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        신용카드시장 규제의 문제점과 개선방안

        윤성훈 한국은행 2003 經濟分析 Vol.9 No.4

        The Korean credit card market grew dramatically in scale from 1998, due to a variety of incentives and tax breaks offered by government. This enhanced the transparency of transactions as well as sparked an economic recovery by boosting domestic consumption. However, it caused some ill effects. First, the number of defaulters on credit card loans in response to ill-considered cash advances granted to card holders increased sharply and this threatened the soundness of the credit card market. Second, credit card firms enjoyed an oligopolistic market power, by allowing them to leave credit card interest rates unchanged at high levels despite falls in market interest rates. The government tackled these problems directly by, for example, imposing regulations on their operations and pricing forcing credit cards firms to cut the share of their cash advance and to lower credit card interest rates, while keeping entry barriers untouched. However, given the inefficient cost structures of the credit card industry whose fixed costs are huge, entry barriers can be abused by credit card firms to maintain an oligopoly structure by creating excess competition. This was the major culprit in the reckless issuance of plastic money by credit card firms and the massive rise in the number of credit defaulters. In addition, regulations on operations and pricing may well decrease not only the profitability of credit card firms but also the consumer welfare of credit card holders through an adverse selection problem. 우리나라 신용카드시장은 1998년 이후 폭발적으로 성장하였다. 이에 따라 시장거래가 투명해지는 등의 긍정적인 효과가 나타났지만 신용카드사의 카드 남발과 카드이용자의 무분별한 카드 사용으로 인해 카드이용자와 신용카드사의 동반 부실화 위험이 높아지고 있다. 그리고 카드수수료가 시장금리의 하락에도 불구하고 높은 수준에서 하방경직적인 모습을 보임에 따라 과점적 폐해라는 비판도 제기되고 있다. 정부는 이러한 신용카드시장의 문제에 대해 진입규제와 가격규제 등 직접적인 규제로 대처하기 시작했다. 그러나 직접적인 규제는 다음과 같은 부작용을 야기할 수 있다. 첫째, 과당경쟁 방지가 목적인 진입규제 정책은 기존 신용카드사들에게 과당경쟁 상황을 유발시킬 유인을 제공하고 오히려 이들의 시장지배력을 강화할 가능성이 있다. 우리나라 신용카드시장의 경우 가맹점 체계가 기본적으로 폐쇄형이고 카드사별로 카드관련 업무의 대부분을 중복 취급함에 따라 진입비용 및 고정비용이 매우 높기 때문이다. 둘째, 인위적인 카드수수료 인하와 카드대출비중 축소는 역선택 문제 등으로 신용카드사의 수익뿐만 아니라 카드이용자의 후생까지 악화시킬 수 있다. 따라서 신용카드시장에 대한 직접규제보다는 신용카드시장의 고비용구조를 먼저 해결해야 할 것으로 보인다. 이를 위해서는 「가맹점 공동망 이용제」의 정상화와 신용카드사업의 분야별 전문화를 유도해 나가야 할 것이다. 이를 통해 카드수수료의 하락도 가능할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업성질환 감시체계의 계획과 관리

        조수헌,홍윤철,임종한,장성실,천병철 大韓産業醫學會 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        직업성 질환에 관련된 다양한 진료를 체계적으로 수집하고 관리하여 직업성질환의 예방 목적으로 이를 활용하고 자하는 노력이 우리나라에서도 이제 다양한 방법으로 시도되고 있다. 최근의 자료 시스템의 구축과 관리 방법의 향상은 새로운 직업성 잘환감시방법을 개발하게 하여 직업성질환과 손상을 예 방하는데 크게 기여하고 있다. 우리나라에서도 기존의 산업보건사업의 성과를 계승하면서, 외국의 직업성질환 감시의 여러 경험을 비판적으로 수용하여 한국적인 직업성질환 감시 모델을 구축해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 자발적인 지역차원의 직업성질환 감시체계들이 틀을 잡아가고 있는 이 시점에서 본격적으로 직업성질환 감시체계 수립을 위한 전략과 구체적 방법론을 마련하고 공유하여야 할 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 우리나라의 직업성질환 감시체계를 구축하는데 기초가 될 수 있는 직업성질환 감시체계의 계획과 관리에 대한 내용을 정리하였다. 이러한 감시체계를 우리나라에 정립하려는 노력들의 일환으로 최근 직업성질환감시연구회의 결성 및 각 지역의 직업성질환 감시체계의 운영 등이 조금씩 결실을 맺어가고 있어 간략히 소개하면 다음과 같다.첫째, 최근에 인천, 천안, 대전, 여천, 구미 등에서 지역단위의 직업성질환 감시체계를 구축하고 있고 한국산업안전공단에서는 특수건강진단과 작업환경측정 자료를 전산화하여 이를 직업성질환 감시에 사용하는 전국단위의 감시체계와 천식, 근골격계질환, 피부질환 등 질환별 감시체계 등이 시도되고 있다.둘째, 이러한 움직임은 과거에 비하여 한층 발전된 양상이고 바람직하지만 이제는 국가적 차원에서 직업성질환 감시체계를 어떻게 설정하고 조율할 지를 고민하고 계획하여야 할 때이다. 즉 한국산업안전공단과 지역단위 직업성질환 감시체계들의 역할분담과 상호 정보의 교류 등이 정리되어야 이를 바탕으로 유기적인 국가 직업성질환 감시체계가 구축될 수 있다.셋째, 이를 위하여서는 직업성질환 감시체계 구축의 방법론을 서로 교류하고 공유할 필요가 있으며 나아가서는 이를 표준화하여 기본적인 자료의 교류가 원활하게 이루어질 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 이러한 역할은 최근에 결성된 직업성질환감시연구회와 산업안전보건연구원, 그리고 대한산업의학회, 산업간호학회, 산업위생학회 등이 협력하여 학술적인 작업과 함께 실무적인 지침을 만들어나가도록 하는 것이 바람직할 것이다.

      • 순차 컴비네이터를 기반으로 하는 병렬 그래프 리덕션

        徐正勳,鄭盛允,尹英雨 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1992 연구보고 Vol.20 No.1

        This study discusses the graph reducer to improve the execution speed of functional languages. We develop the G-machine compiler which translates serial combinator to a sequence of instructions. The SubMiranda, which is a subset of the Miranda, is chosen as a test language. The implemented G-machine compiler translates serial combinator to an intermediate code, G-code, and then does macro-expansion to create a target code, C-code.

      • 국내 검정콩 육성품종의 종자특성

        주용하,박재훈,윤승길,김영호,김성민,정길웅 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        1. 수분흡수율이 가장 높은 시간은 다원콩(침지 후 4시간)을 제외한 모든 품종이 침지후 2시간이었으며, 둔화되기 시작한 시간은 침지후 약 10시간이었고, 평형에 도달한 시간은 침지후 약 16시간이었다. 2. 수분흡수율은 품종간에 차이가 있었는데 가장 높은 수분흡수율을 보인 품종은 검정콩2호이었으며, 가장 낮은 품종은 다원콩이었다. 3. 발아율의 범위는 28이었으며, 평균발아율은 93.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 청자콩과 흑청콩이었다. 4. 발아세의 범위는 52이었으며, 평균발아세는 81.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 흑청콩이었다. 5. 평균발아일수와 T_50의 범위는 모두 2이었으며, 평균은 각각 2.6과 2.3이었고, 품종간에는 선흑콩이 가장 길었다. 6. 발아균일도의 범위는 3.1이었으며, 평균은 1.3이었고, 높은 그룹(흑청콩·청자콩·검정콩2호·다원콩·검정올콩)과 낮은 그룹(검정콩1호·일품검정콩·선흑콩)으로 분류되었다. 7. 알칼리붕괴도는 공시품종의 평균이 4.65이었으며 등급은 4∼5등급을 나타내었다. 붕괴도가 가장 높고 우수한 품종은 검정콩1호였으며 가장 낮은 품종은 선흑콩이었다. The water absorption rate after soaking of seeds was the highest at 2 hours in all varieties except Dawonkong(4 hours after soaking), and became slowed down at 10 hours, and reached moisture equilibrium in stopping almost at 16 hours. The water absorption rate was different among varieties, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #2 whereas the lowest variety was Dawonkong. The range of germination percentage was 28, and average value 93.9%, and the highest varieties were Cheongjakong and Heukcheongkong. The range of germination speed was 52. average value 81.9%, and the highest variety was Heukcheongkong. The range of average days to germination and T_50 were all two days and these average was 2.6 and 2.3, respectively. Seonheukkong among varieties was very long in average days to germination and T_50. The range of germination uniformity was 3.1 and average was 1.3 and divide into two groups such as high group(Heukcheongkong, Cheongjakong, Gemjeongkong #2, Dawonkong, Geomjeongolkong) and low group(Geomjeongkong #1, llpumgeomjeongkong, Seonheukkong). Varietal mean of alkali digestibility value was 4.65 belong to 4∼5 class, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #1 whereas Seonheukkong was very low among varieties.

      • 천연두 백신 접종 후 발생된 급성 심근염 1예

        박옥성,김종환,이광욱,윤성훈,강동구,이승욱,조상기 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.2

        Acute myocarditis complicating coronary vasospasm after smallpox vaccination is very rare complication that can be generally developed within less than 30 days after vaccination. Clinically and biochemically, this disorder is often mimic and highly suggestive of acute myocardial infarction. We report 21 years old man that had a history of a smallpox vaccination 3 weeks ago and prodromal symptoms(fever, malaise etc) a few days ago. hIe visited to our hospital because of abrupt onset of severe substernal chest pain, dyspnea and diaphoresis. At admission, electrocardiography was ST elevation in lead Ⅰ, aVL, V4, V5, and V6. The CK-MB level was 68 U/L, LDH level was 760 U/L, Troponin-Ⅰ was 24.64 ng/㎖, and Troponin-T was positive. 2D-echocardiograpy was normal left ventricular function, Clinically we presumed this disorder as acute myocardial infarction and we promptly performed the coronary angiography and revealed focal spasm in distal left coronary artery territory without critical stenosis in both coronary arteries. We diagnosed this disorder as coronary vasospam complicating acute myocarditis that is different with acute myocardial infarction, and we prescribed nitroglycerin and nifedipine. After discharge, he is now well without any symptoms and has been following up monthly at our outward department for 6 months.

      • Quality-adjusted international price comparisons of mobile telecommunications services

        Yun, Seong Hun,Kim, Yongjae,Kim, Minki Elsevier 2019 TelecommunicationsPolicy Vol.43 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Many countries' policymakers have conducted international price comparisons of mobile telecommunications services to prevent service operators from overcharging subscribers. However, those comparisons have become more complicated because of the escalation in service usage and telecommunications expenditures spurred by the proliferation of smartphones and broadband LTE wireless internet service networks. The basket-based methodologies that have been widely used for international price comparisons are also limited—first, because the baskets for comparison may not be representative of actual service usage patterns in some countries; second, because they are difficult to apply to highly differentiated service plans due to the significant increase in wireless internet service usage and widely used plans with unlimited voice call service and SMS/MMS; and third, because they cannot consider the quality of service, such as upload and download speed in various service environments, at all. As an alternative, this paper proposes a hedonic pricing model that accounts for service quality and its variation in potentially disruptive environments, as well as fixed charge for a mobile phone additional to the price of service plans. The model was used to derive quality-adjusted price indices of mobile telecommunications services for twelve cities in ten countries with broadband LTE wireless internet service. The empirical results confirmed that the price index of each city varied significantly across the specifications,—both within the United States and internationally—depending on whether the model was constructed to reflect service quality and its variation on roads, in buildings, and in subways. The price index of each city also varied depending on whether the subsidized price of a mobile phone was considered part of the monthly price of a service plan. These results have important implications for policymakers seeking to understand the ultimate level of mobile telecommunication service prices for their country in a global context.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The hedonic pricing models enable quality-adjusted international price comparisons. </LI> <LI> Both subscription fees and subsidies influence the price indices. </LI> <LI> The price index falls in countries where the service quality is higher. </LI> <LI> The price index falls in countries where variation in service quality is lower. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Original Articles : Development and Validation of a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess Diets of Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients

        ( Seong Bin Hong ),( Yun Jin Choi ),( Hun Jae Lee ),( So Hun Kim ),( Youn Ju Oe ),( Seung Youn Lee ),( Moon Suk Nam ),( Yong Seong Kim ) 대한당뇨병학회 2010 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.34 No.1

        Background: Our aim was to assess the validity of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) by comparison with the 3-day diet record (DR) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eighty five type 2 diabetic patients (aged 33 to 70 years) from the Korean National Diabetes Program (KNDP) completed 3-day DR and FFQ. The FFQ was designed to reflect the eating pattern of Korean type 2 diabetic patients, and was based on the 2003 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The FFQ consists of 85 food items and 12 food groups. The validity of FFQ was assessed by comparison with the 3-day DR. Results: The mean age was 49 ± 10 years. Clinical characteristic including body weight, diabetic duration, and HbA1c were not different from the total cohort subjects (n = 1,478). There were no significant differences in the mean intake of protein, fat and calcium estimated by the FFQ and the 3-day DR. Energy and carbohydrate estimated by the FFQ were higher than those estimated by the 3-day DR. The correlation coefficient was highest for energy (r = 0.740; P < 0.00) and lowest for iron (r = 0.269; P < 0.05). The Kappa values for energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat and calcium were 0.54, 0.37, 0.36, 0.46, and 0.19, respectively. Conclusion: The FFQ is a reasonable instrument for assessing the intake of most macronutrients in Korean type 2 diabetes, although careful consideration is required for the food groups and nutrients for which the FFQ had low validity.

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