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        악성 흑색종의 임상적 고찰

        진한식,이상헌,신극선,이영호 大韓成形外科學會 1977 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.4 No.2

        Malignant melanoma is a very malignant tumor arising from melanocytes or its antecedents. Because of the black pigment, this disease has been referred to as "black cancer" The first written account of melanotic lesion is attributed to Hippocrates on fifth century before Christ. In 1836, Carswell first used the term melanoma to designate these pigmented malignant neoplasm. Since discussion of the pathology of tumor and suggestion of the method of treatment was reported by W.S. Handley, many papers were reported about various method of treatment for malignant melanoma. In 1969, W.H. Clark's report showed the Histogenesis and biologic behavior of primary human malignant melanoma and propesed leveling of omicroinvasion of melanoma. Authors reviewed the patients with malignant melanoma who were admitted and treated in Yonsei University Medical center during a period between 1965 to 1976 and evaluated clinical patterns, management and histologic patterns. There had been 30 cases of malignant melanoma in that period. The following results were obtained; 1) Males were affected about 1.1 times more than females. 2) The most frequent age group was fifth decade. Mean age was about 45 yrs. More than 60% of cases are over 40 yrs of age. 3) Most frequent site was head and neck(40%), and next was lower extremity (36.6%). 4) Melanoma occurred on lower extremity was more common under 50 yrs of age. 5) Size of tumor was most common over 4cm in diameter(26.7%). As increase of tumor size, longer duration of symptoms and more frequent metastasis were noted. 6) As increase of tumor size, metastasis of regional lymph node and remote organ was more frequently occurred and depth of microinvasion of tumor cell by Clark's level was more deepened. 7) As increase of depth of microinvasion by Clark's level frequent modular type of malignant melanoma was reported. 8) Treatment of malignant melanoma was almostly inadquate except clinical stage 1 malignant melanoma.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        요도하열을 동반한 남성반음양 1례 보고

        진한식,유재덕,신극선,오석준 大韓成形外科學會 1979 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.6 No.1

        Male hermaphroditism may be defined as a process of incomplete masculinization of the internal or external genital organs or both in subjects with male gonads and male sex chromatic distribution. In the differential diagnosis of genital ambiguity, the important points include history, physical examination. sex chromatin pattern, and determination of the urinary steriod excretion pattern, and also, of help in selected cases are endoscopy, X-ray contrast studies, laparotomy with gonadal biopsy and chromosomal analysis. Cases of male hermaphroditism with ambiguous external genitals can be devided into those with absence of breast development which are usually called PPSH(Pseudovaginal Perineoscrotal Hypospadia) and those with breast development which are usually called incomplete or partial testicular feminization. The former is characterized by a phallus of intermediate size and a perineal urethral meatus, and blindly ending "vagina" which may poen either into the urethra or the perineum. A labia majora-like cleft scrotum frequently contains normally developed testes, and Wolffian-duct derivatives show normal male differentiation. Masculinization at puberty results in masculine body build, axillary, facial and pubic hair, and deepening of the vioce. Breast development is minimal or absent. We have experienced recently a case of male hermaphroditism which was concerned to be a PPSH with the characteristics of external genitals, sex-chromatin pattern(sex-chromatin mass positive), chromosome study(karyotype 46XY) urinary steriod excretion (17-KS; normal value), laparoscopy(no Mullerian-duct structure), IVP (normal), and gonadal biopsy (atrophy of seminiferous tubule and decreased spermatogensis). Extragenital malformations were not detected and he was of normal intelligence. His sex was assigned male, and treatment consists of urethroplasty and resection of urogenital sinus.

      • KCI등재

        햄·소시지제품에 대한 소비자 의식 및 구매 실태

        조수현,박범영,진구복,유영모,채현석,안종남,이종문,윤상기 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        본 설문조사는 국내 육가공제품의 시장에 대한 소비자 의식과 구매형태를 파악하고 시장확대를 위한 기본방안 구축을 위하여 10월부터 12개월까지 3개월 조사한 결과이다. 육가공제품의 구입횟수는 월 1∼2회로 구입하는 소비자가 40.73%로 가장 많았고 그 다음이 주 1∼2회 구입하는 것(28.07%)으로 나타났다. 햄과 소시지를 구분할 수 있는지에 대한 질문에 구분한다가 86.75%로 나타난 반면 구분하지 못한다가 13.25%로 나타났다. 햄과 소시지를 구분하지 못하는 소비자들은 그 이유로서 두 제품의 고기 함량 및 첨가내용물들이 비슷하여서라는 응답이 47.19%로 가장 많았다. 햄과 소시지를 구입할 때 가장 중요하게 고려하는 사항은 회사명(brand name)인 것으로 나타났으며(32.76%) 원료육의 종류(16.53%), 유통기한(16.38%) 및 원료육 생산지(16.23%)인 것으로 나타났다. 햄 또는 소시지 구입시 제품설명 표시내용을 읽느냐는 질문에 응답자들 중 72.25%가 그렇다고 응답한 반면 27.25%는 읽지 않는다고 응답하였다. 소비자들은 햄과 소시지 구입시 불만사항으로 소비자들이 제품내에 고기보다는 결착제를 비롯한 다른 첨가제들이 많아서 고기맛을 거의 느낄 수 없다고 응답하였으며(47.65%), 외관 및 내용물이 비슷한 제품이 너무 많다고 응답한 소비자 및 맛이 없다고 응답한 소비자가 각각 27.70%, 11.62%인 것으로 나타났다. 햄 및 소시지 제품에 대한 요구사항으로 고기 함량이 높은 제품을 생산하기를 원한다고 응답한 소비자가 64.04%였다. 햄과 소시지 제품 판매시 품질에 따른 가격차등제 실시에 대하여 찬성한다고 응답한 소비자가 83.54%인 것으로 나타나 현재 많은 소비자들이 햄과 소시지 제품의 품질에 따른 가격차등제 실시를 원하는 것으로 나타났다. 우리나라도 품질에 따른 등급 기준 설정과 품질별 가격차등제 실시를 통하여 육가공 제품시장의 확대가 가능할 것으로 판단되며 이는 국내돈육의 비선호부위의 소비촉진도 가능할 것이다. Consumer survey(n=1,343) was carried out to investigate the consumer's perception, purchase behavior and demand on the processed meat products. Most consumers purchased the ham and sausage products once a month (40.73%). Consumers(47.19%) didn't distinguish between ham and sausage products due to the similarity of meat contents and additives in products. Consumers(72.75%) considered the product label when they purchased whereas 27.25% of consumers were not interested in the product label. Consumers(47.65%) were not satisfied with ham and sausage products because there were too much additives other than meat, there were many similar processed products in kinds and appearance(27.70%) and they could hardly detect meat taste(11.62%). Consumers demanded to produce the ham and sausage products which contain high meat contents(64.04%). Consumers were favored with establishment of the price differential system depending on the quality based on meat contents in the product(83.54%). In conclusion, the establishment of the price differential system depending on quality as well as the quality grading system for processed meat products is needed not only to increase the processed meat market but also increase the pork consumption especially for non-preferred pork portions.

      • 胃內視鏡所見이 胃X線所見과 相違한 數例

        吳仁赫,金容泰,李眞悟,陳秀一,林鍾遠 최신의학사 1969 最新醫學 Vol.12 No.6

        For years after the introduction of gastroendoscopy in 1932, frequent efforts 1, 4, s, 9, s, 101 20121) were made to compare the relative value of roentgenologic and gastroendoscopic examinations in the diagnosis of gastric diseases. Today it seems fairly obvious that roentgenologic examination is the primary method for screening of stomach diseases and gastroendoscopy is an adjunct to it. However, gastroendoscopy performs its greatest service in the detection of lesions which, for one reason or another, had _not been. found at roentgenologic examination. It is quite clear that by the judicious use of both methods - greater. diagnostic accuracy can be obtained than by the use of either method alone. This is a report of six cases showing the different findings between the roentgenologic and gastroendoscopic examination, and some commentments are described with some references appeared previously.


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