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        Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ)

        Kim Hyun-Jin,Kim Sunhae,Son Youkyoung,Youn Insook,이건석 대한의학회 2023 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.38 No.6

        Background: The Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) tool is a simple suicide screening tool developed to screen patient suicide risk (SR). The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and validity of the ASQ tool in hospitalized patients. Methods: The internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the South Korean version of the ASQ tool were verified in 99 hospitalized patients admitted to a tertiary medical institution in Seoul. To verify the correlations and validity of each convergence with other scales, the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were also conducted to determine convergent and discriminant validity. Then, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve diagnosis values for suicide and depression levels with the highest correlations were analyzed. Results: As a result, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.826, and when each item was removed sequentially, Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.736–0.840, showing stable internal consistency. Most of the corrected item-total correlation were over 0.500; however, a relatively low correlation was shown for the fourth and fifth questions, which had values of 0.429 and 0.410, respectively. The test-retest reliability was 0.830, and the MINI and PHQ-9 showed high values of 0.872 and 0.672, respectively. The area under the curve (AUC) according to the ASQ diagnosis value was also the highest for the MINI (0.936). Conclusion: The validity and reliability of the South Korean version of the ASQ tool were demonstrated. Through this validation, the ASQ tool can be used for simple suicide risk screening (SRS) in hospitalized patients.

      • KCI등재

        Augmentation Mammoplasty Using Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Injection Can Mimic Breast Cancer After 20 Years: A Case Report

        Soon Bo Choi,Jiyoung Kim,Dongwon Kim,Jiyoon Park,Youkyoung Lee,Kyungri Park,Eun Sil Kim,So Min Lee,Sung-Won Kim 한국유방암학회 2022 Journal of Breast Disease Vol.10 No.2

        Polyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG), an injectable, jelly-like, medical hydrogel, has been popular in some countries as a non-surgical method of mammoplasty since approximately 2000. Particularly in China, many patients underwent mammoplasty using PAAG during a 16-year period until 2006, and studies on its course and complications were also conducted. However, evidence regarding the relationship between PAAG mammoplasty and malignancy is lacking, and only a few cases have reported the possibility of this association. Herein, we present a case in which malignancy was suspected because of complications 20 years after PAAG injection mammoplasty.

      • KCI등재

        유아교육기관의 음악감상활동 실태와 유아교사의 인식분석

        임유경 ( Youkyoung Lim ),김정주 ( Joengju Kim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 유아교육기관의 음악감상활동에 대한 실태 및 음악감상활동에 대한 교사들의 인식을 분석하고자 하였다. 선정된 연구대상은 G광역시 유치원 교사 204명이며, 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0을 이용하여 기술통계와 X2검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 유아교육기관에서 음악감상활동이 가장 부족하였다. 둘째, 교사들은 음악감상활동의 중요성을 인식하였으며, 교사의 지도력 향상을 위해 연수기회 확대 및 시설 자료의 확충이 필요하다고 인식하였다. 이는 유아교육현장에서 유아 음악감상활동이 활발하게 진행될 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다는데 그 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the status and awareness of music appreciation activities of early childhood education institutions. The subjects of this study were 204 early childhood teachers in G city. The collected data were implemented to desciptive statistics and Chi-square test using SPSS 18.0 Program. The results are as following: First, it was found that music appreciation activities were insufficient in early childhood education institutions. Second, it was found that early childhood teachers were awared importance of music appreciation activities. Based on the research results, the development of a music appreciation activity program and a support plan for a music appreciation teaching method that can promote the development of young children’s musical ability were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        부산다행복학교 초등학생 학업성취수준 분석

        이정우 ( Lee Jeongwoo ),김혜영 ( Kim Hyeyoung ),김동선 ( Kim Dongsun ),한유경 ( Han Youkyoung ),홍창남 ( Hong Changnam ) 한국초등교육학회 2020 초등교육연구 Vol.33 No.1

        This article empirically explored the academic achievement in Korean, English, Mathematics of elementary school students enrolled in Busan innovation school called Dahangbok Schools, using the first three waves(2016∼2018) of the Busan Educational Longitudinal Study. Specifically, descriptive statistics were used to present the academic achievement in terms of the achievement gap over time and the degree of improvement, and multi-level linear growth modeling to analyze the initial level of academic achievement and the rate of growth in academic achievement. Also, this article analyzed the academic achievement by parental education (secondary education or lower vs. 4-year college degree or higher) in the context of educational equity. The results indicate that the academic achievement of students enrolled in the Dahangbok Schools was, on average, lower than those of students enrolled in general schools in all the subjects each year. However, the Dahangbok Schools showed a higher degree of improvement in the academic performance. The analysis of multi-level linear growth modeling confirmed these findings. Academic achievement’s initial level appeared to be higher for general schools, but the rate of growth higher for the Dahangbok Schools. On the other hand, students with parents with secondary education or lower showed a lower initial level of academic achievement than those with 4-year college degree or higher in all the subjects regardless of type of school. However, students with parents with secondary education or lower enrolled in the Dahangbok Schools showed the highest growth rate in Korean and Mathematics.

      • KCI등재

        랜덤포레스트를 활용한 다문화학생의 교사 -학생 관계 인식 영향요인 탐색

        김경선(Kyung Sun Kim),오유경(Youkyoung Oh) 제주대학교 교육과학연구소 2023 교육과학연구 Vol.25 No.1

        이 연구는 다문화학생이 지각하는 교사-학생 관계에의 영향요인을 탐색하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 한국청소년정책연구원에서 제공하는 다문화청소년패널연구(MAPS) 2기 1차년도(2019년) 자료를 활용하였으며, 초등학교 4학년 2,246명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 그리고 다문화학생과 교사와의 관계에 영향력을 미치는 다양한 변수를 탐색하기 위하여 기계학습 기법의 일종인 랜덤포레스트(random forests) 방법을 적용하였다. 분석에 활용된 설명변수는 배경변인 9개, 개인요인 31개, 환경요인 13개, 다문화요인 10개로 총63개이다. 랜덤포레스트를 적용하여 다문화학생의 교사-학생 관계에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수를 탐색한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중요도 지수 상위 20위에 개인요인, 환경요인, 다문화요인 변수가 모두 포함되어 다문화학생의 교사-학생 관계에 개인, 환경, 다문화 맥락이 복합적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 교사-학생 관계에 영향을 미치는 주요 설명변수로는‘학교생활만족도’, ‘교우의 지지’, ‘삶의 만족도’, ‘사회적 역량’, ‘부모의 지지’가 도출되었다. 다문화요인에서는 ‘한국 문화에 대한 수용 태도’, ‘모국 문화에 대한 수용 태도’, ‘문화적응스트레스’가 상위 20위 변수에 포함되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 다문화학생의 교사-학생 관계와 주요 설명변수와의 관계를 설명하고 연구결과에 비추어 논의점을 제시하였다. This study aimed to explore the factors explaining multicultural students’ perception of teacher-student relationship using 2,265 4th grade elementary school students data of the 2nd wave of the Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study(MAPS 2019) provided by National Youth Policy Institute. For this purpose, the random forests method, a machine learning technique was applied to explore the various variables for multicultural students’ teacher-student relationship. A total of 63 explanatory variables were used in the analysis: 9 background variables, 31 personal variables, 13 environmental variables, and 10 multicultural variables. The main results are as follows. First, personal, environmental, and multicultural variables were all included in the top 20 of the important measures. It means personal, environmental, and multicultural contexts had a complex effect on the teacher-student relationship of multicultural students. Secondly, ‘school life satisfaction', 'support from peers', 'life satisfaction', 'social competency', and 'parental support' were selected as the important explanatory variables that affect teacher-student relationships. In terms of multicultural factors, 'acceptance of Korean culture', 'acceptance of mother country culture', and 'cultural adaptation stress' were included in the top 20 variables. Finally, based on the analysis results, the teacher-student relationship of multicultural students and the relationship with major explanatory variables were explained. and the implications of this study and suggestions for future study were discussed.

      • 경험 샘플링 방법을 이용한 스마트폰 사용자 경험 요소 도출

        장진철(Jincheul Jang),김현지(Hyunji Kim),박유경(Youkyoung Park),배동환(Donghwan Bae),이문용(Mun Yong Yi) 한국HCI학회 2014 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.2

        최근의 사용자 경험은 제품이나 서비스의 디자인, 마케팅 등의 다양한 영역에서 사용자 만족을 향상시키기 위한 방안으로 연구되고 있으며, 제품의 사용자 경험 요소 측정을 위한 방법이 다양하게 제시되고 있다. 본 연구는 향상된 경험 샘플링 방법을 활용, 실제 환경의 사용자로부터 스마트폰의 사용자 경험 요소를 추출하는 데에 목표를 두고 진행되었다. 이를 위해 모바일 어플리케이션을 구현하였으며, 14명의 실험 참여자를 대상으로 3주에 걸쳐 810건의 스마트폰의 사용자 경험 요소에 대한 응답을 받았다. 응답 분석을 통해, 최종적으로 24개의 스마트폰 사용자 경험 요소가 도출되었다. 도출된 사용자 경험 요소로부터, 사용자 경험을 고려한 스마트폰 제품 설계 가이드라인과 정량적 지표 개발이 가능할 것으로 전망된다. Recent studies on user experience (UX) have focused on improving user satisfaction in diverse areas, such as product/service design and marketing, with various methods to measure elements of product UX. This paper aims at discovering the underlying elements of smartphone UX from users’ natural environments using enhanced experience sampling method (ESM). We implemented a mobile application for data collection, received 810 reports about smartphone user experience from 14 experimental participants using the app throughout 3 weeks. From the responces, 24 elements of smartphone user experience were determined. With these elements of user experience, it will be possible to provide product design guidelines in consideration of user experience, as well as to design quantitative index of user experience.

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