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Variation and Correlation of Shearing Force with Feed Nutritional Characteristics of Wheat Straw
Cui, X.M.,Yang, Z.B.,Yang, W.R.,Jiang, S.Z.,Zhang, G.G.,Liu, L.,Wu, B.R.,Wang, Z.F. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.10
This experiment was conducted to study the variation laws and correlations of shearing force and feed characteristics including morphological characteristic, chemical composition and in situ degradability of wheat straw. Feasibility of evaluating the nutritional value of wheat straws with shearing force values was analyzed in this study. Six hundred wheat straw plants (Jimai 22) were randomly selected and placed in a cool and ventilated place. Samples were collected in the 1st, 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th d after harvest to measure shearing force, morphological characteristic, nutritional composition. Rumen degradation of dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of wheat straws were determined by the nylon bags method. The results demonstrated that linear and quadratic effects of storage time on all the tested morphological characteristics were significantly correlative (p<0.01). As storage time goes on, all the tested nutrients and their rumen degradations of wheat straw was linearly (p<0.01) and quadratic (p<0.01) correlative except ADF content and rumen degradation of ADF. Significant correlations were determined in linear effect of shearing force on morphological characteristics (p<0.01), and linear density and diameter were a more sensitive predictor than stem thickness for shearing force. There were strong correlations between storage time and all the measured physical characteristics (shearing force, morphological characteristics and shearing force standardized by morphological characteristics) (p<0.01). Nutrition compositions were linearly correlative with shearing force and standardized shearing force (p<0.01). The linear correlation between rumen degradation of DM and NDF and shearing force and standardized shearing force were evident (p<0.01). In conclusion, shearing force, nutrition compositions and their rumen degradation of wheat straw were still dynamic with storage time after harvest. Correlation could be found between shearing force and nutritional characteristics of wheat straw. Nutrient content, morphological index and rumen degradation of DM and NDF could be predicted by changes in shearing force. Shearing force should be applied according to a standardized storage time when it is used to forecast the feed value of wheat straws.
냉간 박판압연공정에서 공정변수가 엣지 크랙 성장에 미치는 영향
CUIXIANGZI(X. Z. Cui),이상호(S. H. Lee),이성진(S. J. Lee),이종빈(J. B. Lee),김병민(B. M. Kim) 한국소성가공학회 2009 한국소성가공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.5
Edge cracks in cold rolling always influence to the quality of productions, while the “V” shaped cracks were propagated by passing the roll gap. We set up the sizes and shapes of initial cracks in simulation according to the references form real productions. Different to in hot rolling, the cracks in cold rolling couldn’t be reduced from propagation automatically after generate, even if these could be reduced by changing the process parameters. In this paper, we described the affections of process parameters on the propagation of edge cracks, such as reduction ration and tension. We predicted that the dependence of the cracks propagations of changing of process conditions and expected to gain the smaller edge cracks. By raising the reduction ratio, the cracks were propagated increasingly in both transverse and rolling directions. And as tension raise, the cracks became propagated in both directions in which transverse direction was less effectively.
Radiative decay of theψ(2S)into two pseudoscalar mesons
Bai, J. Z.,Ban, Y.,Bian, J. G.,Blum, I.,Chen, A. D.,Chen, G. P.,Chen, H. F.,Chen, H. S.,Chen, J.,Chen, J. C.,Chen, X. D.,Chen, Y.,Chen, Y. B.,Cheng, B. S.,Choi, J. B.,Cui, X. Z.,Ding, H. L.,Dong, L. Y American Physical Society 2003 Physical review. D, Particles and fields Vol.67 No.3
ZhEng, D. W.,Huang, Y. P.,Tang, T. A.,Cui, Q.,Li, A. Z.,Zhou, S. X.,He, Z. J.,Chen, Z.,Zhang, X. J.,Kwor, R. 대한전자공학회 1993 ICVC : International Conference on VLSI and CAD Vol.3 No.1
A novel process for silicon on insulator(SOI) technology has been presented. Single crystal Si is grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBF) on a porous silicon(PS) system consisting of two layers of PS with different microstructures. Subsequent lateral oxidation converts the structure to SOI wish excellent insulation property. Si islands with a width of 135㎛ and low doping concentration have been achieved.
In Vitro Endothelialization on CNx Films Deposited on PTFE
X. L. Qing,F. Z. Cui,C. L. Zheng 한국물리학회 2005 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.46 No.1
Endothelial cells were successfully seeded onto carbon nitride (CNx) ¯lms deposited on poly-tetra°uoroethylene (PTFE) by using the ion beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) technique. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and, Raman characterization of the resulting ¯lms showed that IBAD was e±cient in fabricating CNx ¯lms with controllable nitrogen content and sp2=sp3 fraction. The 48 hr cell culture indicated the endothelial cells grew best on CNx ¯lm with greatest nitrogen content. The CNx-coated PTFE may be a promising vascular prosthesis in vascular reconstruction.
Cytotoxicity and Cells Growth Status on Ag+-implanted Pyrolytic Carbon and TiN/Ag Multilayer Films
X. M. Cai,H. Q. Tang,T. Liu,J. Zhao,H. Q. Gu,R. Z. Cui 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.-
Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer films were prepared by ion implantation and ion beam assisted deposition. L-929 cells (mice fibroblast) were cultured in the extracted medium of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer film samples for cytotoxicity testing. The adhesion, spreading, proliferation and morphology of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on both samples were also investigated. The results show that the cytotoxicity grade of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon is less than 1˚ when the implanted dose is under 1×10 16 ions/cm² and the cytotoxicity grade of TiN/Ag multilayer films with modulation period of 7.5 nm is within the range of 0 to 1˚ indicating that both samples have no cytotoxicity to L-929. HUVEC on both Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer film sample grows well, showing that they have good biocompatibility. Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer films were prepared by ion implantation and ion beam assisted deposition. L-929 cells (mice fibroblast) were cultured in the extracted medium of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer film samples for cytotoxicity testing. The adhesion, spreading, proliferation and morphology of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on both samples were also investigated. The results show that the cytotoxicity grade of Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon is less than 1˚ when the implanted dose is under 1×10 16 ions/cm² and the cytotoxicity grade of TiN/Ag multilayer films with modulation period of 7.5 nm is within the range of 0 to 1˚ indicating that both samples have no cytotoxicity to L-929. HUVEC on both Ag+-implanted pyrolytic carbon and TiN/Ag multilayer film sample grows well, showing that they have good biocompatibility.
Cui, H.Z.,Wen, J.F.,Choi, H.R.,Li, X.,Cho, K.W.,Kang, D.G.,Lee, H.S. North-Holland ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2011 european journal of pharmacology Vol.653 No.1
Ursolic acid is reported to have beneficial effects on the regulation of cardiovascular homeostasis. However, the effects of ursolic acid on cardiac hormone secretion are yet to be defined. The present study was designed to test the effects of ursolic acid on the secretory and contractile functions of the atria. Experiments were conducted in isolated perfused beating rabbit atria. We measured the changes in atrial dynamics, pulse pressure, stroke volume, cAMP efflux, as well as the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). Ursolic acid increased ANP secretion and mechanical dynamics in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition of L-type Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> channels with nifedipine attenuated the ursolic acid-induced increase in ANP secretion but not mechanical dynamics. The inhibition of K<SUP>+</SUP><SUB>ATP</SUB> channels with glibenclamide attenuated the ursolic acid-induced increase in ANP secretion-but not atrial dynamics-in a concentration-dependent manner. The selective Na<SUP>+</SUP>-K<SUP>+</SUP>-ATPase inhibitor ouabain blocked the ursolic acid-induced increase in atrial dynamics but not ANP secretion. These findings show that ursolic acid increases ANP secretion via its activation of K<SUP>+</SUP><SUB>ATP</SUB> channels and subsequent inhibition of Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> entry through L-type Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> channels in rabbit atria. These data also suggest that ursolic acid increases atrial dynamics via its inhibition of Na<SUP>+</SUP>-K<SUP>+</SUP>-ATPase activity.