the number ofcolonies, confirming the synergistic effect of chitosan and AgNPs on the antibacterial activity.

      • 4,7-디헥실-1, 10-페난트롤린 유도체 합성과 특성에 관한 연구

        금내리 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        The additive acylation of ethylene with heptanoyl chloride in the presence of AlCl_3 gave 1-chloro-3-nonanone 1 in yield of 96%, 4-Hexyl-8-quinoline 2 was prepared in 60% yield by reaction o-nitroaniline with 1 at 140℃ for 1.5 hr using the modified Skraup reaction. The reaction of 2 with tin(Ⅱ) chloride·dihydrate gave 4-hexyl-8-aminoquinoline 3 which was used without further purification. 4,7-Dihexyl-1,10-phenanthroline 4 was obtained via sequential Skraup reaction of 3 with 1 in 79% yield. The reaction of 4 with organo lithium derivative of 5 followed by rearomatization with MnO_2 gave the organic ligand key compound 6 and the unsymmetrically substituted phenanthroline derivative 7 in 42% and 38% yield, respectively, 6 was prepared for further study of quantitative self assembly of [2]-catenane from two component ring. The structure of compound 6 was confirmed by ^1H NMR and ^13C NMR spectra.

      • Dark Lady시에 관한 고찰

        정내원 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1996 Dongguk review Vol.- No.24-25

        The Dark Lady is portrayed as an ugly and destable woman morally and physically in Shakespeare's Sonnets. She is a common woman not a star like Stella in Sidney's poem. Also, she is black. With these things Shakespeare may wish to show that her beauty is not artificial but natural. The sonnet 130 tells of her naturalness. The speaker in the poem at first admires her appearance as the pattern of beauty. He blinds his own judgment in order to see her as fair. Later he realizes that she is not beautiful, and he sees her flaws, but he loves her with his heart, not with his sight or with his reason. In loving her, the speaker confesses that he was not sincere. Both he and the Dark Lady are forsworn, but he is more perjured than she. She committed double perjury, but he committed twenty perjuries. He sacrificed his integrity to deceive and seduce her. He has deceived himself too. He has lost all reason and sworn that the worst was best. This means that he has destroyed his integrity and debased himself. All these things come from the speaker's own desireful lust. Lust leads him to despair. He subjugated reason when he possessed her and became her slave. He knows what lust is, yet he, like all men, became so allured by the proposed joy that he could not shun it, even he knows that it would leads to torment, grief, and destruction, and that physical desire destroys the soul. In Petrarchan sonnets, the lady is ideally beautiful and virtuous. Loving her leads to a higher level. In Shakespeare's sonnets, however, the Dark Lady has no beauty or virtue. The speaker in the poem has no integrity, either. The love between these two people shows the corruption of human beings. This is one aspect of dual vision in human beings. Shakespeare shows through his Dark Lady poems that no one is strong enough to avoid this negaive side which leads man to despair.

      • 옥시란과 이차 아민과의 반응

        금내리 단국대학교 1993 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        A simple, highly regioselective method for aminolysis of 1,2-epoxide under mild conditions, by means of lithium perchlorate, is described. Treatment of 1,2-epoxyoctane with aliphatic or aromatic amine in the presence of LiClO_4 at room temperature affords the corresponding amino alcohol(^1 : R^1=C_6H_13), in good yield. The ring opening of styrene oxide is acomplished by using the same reagents, and two regioisomers <(^1 : R^1=Ph) and (^2 : R^1=Ph)> are obtained in good yields.

      • 소네트 전통과 세익스피어의 시

        丁乃元 한국영어교육연구학회 1998 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.18

        The traditional sonnets deal with an ideal courtship: the lover (or the speaker) in the poem expresses his love for an idealized, unattainable lady. She is not only a woman desired, loved, worshipped, but the muse, the precursor of divine love. She is the subject of his anguish, manipulation, and struggles of conscience. That is, the lady in the sonnet sequence functions as a symbol of unfulfilled desire, a yearning for the impossible, and represents for the speaker an image of life itself, and of the joy and anguish of man's earthly longing for the devine. Petrarchanism focuses on the lady's effect on the lover. The relationship between the lover and his beloved seems to reflect the uneasy reorganization of the feudal class relations. The lady is the suzerain, her lover a vassal who is eager to follow her yet aware of his hopelessness of attaining her. In the same way, the political relations of the Elizabethan Court were articulated through Petrachanism. So the Petrarchanism was part of public policy. But Shakespeare did not follow the sonnet conventions. His object of devotion was not a woman but a young man. The woman was relegated to play a subordinate role in his sonnet sequence. The speaker in the poem addresses the young man on the subject of marriage, which is unheard in earlier sonnet tradition. Time destroys and devours everything. So a poem in the carpe diem tradition urges nothing more than living for the moment, making the most of youth and beauty while they lasts. In Shakespeare, however, it is through time that everything, including love itself, grows and develops. Shakespeare develops this carpe diem conceit and presents time as ambivalent. In his poems Shakespeare portrays sexual relationships which is not in the sonnet tradition. In this way, Shakespeare is independent from the sonnet tradition and shows his originality through his poems.

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