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      • KCI등재

        1977년 이리역 폭발사고와 근대적 국가주의 연구

        원도연(Won, Do-Yeon) 한국지역사회학회 2022 지역사회연구 Vol.30 No.2

        1977년 11월 11일 일어난 이리역 폭발사고는 지금까지 한국 철도사상 최악의 사고로 기록되고 있다. 이 사고로 공식 기록으로만 사망자 59명 등 1,076명이 다치고, 9,973명이 이재민이 발생했으며 건물 피해액만 51억원에 달했다. 이리역 폭발사고는 전혀 예상치 못한 뜻밖의 재난이었다. 이리역 폭발사고는 그 사고와 수습의 과정에서 박정희 독재로 대표되는 국가주의 혹은 권위주의적 정부가 어떻게 국가적 재난에 대응했으며 어떻게 지역사회를 이데올로기적으로 지배했는가를 단적으로 보여주는 사례다. 박정희 정권의 근대적 국가주의는 권위주의적 국가폭력과 통제에만 기반한 것은 아니었다. 이리역 폭발사고 당시 지역사회를 지배했던 유지들의 이데올로기적 동원과 자발적 민중동원이 동시에 나타났다. 이는 한편으로 그람시의 헤게모니적 지배가 관철되는 방식이었다. 이 사고의 과정에서 박정희 독재체제의 국가주의는 사고수습과 복구과정에서 병영국가적 통치방식, 박정희 개인에 대한 숭배로 드러난 가부장적 국가주의, 새이리 건설을 통해 드러난 개발주의라는 모습으로 나타났다. 2000년대 중반 이후 한국사회에서 권위주의적 국가가 해소되고 민주적 절차가 정착되면서 국가주의는 점차 해체되었다. 그러나 도시와 지역사회로 눈을 돌려보면 여전히 국가주의는 매우 강력하고 부단한 힘으로 작동하고 있다. 그리고 우리는 2022년 윤석열 정부의 등장은 새로운 차원에서 국가주의의 도래를 예고하고 있다. ‘Iri Station Explosion’ on November 11, 1977 has been recorded as the worst accident in Korean railway history. In the accident, 1,076 people, including 59 deaths, were injured, 9,973 people were displaced, and the damage to the building alone amounted to 5.1 billion won. The explosion at Irie Station was a completely unexpected disaster. ‘Iri Station Explosion’ is a clear example of how the nationalist or authoritarian government represented by Park Chung-hees dictatorship responded to national disasters and ideologically dominated the community. The modern nationalism of the Park Chung-hee regime was not based solely on authoritarian state violence and control. At the time of ‘Iri Station Explosion’ ideological mobilization and voluntary mobilization of the people who dominated the community appeared at the same time. On the one hand, it was the way Gramsys hegemony was carried out. In the process of this accident, the nationalism of Park Chung-hees dictatorship emerged as a military-state way of governing, patriarchal nationalism revealed by the worship of Park Chung-hee individuals, and developmentism revealed through the construction of Sae-ri. Since the mid-2000s, nationalism has gradually been dissolved as authoritarian states have been resolved and democratic procedures have been established in Korean society. But if you look at cities and communities, nationalism is still working with a very strong and constant force.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Preference Analysis for Flower Jewelry Using Conjoint Analysis

        김연희(Yeon Hee Kim),김미진(Mi Jin Kim),윤숙영(Suk Young Yun),장태원(Taeg Won Chang),최병진(Byung Jin Choi) 인간식물환경학회 2022 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Background and objective: This study was conducted to determine the preferences in flower jewelry by conducting a surveyusing conjoint analysis on the perception of flower jewelry and provide basic data for development of flower jewelryproducts. Methods: For the conjoint analysis, four attributes of flower jewelry were selected. Attribute 1 was related to the mainmaterial of flower jewelry, presented in three levels: cut flowers, potted flowers, and processed flowers. Attribute 2 wasrelated to wearing area presented in five levels of wearing area: hair, neck, ear, arm (wrist) and chest (shoulder). Attribute3 was related to price provided for selling products in flower shops, presented in three levels: less than 30,000 won,50,000-70,000 won, and more than 100,000 won. Attribute 4 was related to flower jewelry wearing time, presented inthree levels: less than 6 hours, 12-24 hours, and more than 24 hours. After extracting 25 profiles through orthogonaldesign, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 402 general participants, from which the responses of 343 participantswere analyzed. Results: By attribute of flower jewelry, the respondents attached most importance to price (34.14%), followed by wearingarea (29.18%), wearing time (18.51%), and material (18.17%), proving that the general public attached most importanceto price (Pearson's R = .987, p = .000). The preference in levels by attribute was highest for processed flowers in material,less than 30,000 won in price, hair in wearing area, and 12-24 hours in wearing time. Conclusion: By making flower jewelry based on the results of the analysis, it would be possible to help increase items soldin flower shops as well as their income.

      • KCI등재

        특집기획 : 기획주제 ; 지역학으로서의 한문학의 역할과 방향 모색 : 박죽서(朴竹西) 시(詩)에 나타난 그리움의 세계(世界)

        원주연 ( Ju Yeon Won ) 한국한문고전학회(구 성신한문학회) 2011 漢文古典硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        조선시대에 성리학적 질서가 정착하면서 남성의 가부장적 지배를 특징으로 하는 사회질서에서 종법내 모든 질서는 남성 중심으로 편제되었다. 여성의 사회적 지위는 상대적으로 위축될 수밖에 없었으며, 嫡庶의 차별이 법제화 되어 있어 가정 내에서 처와 첩의 지위를 명확히 구분하기 시작하여 嫡子와 庶子의 차별도 심화되었다. 이처럼 여성의 학문이 자유롭지 못하고 嫡庶의 차별이 있던 시대에 태어난 朴竹西는 庶女이며 小室이기에 겪어야했던 슬픔과 외로움, 그리움 등을 많은 詩로 표현해 166편이나 되는 한시문을 지어 문집으로 남겼다. 어려서부터 영특하여 일찍부터 시문을 지을 정도였지만 庶女로 태어난 그의 삶은 그리 순탄하지만은 못했다. 出生과 出嫁에서 비롯된 그의 애상적 정조가 병약한 몸과 함께 평생 그의 작품 속에 스며들어 고적감과 그리움이 그의 시 곳곳에 나타나고 있다. 특히 小室이기에 자주 대할 수 없었던 님에 대한 한없는 그리움과 마음의 위로가 돼주던 三湖亭詩社의 금원에 대한 그리움이 유달리 나타나고, 특히 부모 없이 어릴 때 함께 놀며 자란 형제에 대한 그리움은 다른 여성 시인들이나 같은 三湖亭詩社 회원들의 작품에서도 찾아보기 어려우며 그 애틋함은 읽는 이로 하여금 심금을 울리게 한다. 따라서 본고에서는 죽서의 詩에서 이 그리움의 세계를 집중적으로 살펴보고 지역학으로서 한문학의 역할에 대해 생각해보고자 한다. As the social orders were based on Neo-Confucianism which emphasized a patriarchal system in the Joseon era, all the clan rules were organized in an androcentric way. Because of the comparatively women`s lower position and the legislation of the discrimination of illegitimate children, the different domestic positions between wives and concubines were clearly defined, which led to the unfair treatment toward illegitimate children. Park Jook-Seo, an illegitimate daughter, was born in such era lacking women`s academic freedom and existing the severe discriminative treatment against illegitimate children, but she left no less than 166 poems in her collection of works, expressing her emotion of loneliness and sorrow that stemmed from her birth and martial life. She was so talented that she could write Chinese poems from her early childhood, but her life was not smooth because of her position as an illegitimate daughter. That is why her loneliness and desire was well depicted in her most works with her sorrow and poor health. In particular, Jook-Seo`s affection for her friend ``Kuem Won`` who joined the same "Sam Ho Jeong" Poetry Club was emphasized in her works and so was the feeling of longing for her husband. Furthermore, a sense of missing her siblings she had spent her childhood being together with is rarely found in other female poets` works and the works of the other members of the "Sam Ho Jeong" Poetry Club. Such her pathetic emotion depicted in her works can touch the heartstrings of the readers. This thesis will focus on "Emotion of loneliness and sorrow" in Jook-Seo`s poems and find out the roles of Chinese literature in our local societies.

      • KCI등재

        데이터 마이닝을 활용한 한국 프로야구 구단의 승패예측과 승률 향상을 위한 전략 도출 연구

        김원종 ( Kim Won-jong ),최연식 ( Choi Yeon-sik ),유동희 ( Yoo Dong-hee ) 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2018 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구에서는 데이터 마이닝 기법을 활용하여 한국 프로야구의 승패예측모형을 구축하는 실험을 진행하였다. 이를 위해, 2017년에 실시된 한국 프로야구 10개 구단의 전체 경기 중 무승부 경기를 제외한 1,418경기에 대한 자료를 사용하였다. 승패예측모형에는 의사결정나무, 베이즈넷, 인공신경망 알고리즘과 앙상블 기법인 배깅과 부스팅이 사용되었으며, 그 결과 배깅 기법에 인공신경망을 적용한 예측모형에서 가장 높은 예측률인 85.18%를 기록하였다. 다음으로 의사결정나무 기반 예측모형을 활용하여 한국 프로야구 전체 구단에 관한 8개의 승패규칙을 도출하였다. 여기에서 승패규칙은 승패예측에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인들인 팀출루율, 팀타율, 피안타, 안타, 타석, 타수로 표현되며, 도출된 규칙을 바탕으로 구단의 승률 향상에 도움을 주는 전략을 제안하였다. 또한 플레이오프 진출 구단과 미진출 구단에 관한 승리규칙을 각각 4개씩 도출하였고 이를 바탕으로 두 집단에 맞춤화된 승률 향상 전략을 제시하였으며, 실제 구단에서 선수를 영입한 방향과의 비교를 통해 제시된 전략의 활용 가능성을 확인하였다. This study conducted an experiment to develop win-loss prediction models for the Korean professional baseball league using data mining techniques. To this end, we used data on 1,418 games from all games played by the ten Korean professional baseball teams in 2017, except draw games. We developed win-loss prediction models using not only a decision tree, Bayse net, and artificial neural network algorithms, but also ensemble methods, such as bagging and boosting. As a result, first, we found that the artificial neural network-based prediction model using the bagging method reported the best accuracy (85.18%). Second, we derived eight win-loss rules for entire teams from the decision tree-based prediction model. These rules consist of six influential factors: team on base average, team batting average, hit by opponent, hit, plate appearances, and at bat. Using the derived rules, we proposed helpful strategies for improving the winning rate. Third, we derived four winning rules for both playoff teams and non-playoff teams; using the rules we proposed customized strategies for improving the winning rate of the two different groups. Finally, we confirmed the feasibility of the proposed strategies by comparing non-playoff teams’ actual player recruitment strategies.

      • KCI등재

        한방 닭죽 개발 및 최적 배합비율 확립

        김경연 ( Kyung Yeon Kim ),백무열 ( Moo Yeol Baik ),박천석 ( Cheon Seok Park ),최성원 ( Sung Won Choi ),김창남 ( Chang Nam Kim ),김병용 ( Byung Yong Kim ) 한국식품영양학회 2013 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        죽의 기능성 향상을 위하여 2:1:1:1의 배합으로 혼합한 한약재료(가시오가피, 숙지황, 산약, 백복령)와 닭가슴살 등의 재료를 사용해 한방 영양죽을 제조하였다. 한방 닭죽의 DPPH radical 소거능, SOD 유사활성, 맛의 선호도, cost는 수학적인 canonical model과 trace plot을 이용하여 분석한 결과, SOD 유사활성 이외에는 각 성분들이 독립적으로 작용하여 상호작용이 없는 선형 모델을 보여주었다. DPPH radical 소거능, SOD 유사활성, 맛의 선호도를 최대로, cost를 최소로 목적 범위를 설정하고, 각각의 canonical 계수를 이용하여 수적 최적화를 통하여 최적 배합비를 구한 결과, 한약 혼합물 101g, 닭가슴살 38.66g, 찹쌀 비율 41.34g의 최적 배합비를 구하였으며, 이 배합비에 따른 맛의 선호도는 6.39, DPPH radical 소거능은 17.25㎎VCE/ℓ, SOD 유사활성은 2.25%, cost는 1,382.39 won으로 나타났으며, 여러 결과들 사이에 최적화된 한 값에 수렴하는 desirability는 0.714로 나타났다. 이는 한약혼합물이 많을수록 기능성 면에서는 높게 나타나지만 맛의 선호도면에서는 낮게 나타냈고, 닭가슴살의 경우에도 그 함량이 많을수록 맛의 선호도는 올라갔지만 그에 반해 cost가 높게 올라간 것을 반영한 결과로 사료된다. The objectives of this study were to develop porridge with medicinal herbs and chicken breast meat and to find out the optimum mixing ratio. Several herb extracts such as Acanthopanacis senticosus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Disocorea japonica, and Poria cocos Wolf were used in the ratio of 2, 1, 1, and 1, respectively. The optimum processing condition for herbal chicken porridge was determined by a design expert program. Seventeen experimental points were selected, and herb extracts (82∼101g), chicken breast meat (30∼50g), and glutinous rice (40∼60g) were chosen as the independent variables. The measured responses were preference of taste, DPPH radical scavenging, SOD-like activity, and cost. The optimum formulation of herbal chicken porridge using the numerical analysis was set at herbal extracts (101g), chicken breast meat (38.66g), and glutinous rice (41.34g) with a 0.714 desirability value. DPPH radical scavenging effect, preference of taste and the cost showed a linear model, whereas SOD-like activity showed a quadratic model indicating a higher interaction among the mixture. As a result of proximate composition of optimized herbal chicken porridge, the contents of moisture, carbohydrate, crude protein, crude lipid, and ash contents were 76.4, 9.0, 1.4, 0.5, and 1.6%, the calories of the porridge was 46.1kcal/100g.

      • KCI등재

        하수처리장 적용을 위한Semi-카플란 수차가 장착된 마이크로수력발전 시스템

        채규정(Kyu Jung Chae),김동수(Dong Soo Kim),천경호(Kyung Ho Cheon),김원경(Won Kyoung Kim),김정연(Jung Yeon Kim),이철형(Chul Hyung Lee),박완순(Wan Soon Park) 大韓環境工學會 2013 대한환경공학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        소수력발전은 하수처리장 에너지 자립을 위한 효과적인 대안이다. 본 연구는 유량변동이 크고 유효낙차가 낮은 중소형하수처리장(기흥레스피아) 적용을 위해 피치조절형 세미카플란(semi-kaplan) 마이크로수력발전의 적용 타당성을 평가하였다. 가변피치 semi-kaplan 수차는 유량조절을 위한 가이드베인은 생략하고 피치조절형 런너를 장착하여 기계적 결함은 줄이면서 유량변동이 큰 처리장에 특화된 기술이다. 마이크로수력발전 시스템은 설계조건(유량 0.35 m3/s, 유효낙차 4.7 m)에서 90.2%의 수차효율 달성이 가능하였고 발전용량은 13.4 kW로 산정되었다. 설비가동률 74%로 가동 시 연간 약 86.8 MWh 에너지 생산을 통해 2.1%의 에너지 자립이 가능하고 이는 연간 49톤의 CO₂ 감축효과와 맞먹는다. 경제성 평가결과 초기 건설공사비가 200,000,000원 이하인 경우에는 내부수익률은 6.1%, 순현가는 15,539,000원, 편익-비용률은 1.08, 투자회수년은 15.5년으로 경제성이 충분한 것으로 나타났다. Small scale hydropower is one of most attractive and cost-effective energy technologies for installation within sewage treatment plants. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a semi-kaplan micro-hydropower (MHP) system for application to sewage treatment plants with high flow fluctuations and a low head. The semi-kaplan MHP is equipped with an adjustable runner blade, and is without a guide vane, so as to reduce the incidence of mechanical problems. A MHP rating 13.4 kWp with a semi-kaplan turbine has been considered for Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant, and this installation is estimated to generate 86.8 MWh of electricity annually, which is enough to supply electricity to over 25 households, and equivalent to an annual reduction of 49 ton CO₂. The semi-kaplan turbine showed a 90.2% energy conversion efficiency at the design flow rate of 0.35 m3/s and net head of 4.7 m, and was adaptable to a wide range of flow fluctuations. Through the MHP operation, approximately 2.1% of total electricity demand of Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant will be achievable. Based on financial analysis, an exploiting MHP is considered economically acceptable with an internal rate of return of 6.1%, net present value of 15,539,000 Korean Won, benefit- cost ratio of 1.08, and payback year of 15.5, respectively, if initial investment cost is 200,000,000 Korean Won.

      • 여과사 표면처리에 의한 부식물질 흡착

        延動錫,李元鎬 충주대 산업과학기술연구소 2001 産業科學論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Suspended and dissolved substance were included in water. Suspended substances can be relatively easily removed by sand filter, whereas, complete removal of dissolved substances in water was not possible at present. It is due to repulsion between negative charge of dissolved substances and sand filter previously used. Potential application of sand filters coated with Al and Fe in removing humid substances was evaluated in this experiment to improve removal efficiency of the dissolved substances in the water. In the adsorption experiment, the removal efficiency of humic substances was higher in the coated sand filter than In the uncoated one. More specifically, the higher removal efficiency of the humic substances in the Al-coating sand filter was obtained over the pH range randomly determined(4.2, 5.1, 7.6, and 10.0). Especially, the removal efficiency of the humic substance at the pH 10 was relatively constantly maintained at a level of about 95% during the maximum 8 hours. After then, it was sharply decreased. In the leaching experiment, the concentration of leachate in both coated and uncoated sand filters was all the highest at pH 9.95. It was relatively higher over the pH range of 7 to 10 than other pH range. Finally, the removal efficiency of the humic substances obtained in the readsorption experiment was rapidly declined, compared to that obtained in the adsorption experiment. Experiment results acquired in this research may be used to develop a promising technology for the removal of bacteria, algae, and colorful colloids, and a variety of dissolved substances in water.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 위 전절제술 후 발생한 근위부 비장동맥 가성동맥류 1례

        서경원,신연명 고신대학교 의과대학 2009 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.24 No.2

        Splenic pseudoaneurysm following upper abdominal surgery is uncommon but highly lethal complication. Surgical and angiographic interventions are used in treatment; however, optimal therapy remains unclear. We report herein the case of a 37-year-old woman in whom proximal splenic artery pseudoaneurysm ruptured into the small intestine via a fistula, following total gastrectomy. It causes massive bleeding, which was successfully managed by trans-catheter arterial embolization.

      • 주요 시설물 인접지역의 깊은 터파기굴착에서 변위 및 응력의 계측과 응용

        원연호,강추원,양해승 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1996 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.2

        The excavation works for deep foundation in urban areas have recently increased complaints of blasting vibration and settlement of ground level. Foundation must be excavated approximately up to 24∼28m depths from the surface. The roads and subway line pass through the excavation area. The Dae-chung station is also located at the nearest distance 5∼35m fron the working site. To protect subway station and adjacient some structures from blasting and settlement, the level of ground vibration, displacements and stress were monitored and analyzed. The results can be summarized as follows : 1. An empirical particle velocity equation was obtained by test blasts at Nassan Missi 860 Officetel construction site. V=K(D/√W)^-n, where the values for n and k are estimated to be 0.371 and 1.551 respectively. From this ground vibration equation, the max, charge weight per delay time against distance from blasting point is calculated. Detailed blasting method is also presented. 2. To measure the horizontal displacement in directions in directions perpendicular to the borehole axis, 6 inclinometers installed around working sites. The displacement at the beginning was comparatively high because the installation of struts was delayed, but after its installation the values showed a stable trend. Among them, the displacement by 3 inclinometers installed on a temporary parking area showed comparatively high values, for example, the displacement measrued at hole No. IC-1 recorded the max, 57.33mm for 7 months. So, all of these data was estimated below a safe standard value 103mm. 3. Seven strain gauge meter was installed to measure value of maximum stress was-465㎏f/㎠, -338.4㎏f/㎠, 302.3㎏f/㎠ respectively. In compare to the allowable stress level of steel, they are estimated to be safe.

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