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      • 곁순의 화학적 방제가 연초식물의 생장량에 미치는 영향

        이재흥,석영선,신주식,정찬문 충북대학교 엽연초연구소 2001 煙草硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was carried out to compare the effects of suckercides - Fatty alcohol(FA), Maleic hydrazide(MH) and Butralin - on the sucker control and growing characters of flue-cured tobacco leaves. Among the three suckercides, Butralin was treated at three different times, one day before topping, topping day and one day after topping, and at two different concentration, 1/30 and 1/60 water solution. The results are summarized as follows. Suckercide treated plot showed higher growth and weight of upper leaves than not-treated plots did. MH treated plot decreased numbers, fresh weight and dry weight of suckers compared to the other treated plots, and made the leaves shape narrow. The effect of Butralin on sucker control was lower than that of MH, but higher than that of FA. The yields when treated Butralin decreased compared to the yields when treated MH. Though there were no significant differences of yields and growing characters of leaves among the plots of three concentrations and two times of treating Butralin, it is recommended to apply 1/60 water solution of Butralin at topping time.

      • KF114와 KB108 원료가공업의 연기증 Nicotine 및 Tar 함량의 변화

        이철희,임흥빈,신주식,석영선 충북대학교 연초연구소 2004 煙草硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        궐련담배 연기 중 Tar와 Nicotine 함량은 대부분의 국가에서 담배 포갑지에 표시하도록 규정하고 있으며 우리나라에서도 2003년부터 시행하고 있다. 그리하여 궐련담배 제품의 설정목표에 따라 엽배합의 방안을 강구하고자 우리나라에서 생산하고 있는 황색종과 버어리종의 주 품종인 KF114와 KB108의 원료 가공엽을 김천원료공장과 남원료공장에서 착엽위치 및 등급별로 채취하여 연기 중 Nicotine, Tar 및 CO 함량을 조사하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 원료엽 중 니코틴 함량은 황색종 KF114에 비하여 버어리종 KB108이 높고, 본엽과 상엽에서는 등급이 낮을수록 함량이 높고, 중엽과 하엽에서는 등급이 낮을수록 함량이 낮았다. 2. 황색종 KF114는 궐련담배 1개비 당 중량이 본엽, 중엽, 상엽, 하엽 순으로 무거웠고, 엽위별 등급간에는 등급이 높을수록 무거웠다. 연소시간과 흡연회수는 본엽, 상엽, 중엽, 하엽 순으로 길고 많았다. 3. 버어리종 KB108은 궐련담배 1개비 당 중량이 상엽, 본엽, 중엽, 하엽 순으로 무거웠고, 엽위별 등급간에는 등급이 높을수록 무거웠다. 연소시간은 상엽, 본엽, 중엽, 하엽 순으로 길었으며, 중엽과 하엽에서는 등급이 높을수록 본엽과 상엽에서는 등급이 낮을수록 길었다.4. 황색종 KF114 원료 가공엽의 연기 중 니코틴과 타르 함량은 본엽에서는 등급이 낮을수록 높고, 중엽과 하엽에서는 등급이 높을수록 높은 값을 나타냈다. CO 함량은 본엽, 중엽, 상엽, 하엽순으로 많았고, 등급간 차이는 니코틴과 타르 함량에 대한 등급간 차이보다 적었다. 5. 버어리종 KB108 원료 가공엽의 연기 중 니코틴과 타르 함량은 상엽과 본엽에서는 등급이 낮을수록 높고, 중엽과 하엽에서는 등급이 높을수록 높은 값을 나타냈다. CO의 함량은 상엽, 본엽, 중엽, 하엽 순으로 높았고, 엽위 별 등급간에 차이가 없었다. 6. 잎담배 종류 및 가공엽의 등급에 따라 nicotine/tar 및 Co/tar 비율에 차이가 있는 것을 알 수 있으며, 엽위가 낮을수록 비율도 감소하였다. 7. 버어리종 KB108는 흡연회수, 니코틴, 타르및 CO가 각각 정의 상관관계가 인정되었으나, 황색종 KF114에서는 CO와 니코틴, CO와 타르 간에는 상관관계가 없었다. In most countries, nicotine and tar contents of cigarette smoke should be represented on the cigarette pack by law. It has been carrying out in Korea from 2003. In order to control those contents, It was tested the contents of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide (CO) of smoke components and puff number for blending two major varieties produced in Korea, KF114, a flue-cured, and KB108, a burley. The processed leaf tobacco were taken from Kim-cheon and Ock-cheon leaf tobacco processing factory. The results were summarized as followed ; 1. Nicotine contents of processed leaf tobacco were higher in KB108, a burley, than in KF114, a flue-cured. Nicotine contents of leaf and tips were higher in low-grade leaves than in high-grade leaves, but those of cutters and lugs were lower in low-grade leaves than in high-grade leaves. 2. The weight per cigarette of KF114 was heavier in the order of leaf, cutters, tips and lugs, and was heavier in high-grade leaves than in low-grade leaves. Combustion time was longer and puff number was more in the order of leaf, tips, cutters and lugs. 3. The weight per cigarette of KB108 was heavier in the order of tips, leaf, cutters and lugs, and was heavier in high-grade leaves than in low-grade leaves. Combustion time was longer in the order of tips, leaf, cutters and lugs. The time of cutters and lugs was longer in high-grade leaves than in low-grade leaves, but those of leaf and tips was longer in low-grade leaves than in high-grade leaves. 4. Nicotine and tar contents of the smoke from the processed leaf tobacco of KF114 were higher in low-grade leaf than in high-grade leaf and cutters and lugs were higher in high-grade than in low-grade. CO contents were higher in the order of leaf, cutters, tips and lugs. The difference of CO contents between different grades was lower than that of nicotine and tar contents. 5. In nicotine and tar contents of the smoke from the processed leaf tobacco of KB108, leaf and tips were higher in low-grade than in high-grade and cutters and lugs were higher in high-grade than in low-grade. CO contents were higher in the order of tips, leaf, cutters and lugs. There was no significant difference of CO contents between different grades of the stalk position. 6. Nicotine/Tar and CO/Tar ratios showed significant difference according to tobacco variety and grade of processed leaf tobacco. The ratios were reduced in lower stalk position. 7. There were positive correlations between puff number, nicotine, tar and CO contents in KB108, but there were no correlations between CO and nicotine, or CO and tar in KF114.

      • 국부성 또는 침투성 액아억제제에 의한 연초식물의 액아억제

        장종오,엄유리,이이,신주식,석영선 충북대학교 연초연구소 2006 煙草硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        본 실험에서는 황색종 KF-118을 사용하여 적심 후 발생하는 액아의 생장을 약제처리법을 이용하여 억제하였다. 약제로는 침투성 액아억제제, 접촉성 액아억제제, 국부성 액아억제제 등 세 종류의 약제를 활용하였다. 약제를 처리한 후 액아의 길이, 생장률, 생중량, 건중량 등을 측정하여 액아억제제의 효과를 측정하였다. A, B, C, D, E 총 5가지의 액아억제제를 처리하였으며 무처리구를 포함한 총 6개의 처리구로 나누어 시험하였고, 각 처리구는 적심 직후, 적심 후 액아가 2 cm 이하로 자랐을 때와 4 cm 이하로 자랐을 때로 분류하여 5주씩 3반복으로 처리구당 총 15주를 시험하였다. 실험 결과 무처리구와 처리구는 액아생장에 있어 유의성 있는 차이를 보였으며 처리효과는 적심 직후에 약제를 처리했을 때 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 적심 후 액아가 2 cm 이하로 자랐을 때, 4 cm 이하로 자랐을 때의 차례로 나타났다. 또한 적심 직후 약제를 처리한 경우 A약제를 제외한 모든 액아억제제가 억제율 90 %를 넘는 우수한 결과를 보였다. Suckers were controled by suckercide treatment using a flue-cured tobacco cultivar, KF-118. Three types of suckercides, systemic suckercide, contact suckercide and local suckercide, were used. Length, growth rate, fresh weight and dry weight of sucker were measured after suckercide treatment. Five kinds of suckercides (A, B, C, D, E) were treated directly after topping, when sucker length shorter than 2 cm after topping, and when sucker length shorter than 4 cm after topping. Five plants were treated and three times repeated. The sucker growth rates of treated plant were significantly lower than those of untreated plant. The smaller the sucker size, the higher the treatment effect. All suckercides, except for suckercide A, showed more than 90 % sucker control rate when they were treated directly after topping.

      • Rotary type과 linear type 자동흡연 장치에 따른 담배연기 중 타르, 니코틴 및 일산화탄소의 함량 비교

        정재훈,김영신,임흥빈,석영선,신주식,이학수 충북대학교 연초연구소 2004 煙草硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        본 실험은 type별 흡연 장치의 담배 주류연 포집에 대한 차이를 비교하고자 주류연 중 일반적인 다량의 성분을 측정하였다. 1. 니코틴 함량은 대체로 linear-type 흡연 장치에서 높은 경향 이였으나 유의한 차이는 없었다. 2. 수분 함량은 두 가지 type 간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 3. tar 함량은 저 농도에서 linear-type 보다 otary-type 흡연 장치가 높은 경향 이였으나 유의한 차이는 없었다. 4. 일산화탄소는 rotary-type과 linear-type 모두 유의한 차이는 없었다. 본 실험결과 ISO 표준 흡연 조건에서 담배 주류연의 tar, 니코틴, 일산화탄소 함량의 측정은 흡연 장치의 type별 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없는 것으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to compare rotary-type with linear-type automatic smoking machine referred to ISO 3308 in the determination of tar, nicotine and CO in cigarette smoke. Sample were used with 4 kinds of domestic branded cigarettes(tar ; 1, 3, 6, 10 mg/cig) and CORESTA Monitor 4 cigarettes(tar ; 14 mg/cig). Tar and nicotine contents were analysed by gas-chromatograph methods in accordance with ISO 4387 and 10315-1. Determination of carbon monoxide in the vapour phase of cigarette smoke was meaured by NDIR method in ISO 8454. Sample preparation were performed in conditioning room at 22℃, 60 % for 48 hours according to ISO 3402. There was no significant difference between two smoking machine from 1 mg/cig to 14 mg/cig tar cigarettes, but, the contents of three components measured by rotary type showed higher tendency than those by linear type in the case of hight tar cigarettes. The results were the opposite in low tar cigarettes.

      • Identification of novel drought stress-regulated coding and noncoding transcripts from Oryza sativa L.

        Seon-Ju Shin,Jae-Hee Lee,Hawk-Bin Kwon 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.07

        Abiotic environmental stresses cause serious economic losses in agriculture. These stresses include temperature extremes, high salinity and drought. We identified several drought stress-related novel/function unknown coding transcripts (transcription factors and functional genes) and non-coding transcripts (small noncoding transcripts such as microRNA and long noncoding transcripts) using the next generation sequencing method from rice (Oryza sativa L.), and have constructed databases of drought stress-related coding and noncoding transcripts. We used novel gene prediction programs for the selections. The expression level of the each gene was analyzed by real-time PCR. The results ended up the selection of 29 transcription factors, 6 microRNAs and 10 long noncoding RNAs. Currently, we are further characterizing these transcripts. We expect that this study could provide functional information of the drought stress-regulated novel genes, and relationships among novel coding and noncoding transcripts.


        The Relationship Between Fast Food Consumption and Daily Lifestyle Changes During School Closures Following the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Adolescents in Korea

        Ju-Yeon Lee,Shinhyun Moon,Seo-Hyun Cho,Honey Kim,Hee-Ju Kang,Seon-Young Kim,Seunghyong Ryu,Jae-Min Kim,Il-Seon Shin,Sung-Wan Kim 대한신경정신의학회 2024 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.21 No.6

        Objective Increased fast food consumption can have adverse effects on health and well-being among adolescents, posing a significant public health concern. The school closures due to the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have led to changes in eating patterns and disrupted a balance diet among adolescents. This study explored the factors associated with fast food consumption among adolescents during school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A total of 1,710 middle and high school students in Gwangju, South Korea participated in a cross-sectional survey. The self-administered questionnaire included items assessing dietary intake, physical activity, sleep, media use, and sociodemographic information. The Patient Health Questonnaire-9, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, and three item version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale were also administered. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the factors associated with increased fast food consumption. Results Approximately 34.6% of the surveyed adolescents reported increased fast food consumption during school closures, as well as increased sleep duration, increased sedentary behaviors including watching TV and using the internet, and reduced physical activity. Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that fast food consumption during school closures was associated with irregular patterns of main meals and sleep, decreased physical activity, increased internet use, and a lack of daytime adult supervision. Conclusion Our results highlight the need for dietary and lifestyle monitoring and guidelines to promote health among adolescents, especially during school closures. In conclusion, nutrition intervention programs aiming to limit fast food consumption and enhance healthy dietary habits among adolescents during long-term school closures are warranted.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dietary Aloe Reduces Adipogenesis via the Activation of AMPK and Suppresses Obesity-related Inflammation in Obese Mice

        Shin, Eun-Ju,Shin, Seul-Mee,Kong, Hyun-Seok,Lee, Sung-Won,Do, Seon-Gil,Jo, Tae-Hyung,Park, Young-In,Lee, Chong-Kil,Hwang, In-Kyeong,Kim, Kyung-Jae The Korean Association of Immunobiologists 2011 Immune Network Vol.11 No.2

        Background: Metabolic disorders, including type II diabetes and obesity, present major health risks in industrialized countries. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has become the focus of a great deal of attention as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of metabolic syndromes. In this study, we evaluated whether dietary aloe could reduce obesity-induced inflammation and adipogenesis. Methods: Male C57BL/6 obese mice fed a high-fat diet for 54 days received a supplement of aloe formula (PAG, ALS, Aloe QDM, and Aloe QDM complex) or pioglitazone (PGZ) and were compared with unsupplemented controls (high-fat diet; HFD) or mice fed a regular diet (RD). RT-PCR and western blot analysis were used to quantify the expression of obesity-induced inflammation. Results: Aloe QDM complex downregulated fat size through suppressed expression of scavenger receptors on adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) compared with HFD. Both white adipose tissue (WATs) and muscle exhibited increased AMPK activation through aloe supplementation, and in particular, the Aloe QDM complex. Obesity-induced inflammatory cytokines (IL-$1{\beta}$ and -6) and $HIF1{\alpha}$ mRNA and protein were decreased markedly, as was macrophage infiltration by the Aloe QDM complex. Further, the Aloe QDM complex decreased the translocation of NF-${\kappa}B$ p65 from the cytosol in the WAT. Conclusion: Dietary aloe formula reduced obesity-induced inflammatory responses by activation of AMPK in muscle and suppression of proinflammatory cytokines in the WAT. Additionally, the expression of scavenger receptors in the ATM and activation of AMPK in WAT led to reduction in the percent of body fat. Thus, we suggest that the effect of the Aloe QDM complex in the WAT and muscle are related to activation of AMPK and its use as a nutritional intervention against T2D and obesity-related inflammation.

      • 수면장애의 인지행동치료를 위한 스마트폰 애플리케이션 개발과 활용

        김주완(Ju-Wan Kim),이용성(Yong-Sung Lee),박철(Cheol Park),유혜영(Hye-Young Yu),이가영(Ga-Young Lee),강희주(Hee-Ju Kang),이주연(Ju-Yeon Lee),김선영(Seon-Young Kim),배경열(Kyung-Yeol Bae),김재민(Jae-Min Kim),신일선(Il-Seon Shin),윤진상(J 대한사회정신의학회 2016 사회정신의학 Vol.21 No.2

        연구목적 : 불면증 치료에 인지행동치료는 약물치료에 비하여 부작용 및 의존성의 가능성이 낮아 효과적이다. 본 논문은 불면증 인지행동치 료를 위한 스마트폰 앱 개발 과정과 정신보건학적 의의에 대해 기술하였다. 방 법 : 전남대학교병원 정신건강의학과와 광주북구정신건강증진센터의 의료진과 정신보건전문요원들이 모바일 솔루션 개발업체와 협력하여 수면인지행동치료를 위한 스마트폰 앱을 개발하였다. 결 과 : 앱의 주요 기능은 수면제한, 자극조절, 수면위생, 이완요법, 인지 재구조화 등의 치료 원리를 바탕으로 개발되었다. 총 8개의 모듈로 구성되어 있는데, 이는 수면상태 평가, 나의 수면일지, 수면위생 자가체크, 나의 잘못된 수면 습관, 점진적 근육이완, 하지불안증 후군 선별, 불면증 역기능 사고, 수면앱 소개 등이다. 모바일 기기의 특성 중 하나인 간편성과 앱을 통한 환자와 치료자 간 상호작용을 통해 수면인지행동치료를 촉진하고자 하였다. 결 론 : 본 수면 앱의 개발과 활용은 첨단기술을 의료와 정신사회적 치료에 접목한 것으로 향후 다양한 방식의 서비스 툴 개발과 확산에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 향후 수면 앱의 안정성, 임상 효용성 및 사용자 만족도에 대한 연구가 추후 이루어져야 할 것이다. Objectives : Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective non-pharmacologic treatment without the risk of dependence or adverse effects associated with hypnotics. This article aims to describe the development of smartphone application for CBT-I of patients with insomnia. Methods : Chonnam National University Hospital and Gwangju Bukgu-Community Mental Health Center developed and launched a smartphone application (HYM-Sleep) for CBT-I. The development of the application involved psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and software technicians from a software development company (Goosl Corp.). Results : Development of the HYM-Sleep application was based on theory of CBT-I including sleep restriction, stimulus control, sleep hygiene, relaxation, and cognitive restructuring of insomnia. This application is composed of eight main modules including ‘Sleep assessment’, ‘Sleep diary’, ‘Sleep hygiene education’, ‘Sleep habits correction’, ‘Relaxation training’, ‘Restless legs syndrome screening’, ‘Cognitive therapy’, and ‘App introduction’. Checking on this application by client is shared with case manager/therapist, who can provide feedback in real time. Conclusion : This application is expected to have potential to enhance CBT-I through technical aid. In addition, this application’s interactive function between client and therapist is the key characteristic that distinguishes it from other mobile application. This smartphone application may contribute to further development of various psychological and technical intervention of insomnia.

      • Influence of Pre-treated Eco-friendly Agricultural Materials on Control Efficacy of Isaria javanica Isolate against Whitefly

        Byung Ju Lee,Jeong Hwa Huang,Tae Young Shin,Jin Ju Yun,Jeong Seon,Jeong Jun Kim,Ji Hee Han,Sang Yeob Lee 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.04

        Various insect pests and plant disease can outbreak in a field. For the effective control of pests and plant diseases during crop cultivation, farmers simultaneously or sequentially spray various eco-friendly agricultural materials (EFAM), chemical pesticides and microbial control agents on the same fields. It was reported that many agrochemicals are harmful to entomopathogenic fungi, especially some fungicides with broad spectrum activity that are routinely applied for the control of plant diseases. In addition, some pesticides may antagonize the potential insecticidal activity and efficiency of entomopathogenic fungi. Therefore, sometimes the utilization of fungal entomopathogen in forestry and agricultural production is limited because of the undesirable interference from some fungicides and pesticides. There is little research that examines the compatibility of these EFAMs with entomopathogenic fungi and the influence of EFAMs on the control efficacy of mycopesticides. We conducted a study of influence of pretreated eco-friendly agricultural materials on control efficacy of Isaria javanica isolate against sweet potato whitefly.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Differences between Physical Injury Patients With and Without Post-traumatic Syndrome: Focus on Secondary Findings and Potential Variants Revealed by Whole Exome Sequencing

        Hee-Ju Kang,Ho-Yeon Lee,Ki-Tae Kim,Ju-Wan Kim,Ju-Yeon Lee,Sung-Wan Kim,Jung Chul Kim,Il-Seon Shin,Namshin Kim,김재민 대한정신약물학회 2021 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.19 No.4

        Objective: Sudden traumatic physical injuries often cause psychological distress, which may be associated with chronic disability. Although considerable effort has been expended to identify genetic predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after traumatic events, genetic predictors of psychological distress in response to severe physical injuries have been yet to be elucidated using whole exome sequencing (WES). Here, the genetic architecture of post-traumatic syndrome (PTS), which encompasses a broad range of psychiatric disorders after traumatic events including depression, anxiety disorder, acute stress disorder, and PTSD, was explored using WES in severely physically injured patients, focusing on secondary findings and potential PTS-related variants. Methods: In total, 141 severely physically injured patients were consecutively recruited, and PTS was evaluated within 1 month of the injury. Secondary findings were analyzed according to PTS status. To identify PTS-related variants, genome-wide association analyses and the optimal sequencing kernel association test were performed. Results: Of the 141 patients, 88 (62%) experienced PTS. There were 108 disease-causing variants in severely physically injured patients. As secondary findings, the stress- and inflammation-related signaling pathways were enriched in the PTS patients, while the glucose metabolism pathway was enriched in those without PTS. However, no significant PTS-related variants were identified. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that genetic alterations in stress and inflammatory pathways might increase the likelihood of PTS immediately after severe physical injury. Future studies with larger samples and longitudinal designs are needed.

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