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      • 한국과 주요 벼 생산국에서 유통되는 브랜드 쌀의 외관 특성 비교

        김재현,이정일,강희경,손종록,김제규 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        쌀 품질 고급화에 대비한 기초자료를 얻고자 우리나라 및 외국의 주요 쌀 생산국에서 유통되는 브랜드쌀 45종의 상품적 가치기준의 하나인 외관특성을 조사하였던바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 우리나라와 주요 쌀 생산국에서 수집된 브랜드쌀의 평균 완전미율은 우리나라 쌀이 57.4%로 가장 낮았고, 일본쌀이 86.0%, 호주쌀이 85.2%, 미국쌀은 80.5%, 중국쌀은 79.6%이었다. 2. 수집된 브랜드쌀의 불완전미 함유율은 쇄미, 미숙립 등은 국가별로 큰 차이가 없었으나 심복백미의 경우 우리나라 쌀이 외국쌀에 비하여 매우 많았고 피해립이 우리나라 브랜드 쌀이 많은 편이다. 3. 우리나라 유통 브랜드쌀의 완전미와 불완전미의 상관중 완전미율과 심복백미율간에 고도의 부의 상관을 나타냈으며 완전미율과 쌀가격간에는 상관이 없었다. In an attempt to obtain fundamental data for the elevation of rice quality, we examined the appearance property of rice circulating in home and foreign countries, which is considered as a commercial value of brand rice. The average ratio of head rice was the highest for the Japanese rice, 86.0%, followed by Australian 85.2%, American 80.5%, and Chinese 79.6% and the Korean brand marked only 57.4%, the lowest value. when we consider the incomplete rice ratio of foreign brand rices, broken, damaged, and immature kernels were found by similar level but the ratio of white core & belly rice was more found from our rice than foreign rices. Among the correlations from head rice and incomplete rices, a very high negative-correlation was shown between head rice and white core & belly rice ratio. Any correlation was not found between head rice ratio and price.

      • KCI등재후보

        Surgical Outcomes of Adrenocortical Carcinoma; 20 Years of Experience in a Single Institution

        Min Jhi Kim,Eun Jeong Ban,Soo Jung Jung,Hai Young Son1,Cho Rok Lee,Sang-Wook Kang,Jong Ju Jeong,Kee-Hyun Nam,Woong Youn Chung,Cheong Soo Park 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2014 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.14 No.4

        Purpose: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant tumor. Early detection is difficult and prognosis is poor. We report on 20 years of ACC surgical experience at our institution. Methods: This study included 32 ACC patients who underwent surgical resection at the Department of Surgery of the Yonsei University Health System in South Korea between January 1990 and February 2012. We reviewed these 32 patients and retrospectively analyzed long-term clinical outcomes and prognosis after radical surgery for ACC. Results: The median age of the 32 patients at diagnosis was 42.25 years (range 3∼81 years). There were 16 (50%) female and 16 (50%) male patients. Mean tumor size was 12.36 cm (range 1.8∼20 cm). Twenty-five patients (78.12%) had nonfunctioning tumors while the other seven patients (21.87%) had functioning tumors. Seventeen patients (53.12%) were classified as stage II, two (6.25%) as stage III, and 13 (40.62%) as stage IV. Fourteen patients underwent radical surgical resection, while 14 patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, two received adjuvant radiotherapy, and two received adjuvant chemoradiation. Four patients were lost to follow-up. Among the remaining 28 patients, 15 patients survived. The 5- and 10-year overall survival was 60.6% and 37.8%, respectively (median survival=85±24.3 months). Seventeen patients (53%) experienced disease recurrence. Five- and 10-year recurrence-free survival was 41.5% and 29.7%, respectively (median survival=18±5.5 months). Conclusion: Early stage at diagnosis and surgical resection were the most important prognostic factors associated with prolonged survival. The role of additional therapy remains controversial and new agents should continually be evaluated for efficacy.

      • KCI등재

        "진품콩"콩나물 두유의 유산발효특성 연구

        황종진,손종록,송진,김기종,김선림,손영구 한국국제농업개발학회 2000 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        Lipoxygenase L₂및 L₃가 결핍된 진품콩을 이용하여 맛과 영양이 우수한 진품콩 콩나물 두유 유산발효제품 개발 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 3일간 콩나물을 재배한후 두유를 착즙하고 유산발효 시킨 제품을 단백중 및 기존의 SMP 유산발효 제품과 비교하여 그 가공특성 및 품질특성을 검토한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 품종별 원료대두의 단백질 함량은 단백콩이 44.36%로 진품콩 38.44보다 6% 높았으며 SMP는 34.50%로 콩보다는 4∼10%정도 낮았다. 2. 콩 수침일수별 콩무게는 수침일수가 경과될수록 지속적으로 높아져 4일 수침후에는 원료대비 단백콩이 3.68배, 진품콩이 3.18배로 늘어났으며 콩나물의 성장에 따라 두유 수율도 지속적인 증가추세를 보였다. 3. 콩 품종별 두유 발효액의 pH는 진품콩이 단백콩보다 낮은 경향이었으며 발효제품중의 유산균수는 단백콩은 4일 발아후 착즙한 두유액이 7.0×10^8CFU/㎖로 가장 많았고 진품콩은 3일 발아후 착즙한 두유액에서 5.6×10^9CFU/㎖로 가장 많았으나 4일이상 발아하면 두유의 점도가 높아지고 색상이 어둡고, 둔하게 변화되어 제품품질이 떨어졌다. 4. 착즙된 두유액의 평균입도는 단백콩이 2.952㎛, 진품콩이 3.126㎛로 SMP(Skim milk powder)의 2.496㎛보다 약간 컸으나 전체적인 입도분포 양상은 진품콩이 SMP와 유사하게 나타났다. 5. 콩 품종별 두유 유산발효제품의 당류구성은 Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, Maltose 등이었으며 3일 발아후 착즙한 두유발효제품의 당함량이 1일 수침후 착즙한 두유발효제품보다 높았으나 콩 유산 발효제품은 SMP 발효제품보다 낮은 당함량을 보였다. 6. 콩 품종별 두유 유산발효제품의 유기산 함량은 진품콩이 단백콩보다 높았으며 3일 발아후 착즙하면 1일 수침한 것보다 총유기산 함량이 높았으나 SMP의 527.89㎎/10㎖보다는 다소 낮은 459.09∼522.OO㎎/10㎖였다. 7. 3일 발아후 착즙한 두유액으로 발효한 두유 유산발효제품의 Vit.C함량은 단백콩 26.6㎎%, 진품콩 25.9㎎%로 1일 수침후 과즙한 두유액 발효제품의 3.8∼4.0㎎% 보다 6∼7배 증대되었다. 8. 콩의 발아일수가 증가하면 두유액의 L값과 a값(적색도)는 낮아지고 b값(황색도)은 높아져 색깔이 어둡게 되어 품질이 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 9. 콩 품종별 두유 유산발효제품의 식미는 진품콩 품종이 단백중 품종보다 좋았으나 SMP 유산발효제품에 비하여 다소 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. This study was performed to test the possibility of the development and production of soy yoghurt from soybean sprouts of Jinpumkong which is newely developed Korean soybean cultivar lacking in lipoxygenase L₂and L₃. The physicochemical characteristics and processing properties of the soy yoghurt fermentation product from the extract of 3 days old soybean sprouts of Jinpumkong, were tested and compared with those of Danbeakkong (high protein content and lipoxygenase activity soybean cultivar) and skim milk powder (SMP) milk. The pH of the fermented soybean sprout extracts of Jinpumkong was lower than that of Danbeakkong. The viable cell counts of Danbeakkong was high(7.0×10^8CFU/㎖) on the soy yoghurt made from 4 days old soybean sprouts, but that of Jinpumkong was high(5.6×10^9CFU/㎖) on the 3 days old soybean sprouts. However, the quality of Jinpumkong yoghurt made from 4 days and more old soybean sprouts were poor mainly because of increase in the viscosity increasing and the color darkeness. The vitamin C content of Jimpumkong yoghurt was 25.9㎎%, and free sugars and organic acid contents were equal to those of SMP milk, further the Jinpumkong yoghurt was low in beany flavor and fair in sensory evaluation.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 두류 수확후 건조, 저장 및 유통실태조사

        손종록,김기종,이종기,유용환,손영구,정근복 한국콩연구회 2000 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        두류의 건조, 저장, 가공등 일련의 수확후 관리 실태를 조사하여 우리실정에 맞는 최적 수확후 관리체계기술을 확립하기 위하여 조사결과 추후 연구 되어야 할 사항은 다음과 같다. 1. 풋콩의 식미, 색깔, 크기 및 충실도 등을 고려한 수확적기의 구멍이 필요했다. 2. 풋콩의 상품성 저하의 원인이 되는 탈협기에 의한 협의 상처를 최소화 할 수 있는 새로운 탈협방법 및 기계의 개발도 요구되었다. 3. 풋콩 가공공정에서는 식미에 적합한 염농도, 증자시간 및 온도, 냉동온도 등의 구명이 필요했다. 4. 풋콩의 수출을 위하여는 외국인이 선호하는 규격에 적합한 품종개발과 재배기술개발이 요구되었다. 5. 가공용 콩의 수확시 손실 감소를 위한 콤바인의 운영방법 및 수확적기의 구명이 필요했다. 6. 가공용 콩의 상품성 향상을 위하여 콩의 크기별 선별이 되어야하고 크기별 건조특성 및 저장성 등도 향후 연구되어야 할 것으로 지적되었다. Since the current realities of drying, storage, and processing of harvested soybean were investigated, the following particulars listed below should be researched to develop the optimum post-harvest management system for soybean : The optimum harvest time should be determined in terms of food quality of vegetable soybean such as taste, color, seed size, and matureness. New techniques and machines should be developed for dehulling of pods in order to prevent quality changes of vegetable soybean caused by mechanical damages on the pods. Salt concentration, duration and temperature for both boiling and freezing should be determined to improve eating quality during the freeze storage of vegetable soybean. New varieties and cultivation methodologies should be developed to meet the standard of foreign consumers for export of vegetable soybean. The optimum operation of combine and harvesting time for the efficient mechanical harvest should be determined to reduce harvesting loss of soybean. Harvested soybeans should be primarily classified in terms of seed size, and their drying characters and storability should he determined by seed size as well.

      • KCI등재

        풋옥수수의 수확후 품질관리기술

        손종록,김기종,김선림,손영구 한국국제농업개발학회 1999 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.11 No.4

        Korea is belong to the temperate zone and have four season, for this reason most of agricultural products are simultaneously harvested within a certain period of the year. As a result, the prices of fresh agricultural products which have short self-life are fluctuated and the balance of demand and supply is unstable. The post-harvest quality control of vegetable corns is relatively difficult because they maintaining the high levels of respiration and rapid physico-chemical changes. So, it is considered as very important facts that the understanding of related factors that might be affected the physiological activities of harvested vegetable corns and the development of post-harvest quality control techniques to prevent the quality changes of vegetable corns. The waxy corns are consumed only as a kind of vegetable in the few of oriental countries including korea. However, few researches and reports have been made refer to the post-harvest quality control of vegetable waxy corns. The objectives of this report were to mainly provide the post-harvest quality control information about the vegetable corns and to invoke the researcher's concerning.

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