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GIS based Visual Expression of Marine Numerical Simulation- Flow Field and Silt Sediment as Example
Wang Rui-Fu,Chen Li-li,Bai Tao,Wang Fang-zheng 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.9 No.1
Numerical simulation has been widely applied in ocean engineering owing to its low cost, short cycle and wide application range. However, post-processing software of numerical simulation doesn’t support production specification of marine engineering and other industries, and integration production is not flexible. According to particularity of numerical simulation and user requirements, this paper took GIS as the solution to achieve dynamic visualization of numerical simulation and one-click generation of business products. Firstly, based on its characteristics, convert marine numerical simulation data into vector field represented by arrows or scalar field represented by grid. Secondly, GIS based spatial display and analysis technology is used to realize the visualization expression of marine numerical simulation data. In order to improve the effect of display and expression, we achieve rendering through symbol and color stretching mapping. Finally, we output numerical thematic map through custom map range and great map decoration function.
Fang Wang,Jian-fang Lou,Yan Cao,Xin-hui Shi,Peng Wang,Jian Xu,Er-fu Xie,Ting Xu,Rui-hong Sun,Jianyu Rao,Pu-wen Huang,Shi-yang Pan,Hong Wang 생화학분자생물학회 2015 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.47 No.-
MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs, mediate gene expression by either cleaving target mRNAs or inhibiting their translation. They have key roles in the tumorigenesis of several cancers, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical significance of miR-638 in the evaluation of NSCLC patient prognosis in response to chemotherapy. First, we detected miR-638 expression levels in vitro in the culture supernatants of the NSCLC cell line SPC-A1 treated with cisplatin, as well as the apoptosis rates of SPC-A1. Second, serum miR-638 expression levels were detected in vivo by using nude mice xenograft models bearing SPC-A1 with and without cisplatin treatment. In the clinic, the serum miR-638 levels of 200 cases of NSCLC patients before and after chemotherapy were determined by quantitative real-time PCR, and the associations of clinicopathological features with miR-638 expression patterns after chemotherapy were analyzed. Our data helped in demonstrating that cisplatin induced apoptosis of the SPC-A1 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner accompanied by increased miR-638 expression levels in the culture supernatants. In vivo data further revealed that cisplatin induced miR-638 upregulation in the serum derived from mice xenograft models, and in NSCLC patient sera, miR-638 expression patterns after chemotherapy significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis. Moreover, survival analyses revealed that patients who had increased miR-638 levels after chemotherapy showed significantly longer survival time than those who had decreased miR-638 levels. Our findings suggest that serum miR-638 levels are associated with the survival of NSCLC patients and may be considered a potential independent predictor for NSCLC prognosis.
Rui-Yan Wu,Yong Wang,Xiao-Yan Xue,Fu-Qiang An,Tuo-Ping Hu,Jian-Feng Gao 한국화학공학회 2018 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.35 No.3
Rare earth elements are an important strategic resource. However, a trace of Fe(III) impurity has serious adverse impact on the performance of rare earth materials. We synthesized a novel nitrogen-containing carbon material, ACLR-400, using lotus root as raw materials. The ACLR-400 was characterized by surface area analyzer, elemental analysis and FT-IR. The selectivity and removal efficiency of ACLR-400 towards Fe(III) were also investigated. The BET specific surface area of ACLR-400 was 68.44m2·g−1, and the average pore diameter was 12.54 nm. With abundant nitrogen- containing functional groups and well-developed internal pore structure, ACLR-400 possesses strong adsorption affinity, excellent selectivity and removal efficiency for Fe(III). The adsorption capacity of ACLR-400 towards Fe(III) could reach to 0.46mmol·g−1, selectivity coefficient with respect to La(III) was 8.9, and removal efficiency was 99.61%. The adsorption isotherm data greatly obey the Freundlich isotherm. In addition, ACLR-400 can be regenerated easily and possesses better regeneration ability and reusability.
Can Ultrasound be Used to Differentiate Tubular Adenomas of Breast from Fibroadenomas or Carcinoma?
Fu, Ying,Miao, Li-Ying,Ge, Hui-Yu,Mei, Fang,Wang, Jin-Rui Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.3
Breast tubular adenomas are rare benign breast tumors and detailed descriptions of their sonographic appearance are necessary for differential diagnosis from fibroadenomas or breast cancers. This study investigated twenty-one histology-proved tubular adenomas in 17 patients and also included 48 fibroadenomas in 35 patients as a control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups with clinical presentation, which was age, tumor location, tumor number (p>0.05). Statistic analysis showed three significant factors in the differential diagnosis of tubular adenomas and fibroadenomas, including macro-lobulation (p=0.01), "tiny branch like" patterns (p=0.001) and vascularity (p=0.02). Other ultrasonographic features such as echogenicity, border, uniformity of echotexture, posterior acoustic enhancement, lateral wall shadowing were of no clinical significance (p>0.05). Calcifications were seen in three tubular adenomas which were different from those of carcinomas. Although tubular adenomas have some typical characteristics on sonography, surgery and core needle biopsy are still needed for complex cases to exclude progress to malignancy.
Manipulation of microdroplets at a T-junction: Coalescence and scaling law
Rui Ma,Qindan Zhang,Taotao Fu,Chunying Zhu,Kai Wang,Youguang Ma,Guangsheng Luo 한국공업화학회 2018 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.65 No.-
The manipulation of a droplet at a microfluidic T-junction is achieved via adding reagents into the droplet with the same solution. Three types for droplet coalescence at the T-junction were observed: tail coalescence, slipping coalescence and unsteady coalescence behaviors with a new droplet formation. The final droplet size decreased (increased) with increasing the capillary number when the flow rate of the dispersed (continuous) phase was fixed. The final droplet size increased with increasing the capillary number of the added phase. The correlations for predicting the coalesced droplet size for tail and slipping coalescence were proposed.
Fu-Peng Li,Rui-Hua Wang,Shu-Min Fei 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2022 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.20 No.4
This paper studies stability and controller design for discrete-time switched systems with unstable subsystems under the slow/fast admissible edge-dependent average dwell time (AED-ADT) switching. Different from the previous research results, it is the first time to propose transferring-dependent convex Lyapunov function (CLF) and transferring-dependent Lyapunov function (LF). Then, considering a slow/fast AED-ADT switching scheme, some excellent stability criteria are established according to transferring-dependent CLF and transferring-dependent LF, which have less restrictiveness compared with existing results. Corresponding to the novel transferring-dependent LFs and the properties of slow/fast AED-ADT switching, the new transferring-dependent convex controller (TDCC) and transferring-dependent ordinary controller (TD-OC) are devised to stabilize the underlying system. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by two numerical examples.
Study on the function of Helicoverpa armigera Wnt1 gene using CRISPR/Cas9 system
Fu Xiaozheng,Li Rui,Qiu Qiqi,Wang Mengke,Zhao Te,Zhou Lin 한국응용곤충학회 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.25 No.1
The Wnt signaling pathway, as a highly conserved signaling pathway in evolution, plays an important role in many biological processes. The research of Wnt signaling pathway through gene editing has been implemented in a variety of organisms. Among the various genome editing tools available for functional genomic research, CRISPR is popular because of its ease of use and versatility. Here, we use the CRISPR/Cas9 system to knock out the HaWnt1 gene of the important agricultural pest Helicoverpa armigera to explore the impacts on embryo development. Direct injection of Cas9 protein and Wnt1-specific single guide RNA (sgRNA) into H. armigera embryos successfully induced Wnt1 gene deletion mutants, which showed high lethality, abnormal segmenta tion, defected appendages and defected pigmentation. qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the deletion of Wnt1 gene affected the expression of several genes, which were closely related to the growth and development of insects. Our results indicate that HaWnt1 signaling pathway is essential for embryonic development of H. armigera. The study of the function of HaWnt1 gene not only lays the foundation for the study of the somatic development pattern of H. armigera, but also provides a candidate gene for genetic control of H. armigera.
Rui Xing,Qing-bo Gao,Fa-qi Zhang,Peng-cheng Fu,Jiu-li Wang,Hui-ying Yan,Shi-long-Chen 한국미생물학회 2017 The journal of microbiology Vol.55 No.8
Floccularia luteovirens, as an ectomycorrhizal fungus, is widely distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As an edible fungus, it is famous for its unique flavor. Former studies mainly focus on the chemical composition and genetic structure of this species. However, the phylogenetic relationship between genotypes remains unknown. In this study, the genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship between the genotypes of F. luteovirens in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was estimated through the analysis on two protein-coding genes (rpb1 and ef-1α) from 398 individuals collected from 24 wild populations. The sample covered the entire range of this species during all the growth seasons from 2011 to 2015. 13 genotypes were detected and moderate genetic diversity was revealed. Based on the results of network analysis, the maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses, the genotypes H-1, H-4, H-6, H-8, H-10, and H-11 were grouped into one clade. Additionally, a relatively higher genotype diversity (average h value is 0.722) and unique genotypes in the northeast edge of Qinghai- Tibet plateau have been found, combined with the results of mismatch analysis and neutrality tests indicated that Southeast Qinghai-Tibet plateau was a refuge for F. luteovirens during the historical geological or climatic events (uplifting of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau or Last Glacial Maximum). Furthermore, the present distribution of the species on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau has resulted from the recent population expansion. Our findings provide a foundation for the future study of the evolutionary history and the speciation of this species.
Ding, Fu-Xiang,Zhang, Gen-Xi,Wang, Jin-Yu,Li, Yuan,Zhang, Li-Jun,Wei, Yue,Wang, Hui-Hua,Zhang, Li,Hou, Qi-Rui Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2010 Animal Bioscience Vol.23 No.2
The level of genetic differentiation and genetic structure in a Chinese native chicken breed, Bian chicken, and two controlled chicken populations (Jinghai chicken and Youxi chicken in China) were analysed based on 29 microsatellite markers. A total of 166 distinct alleles were observed across the 3 breeds, and 32 of these alleles (19.3%) were unique to only 1 breed. Bian chicken carried the largest number of private alleles at 15 (46.9%), followed by the Jinghai chicken with 12 private alleles (37.5%). The average polymorphism information content (0.5168) and the average expected heterozygote frequency (0.5750) of the Bian chicken were the highest, and those of the Jinghai chicken were 0.4915 and 0.5505, respectively, which were the lowest. Among 29 microsatellite loci, there were 15 highly informative loci in Bian chicken, and the other 14 were reasonably informative loci. The highly informative loci in Jinghai chicken and Youxi chicken were 17 and 14 respectively. Significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed at several locus-breed combinations, showing a deficit of heterozygotes in many cases. As a whole, genetic differentiation among the breeds estimated by the fixation index (Fst) were at 6.7% (p<0.001). The heterozygote deficit within population (Fis) was 22.2% (p<0.001), with the highest (0.249) in Bian chicken and lowest (0.159) in Youxi chicken. These results serve as an initial step in the plan for genetic characterization and conservation of the Chinese chicken genetic resource of Bian, as well as Jinghai and Youxi chickens.
Classicality in Imaginary Weak Amplification
Tao Wang,Gang Li,Chang-Bao Fu,Rui Zhang,Xuemei Su,Qian-qian Bao 한국물리학회 2017 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.71 No.12
Weak ampli¯cation is an interesting phenomenon. In this paper we show an example that the imaginary weak ampli¯cation e®ect can be only related to the classical probability distribution of the measured quantity. A general result for any two orthogonal postselections and any meter state is also given.