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      • 도시 부부의 결혼생활의 質에 관한 연구

        최신덕 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1986 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.49 No.-

        This paper attempts to explain why some marriages fail and others to not. What are the variables affecting the quality of marriages in Korea, while there are drastic changes as a result of the social forces of industrialization and urbanization? In order to grasp the variables affecting the marriages the author tried to apply the frame of "the theory about the quality of marriage" constructed by Lewis and Spanier, to the survey of Korean families. The survey was conducted during May-June 1985, and the subjects were consisted of 504 couples of urban(mostly Seoul) middle class. In order to see the progress of changes, the subjects were divided into two groups by age:, 247 couples of below 45 years old: the other 257 couples of above 45. The propositions by Lewis and Spanier to be tested by the survey were as follow: I. Proposition Concerning the Relationship between Premarital Factors and Marital Quality. a. The greater toe premarital homogamy, the higher the marital quality. b. The grater the amount of the social and personal resources available for adequate marital role functioning, the higher the subsequent marital quality. c. The greater the individual's exposure to adequate role models such as the happy parents, the higher the marital quality. d. the more support that significant others give to a couple, the higher the subsequent marital quality. II. Propositions Concerning the Relationship between Social and Economic Characteristics and Marital Quality. a. The more the socio-economic adequacy of the family, the greater the marital quality. b. The more spouses satisfaction with the wife's working, the more the marital quality. c. The more the household composition is perceived as optimal the higher the maritil quality. d. The greater the couple's community embeddedness, the higher the marital quality. III. Propositions Concerning Interpersonal (Dyadic) Characteristics and Marital Quality. a. The more positive the regard between the spouses, the greater the marital quality. b. The more the emotional gratification between the spouses, the more the marital quality. c. The more effective the communication between spouses, the more the marital quality. d. The greater the role fit, the greater the marital quality. e. The greater the interactions the greater the marital quality. The results of the survey in application of the propositions, the items of b and c are supported, but a and d are not supported, because of the cultural difference of selecting the marriage partners in Korea. In the second category, the items of a b and d are supported, but not with c. In the third, all the items of a, b, c, d, e may be regarded as supported. But there are some unipue Korean styles of affectional expressions, views on dhildren, attitudes and expectations of the role performance of spouses, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        간호사가 지각하는 보상과 직무만족에 관한 연구

        김순현,이미애 대한간호행정학회 2006 간호행정학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: This study was performed to examine the level of reward's importance and job satisfaction perceived by nurses, understand how nurses' demographics, reward and reward's subcategories affected their job satisfaction. Method: The data were collected at the six general hospitals in five cities, Korea from July 15th to August 26th, 2005. Two questionnaires were used. One was the important level of reward and the other was job satisfaction. The data were analyzed by SPSS/PC ver 12.0. Result: The average scores of reward and job satisfaction were 3.77(±.34) and 2.80(±.32) of 5.0 that was full mark. In differences of the important level of reward, marital status was the only different characteristics. In differences of job satisfaction, age, education level, working period, and position had differences significantly. Among the job satisfaction and the reward's subcategories, there was the only significant correlation between the job satisfaction and the job contentment reward. And nurses' job contentment reward and position explained 40.5% of their job satisfaction. Conclusion: Nurses' job contentment reward and position should be first considered in order to improve their job satisfaction. Since nurses' job contentment reward is the most important factor to improve their job satisfaction, a special strategies that can develop their job contentment reward is needed to nursing managers.

      • 계층별로 결혼행동에 나타난 여성 역할 : 여공과 여대생을 중심으로

        崔信德 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1980 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper describes the patterns of dating and of choosing marriage partners, both of which are practiced by two different groups of urban girls: college students and factory workers. It will discuss (1) how the role of Korean girls has changed and (2) the extent to which the socio-economic status of the individuals and their families determine their degree of independence in the choice of marriage partner. The data used for this study are composed of four different research outcomes: three consecutive studies with college girls in 1965, 1972, 1978, and a study of 268 factory girls in 1978. The college girls were mostly students of E. University: the factory girls were employed at several different factories and reported having had some primary or secondary school education. For this paper, a four part scale of the degree of independence in choice of marriage partner is postulated. At one extreme (Type1) parents arrange the marriage without asking for their children's consent. It this type the authority of the parents is unchallengable. One step removed is Type II, wherein the parents arrange the marriage but ask the childs's consent. Parental authority is limited compared to Type I, but it is still powerful. In Type III arrangements, young people select their own mates, but consult their parents for approval. In Type IV, the children choose their own partners and marry without asking parental consent. This pattern is often referred to as a "love marriage". In answer to the question of whether or not the young woman ever had dating experiences, nearly all the college girls and 68% of the factory girls gave positive answers. The number of college girls who were currently dating tended to drop as they reached their junior or senior year in college. If they had not yet found the man that they wanted for a marriage partner, they were afraid of being branded as the "original girl" of so-and-so, thereby giving up opportunities for meeting more eligible young men. College girls usually meet boys for the first time through an introduction by friends or in co-educational club meeting. After the first encounter, if they want to, they meet in public tea rooms(95%) and then go on to wherever they wish, Expenses for the dates are mostly paid by boys(83%) dutch payments are rarely made. Only on half of the boys escort their dates home after a date(61%). Bodily contacts, such as holding hands and kissing, take place mostly after the girl has seen the same boy at least four times(73%), and serious petting tends to be avoided. In contrast to this, the factory girls are not as privileged as their counterparts in college. Most of their first encounters with boys are made by chance. Many of them meet their dating partners where they work. After their initial introduction, one half of them have the second date in tea rooms, and tha remaining half meet on streets or public places like parks and old palaces. Expenses are paid by boys in most cases (70%), but factory girls tend to contribute to the expenses more often than the college girls. Very few of the working girls (22%) were escorted home by their dating partners: most of them(68%) were left on the street to take public transportation home. More than a half of the working girls(54%) did not wait until after four dates with the same boy before petting. College girls have more pride. They regard themselves as ladies who are to be coequals with their counterparts. This tendency leads them to expect from their heterosexual relationships and marriages not only romantic love, but also a fullfledged companionship. Yet college girls, even when they have a boy friend, tend to be interested in landing a boy who is more eligible. Their parents are even more concerned and often employ professional match-makers to find the right person. Here the right person is the one who has the most social prestige and the better economic status. Usually college girls date boys who are in a similar age group. However, it will be many years before these boys reach the degree of social and economic rank that a girl's parents desire in their son-in-law. On the other hand, when factory girls reach the state of a steady relationship in dating, they are apt to begin cohabiting with their dating partners. The common factors in these relationships are (1) the men involved are either sons of widowed mothers or orphans, (2) unlike most Korean marriages the women are apt to be the same age or older than the men, and (3) both partners place great emphasis on their hope of being able to raise their children in an environment of a prestigious family. Being older, The girls are likely to have had longer working experiences and consequently are likely to be earning a higher income. At the same time they offer the boys a certain psychological security and "mother image". In conclusion, both college girls and factory girls have considerably more freedom to participate in hetero-sexual encounters than earlier generations did. College girls begin datng looking toward a Type IV or Type III, marriage arrangements wherein they are partners and companions to their husbands in co-equal relationships. Lacking economic independence, however, they must acquiesce to their parents' wishes and in fact enter into Type II marriages, wherein Their partners are chosen by their parents and their marriage relationship is not one of co-equality but rather of male dominance. On the other hand, factory girls begin dating with the purpose of finding a marriage partner that will offer them financial security. Having found their own marrage partners with their parents' approval, they enter Type III marriages. In this regard factory girls are more likely than college girls to be co-equals with their husbands in their marriage relationship later.

      • Comparison of Fruit Quality of Apple 'Fuji' Produced in Different Three Areas in Taegu

        Syn, Yeong Beom,Cha, Eun Kyoung,Hitoshi, Uematsu,Sakae, Kuboi,Yasumasa, Miura,Mikio, Sato Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology 1997 慶北大農學誌 Vol.15 No.-

        산지(영천군 청통면 신원리), 평지(영천군 신령면 연정리) 강변지(영천군 금호읍 냉천동)의 과수원에서 각각 '후지'과실을 채취하여 대구시 인근의 과실품질을 조사하였다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 1 각 지역 공히 품질이 평균적인 과실을 채취하였고 강변지 과실 중량이 40g정도 작았고, 과실종경 최소치가 다른 지역에 비해 작았다. 평지 과실의 횡경은 최대치, 최소치 모두 산간지보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. 과형지수는 강변지 과실이 다른 지역에 비해 편원형이었다. 이러한 과형의 차이는 온도, 토양수분함량 등에 의한 것으로 생각된다. 과실 착즙률은 각 지역간 유의한 차가 인정되지 않았다. 2. 각 지역 공히 후지과실 전당의 50%정도가 프락토즈인 것으로 나타났고, 산지의 슈크로즈, 프락토즈, 솔비톨 함량이 다른지역에 비해 높은 수치를 나타내었으나 글루코즈는 다른 지역에 비해 낮은 수치를 나타내었고, 당도는 전당함량과 거의 같은 수치를 나타내었다. 3. 각 지역 공히 후지과실 전산의 98% 정도가 능금산이었고 시트르산이 2%를 차지하였다. 산지과실의 능금산 함량이 다른지역에 비해 높은 수치를 나타내었고 적정산은 전산함량과 거의 같은 수치를 나타내었다. This investigation was attemped to know fruit quality of apple 'Fuji' grown at three different areas of Taegu. Fruits were gathered from hill side area : Kyungsangpookdo yongchongun chongtongmynn synwonri, flat area : Kyungsangpookdo yongchongun synyoungmyun youujeongri and river side area : Kyungsangpookdo yongchongun kewmhoyeub naenhchundong. Results were as follows: 1. In fruit sampling, we made an effort to select the same size of fruit from all areas, However, the size at river side area was about 40g lighter and minimum length was shorter than those of the other areas. On the other hand, maximum and minimum diameter of the fruit at flat and river side areas were longer than hill side area. Accordingly, shape index of the fruit in river side area was flatter than the other areas. This difference may be due to temperture, soil moisture content, etc. In squeeze rate of the fruit, no significant difference was recognized among areas. 2. Though, rate of fructose in total sugar was almost 50% in all areas, sucrose, fructose and sorbitol concentration of hill side area were higher than the other areas. however glucose was reverse amd brix was almost same as total sugar concentration. 3. Rate of malic acid in total acid was almost 98% and citric acid was only 2% in all areas. Malic acid concentration of hill side area was higher than the other areas and titratable acid concentration was almost same as total acid.

      • Osteopontin is induced by hedgehog pathway activation and promotes fibrosis progression in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

        Syn, Wing‐,Kin,Choi, Steve S.,Liaskou, Evaggelia,Karaca, Gamze F.,Agboola, Kolade M.,Oo, Ye Htun,Mi, Zhiyong,Pereira, Thiago A.,Zdanowicz, Marzena,Malladi, Padmini,Chen, Yuping,Moylan, Cynthia,J Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2011 Hepatology Vol.53 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a leading cause of cirrhosis. Recently, we showed that NASH‐related cirrhosis is associated with Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation. The gene encoding osteopontin (OPN), a profibrogenic extracellular matrix protein and cytokine, is a direct transcriptional target of the Hh pathway. Thus, we hypothesize that Hh signaling induces OPN to promote liver fibrosis in NASH. Hepatic OPN expression and liver fibrosis were analyzed in wild‐type (WT) mice, Patched‐deficient (Ptc<SUP>+/−</SUP>) (overly active Hh signaling) mice, and OPN‐deficient mice before and after feeding methionine and choline–deficient (MCD) diets to induce NASH‐related fibrosis. Hepatic OPN was also quantified in human NASH and nondiseased livers. Hh signaling was manipulated in cultured liver cells to assess direct effects on OPN expression, and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) were cultured in medium with different OPN activities to determine effects on HSC phenotype. When fed MCD diets, Ptc<SUP>+/−</SUP> mice expressed more OPN and developed worse liver fibrosis (<I>P</I> < 0.05) than WT mice, whereas OPN‐deficient mice exhibited reduced fibrosis (<I>P</I> < 0.05). In NASH patients, OPN was significantly up‐regulated and correlated with Hh pathway activity and fibrosis stage. During NASH, ductular cells strongly expressed OPN. In cultured HSCs, SAG (an Hh agonist) up‐regulated, whereas cyclopamine (an Hh antagonist) repressed OPN expression (<I>P</I> < 0.005). Cholangiocyte‐derived OPN and recombinant OPN promoted fibrogenic responses in HSCs (<I>P</I> < 0.05); neutralizing OPN with RNA aptamers attenuated this (<I>P</I> < 0.05). <I>Conclusion:</I> OPN is Hh‐regulated and directly promotes profibrogenic responses. OPN induction correlates with Hh pathway activity and fibrosis stage. Therefore, OPN inhibition may be beneficial in NASH (H<SMALL>EPATOLOGY</SMALL> 2011)</P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Atypical presentation of complex regional pain syndrome: neuropathic itching - A case report -

        Yoon Syn-Hae,Cho Woojong,Mun Juhan,Jeong Wonyeong,Kim Young Do,최성수 대한마취통증의학회 2021 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.16 No.4

        Background: In some patients with neuropathic pain (NP), such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), itching rather than pain is the main symptom making diagnosis and treatment difficult.Case: We report a case of a 23-year-old man with a history of hypoxic brain damage who presented with pruritus of the left foot and ankle. His left foot was fractured, and he underwent surgery 6 months previously. After the operation and cast application, he developed uncontrolled pruritus, swelling, sweating, and flushing of the left foot skin with limping. On examination, he showed well-known features of CRPS without pain. He was diagnosed with an atypical CRPS with neuropathic itching (NI). With treatment modalities used for NP and CRPS, his pruritus subsided gradually, and the his ankle mobility improved.Conclusions: Unexplained itching can be the main symptom in some CRPS patients. Treatment according to NP can improve symptoms of NI in CRPS patients.

      • KCI등재

        “디엔에이신원확인정보 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률”의 문제점과 대안

        신동일(Syn, Dong-Yiel) 한국형사정책학회 2012 刑事政策 Vol.24 No.1

        Today DNA databases are used to identify, track, catalogue, apprehend, and prosecute the perpetrators of crimes. The government initialized the regulation on DNA Databases Law to help law enforcement agencies exchange DNA profiles found at crime scenes to identify serious perpetrators and to solve cold crimes. As of July 2010, Korean law enforcement agencies have large forensic DNA database for practical use and adaptation of offender DNA profiles and forensic profiles. Under the law, prosecutor and police can demand to collect DNA forensic samples from individual arrestees for 11 types of crime, e.g. murder, armed robbery, rape, sexual assault against children, drug use, kidnapping and extortion. By passing DNA legislation, law enforcement officials can arrest criminals sooner, prevent crimes, save more lives and use DNA to its potential. The largest DNA database is in the United States of America and the second largest one is in the United Kingdom. The state of California has more than 1.2 million offender California DNA profiles making it the third-largest DNA database in the world. Now forensics is a centralized source to prevent and defeat crimes due to the latest developments concerning DNA databases. DNA Forensics will be using to take DNA of arrestees, (people arrested for a crime but not yet convicted) and prison inmates who have been sentenced. It is still controversial technique of familial searches, where the DNA profile of a suspect is run deliberately through the DNA database in the anticipation that it will be probably matched with the DNA of the suspect’s family member. Furthermore, DNA Forensics provides forensic information clearing houses with leading forensic professionals and law enforcement. It is good to use forensic data and information, but according to some researches and critics, it is also risky to believe those evidences as it is without allowing counter-possibilities. The disputes pop up in the perspective on the constitutionality of these rules. Especially the right to privacy would be harmed in the future.

      • KCI등재

        “성폭력범죄자의 성충동 약물치료에 관한 법률”의 평가

        신동일(Syn, Dong-Yiel) 한국형사정책학회 2011 刑事政策 Vol.23 No.1

        2011년 7월 24일부터 발효되는 "성범죄자의 성충동 약물치료에 관한 법률"은 아동 성폭력범죄자에 대한 소위 화학적 거세를 가능케 하고 있다. 아동 폭력범죄는 사회적으로 상당히 심각한 문제이며, 피해자의 정신적 고통이나 가족들의 불안감을 감안한다면 효과적인 해결책을 찾아야 한다. 화학적 거세는 의과학적으로 제안되는 약물을 주입하여 성충동을 억제시키는 방안이며, 일부 외국에서는 이미 시행하고 있는 제도이다. 다만, 의학적인 부작용이 상당히 많이 보고되며, 모든 성범죄자가 이러한 치료에 효과를 보는 것은 아니다. 우리가 또 한가지 생각해야 하는 것은 아동 성폭력범죄의 우리사회에서의 심각성이다. 비교적 우리 사회는 아동 성폭력 범죄의 발생수가 많지 않았다. 국제적인 기준인 만 13세 미만을 아동으로 판단할 때는 한 해 평균 100여건에 그쳤고, 법률처럼 만 16세로 판단해도 한 해 1000여건이다. 그러나 그에 대한 정책은 극단적이다. 심지어 약물치료 대상자의 동의 없이도 강제적으로 시행할 수 있으며, 화학적 거세가 대체형벌이 아닌 중복형벌로 가능하다는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 이는 헌법적인 측면에서 논란이 될 수 있다. 사실 형사정책은 과학이다. 그러므로 충분한 사실 자료의 관찰과 그에 따른 엄밀한 이론설계와 검증된 이론의 현실적용이 필요하다. 여기서 논의하는 형사제재로서의 화학적 거세가 이러한 기본적 과정을 거쳐서 등장했다고 보기는 어렵다. Chemical castration is the medical administration to reduce libido and sexual desire, in the design of preventing serious rapists, child molesters and other types of sex offender from repeating their crimes. Some of countries have already surgical castration, which means to remove the testicles or ovaries through an incision in the body. Chemical castration is not the way to castrate the person, nor is it a way of sterilization. According to the medical report, the effect of chemical castration is just temporal, not permanent. Castration is considered reversible when treatment is discontinued. Side effects are the problematic concern. A medical report indicates that chemical castration can cause bone density loss because of Depo Provera use. Child molestation is a serious problem in the world. In Korea recently a few related child molesters are occurred and caught huge interests of mass media. People begin to think that the legal system is lenient with pedophiles, punishing them with insufficiently brief prison sentences. Some child molesters are released back into society. Legislation plans new law to activate chemical castration from 24th of July, to reduce biological desire of male pedophiliac, injecting Depo Provera or other chemical injection. However other experts argue that chemical treatment for castration is ineffective and will not prevent molestation. Forced castration may have the adverse effect of angering a criminal, increasing his violent tendencies. Additionally it easily reversible. Regardless, the chemical castration has been criticized as inhuman criminal policy, in the consideration of constitutionality. As the law shows, a mandatory injection without consent could be unconstitutional. Although chemical treatments can decrease the aggressive fantasies of male offenders, it should be reviewed in line of criminal rationality and specific data-analysing. Chemical castration is not the perfect solution to inhibit child molestation, additionally it discourages the rationality of criminology which dignifies human rights.

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