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      • KCI등재

        김기림 시의 보편주의와 초월적 시선 연구

        김옥성(Kim, Ok-sung) 한국어문학회 2015 語文學 Vol.0 No.129

        This study examines that ‘formal logic’ and ‘eclecticism’ is not the essence but the limitation of Kim Ki-rim’s poetics, and that its essence is universalism, which appears as the transcendent vision in Kim’s poetry. This study further examines the transcendent visions of Kim’s poetry from the viewpoints of a cosmopolitan, a journalist, and a poet. First, from the viewpoint of a cosmopolitan, the poetic self tries to have an insight into the international affairs and the destiny of the earth-community. Second, from a journalist’s perspective, the self surveys the global universality and unique characteristics of Korea. Third, from the standpoint of a poet, he tries to have a vision of a superego who grasps the dynamics of sentiment and intellect in the poetry. The poetic self declares the death of God, and replaces God with the intellect. He tries to have an insight into the ego and the world in the transcendent vision. He shows the belief in the transcendence of the intellect. The acquisition of the transcendent vision and the universalism is an impossible dream, but his sincere and continuous practice is highly valued in the history of Korean poetry.

      • KCI등재

        김소월 시의 샤머니즘 생태학적 상상력

        김옥성(Kim Ok-sung) 문학과 환경학회 2011 문학과 환경 Vol.10 No.1

        The shamanistic-ecological imagination of Kim is at the head of the history of Korean modern shamanistic-ecological poetics. Kim’s ecological poetics focuses on the spirituality. The shamanistic spirituality has been suppressed by the modern natural science and the reason. Kim embodies the shamanistic spirit of the self. The shamanistic self communes with the spirit of the cosmos. The self experiences the feeling of union with the life of the cosmos. Kim describes the nature filled with the spirits. Various spiritual beings wander the nature. And the nature is also a spiritual body in Kim’s poetry. The spirit means the life of the nature and the cosmos. Kim’s shamanistic-ecological imagination show the spiritual solidarity of the self and the nature. The imagination boosts the awe and respect for the nature.

      • KCI등재

        이상 시의 시간의식 연구

        김대웅(Kim, Dae-woong),이상옥(Lee, Sang-ok) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.133

        This essay purposes to explain the consciousness on time in Lee Sang’s poems, focusing specifically on his poem, Strange Reversible Reaction. The argument will start from the obvious fact that the poet"s literature was based on the discovery of the material condition, called, the colony Gyeongsung. Through this discussion, what caused rejection and distrust for the time, which appear repeatedly in his literary texts, will be explained. Once, the modernist Lee Sang was dreaming of the perfect world of modernity. But the modern world he experienced was nothing but a cruel civilization with no vitality. As a result, he gave the death sentence to the world and tried to build up a new civilization. His literary texts will answer to the question, “Did the straight line kill the circle?”

      • KCI등재

        실향 의식과 존재적 실존 -홍윤숙의 『려사시집(麗史詩集)』 연구-

        김옥성 ( Kim Ok-sung ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2018 民族文化硏究 Vol.78 No.-

        『여사시집(麗史詩集)』은 한국 여성시사에서 기념비적인 시집 중 하나이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 깊이 있게 다뤄지지 않았다. 본고는 홍윤숙의 첫 시집 『여사시집』을 미시적인 관점에서 고찰하고 문학사적 위상과 의의를 재조명한다. 이 시집에는 독특한 장소 정체성이 나타난다. 실향민으로서의 정체성도 나타나지만 '지금-여기'에 대한 장소애도 나타난다. 실향민 정체성과 연결된 '방황하는 주체'는 '지금-여기'를 향유하면서 무장소적 영역을 장소화한다. 시적 주체는 고향의 소유-회복을 추구하는 대신, '지금-여기'를 향유하는 것이다. '방황하는 주체'는 장소를 소유하지 않고 향유하는 존재라는 점에서 존재적 실존의 한 양상으로 이해할 수 있다. 홍윤숙은 존재적 실존 의식을 사랑의 상상력, 나무의 이미지, 가족의 이미지 등을 통해 다양한 양상으로 형상화한다. 그는 존재적 실존의 조건으로 "인내"를 제시한다. 인내를 통해 존재적 실존에 도달하게 되고, 존재적 실존은 곧 인내하는 주체와 동일시 된다. 인내는 수단이자 목적인 것이다. "수목"의 이미지로 대변되는 인내하는 주체가 보여주는 존재의 향유는 '지금-여기'를 중시하는 상상력으로 전개된다. 시적 주체는 '지금-여기'를 향유하면서도, 일상에 함몰되는 것은 거부하며 일상으로부터의 탈주를 추구한다. 일상의 영역에서 시간은 끊임없이 죽어 패각화된다. 시적 주체는 일상의 공허를 인식하고 그로부터 탈주하고자 하는 '결단'의 자세를 보인다. '결단하는 주체'는 무의미하게 허비되는 시간과 투쟁하며 일상의 외부로 탈주와 모험을 지향한다. '인내하는 주체'가 '지금-여기'의 삶을 중시한다면, '결단하는 주체'는 일상에의 함몰을 경계하는 데에 무게를 둔다. 『여사시집』의 존재적 실존에 대한 상상력은 '지금-여기'의 향유를 중시하면서도, 다른 차원에서는 '지금-여기'가 무기력하고 무감각한 '일상'으로 전락하는 것을 경계하는 복합적인 성격을 지니는 것이다. 『여사시집』은 김남조의 『목숨』과 더불어 전후 여성시사에 생성된 두 개의 최고봉이다. 김남조의 『목숨』이 단기간에 집필된 만큼 단조로운 색채를 보여주는 반면, 홍윤숙의 시집에는 다채로운 시편들이 수록되어 있다. 『목숨』이 영적이고 감상적인 면이 강하다면, 『여사시집』은 상대적으로 지적인 색채가 진하다. Collection of Yeosa's Poems(『여사시집』) is one of the monumental book of poetry in the history of Korean women's poetry. Nevertheless, it has never been dealt with in depth. This paper examines Yoon-sook Hong's first poetry collection from a microscopic point of view and re-examines the meaning of literary history in this poetry book. The subject has a unique place identity. She has 'placelessness' identity as a displaced person, but on the other hand she has topophilia for 'now-here'. The 'wandering subject' connected with the identity of the displaced person turns 'non-place' into 'place' enjoying 'now-here'. Instead of pursuing possession-recovery of her hometown, she enjoys 'now-here'. The 'wandering subject' can be understood as an aspect of the being existence in that she is a being that does not own a place but enjoys it. Hong shapes the existential consciousness in various aspects through the imagination of love, the image of the tree and the image of the family. She offers 'patience' as a condition of the being existence. The subject, through patience, reaches the being existence, and the being existence is identified with the persevering subject. Patience is a means and an end. The enjoyment of the being shown by the 'persevering subject' represented by the image of the 'tree' is developed into imagination that emphasizes 'now-here'. The poetic subject, while enjoying 'now-here', refuses to be absorbed into everyday life and seeks escape from daily life. In the realm of daily life, time is constantly dying and shelling. The poetic subject recognizes the void of everyday life, and takes the posture of 'resoluteness' to escape from it. This 'resolute subject' struggles with time that is wasted meaninglessly and tries to break free from everyday life. The 'persevering subject' regards the life of 'now-here' as important. On the other hand, the 'resolute subject' places importance on guarding against sinking into daily life. The imagination of the being existence in this poetry book, has a complex nature that emphasizes the enjoyment of 'now-here' but on the other side, suppresses falling into helpless and insensitive everyday life. This poetry book and Kim Nam-jo's life(『목숨』) are two high peaks of post-war modern Korean woman's poetry. As Kim's life was written in a short period of time, it is filled with works of a single color, while Hong's book contains psalms of various colors. While Life has spiritual and sentimental aspect, Hong's poetry has relatively intelligent color.

      • KCI등재

        유치환 초기시의 노마디즘 연구

        김옥성(Kim, Ok-sung) 한국어문학회 2017 語文學 Vol.0 No.136

        This article examines “nomadism” emerging as an important idea and imagination in the early poems of Yu Chi-hwan. The nomadism is defined as the mobility in both physical and ideational levels, and in poems, the poet’s nomadic imagination does not simply reduce to the binarism between cooperation and resistance but reveals much complexity. The nomadic imagination is closely associated with vagabondage acting as emotional impulse and identity. The vagabond often finds emotional unity with minorities and outsiders and builds the postmodernist community with other vagabonds. However, the community is temporary and ambiguous, since the goal is not in settlement but in vagabondage. The nomadic power comes from not being bound in hatred of enemy but separating oneself from the fixed boundary. The nomadic self maintains a critical view of the ordinary world and explores the other world in the outside. He continuously defines his identity as a vagabond and seeks the primitive and eternal self. This article explores how Yu Chi-hwan’s nomadic imagination is embodied in his poems and demonstrates the way in which his poems present the postmodern ideas and imagination deviating from the influences of nationalism and imperialism. However, the study also discusses that the poems reveal the poet’s limitations in that they are still constrained by the influence of imperialism, social evolutionism, and eugenics.

      • KCI등재

        김남조의 『목숨』에 나타난 죄의식과 자기구원 의식 연구

        김옥성(Kim, Ok-sung) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.132

        Life, a collection of Kim Nam-jo’s poetical works, is noteworthy, delicately describing the inner world. By transforming Christian thoughts and wartime experiences, the poetic self demonstrates unique imagination. She attributes the suffering of war to the sin, believing that such suffering could be overcome by self-sacrifice. The self implies the humanistic belief that humanitarian love, not God, saves the human race. Deep in cosmic imagination, she finds the immortal self and overcomes the anxiety of nonexistence. The imagination of Life is exceptional in that the Christian self attempts to save herself and the human race through humanitarian imagination, not relying on God. Life successfully embodies the inner world of a human who suffers war, but the emphasis on the inner world places a limit on the reflection of the objective outer world.

      • KCI등재

        근대민요[정선아라리]의 데이터베이스 구축(構築)과 활용(活用) 방안(方案)

        김학성 ( Kim Hak-sung ),심순옥 ( Shim Seon-ok ),김문태 ( Kim Moon-tae ) 한국어문교육연구회 2003 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.31 No.4

        이 논문은 7,000여 편의 정선아라리 노랫말과 관련 자료를 데이터베이스로 構築하는 方法과 그 活用 方案에 대해서 敍述하였다. 데이터베이스의 構築은, 데이터 테이블을 노랫말·提報者·노래판의 세 項目으로 構成하고 항목들을 有機的으로 連繫하였다. 그리고 노랫말 檢索과 동영상을 複合的으로 프로그래밍하여 文字·音聲·映像이 결합된 멀티미디어적인 환경을 구성하였다. 또한 정선아 라리 노랫말 중에서 743개의 語彙에 대한 解說 辭典을 통합적으로 운영하게 된다. 정선아라리의 데이터베이스를 構築함으로써 자료의 檢索과 統合이 容易해졌으며, 이를 바탕으로 정선아라리의 性格과 社會 文化的 意味를 폭넓게 연구할 수 있는 基礎를 마련했다는 점에서 그 의미가 있다. 이 논문은 정선아라리 데이터베이스를 활용하는 초기적인 방법을 보여준 것이며, 앞으로 데이터베이스가 네트워크 방식으로 서비스될 경우에는 좀더 폭넓은 활용이 기대된다. This study aims to show how to construct a database which covers about 7,000 texts of the Jeongseon-Arari and its related materials. The practical use of the database is also one of the main concerns of this study. The data table is divided into 3 parts: texts of Jeongseon-Arari, local singers of Jeongseon-Arari, scenes of singing. The database has a multimedia environment which can provide letters, voice and image through the mixed programming of words of songs and moving images. The database makes it easy to search and synthesize the varied materials of the Jeongseon-Arari and will greatly help to study its musical nature and socio-cultural meanings.

      • KCI등재

        Surgical technique for single-port laparoscopy in huge ovarian tumors: SW Kim`s technique and comparison to laparotomy

        ( Jeong Sook Kim ),( In Ok Lee ),( Kyung Jin Eoh ),( Young Shin Chung ),( Inha Lee ),( Jung-yun Lee ),( Eun Ji Nam ),( Sunghoon Kim ),( Young Tae Kim ),( Sang Wun Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2017 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.60 No.2

        Objective This study aimed to introduce a method to remove huge ovarian tumors (≥15 cm) intact with single-port laparoscopic surgery (SPLS) using SW Kim`s technique and to compare the surgical outcomes with those of laparotomy. Methods Medical records were retrospectively reviewed for patients who underwent either SPLS (n=21) with SW Kim`s technique using a specially designed 30×30-cm2-sized 3XL LapBag or laparotomy (n=22) for a huge ovarian tumor from December 2008 to May 2016. Perioperative surgical outcomes were compared. Results In 19/21 (90.5%) patients, SPLS was successfully performed without any tumor spillage or conversion to multi-port laparoscopy or laparotomy. There was no significant difference in patient characteristics, including tumor diameter and total operation time, between both groups. The postoperative hospital stay was significantly shorter for the SPLS group than for the laparotomy group (median, 2 [1 to 5] vs. 4 [3 to 17] days; P<0.001). The number of postoperative general diet build-up days was also significantly shorter for the SPLS group (median, 1 [1 to 4] vs. 3 [2 to 16] days; P<0.001). Immediate post-operative pain score was lower in the SPLS group (median, 2.0 [0 to 8] vs. 4.0 [0 to 8]; P=0.045). Patient-controlled anesthesia was used less in the SPLS group (61.9% vs. 100%). Conclusion SPLS was successful in removing most large ovarian tumors without rupture and showed quicker recovery and less immediate post-operative pain in comparison to laparotomy. SPLS using SW Kim`s technique could be a feasible solution to removing huge ovarian tumors.

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