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      • KCI등재후보

        도시지역 여자고등학생들의 체형과 체형에 대한 의식 및 자각증상과의 관계

        류광하,권인선,김형선,조영채 한국학교보건학회 2008 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between body type subjective symptoms and health awareness in female high school students Methods: The subjects were 393 students at the female high school in Taejon City by self-recorded questionnaires in May, 2006. Results: In the classification of body type based on the degree of obesity low weight group was 20.9% normal weight group was 58.0% over weight group was 11.7% and obesity group was 9.4% In the level of body type awareness those who consider themselves to be obesity type 13.7% standard type were 43.8% and leptosomic type 8.1% but there was a clear tendency to be leptosomic type that the rate was 76.3% In the complaint rates of subjective symptoms "fatigue" was the highest followed by "neck pain(stiffness)", "dizziness", "stomachache" in the descending order In the complaint rates of subjective symptoms by the degree of obesity dizziness irregular menstruation and anorexia were higher according to the lower obesity but constipation and wearied eyes were the higher the more obesity Conclusion: The study results showed that the recent female high school students were clear tendency to be leptosomic type and leptosomic and obesity type were related with subjective symptoms Considering these findings it appeared that being excessively thin is related to symptoms and young women's thinness-oriented attitudes are unhealthful.

      • 구내표준방사선사진 촬영법에 따른 치아길이의 변화

        류영하,최갑식,이상한 慶北大學校 齒科大學 1990 慶北齒大論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        The study was desinged to determine the tooth length variation according to the intraoral radiographic techniques and film holding methods. Four hundred and fourty eight standard radiographs were obtained by 4 groups of radiographic techniques and film holding methods. Four groups were ; Group A : Bisecting-angle technique with Rinn BAI Group B : Bisecting-angle technique with Rinn Snap-A-ray Group C : Paralleling technique with Rinn XCP instrument Group D : Bisecting-angle technique with operater's fingers The effects of radiographic techniques and film holding methods upon the prediction of tooth length for all major types of teeth were evaluated. The obtained results were as follows : · The paralleling techique using the Rinn XCP film holder had the smallest difference between actual tooth leght and radiographic tooth length. · The difference between actual tooth length and radiographic tooth length in bisecting angle techiques was the smallest in the technique using Rinn BAI. · In compare techique using Rinn XCP with techique using Rinn BAI, there was no significant difference. J. Kyungpook Univ. Sch. Dent. Vol. 7, No. 1,111∼119,1990

      • 증류식 소주 증류증 유기산에 의한 에스테르화

        류이하,김영만 한국식품영양학회 2002 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.15 No.4

        증류주에서 중요한 향미 물질인 에스테르 생성과정을 알아보기 위하여 발효완료 술덧에 알코올과 함께 존재하는 초산, 젖산, 구연산 같은 유기산의 종류별, pH별, 증류 온도별로 에스테르 생성 과정을 실험하였다. 유기산의 종류별 실험에서 생성 에스테르량은 ethyl acetate가 기주에 비해 최고 2,890%, ethyl lactate가 최고 6,410% 및 iso-amyl acetate가 최고 52% 증가하였다. 에스테르화시 pH는 중요한 요인이며, 초산첨가 에스테르화 증류액의 ethyl acetate의 경우 pH 3.0이 pH 4.5보다 1,092% 증가하였다. 에스테르화 증류온도는 초산첨가 에스테르화 가압 (약 1.9 기압) 증류액은 상압 (1기압) 증류액보다 ethyl acetate 생성은 18% 증가하였고, iso amyl acetate 생성은 24% 감소하였고, 젖산 첨가 에스테르화 가압 증류액은 상압 증류액보다 ethyl-lactate 생성이 33% 증가하였다. 에스테르화 증류시간은 pH 3.0에서는 ethyl acetate 생성은 반응시간 240분으로 충분하고, ethyl lactate 생성은 30분 이상 긴 반응 시간이 필요하였다. 결론적으로 증류주 제조에 있어서 2차 증류시 1차 증류액에 유기산을 첨가하여 증류하면 에스테르량이 증가한 2차 증류액을 얻을 수 있었다. The esterification of alcohols with acetic acid, lactic acid and citric acid was carried out in batch during the second distillation. Effect of various parameters, e.g. pH of reactant base spirit, temperature of distillation, time of distillation were studied. The parameter of distillation temperature was modified by atmospheric distillation and pressure distillation. The pressure (1.9 atm.) distillation was used in order to react and distill at high temperature. Compared with the base spirit concentration, ethyl acetate, ethyl lactate and iso-amyl acetate in esterification distillate increased by 2,890%, 6,410% and 52% , respectively. Major factors of the esterification with organic acids in distilled spirit making were molecular weight of the organic acid and pH of reactant base spirit.

      • KCI등재

        都心再開發事業 實態와 改善方案 : 서울시 청진구역을 중심으로 With particular reference to Cheongjin district Seoul

        류연훈,김영하 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.5

        Since 1970, urban renewal was the most popular redevelopment method in Seoul City area. In the real sense, land district readjustment since 1950s was not the main tools for the integration of existing downtown. For that purpose, this study aimed to investigate renewal projects which was not carried out until now, and propose the efficient implementation method for the future development. Major research findings were as follows: 1) It is necessary to coordinate land owners of small and irregular-lots for the improvement of physical lot condition; 2) Density control requires to consider basic policy of land use and local characteristics; 3) Current urban commercial and specialized function is needed to differentiate from the previous inappropriat urban function; 4) District redesingnation needs to include urban historic assets, diversity, human scale, and vital streerscape along with the redevelopment of old downtown; 5) Use of Samll-scale renewal should be considered for the prevention of un-planned development and appropriare improvement; 6) New renewal method is needed for the adequate develpment density and height control.

      • 六味地黃湯이 生理活性指標와 淋巴球細胞數에 미치는 影響

        金榮權,柳逢夏,朴東源,柳基遠 대한한방종양학회 1998 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Yookmijihwangtang has been widely used oriental herb prescriptions, which is healing some discuss that come from insufficiency of innate essence and deficiency of kidey Ki. the meaning of healing discusses tonification of insufficient innate essence and insufficient kidney Ki can be regarded as reinforcement of wholely power of keeping homeostasis, that is correlated with immuno-responsibility which protects subject from outer antigen to keep normal vital condition. This study was aimed to investigate correlative effects of Yookmijihw angtang water abstract on the RBC, WBC, blood CD4+ Theler cell count, blood testosterone, blood cAMP and blood cortisol. 40 Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided into 5 groups(Normal, Control, SampleⅠ, SampleⅡ, SampleⅢ), 6 animals in every group. Normal group was not treated anything, control group was administrated normal saline in the same desage of sample Ⅰ. 3 Sample groups were received some of Yookmijihwangrang water abstract at one time per 24 hours during 5 days in different dosage. Sample Ⅰ (1/3 10pack/ml), SampleⅡ (1/62pack/ml), SampleⅢ(1/2.4pack/ml). After finishing treatment, all experimental svbjects were killed for blood sample on RBC, WBC, blood CD4+ T helper cell count, spleen CD4+ T helper cell count, axillary lymph node CD4+ T helper cell count. .blood cAMP, blood testosterone and blood cortisol. The results were as follows: RBC and WBC were incrased in all sample groups. Blood CD4+ Thelper cell count(CD4+ T cell count in the blood/whole lymphocyte count in the blood ×100%) was Mormal 46.17±5.88. Control 44.50±4.37, Sample Ⅰ 53.00±2.28. Sample Ⅱ 53.83±3.87, SampleⅢ 52.17±2.93. By the 95% Duncan ANOVA all experimental groups(sampleⅠ, sampleⅡ, sampleⅢ) showed slight significant difference from Nornal and Control. Blood cAMP(nmd/l) were Normal 1.12±0.17, Control 1.16±0.32, SampleⅠ 0.46±0.07, SampleⅡ 0.44±0.04, SampleⅢ 0.54±0.04 All cxperimental groups were signigicantly different from both Normal and Control groups(p<0.05). Blood cortisol(m l/ml) were Normal 100.00±2.00, Control 90.00±4.00, Samplc Ⅰ 440.00±5.00, SampleⅡ 520.00±40.00, SampleⅢ 470 00±7.00, Blood cortisol of all experimental groups were signifieantly increased(p<0.05). The results suggest that Yookmijihwangiang water abstract could be administrated to patienrts who have some diseases insufficient essence.

      • 十全大補湯이 CD4+ 및 CD8+ T細胞數에 미치는 影響

        高渶權,柳逢夏,朴東源,柳基遠 대한한방종양학회 1998 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to research the effect of Sipjundaebotang on the immune respons of CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell in rats, author have performed this experimental study. Experimental geoups are divided into 5 groups(intact, control, sampleⅠ, sampleⅡ, sampleⅢ). Normal group was intact, control group was administrated normal saline 2cc for 5 datys, sampleⅠ was administrated low concentration of Sipjundaevotang(100/3100pack/ml)2cc for 5 datys, sampleⅠ was administrated middle concentration of Sipjundaevotang(500/3100pack/ml)2cc for 5 datys, sampleⅡ was administrated middle concentration of Sipjundaevotang(500/3100pack/ml)2cc for 5 datys, sampleⅢ was administrated high concentration of Sipjundaevotang(2500/3100pack/ml)2cc for 5 datys. WBC, Lymphocyte, CD4+ T cell in the blood, spleen, axillary node and CD8+ T cell in the blood, spleen and axillary node were determined. The results was as follows: 1. WBC count in blood was signififcantly decreased in the control, sample Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲgroups as compared with the normal group. 2. Lymphocyte count in the blood was significantly decreased in the control, sample Ⅰ, Ⅱgroups as compaared with the normal group. 3. CD4+ T cell count in the blood was significantly increased dose-dependently in the sampe Ⅰ, Ⅱgroups as compared with the mormal group. 4. CD4+ T cell count in the spleen was significantly increased in the sampleⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲgroups as compared with the mormal group. 5. CD4+ T cell count in the axillary node was significantly increased in the sampleⅢgroup as compared with the normal group. however significantly decreased in the sampleⅠ, Ⅱgroups as compared with the mormal group. 6. CD8+ T cell count in the blood was significantly increased in the sampleⅢgroup as compared with the normal group. 7. CD8+ T cell count in the splecn was significantly increased in the sample Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲgroup as compared with the normal group. but there was no differences inthe sample groups. 8. CD8+ T cell count in the axillary node was decreased in the smpleⅠ,Ⅱgroups as compared with the normal group.


        박영배,류광하 명지대학교 공학기술연구소 1987 공학기술연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Recently the development of application field for Data Base, the existing FMS's, has become to transform its model to DBMS. As a part of these processes, we could find the way how general file can be applicable in Data Base areas. This paper aims to introduce a changing process from widely used COBOL Data Structure in FMS to conceptual schema E-R Type, and to show the representation method of processing in Entity - Relationship Model.

      • 시계열 패턴을 위한 다차원 공간 화일의 비교

        김영인,유광하,박영배 명지대학교 공학기술연구소 1994 공학기술연구소 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        Recently the time series pattern increasingly requires access of large quantities of data, this paper present indexing methodologies enhanced to meet the sequence relation and the preselection using some multidimensional spatial files regarded as a frame of the time series pattern is a point in multidimensional space. To retrieve the time series patterns, this paper describes a structural comparing the performance of grid file, multilevel grid file, and time series pattern file, improved time seires pattern file, as used by directory size, hyperplane search, directory split. And three types of queries are expected : range, similar, exact match. Results suggest that the improved time series pattern file is best type of file structure for all types of queries.

      • 유아교육기관의 운영관리 및 유아기 프로그램 평가

        이소은,하진희,류혜선,박영주,주은혜,이종순 충북대학교 교육생활연구소 2001 생활과학연구논총 Vol.4 No.-

        This purposes of this study were to assess the state of current administration and program contents in early childhood institutes. Using APECP(Assessnt Profile for Early Childhood Programs), assesment data were gathered from 27 apprentices in child care centers and 6 apprentices in Kindergarten in Cheongju. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test were used to analyze data. The result were as follows : (1) The distribution of percentile rate in administration was from 55% to 78%, and the area of Program Development scored the lowest. The assessments for Kindergarten were higher than those of child care center in the areas of Physical Facility, Food Service, and Program Management. (2) As for the program contents, percentile rate was from 62% to 80%, and generally the assessments for Kindergarten were higher than those of child care center. It appears that the certification and assessment system for ealry childhood institutions should be supervised more strongly in order to improve the qulaity of those institutions.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient Unlinkable Secret Handshakes for Anonymous Communications

        Eun-Kyung Ryu1,Kee-Young Yoo,Keum-Sook Ha 보안공학연구지원센터(JSE) 2010 보안공학연구논문지 Vol.7 No.6

        The technique of secret handshake is used as a fundamental building block for anonymous peer-to-peer communications over untrusted networks. However, the fact that most existing schemes fail to meet unlinkability causes the use of schemes to limit for practical use. In this paper, we provide new constructions for unlinkable secret handshake, allowing arbitrary two communication parties with the same role in either one single group or multiple groups to privately authenticate each other. Compared to previous works, our techniques have much better performance in terms of both computational and communication cost, while they obtain good security results.

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