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      • KCI등재

        To Be Conservative as a Disposition of Education: Familiarity, Freedom and Learning from the Perspective of Michael Oakeshott

        WEN DA,권정선,김회용 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2017 교육혁신연구 Vol.27 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is chiefly to interpret and clarify a traditionally notion of the conservative disposition concealed in liberal education by reviewing three basic concepts—familiarity, freedom and learning—from the perspective of Michael Oakeshott. Method: Firstly, we discover that there are two intractable crises in education on account of the observation of history and current situations. The first relates to the sustainability of the conservative disposition and the second to the invitation of liberal learning. They are organically interconnected in that the realisation of the latter, in a way, relies on a response to the acquisition of the former. Secondly, we define familiarity as a characteristic of the conservative disposition that derives from the enjoyment of “the present” through an examination of complex social conditions. Familiarity is the basis of a conservative disposition that runs through the whole tradition of behaviour, or rather the tradition of morality derives its inheritance as a way of understanding education. Thirdly, we systematically expound that the conservative disposition as an essential component of education activities is supposed not only to provide the basis for educational enterprise but to play a role that involves a relationship between teachers and students. Fourthly, we emphasize the pivotal role of the conservative disposition not only in restraining the hegemony of the pragmatic modes of education but in providing a strong guarantee for realizating the invitation of liberal education by criticizing ‘vocational education’. Results: Finally, we put forward the conservative disposition of freedom as a reflective consciousness that plays an irreplaceable role in supervising and advancing the development of liberal learning by virtue of Oakeshott’s perception of freedom. Conclusion: The discussion of Oakeshott’s concept of the conservative disposition, which deepens the importance and necessity of liberal education, can furtherly make a contribution to the re-establishment for the orientation of educational activities, as well as for the trusting relationship between learners and teachers in modern education.

      • KCI등재

        The Educational Implications of the Idea of Rousseau’s Negative Education During the Understanding and Practice of Teacher Education

        ( Wen-da ),( Kim Hoy-yong ) 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2018 교사교육연구 Vol.57 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to clarify Rousseau's idea of negative education and to discuss its insights into the understanding and practice of teacher education. Rousseau identified a fundamental problem in education which he called negative education which he published in Emile or on Education. This idea of negative education continues to play a significant role in solving problems which emerge from our educational principles, contents, and methods. More specifically, the idea of negative education is the opposite of excessive education which frequently appears in practical education. Teachers who engage in excessive education are those who use content which is above their students’level of understanding. This type of education is excessive because it does interests the students and goes against the will of the students. On the other hand, negative education places the child at the center of the educational process by taking the child’s interests and state of the psychosomatic development into consideration while also to paying attention to their intrinsic motivation. However, there are still question surrounding Rousseau's negative education as it is restricted to the analysis of childhood whether it is appropriate or not. Researchers have noted that the word 'negative' also has some characteristics that could include‘retard’or‘contemplation’. These two sorts of characteristics, which appear in adolescent education (after fifteen years of age), can also be understood as some special forms of negative education that cannot be explained in specific language. This article emphasizes that the negative way of education plays an important role during the understanding and practice of teacher education by illustrating the concept and characteristics of negative education. This sort of way of negative education has a positive guiding and promoting effect on teachers who are cultivating children's abilities in physical fitness, sensory training, intellectual development and moral cultivation.

      • KCI등재

        A Brief Analysis on Five Elementary Components of Rousseau’s Romanticism

        Wen Da,Kim Hoy-Yong 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2016 교육혁신연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The romantic ideology of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 ~ 1778) firstly is a summary of his personal life experience, also the quintessence of his time spirit; moreover, it makes an outstanding contribution to the Enlightenment as well as the process of modernization theory. On one hand, it fills the deficiency of mainstream ideology of Enlightenment which is no longer confined to the rational and scientific knowledge; conversely, it strengthens the power of perception especially in art and religion, breaking new ground for widely releasing people’s inner creativity. On the other hand, the basic characteristic of romanticism emphasizes the emotions (or feelings) and becomes another mind-set that is from Rousseau, the father of romanticism, which is completely different from the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Rousseau’s romanticism is not ‘anti-rationality’, but ‘anti-intellectuality’ (i. e. a kind of rationalism in a narrow sense). This paper generalizes the core of Romanticism including the self-worship, appreciation of nature, expectations of dream, pursuit of emotion and obsession of language games. At the same time, it further analyzes what influences Rousseau’s Romanticism has made on literary creation and education in nineteenth and twentieth century.

      • KCI등재

        A Brief Analysis on Five Elementary Components of Rousseau’s Romanticism

        Wen Da,Kim Hoy-Yong 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2016 교육혁신연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The romantic ideology of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 ~ 1778) firstly is a summary of his personal life experience, also the quintessence of his time spirit; moreover, it makes an outstanding contribution to the Enlightenment as well as the process of modernization theory. On one hand, it fills the deficiency of mainstream ideology of Enlightenment which is no longer confined to the rational and scientific knowledge; conversely, it strengthens the power of perception especially in art and religion, breaking new ground for widely releasing people’s inner creativity. On the other hand, the basic characteristic of romanticism emphasizes the emotions (or feelings) and becomes another mind-set that is from Rousseau, the father of romanticism, which is completely different from the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Rousseau’s romanticism is not ‘anti-rationality’, but ‘anti-intellectuality’ (i. e. a kind of rationalism in a narrow sense). This paper generalizes the core of Romanticism including the self-worship, appreciation of nature, expectations of dream, pursuit of emotion and obsession of language games. At the same time, it further analyzes what influences Rousseau’s Romanticism has made on literary creation and education in nineteenth and twentieth century. 루소의 낭만주의 사상은 루소 자신의 개인 생활 경험의 결과이며, 동시에 시대 정신의 산물이기도 하다. 루소의 낭만주의 사상은 근대화 이론뿐만 아니라 계몽사상에도 현저하게 기여하였다. 또한 계 몽주의 사상의 부족한 점을 보충하여, 이성과 과학의 지식에 더 이상 국한하지 않으면서, 계몽사상 에 감성적인 힘을 부여하였다. 루소의 낭만주의 사상은 개인에게 내재된 창의력을 발산하기 위해, 특히 예술과 종교에서의 지각의 힘을 강조하였다. 루소 낭만주의 사상의 또 다른 특징은 ‘감성의 강 조’에 있다. 루소의 낭만주의는 ‘이성’을 반대한 것이 아니라 ‘지성’(협의의 이성주의)을 반대하였다. 이 글은 자기-숭배, 자연에 대한 찬미, 꿈의 기대, 감성의 추구, 언어 게임의 집착 등 낭만주의의 핵 심 사상을 다루었다. 동시에 루소의 낭만주의가 19세기와 20세기의 문예 창작과 교육에 미친 영향력 을 분석하였다

      • KCI등재

        왜 보수성이 교육에 그렇게 중요한가? 마이클 오우크쇼트의 자기반성적 방어기제를 중심으로

        문달 ( Da Wen ),김회용 ( Hoy-youg Kim ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2019 교육문화연구 Vol.25 No.3

        본 논문에서는 오우크쇼트의 정치론에 담긴 보수성과 교육 사이의 연관관계를 드러냄으로써 다음의 두 가지를 규명하는 데 목적이 있다. 첫째, 정치행위에 내포된 보수성과 그 교육적 경로를 밝히는 것이다. 둘째, 자기반성적 방어기제를 담은 보수성을 제시하는 것이다. 글로벌 사회의 다양한 이해집단이 교차하는 오늘날의 시대적 변화 속에서 ‘혁신과 경쟁’이라는 주제는 문화를 이해하는 동시에 잠재적 체제문제를 진단할 수 있는 핵심 사안이다. 이는 곧 정권에 봉사하는 교육 역시 실제적인 사회이슈로 부상하게 되었음을 뜻한다. 그것은 정권에 봉사하는 어떤 교육 형태도 실질적임을 나타낸다. 이런 이유에서 시민들은 완벽하게 프로그램화 된 생활양식을 만들어 가도록 장려된다. 그러나 이와 같은 교육 패러다임은 교육에 대한 근본적 오해에서 비롯된 것이다. 합리주의 사회에서 지금까지 교육의 흐름을 주도해 온 이 패러다임을 전환시키기 위해서는 무엇보다 교육에서 보수성의 중요성을 되새길 필요가 있다. 본 연구자는 보수성의 비판적 목표가 가능한 한 신중한 상태를 유지하는 데 있다고 생각한다. 이는 우리가 교육 비전에 대해 보다 철저하고 심사숙고를 통한 진단을 내려야 한다는 것을 뜻한다. 이런 보수적 교육관(敎育觀)은 사제간의 갈등을 조정하고, 교육개혁의 진행을 감독하며, 교수와 학습을 반성하는 것에 대해 일정한 지도적 역할을 하고 있다. 그것은 우리에게 교육의 목적이 실질적인 성과를 추구하는 데 있는 것이 아니라 자신과 세상 사이의 변증적 관계를 이해하는 것에 있다는 것을 암시한다. Facing the fast-changing times, “innovation and competition” turns to be a central theme widely used in the understanding and potentially treatment of democratic issues. It suggests that education in the service of politics can be substantive, that is, impart skills to the students for adaptation to the demands of a constantly changing society without enhancing their nature. Or procedural, that is, technologically and purposely reshaping politics into a pattern dominated by technical rationality. Citizens, in this sort of political pattern, are encouraged to adopt programmable lifestyles. This may be a complete misunderstanding of education. In this context, conservatives are acutely aware that conservatism can provide education with another stable and sustainable perspective. The inherent link between conservatism and education is not surprising if it is not supported by citizens. Michael Oakeshott, who had deep insights into both political theory and liberal education, may have provided another way to assess the link between conservatism and education. This article has two goals. The first is exegetical: is to illuminate the conservative disposition in politics and its approach to education. The second goal is to propose a conservative disposition of freedom that involves an introspective defense mechanism. I argue that the goal of conservative criticism is to reach as deliberative a point as possible. In this case, it tends to dwell on the educational visions as they are defined outside of their different appearances, rather than in the ever changing educational circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        실천 활동의 우연성과 가치의 선택성: 오우크쇼트 시민교육의 함축적 의미와 목적을 중심으로

        문달 ( Wen Da ),김회용 ( Kim Hoy-yong ) 한국교육철학학회 2016 교육철학연구 Vol.38 No.3

        이 글은 정치철학적 관점에서 실천 활동의 우연성과 가치 선택성의 상호관계에 초점을 두고 오우크쇼트가 주장한 시민교육론의 함의를 밝히는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현대 서구 공민 교육 사상의 4개 유파를 탐구하고 정리하여 오우크쇼트의 시민교육관을 분석하였다. 둘째, 오우크쇼트는 본인의 해석학적 관점을 바탕으로 정치의 본질적 함의를 밝혔다. 그는 정치는 ``정치 형식``, ``정치형식에 대한 응답`` 그리고 응답 후 ``가치 선택에 대한 반성`` 등의 세 가지 요소로 이루어졌다고 보았다. 셋째, 오우크쇼트는 본인의 가치선택의 정치철학관에 근거하여 시민교육은 반드시 가치 지향으로서의 자유를 갖는 정치시민을 양성할 것을 강조하였고, 여기서는 이러한 그의 독특한 ``개인적``(個體性人) 자유관을 분석하였다. 넷째, 그가 주장한 시민교육의 목표는 "공동선"(共同善)을 추구하는 이익 공동체가 아니라 보수적인 도덕성 시민 연합체를 구성하는 것이었다. 그리고 안전과 안정적인 정치 생활이 보장될 때 인간이 다양한 가치 생활 방식을 선택할 수 있음을 강조하였다. 마지막으로, 도구적 이성주의의 배경에서, 오우크쇼트는 보수적인 자유주의 정치관을 가치 지향으로서 다루고 ``암시``와 ``대화``의 방식을 통해 의식적 교육의 갈등과 충돌을 해결하고자 하였다. 오우크쇼트는 철학적 기초와 실천 활동의 경험 양식에서 출발하여 가치 선택성과 실천 활동의 우연성을 교육의 본질과 의미로 정립하고, 보수적이고 독특한 시민교육관을 주장하였다. 이러한 그의 보수적 시민 교육관은 지금의 교육 혁신과 발전에 의미 있는 시사를 제공한다고 볼 수 있다. The object of this paper is chiefly to clarify the theory of Oakeshott`s civil education from the perspective of his philosophical view of politics and to attempt to concentrate his civil education concept into the interrelationship between the contingency of practical activity and the selectivity of value. First, this paper brings out Oakeshott`s civil education concept by analyzing and combing the core ideas of four representative schools of the contemporary western civil education thought. Secondly, Oakeshott systematically addresses the essential implication of politics based on his philosophical view of hermeneutics. He believes politics is composed by three components: a political situation, a response to a situation and a genuine deliberation on value selection. Thirdly, Oakeshott points out that civil education is designed to train qualified citizens who treat the freedom as the value orientation based on his political-philosophical view of value selection. And here, this chapter emphatically introduces his unique concept of political freedom of the ``individual``. Fourthly, the political objective of civil education is to establish a conservative civil association of morality rather than a community of interests that pursues ``common good``. And it emphasizes that only in a safe and stable political environment can citizens enjoy a more-diversified lifestyle of value selection. Lastly, in the context of modern instrumental-rational education, Oakeshott treats the conservative political view of liberalism as the value orientation and attempts to resolve the contradictions and conflicts of ideological education through the way of "intimation and conversation". Beginning from the philosophical basis and empirical mode of practical activities, Oakeshott considers the selectivity of value and the contingency of practical activity as the essential implications of education and proposes his unique concept of civil education that possesses conservative dispositions. There is no doubt that this conservative concept of civil education will play a positive role in the reformation and development of contemporary education.

      • E-Selectin S128R Polymorphism is Associated with Cancer Risk: a Meta-analysis

        Cheng, Da-Ye,Hao, Yi-Wen,Zhou, Wen-Ling,Ma, Yi-Ran Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.7

        Background: Genetic factors have been shown to play an important role in the development of cancers. However, individual studies may fail to completely demonstrate complicated genetic relationships because of small sample size. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the association of E-selectin Ser128Arg (S128R) with cancer risk. Materials and Methods: A literature search in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Science Direct, SpringerLink, EBSCO, Wanfang, and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases was carried out to identify studies of the association between E-selectin S128R polymorphism and cancer risk. The odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) were used to assess the strength of association. Results: A total of eight studies involving 1,675 cancer cases and 2,285 controls were included in the meta-analysis. In overall populations, S128R polymorphism seemed to be associated with cancer risk (Arg allele vs Ser allele: OR=1.65, 95%CI =1.33-2.04, p<0.01; Arg/Arg+Arg/Ser vs Ser/Ser: OR=1.87, 95%CI =1.48-2.36, p<0.01; Arg/Ser vs Ser/Ser: OR=1.80, 95%CI =1.51-2.14, p<0.01). Similarly, subgroup analysis by ethnicity and source of control also revealed that this polymorphism was related to cancer risk. Conclusions: Our meta-analysis revealed that there was association between the E-selectin S128R polymorphism and the risk of cancer. Further large and well-designed studies are needed to confirm this association.

      • KCI등재

        도덕교육에서 지식관에 대한 비판적 반성과 전망: 마이클 오우크쇼트 지식론을 중심으로

        문달 ( Wen Da ),권정선 ( Jungson Kwon ),김회용 ( Hoy-yong Kim ) 충남대학교 교육연구소 2017 교육연구논총 Vol.38 No.1

        이 글은 도덕교육 분야에서 오랜 쟁점이 되어 온 “이론과 실제의 분리 문제”를 마이클 오우크쇼트의 지식론에 비추어 재해석함으로써 비판적으로 반성하고 새로운 공존 가능성을 모색하는 데 목적을 두었다. 도덕교육에 대한 많은 학술적 연구는 주로 이론적 개념 해석에만 중점을 두고 실제적 문제의 해결책을 가르침과 배움의 전 과정을 수행하는 출발점이자 목표로서 다루지 않는다. 따라서 도덕교육의 이론적 목표는 통합적이고 균형적인 도덕교육 지식관을 구축해야 한다. 이를 통해 도덕교육이 실제적 지위를 회복할 수 있다. 나아가 보수적 고립주의의 요건으로 인식되어 온 도덕교육에서 이론적 도덕과 실제적 삶 사이의 장벽을 허무는 것은 도덕의 논리적 정보 전달 교육과 실제 삶 사이의 간극을 좁히고자 하는 실제적 목표가 될 수 있다. 오우크쇼트 지식론에 기반한 도덕교육은 현대교육에서 관념적 이론을 실천 가능한 계획으로 구체화하는 데 중요한 암시적 역할을 수행한다고 인식될 수 있다. 이를 기반으로 지식과 그 구성요소의 특성에 따라 일종의 통일된 지식체계를 구상할 수 있을 것이다. The object cloaked in this article was mainly to emphasize the coexistence of technical and practical knowledge so as to solve the long-standing dilemma of “two separated pieces of skin” between theory and practice in the field of moral education by assimilating and drawing on Michael Oakeshott`s theory of knowledge. Many academic studies on moral education mainly concentrate on the interpretation of theoretical concepts and do not treat the solution of practical problems as both the starting point and ultimate goal to run through the whole process of teaching and learning. Thus, the theoretical aim of moral education is to construct an integrated and balanced knowledge view of moral education, which is a guarantee to restore the due position of “practice”. Furthermore, the practical goal of moral education, long recognized as a requirement of conservative isolationism, is to break down the barriers between moral-theoretical propaganda education and realistic life. This kind of Oakeshottian view of knowledge in modern education will play a suggestive role in crystallizing one`s ideas into a feasible plan or programme. Therefore, we must start from the characteristics of the knowledge itself and its components to establish a unified framework of knowledge.

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