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      • KCI등재

        俗談에 나타난 民族性

        金善豊(Kin S?n-P’ung) 한국민속학회 1972 韓國民俗學 Vol.5 No.1

        Preface Proverbs comprise a people’s truth, philosophy, morality, and word View crystalized by popular wisdom, including traditional products and cultural harvest reaped by the folk spirit through the intermediary of language. It is for this reason that language, state, and race are examined in sociology when discussing the nature of national traits. Language is a crystalization of national traits, as well as a vessel to contain the characteristics of a nation. Hidden in Korea proverbs faithful containers of the philosophy of the Korean language-are the aspirations and basic character of our populace. Our proverbs consist of a splendid allegorical pattern, and many merits of our national traits can be found in them. It must be made clear that this paper will deal mainly with the negative, instead of affirmative, aspects of our proverbs by examining demerits of our national characteristics. Many methods are possible for examining national traits, such as an approach from the aspect of history of national culture, an anthopo-psychological method, an approach from the angles of climatic psychology, or individual psychology, or social psychology. What this writer will specifically deal with among these methods of observation is “a. A linguistic observation” in “3. By observing cultural conditions.” He is also tempted to add to cause 3 “observation from the standpoint of folklore” because folklore occupies a due place in the hall of sciences.…… Thought Characteristics of Proverbs Here this writer will refer to proverbs by examining their raw material and the thought they intend to put forward. An analysis of materials-mainly nouns-was conducted by this writer, and the result made public in the inaugural edition of Hanguk Minsokhak(Korean Folklore). Here he will analyze verbs. 〈표 참조〉 Conclusion This writer has pointed out that our proverbs contain pantheistic ideas, Shamanism, flunkeyism, the habit of placing government above people, anti-Buddhism, physiocracy, eclecticism, and longing for an eventless and easy life. He has also tried to delve into our national traits by linking them to the proverbs. It is doubtful whether he has pointed out the demerits of Korean people as exactly as they really are. He is afraid that he may have taken one part for the whole,─ or exaggerated some parts in rash judgment. Just as human nature can attain healthy growth only through a normal forming of social conditions, what are called national traits can attain healthy growth only in normal social surroundings and through a normal process of national growth. Our past national history, in which ordeals and instability repeatedly assaulted the nation, gave brith to abnormal acquired national traits. Making matters worse, the Confucian ethics holding ceremony in high esteem withered human nature itself. Most of our proverbs, as a result, are filled with such dangerous and unhealthy patterns of thought. However, it is not recommendable that we stict to pessimism. National traits are something that can be reformed. They are not a fixed entity, but can be transformed by the demand of the times and through education and under the influence of various cultural conditions. When the truth previously believed in the past becomes no longer valid, the people, as we observe, do not hesitate in discarding it.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 과학기술사적 관점에서 바라본 4 체액설(體液說)과 사상의학(四象醫學)이론 체계의 비교 연구

        백진웅 ( Jin Ung1 Baek ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2012 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Objective : This study was conducted to compare Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM) and Four Humor Theory (FHT). Method : 1. The theoretical comparison was focused on the central pillars of both theories, i.e., the theories of Hippocrates and his successor Galenos as well as Lee Je-ma. 2. Research papers on SCM and FHT were collected as follows. First, relevant papers were searched for using several electronic databases: Pubmed (http://www.pubmed.org.), NDSL (http://www.ndsl.kr/index.do), KISS (http://kiss.ksstudy.com), and RISS (http://www.riss4u.net.). Keywords were ``Sasang``, ``constitution``, ``constitutional medicine``, ``humor theory``, ``Hippokrates``, ``Galenos``, and "Dongeuisusebowon".In addition, relevant papers were searched for using the websites of The Korean Society for the History of Medicine(http://medhist.kams.or.kr), The Korean society of Oriental medical classics (http://www.wonjeon.or.kr), The Society of Sasang Constitutional Medicine (http://www.esasang.or.kr/new_home/main.htm),and The Korean Association of Oriental Medical Physiology (http://www.ksomp.or.kr). As a result, a total of 32 papers were included in the final selection. Result & Conclusion : In this study, a comparison was made between FHT and SCM in terms of physiology, pathology and therapy. We showedthat the theories share similarities as well as differences. However, in a practical sense, the two should be characterized based on their differences rather than their similarities. In conclusion, the two have something in common, but overall, they are remarkably different from each other.

      • KCI등재

        부산항 신항 배후단지 입주업체 특성별 생산성 비교연구

        김양욱(Yang-Wook Kim),차재웅(Jae-Ung Cha),김율성(Yul-Seong Kim) 한국항해항만학회 2020 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        우리나라는 항만의 기능 다각화 및 부가가치 창출을 목표로 국내 주요 무역항에 항만배후단지를 단계적으로 개발해왔다. 그러나 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위한 배후단지 입주업체 선정기준에 관한 연구는 아직 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 부산항 신항 배후단지를 대상으로 입주업체 특성별 생산성을 비교분석하여 입주업체 선정기준 마련에 기여하고자 하였다. 분석을 위해 67개 업체들의 최근 3년(2017-2019)간 운영실적 자료를 수집하여 단일요소생산성을 측정하였다. 그 결과, 물류업은 물동량, 제조업은 매출액 측면의 생산성에 강점이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 상대적으로 개장시기가 빨랐던 북컨테이너 배후단지가 웅동 배후단지에 비해 전반적인 생산성이 높았다. 마지막으로 외국인과 시설·설비 투자규모에 따른 생산성의 경우 전반적으로 투자규모가 평균 미만인 업체들이 평균 이상인 업체들보다 생산성이 높은 것으로 분석되어 부정적인 상관관계를 보였다. 따라서 항만배후단지의 생산성 및 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해서는 입주업체들의 고용 및 화물 창출 능력을 제고할 수 있는 제도적·법률적 보완과 신규 입주업체 선정기준의 재확립이 필요하다고 판단된다. Korea has gradually been developing port distriparks in major domestic trade ports to diversify their function and create added-value. New tenant companies are needed to help achieve these goals, but no research has been done on selection criteria. To provide such criteria, this study conducted a comparative analysis of the productivity of tenant companies in Busan New Port Distripark based on their characteristics. SFP (single-factor productivity) was measured using the operational data of 67 companies in the distripark over the past - three years (2017-2019). The results indicate that the logistics business and the manufacturing business have strengths in cargo volume productivity and in sales productivity respectively. Also, Northern distripark, a relatively older facility, was found to be more productive than Ung-dong distripark. Finally, the effect of investment—both foreign and in FAC/EQ (facility and equipment)—on productivity showed an inverse relationship with productivity, with the companies with under-average investments being more productive than those whose investments were above average. Therefore, to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of port distriparks, tenant companies must be subject to supplemented system and law for increasing employment and cargo volume, and reestablished selection criteria.

      • 여주 건조분말 함유식이가 고콜레스테롤 혈증 Rat의 혈청성분에 미치는 영향

        이웅수 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        This research was carried out to investigate the hypocholesterolemic effects of diets containing bitter gourd(Momordica charantia, MC; Yeoju) powder in Sprague-Dawley male rats. After 2 weeks feeding with basal diet, 6 week old rats were fed with basal diet, diets containing 1% cholesterol, and 1% MC, 5% MC and 10% MC powder with 1% cholesterol for 2, 4 and 6 week. And then I measured the levels of glucose, triglyceride, total-, HDL-and LDL-cholesterol, and the activities of GOT, GPT in the serum of rats. The levels of triglyceride and total-cholesterol in the serum of rats were decreased remarkably in the groups fed with diet contained more 5% MC powder compared to the basal diet group for 2weeks. The levels of LDL-cholesterol were decreased in the all groups fed with diet contained MC power for 4weeks, especially groups fed with contained more 5% MC powder were more effective than the other groups, but the decrease of HDL-cholesterol level was not effective in all diet groups contained MC powder. The levels of blood sugar were decreased in all MC powder diet groups, and the decreased levels were more effective in the groups fed with diet contained more MC powder. The activities of GOT and GPT were also decreased in all MC powder diet groups. In conclusion, diets contained MC powder were effective in the decrease of triglyceride, total- and LDL-cholesterol, and glucose levels, and GOT and GPT activities in the serum of rats

      • 장내세균에 의한 Trichothecene Mycotoxins의 대사 : (I) T-2 toxin의 대사

        이웅수 忠州大學校 2008 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.43 No.-

        Trichothecene mycotoxins are a chemically related group of toxic fungal metabolites produced by a number of species of the fungi such as Fusarium, Cephalosporium, Trichothecium, Myrothecium, Stachybotrys and Trichoderma, and are responsible for mycotoxicoses as causative agents in a wide variety of animal and human health problems. Especially, T-2 toxin is a secondary metabolite produced by Fusarium spp. such as F. tricinctum, F. poae and F. sporotrichioides etc., and is often found in agricultural products and feeds including cereals, and is a potent cytotoxic and immunodepressive trichothecene mycotoxin, and causative agent of moldy corn toxicosis and alimentary toxic aleukia(ATA), and induces acute toxicity such as leukocytosis, hemorrhage and dermal edema, followed by death in animals. In order to elucidate the possible metabolism of T-2 toxin by rat and human intestinal bacteria, this research was carried out. T-2 toxin transformed into HT-2 toxin and unknown metabolite by cultured intestinal bacteria in the anaerobic condition. The amount of HT-2 toxin was decreased, but unknown metabolite was increased by subsequent incubation. This metabolite was elucidated to deepoxy HT-2 toxin by NMR and mass spectra data. It was suggested that T-2 toxin was deepoxidized after deacetylation to HT-2 toxin by the intestinal bacteria. This deepoxy HT-2 toxin was transformed into HT-2 toxin and 15-deacetyl-deepoxy HT-2 toxin by liver microsome of PCB-treated rat in the presence of NADPH and oxygen. These results suggest that the epoxide group of trichothecene mycotoxins is reduced by intestinal bacteria and re-oxidized by hepatic microsomal enzyme of rat.

      • 설사환자의 대변에서 분리한 세균성 병원체의 특성 조사 II. Staphylococcus aureus의 분리·동정 및 항생제에 대한 내성 조사

        이웅수 忠州大學校 2010 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        I investigated the characterization of bacterial pathogens on 2,270 stool specimens, which was collected from dysentery patients for one year, 2007 Detection of enteric bacteria in stool of diarrheal patient was performed according to the procedure of routine protocol such as culture and multiplex PCR method. Biochemical test for the identification of Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) was performed by API Staphy kit. In order to cofirm of toxin type, I also carried out serological test. Among 456 isolates of bacterial pathogen isolated from the collected stool, S. aureus was 74 isolates(toxin A type 16, C type 9, D type 1, non-toxin type 48). Detection rate of S. aureus in dysentery patients was the higher in April, August and December, and in children below 10 years old(66.2%). In addition, S. aureus in male was isolated higher rate than their in female. Antibiotics resistance rate on the each toxin type S. aureus showed that type A is AM > PC > EM, OC > TC > CP > CT > CM > GM, IP > CI > ChP > TM/SM, RP, and type C is AM, PC, EM, OC > CP, CM, TC > CT, CI, IP > GM > TM/SM, RP, and type D is only 100% on AM, PC and TC. In the present study, I focused to investigate the incidence and antibiotics resistance patterns in each toxin type S. aureus related diarrheal patients. These results were very helpful to make preventive method for infectious disease causing bacterial gastroenteritis, especially, food poisoning by enteric bacterial infection.

      • 室 規模計劃에 關한 硏究

        林應贊,金鎭源 三陟大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        At first, I have surveyed the definition of the space scheme and the course of its progression, and have systemized the human behaviour classifying the model of behaviour, and finally have analyzed the result with the actual example of scale computation after suggesting the course of application in space construction.

      • 수입 중국산 개나리 열매(연교)의 소염효과에 관한 연구

        이응식,조재민,민윤식 충주대 산업과학기술연구소 1996 産業科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to determine whether methanol extract of Chinese Forsythiae fructus inhibite acute and chronic inflammatory responses induced with histamine and carrageenin in rat, this research was carried out. Inhibitory effect on the pigment leakage induced with histamine 50㎍ by methanol extract 0.15g per 150g body weight was shown positive result significantly. In the experiment by carrageenin paw edema method, maximum inhibitory effects were shown 1hr and 30min after orally administrated with 0.03g and 0.3g methanol extract per 150g body weight, respectively. In the inhibitory effect by methanol extract on the acute inflammation induced by granuloma pouch method, it was shown that inflammatory exudate of granuloma pouch and wet weight of granulation tissue reduced. In the chronic inflammation by granuloma pouch method, inhibitory effect was observed but significant inhibition was not observed statistically. The results of this research were shown that methanol extract of Chinese Forsythiae fructus has inhibitory effects on the acute and chronic inflammation, and were similar to those reported on Korean Forsythiae fructus.

      • 산업대학 건축공학과 교육과정 개발에 관한 연구

        임응찬,한인웅,이승준,박재호,조방현,서형수,정구용,한기원,김진원,임상규,이재윤 三陟大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        By impproving the educational program of the Department of Architectural Engineering and studying the theory of learning and the applied method necessary for the development of nation and society, we should develop a satisfying course of education to meet the demand and skill in the industralized society for the purpose of cultivating men of baility with great personalities and creative minds. Therefore, this study focused on classifying several kinds of occupations in the prart of architectured related to what graduates from the department of Architectural Engineering go with into the society. Accordingly after choosing some works adequate to each occupation by the proposed curricula, we tried to establish the scope of education and courses corresponding to the jobs and thus and develop a satisfying curriculum.

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