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      • Gibberellin Paste 處理가 배 행수의 品質에 미치는 影響

        안상열,박상현,채윤석 진주산업대학교 1993 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        The size, weight, sugar content and firmness of the pear, "Kosui", treated gibberellin paste on the fruit stalk on 20, 30, 40days after full blossom were determined. Treating dates had significant effect on the diameter(either horizontal or longitudinal) of fruits. There was significant increase in fruit weights treated gibberellin paste on 20 and 30 days after full blossom. Sugar content and firmness of the fruit resulted similarity in each plot.

      • 도토리 과수화 가능수종의 특성에 관한 연구

        안상열,박상현,채윤석 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1998 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.11 No.-

        한국 자생 도토리를 과수화 하기 위한 각 선발수들의 특성에 관한 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 상수리 선발수의 평균엽장이 138.9mm, 엽폭은 42.4mm, 평균과중은 3.9g이였고 과형은 원형이였다. 졸참나무 선발수의 평균 엽장은 126.omm, 엽폭은 53,4mm, 평균과중은 2.4g이였고 과형은 장타원형이였다. 굴참나무 선발수의 평균엽장은 135.6mm, 엽폭은 49.0mm였으며, 평균과중은 2.9g이였고, 과형은 약간 타원형이였다. 갈참나무 선발수의 평균엽장은 153.6mm, 엽폭은 83.0mm였으며, 평균과중은 2.4g의 장타원형이였다. 특히 도토리의 결실성이 좋은 것은 M-2, H-25, K-1, K-2, HC-, Ch-2, Ch-3, S-3, S-7, SV-0, SV-2등으로 관찰되었다. This study attempted to make some basic investigations for the cultivation of Korean native acorn tree as a new fruit tree crop. The characteristics of the selected trees were analyzed as follows. In the case of Quercus acutissima CARRUTHERS, the average of leaf length of the selection trees was 138.8mm : the average of leaf width was 42.4mm : the average of fruit weight was 3.9g ; the shape of fruit was round. In the case of quercus serrata THUNBERG, the average of leaf length was 126.9mm ; the average of leaf width was 53.4mm ; the average of fruit weight was 2.4g ; the fruit shape was a long oval. In the case of Quercus variabils BL., the average of leaf length was 135.2mm ; the average of leaf width was 49.0mm the average of fruit weight was 2.9g ; the fruit shape was a little longish. In the case of Quercus aliena BLUME, the average of leaf length was 153.6mm ; the average of leaf width was 83.0 ; the average of friut weight was 2.4g ; the shape of the fruit was longish. Specially good maturity was observed in the acorns of M-2, H-5, K-1, K-2, HC-1, Ch-2, Ch-3, S-3, S-7, SV-0 and SV-2 classifications.

      • 葡萄 Muscat Bailey A의 無核果 生産을 爲한 Streptomycin 利用 試驗(Ⅱ)

        蔡潤錫,朴相眩,安相烈 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1993 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.6 No.-

        GA_3 100ppm單用과 GA_3 100ppm+Streptomycim 200ppm 混用을 葡萄 Muscat Bailey A 品種의 滿開期 10日前에 新稍長 30, 40, 50cm의 着果房에 處理한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 熟期는 兩處理區 모두 無處理보다 20日 前後 早熟되었으며 混用區는 GA_3 單用區 보다 2∼3日 빠른 傾向을 보였고, 新稍의 길이에 따른 差異는 비슷하였다. 2. 有核粒數는 無處理 平均 5∼6個에 비해 混用 및 GA_3 單用 모두 無核의 傾向을 보였는데 新稍長 50cm의 GA_3 單用區에서 1∼2個의 有核粒을 나타내었다. 3. 果房長의 兩主區의 新稍길이 30cm와 40cm 處理區는 비슷하였으며 상품성이 없었고, 50cm, 處理區에서는 높은 有意性을 보였다. 4. 果房重은 GA_3 單用區가 混用區보다 80∼90g정도 무거웠으며, 新稍길이 間에는 50cm處理區에서 가장 무거웠고 과방당 과립수와 평균과립중도 50cm 처리구에서 고도의 유의성을 나타내었다. 5. 糖度는 混用區가 單用區보다 높고, 新稍의 길이間에는 길수록 다소 높은 傾向을 보였다. GA_3 100ppm solution and GA_3 100ppm+streptomycin 200ppm solution are applied on the cluster of 30, 40, 50cm shoot length of Muscat Bailey A variety at 10 days before full bloom day. The results are as follows : 1. The maturing season was 20 days or so ealier in both exprimental plots than in the control plot. The GA_3+streptomycin solution applied grapes atured 2∼3 days ealier than the GA_3 solution applied grapes. Thd shoot length of application revealed little difference. 2. The GA_3+streptomycin plot and GA_3 plot produced no seed holding berry, but the control plot produced 5∼6 seed holding berries. GA_3 of 50cm shoot length plot produced 1∼2 seed holding berries. 3. The cluster length of 30, 40cm shoot length plot among both main plots were similar and the value of merchandise were not found. The 50cm shoot length plot among both main plots showed high significant difference. 4. The cluster weight of GA_3 plot was significantly 80∼90g heaviet than that of GA_3+streptomycin plot. The cluster weight of 50cm shoot length plot was the heaviest. The berry number per cluster and average berry weight of 50cm shoot length plot showed high significant differencd. 5. The sugar content of berry was significant larger in the GA_3+streptomycin plot than in the GA_3 plot. The longer shoot length was, the larger the sugar content of berry was.

      • 시각장애인을 위한 RFID 기반 실내 내비게이션 알고리즘

        고훈,윤석중,권호열 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2008 정보통신논문지 Vol.12 No.-

        In this paper, we propose an RFID based indoor navigation system for visually impaired person using RFID tags, a RFID reader and a compass sensor. In our system, the RFE tags regularly installed like a grid pattern on the floor in a building and they provide directions to reach the destination. The navigation system recognizes the RFID tags by an RFID) reader, calculates the next direction using RFID data and a compass sensor, and finally guides user to the destination. We presented the proposed system with its performance evaluations.

      • 東洋系 Cymbidium屬 種子의 無菌發芽와 幼苗의 增殖體系 確立

        姜鎬宗,安相烈,蔡潤錫 진주산업대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        동양계 Symbidium 속인 산천보세란 종자의 무균발아와 유묘증식을 위하여 근경형성을 위한 초기배양방법의 확립, 근경 및 유묘의 증식에 미치는 배지 및 Hormone제의 영향에 관한 실험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 산천보세란 종자발아는 H_3P_4+NAA 0.1㎎/ℓ, Kinetine 0.01㎎/ℓ첨가배지에서 가장 양호하였으며 발아에 소요된 일수도 210일로서 가장 짧았다. 종자발아에서 얻은 근경의 재증식은 H_3P_4배지에 NAA 1㎎/ℓ, Kinetine 1.0~3.0㎎/ℓ첨가한 배지에서 양호하였으며, 유묘의 증식과 생장에 있어서는 H_3P_4+α-as-paratic acid 0.5㎎/ℓ, NAA 1.0㎎/ℓ, BA 3㎎/ℓ첨가 배지에서 가장 양호하였다. 지금까지의 실험을 종합하여 볼때 무균종자를 파종해서 발아시킨 후, 근경을 급속으로 증식시키고 H_3P_4+NAA 1.0㎎/ℓ함유배지에 BA 3㎎/ℓ을 첨가시킨 후 치상하여 multiple shooting을 시킨 다음 동일조성의 배지에 Hormone제를 제거하고 활성탄 1.6g/ℓ을 첨가한 배지에 이식해서 생장을 도모한 후 광도를 높이고 온도를 낮추며 일장을 16시간 정도 조절하여 순화시킨뒤 폿드 이식 가능한 유묘를 대량샌산 할 수 있을것으로 판단된다. In the process of nonsymbiotic germination and seedling multiplication of Sancheunboseran seed (temperate zone ochid, cymbidium sinense Willd); to establis the early culture method for rhizome formation and to examine the effect of various media and hormone drugs upon the multiplication of rhizome and seeding were the main prupose of this experiment. The results obtained are as follows: The medium with hyponex 3g/ℓ, peptone 4g/ℓ, NAA 0.1㎎/ℓ and Kinetine 0.01㎎/ℓ added was best for the seed germination for Samcheunboseran: the days required for germination were 210- the shortest of all mcdia. The remultiplication of rhzome acquired in the seed germination was most active in the medium with hyponex 3g/ℓ, peptone 4g/ℓ and kinetin 1~3㎎/ℓ added. The seedling showed the best multiplicatin and growth in the medium with hyponex 3g/ℓ, peptone 4g/ℓ, L-asparatic acid 0.5㎎/ℓ, NAA 1.0㎎/ℓ, and BA 3㎎/ℓadded. These results recommend us to plant the aseptic seed, to multiply rhizomes rapidly after germination, to plant the rhizome in the medium with hyponex 3g/ℓ, peptone 4g/ℓ, and NAA 1㎎/ℓ added, to remove the hormone drugs from the medium after multiple shooting and add charcoal(1.6g/ℓ) to the medium, and to trnsplant seedling to the medium. Such procedure will make it possible to produce pottable seedling massively.

      • 시판용 상토 종류가 배추 유묘기 묘소질에 미치는 영향

        이상우,강호종,안상열,채윤석,윤재길,최경옥 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2007 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.20 No.-

        시중에 판매되고 있는 상토는 제조 회사에 따라 재료의 구성 및 혼합 비율이 다르다. 시판용상토를 제조사별로 구입하여 상토 제조사에 따라 배추 육묘기 묘소질에 미치는 영향에 대해 조사하였다. 상토 제조사 별로 배추의 지상부 및 지하부의 생육에 많은 차이가 있었다. 그리고 엽록소 함량 및 단백질 함량에도 차이가 많았으며, 엽록소 및 단백질 함량이 높았던 상토에서 배추의 생육이 좋았다. 상토 제조사별로 상토의 재료 및 혼합비율에 따라 배추의 유묘기 생육에 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The substrate is very important to grow seedling because of directly effect on seedling quality of Chinese cabbage. The substrates manufactured by the companies consist of different materials and mixing ratios. This study was conducted to observe the seedling quality of Chinese cabbage by using of the kinds of substrate. The number of leaf, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight, root length, root weight and T/R ratio of the seedling were shown in different from each substrate manufactured by the companies. And chlorophyll and protein content of the seedling were also shown in different from substrates supplied from the companies, respectively. Substrate which was high in that was also higher in seedling quality. The material and mixing ratios of substrate effected on the growth of cabbage

      • 재래종 참외 종자 및 생육초기 주요형질의 유전력과 상관관계 분석

        이상우,박상현,강호종,안상열,채윤석,김주현 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2000 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.13 No.-

        This experiment was conducted to obtain some basic imformation for korean native oriental melon breeding. Genetic variability, heritability, and correlation on 13 characters were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Among 13 characters, plant height and length of lateral shoot showed high level of GCV(110-362%) and ECV(89-101%). The rest characters showed low level of GCV(7-21%) and ECV(0.16-9%). 2. Heritabilities of 13 characters investigated were high as over 50%. Especially those of hypocotyl length, 100-seed weigth and seed width were very high (> 95%). 3. High level correlation values were observed among seed characters and seedling characters. 4. Plant characters of early growth stage, except leaf stalk length, were not related with characters of seed or seedling 5. In early plant growth stage, plant height and length of lateral shoot were correlated positively with number of node, number of lateral shoot, leaf length and leaf width.


        The FRTU-Based Fault-Zone Isolation Method in the Distribution Systems

        Yun-Seok Ko,Tae-Ku Kang,Hak-Yeol Park,Ho-Yong Kim,Hyo-Seong Nam IEEE 2010 IEEE transactions on power delivery Vol.25 No.2

        <P>In this paper, an intelligent feeder remote terminal unit (FRTU)-based operation and control strategy is proposed, which can improve the accuracy and quickness of the fault-zone determination and isolation from such problems as general fault, high impedance fault (HIF) and in-rush current (IRC) in the distribution system, including overhead and underground feeders. In the proposed method, each FRTU inferring the fault or inrush current determines whether its feeder is a fault or not, and whether its sink zone is a fault zone or not, by exchanging fault information (such as current value, voltage value, current direction) with the other FRTUs on the feeders under the ubiquitous-based distribution system that enables the FRTUs to be connected freely to the network. In order to explain the effectiveness of the proposed method, several cases are simulated for typical distribution using the developed simulator.</P>

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