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        Social Mix Policy : Lessons from Experiences in United States

        MiSeon Park(박미선) 韓國住宅學會 2010 주택연구 Vol.18 No.3

        주택분야에서의 사회통합 (social mix) 개념은 19세기 후반에 등장하여 20세기, 21세기를 거치며 여러나라에서 적용되며 발전해 왔다. 본 연구는 사회통합정책의 기원 및 개념, 종류, 달성하고자 하는 목적 및 문제점을 미국의 사례를 통해 살펴보았다. 저자는 사회통합정책을 크게 세가지로 구분하고 (지역중심 접근, 주민중심 접근, 그리고 신규개발 방식), 개인차원, 지역사회차원, 저렴한 주택 공급능력이라는 기준을 통해 각각의 접근방식을 평가하였다. 지역중심 접근은 지역사회의 주거환경개선에 기여하고, 주민중심 접근은 개개인의 주거만족도를 증진시키며 신규개발 접근방식은 저렴 주택공급에서 우위를 점하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 상이한 소득계층간 소통 부족문제, 사회적 관계망 형성 부족, 임대주택 재고 감소, 낮은 원주민 재정착률, 지역사회의 반감 등의 문제점이 지적되었고 이러한 문제는 한국에서의 경험과도 크게 상이하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 문제의 근저에는 사업활성화를 위한 정부의 규제완화, 까다로운 입주자 선정기준, 소통의 장이 될 수 있는 물리적 공간 및 공통관심사 부족, 그리고 정책 입안가와 정책 수혜자 간의 다른 기대수준이 자리잡고 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 한국 사회통합 정책에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. Social mix in housing has gained popularity since it has been regarded as a remedy for addressing poverty concentration and subsequent social problems. This article investigates the origin, evolution, and performance of social mix policy in the United States in order to draw implications for Korean housing policy. The author identifies three types of social mix: place­based, people­based, and regulations approach. These approaches are evaluated in terms of individual benefits, neighborhood outcomes, and provision of affordable housing. A people­based approach has shown better performance to benefit individual level; a place­based approach has contributed to an increase in neighborhood outcomes; a regulation approach has accomplished to the production of affordable housing. However, implementing a social mix policy entails several issues such as low rate of returnees, reduction of public housing, low level of social interaction, and neighborhood resistance. These problems were caused by the elimination of regulatory requirements, discrepancy between planners and residents, and lack of physical and social venues to incorporate different social groups. Investing underlying causes of unintended consequences sheds light on the importance of government role, understanding residents’ needs, and the significance of design and shared interests among residents.


        Application of open water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture to intensive monoculture: A review of the current status and challenges in Korea

        Park, Miseon,Shin, Sook Kyung,Do, Yong Hyun,Yarish, Charles,Kim, Jang Kyun Elsevier 2018 Aquaculture Vol.497 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Intensive fish aquaculture has raised serious environmental concerns, including eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, fish kills, etc. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) may be the most suitable aquaculture technology to achieve environmental and economic sustainability. The objectives of present study are to review the status of aquaculture and IMTA in Korea; and to determine the challenges to apply the principles of IMTA to intensive monoculture in Korean coastal waters. Korea has been one of the leading countries in aquaculture. Like other advanced countries in aquaculture, such as China and Japan, most aquaculture practices in Korea are intensive monoculture and farms are highly concentrated in bays or estuaries with restricted circulation. In intensive open water aquaculture in these waters, nutrient producers (finfish) are cultured mostly in southeastern Korea whereas extractive organisms (seaweeds) are farmed in the southwestern Korea. There are relatively small areas of overlap between these monocultures, causing environmental issues and reduction in the quality of aquacultured products. Recent attempts of IMTA in Korean coastal waters suggest that IMTA can be a good management tool for improving Korean aquaculture although there are still challenges to overcome. These challenges include development of temperature tolerant species/strains of extractive organisms such as seaweeds and sea cucumbers. Most aquacultured seaweed and sea cucumber species in Korea do not grow well during the summer months, when the release of finfish effluent is at its peak. It is essential to the future success of aquaculture in Korea that a coastal zone management (CZM) be developed that reflects coordinating fed and extractive organisms in coastal bays and estuaries rather them keeping them isolated from one another. The importance of a new regulatory framework advocating IMTA solutions will be essential for environmental protection and continued success of aquaculture in Korea. Although this review is a case study in Korea for IMTA, it will also provide critical information for coastal managers, aquaculturists and regulators in other countries where there are intensive monocultures of fed and extractive organisms.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Most aquaculture practices in Korea are intensive monoculture and farms are condensed, causing environmental problems </LI> <LI> IMTA can be a good tool for Korean intensive aquaculture to increase sustainability and lessen the impact on environment </LI> <LI> To succeed open water IMTA in Korea, a new regulatory framework is required, providing incentives for IMTA adaptors </LI> <LI> High temperature tolerant species/strains of extractive organisms are needed in light of global climatic change </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Estrogen Regulates the Expression of Aminoacyl-tRNA-Synthetase-Interacting Multifunctional Protein-1 (Aimp1) in the Mouse Uterus

        Miseon Park,Eun Jin Lim,Si-jeong Bea,Eunhye Kim,Young-eun Lee,Dong Ryul Lee,Youngsok Choi 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2014 한국동물번식학회 한중일 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.1

        Aimp1 is known as a multifunctional cytokine in various cellular events. Recent study showed Aimp1 is localized in glandular epithelial, endothelial, and stromal cells in functionalis and basalis layers of the endometrium. However, the regulatory mechanism of Aimp1 in the uterus remains unknown. In the present study, we found that Aimp1 is expressed in the mouse uterus. Aimp1 transcripts were decreased at diestrus stage. However, the level of Aimp1 protein was significantly increased in the luminal epithelium in the uterine endometrium at the estrus stage during the estrous cycle. In addition, we found that the treatment of estrogen increased the expression of Aimp1 in the uterus. The treatment of estrogen increased Aimp1 expression in the uterus of ovarectomized mice. We identified one estrogen receptor binding element (ERE) on the mouse Aimp1 promoter. The activity of Aimp1 promoter was increased with estrogen treatment. Our findings indicate that Aimp1 might act as an important regulator to remodel the uterine endometrium and its expression might be regulated by estrogen during the estrous cycle. This will give us better understanding the dynamic change of uterine remodeling during the estrous cycle.


        Shape recovery characteristics of shape memory epoxy composites reinforced with chopped carbon fibers

        Miseon Park,Yeontae Kim,Jin Ok Hwang,Jong Kyoo Park 한국탄소학회 2019 Carbon Letters Vol.29 No.3

        Epoxy resin, which demonstrates a shape memory effect, is reinforced by chopped carbon fibers (CCFs) to improve the thermal and mechanical properties. The interfacial interactions between 2-mm-long CCFs and epoxy make an impact on not only molecular motion but also the physical behaviors of CCFs/epoxy composites. In particular, shape recovery ability of CCFs/epoxy composites is enhanced with an increase in thermal conductivity generated by crossing CCFs in the epoxy system, although CCFs/epoxy composites containing small amounts of CCFs, such as 1 or 3 phr (parts per hundred rubber), show slower recovery rates than those of raw epoxy specimens due to the difficulty of making heat bridges in composites. With these results, it is confirmed that for specific time-dependent purpose, the shape recovery vector of CCFs/epoxy can be controlled using the amount of CCFs.

      • KCI등재

        Identification and Characterization of LHX8 DNA Binding Elements

        Park Miree,Jeon Sanghyun,Jeong Ji-Hye,Park Miseon,Lee Dong-Ryul,Yoon Tae Ki,Choi Dong Hee,Choi Youngsok 한국발생생물학회 2012 발생과 생식 Vol.16 No.4

        Lhx8 (LIM homeobox 8) gene encodes a LIM homeodomain transcriptional regulator that is preferentially expressed in germ cells and critical for mammalian folliculogenesis. However, Lhx8 DNA binding sequences are not characterized yet. We aimed to identify and characterize a cis-acting sequence of germ-cell specific transcriptional factor, Lhx8. To identify Lhx8 DNA binding element, Cyclic Amplification of Sequence Target (CAST) Analysis was performed. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) was processed for the binding specificity of Lhx8. Luciferase assay was for the transcriptional activity of Lhx8 through identified DNA binding site. We identified a putative cis-acting sequence, TGATTG as Lhx8 DNA binding element (LBE). In addition, Lhx8 binds to the LBE with high affinity and augments transcriptional activity of luciferase reporter driven by artificial promoter containing the Lhx8 binding element. These findings indicate that Lhx8 directly regulates the transcription of genes containing Lhx8 binding element in oocytes during early folliculogenesis.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Bilateral salpingectomy to reduce the risk of ovarian/ fallopian/peritoneal cancer in women at average risk: a position statement of the Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (KSOG)

        ( Miseon Kim ),( Young-han Kim ),( Yong Beom Kim ),( Jayeon Kim ),( Jae-weon Kim ),( Mi Hye Park ),( Joo Hyun Park ),( Jeong Ho Rhee ),( Myong Cheol Lim ),( Joon-seok Hong ) 대한산부인과학회 2018 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.61 No.5

        Based on the current understanding of a preventive effect of bilateral salpingectomy on ovarian/fallopian/peritoneal cancers, the Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korean Society of Gynecologic Endocrinology, Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology, Korean Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and Korean Society for Reproductive Medicine support the following recommendations: · Women scheduled for hysterectomy for benign gynecologic disease should be informed that bilateral salpingectomy reduces the risk of ovarian/fallopian/peritoneal cancer, and they should be counseled regarding this procedure at the time of hysterectomy. · Although salpingectomy is generally considered as a safe procedure in terms of preserving ovarian reserve, there is a lack of evidences representing its long-term outcomes. Therefore, patients should be informed about the minimal potential of this procedure for decreasing ovarian reserve. · Prophylactic salpingectomy during vaginal hysterectomy is favorable in terms of prevention of ovarian/fallopian/ peritoneal cancer, although operation-related complications minimally increase with this procedure, compared to the complications associated with vaginal hysterectomy alone. Conversion to open or laparoscopic approach from vaginal approach to perform prophylactic salpingectomy is not recommended. · Women who desire permanent sterilization at the time of cesarean delivery could be counseled for prophylactic salpingectomy before surgery on an individual basis.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 고문헌에 나타난 한국의 전통색명 연구

        박미선(MiSeon Park),문은배(EunBae Moon) 한국색채학회 2015 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.29 No.2

        전통색이란 한 지역에서 역사성을 갖고 발전해 온 색을 말한다. 색의 지각 발전과정 중 문화적 영향단계와 매너리즘 단계가 바로 지역색과 전통색을 형성시키는 단계이다. 한국의 전통색 역시 동양의 음양오행적(陰陽五行的) 사상을 기본으로 하여 지역의 문화와 자연환경의 영향을 받아 자존적으로 형성하고 발달해 온 것이다(문은배, 김가람.2012). 조선시대의 색채개념은 선사시대부터 삼국시대를 거쳐 고려까지 민중사상을 종합적으로 보여주고 있다. 민채개념도 동양 고유의 철학인 음행오행사상에 기초를 두었으며 고대 시대의 색은 전해지는 자료가 정확하지 않아 대부분 추론과 문헌의 기록에 의존할 수 밖에 없으나 조선시대의 색채는 기록과 관리가 잘되어 있고 상당 부분이 논리적으로 정리 되어있다. 자연과학적 세계관에 눈뜨기 시작한 개항 전까지의 한국인의 의식세계를 지배하였던 것은 화이적세계관(華夷的世界觀)으로서 이것은 음양오행적(陰陽五行的) 사상체계였다. 생활의 작은 부분에서 관혼상제 같은 대소사에 이르기까지 모든 생활 속의 질서와 원칙을 음양오행적 사상에 근거를 두었다. 태극의 생성과 음양의 변화와 조합으로 형성되는 오방정색이 근본이 되며, 오방정색의 합인 상극간색과 상색간색이 있다. 음양의 조화로 이루어낸 결과의 정색과 간색은 한국인의 색채의식에 근간이 되고 있다.(문은배, 김가람.2012). 본 연구는 개항기 이전 조선시대 고전에서 나타나는 선화봉사고려도경(宣和奉使高麗圖經), 조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄), 산가요록(山家要錄), 국조오례의(國朝五禮儀), 본초강목(本草綱目), 동의보감(東醫寶鑑), 각의궤예소(各儀軌睿疏), 천공개물(天工開物), 개자원화전(芥子園畵傳), 성호사설(星湖僿說), 청장관전서(靑莊館全書), 탁지준절(度支準折), 궁중발기(宮中撥記), 국혼정례(國婚定例), 상방정례(尙方定例), 이수신편(理藪新編), 한중록(閑.恨中錄), 만기요람(萬機要覽), 규합총서(閨閤叢書), 임원십육지(林園十六志,林園經濟志), 한양가(漢陽歌), 악학궤범(樂學軌範), 해동농서(海東農書), 산림경제(山林經濟), 오주연문장전산고(五洲衍文長箋散稿)와 훈민정음(訓民正音)을 포함하여 총 25가지 중 이수신편(理藪新編)과 규합총서(閨閤叢書), 임원십육지 (林園十六志), 본초강목 (本草綱目) 훈민정음(訓民正音) 최종 5종의 고문헌을 중심으로 당시의 색채의식에 나타난 전통색명을 고문헌의 실증적 연구를 통하여 기술하였다. 이수신편(理藪新編)과 규합총서(閨閤叢書)에서 나타나는 오방정색(五方正色)인 청(靑), 적(赤), 황(黃), 백(白), 흑(黑) 총 5가지로 분류해서 문헌적 근거를 토대로 관계를 규명하고, 한국 전통색에 대한 올바른 인식 확립과 실증적인 한국 전통색명의 정확한 색명을 수립하고자 하였다. Traditional color is the color on the historicity has developed in the region. Stage mannerisms and cultural influences steps to form a local color. Korean traditional color is also influenced by Oriental Yin-Yang and the five elements to reflect the basic idea of the local culture and the natural environment itself will come to respect and development. The color concept of the Joseon Dynasty shows the racial idea to consider from prehistoric times through the Three Kingdoms period till the Goryeo Dynasty in a comprehensive way. Colouring the concept was based on the philosophy of the five elements. However, the color of the previous Joseon Dynasty is no choice but to remain because it is not dependent on the most accurate data speculation and depend on the history of some literature. The color of the Joseon Dynasty are well-managed and has a history and a significant portion is logically organized. To understand the nature of scientific worldview dominates the consciousness of Koreans who started before opening this idea was ever thought of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements system as a world center of China. In a small part of life, such as weddings and funerals ranging daesosa all in life was based on the principles of Yin-Yang and the five elements and the order ever thought. Changes in the generation of Taiji and Yin-Yang is the root of Obangjungsaek is, there is a combined result of the Sanggeukgansaek and Sangsanggansaek. Therefore Obangjungsaek made of a blend of Yin-Yang is the basis of color consciousness of Koreans. The purpose of this study is to research the various colors of Yin-Yang and the five elements, as well as to study the classical literature of the previous Joseon Dynasty opening systematically. Classical literature were all targets of 25 books. And allow more in-depth study the five books. The purpose of this study is to establish the proper recognition for Korea traditional colors, but also tried to establish the exact color names empirical Korea"s traditional color.

      • 청년 가구 유형에 기초한 주거 여건 분석과 과제

        박미선 ( Miseon Park ) 한국보건사회연구원 2022 보건복지포럼 Vol.305 No.-

        전 세계적으로 청년 가구가 직면한 주거 문제가 심각하다. 주거권 측면에서 점유의 안정성, 주거비의 부담 가능성, 거처의 적정성이 요구되는데, 청년 가구의 구성 형태에 따라 처한 여건이 상이하다. 청년 가구는 부모 동거 가구, 청년 부부 가구, 청년 단독 가구, 기타 동거 가구로 구분된다. 청년 가구 구성 형태의 다양성에 따라 집단별 주거 실태는 극명하게 차이가 난다. 이를 통해 각기 다른 문제를 안고 있고 정책적 요구도 역시 다르다는 것을 알 수 있다. 분석 결과를 통해 청년 가구의 다양성을 고려한 정책적 접근의 필요성과 주거권 보장을 위한 정부의 역할 강화를 제언한다. The severity of housing situations of young people is a global concern, with the exacerbating of young people’s housing problems in tenure security, affordability, and adequate housing. Young people aged 19~34 live with their parents, partner, non-relatives, or alone. Based on their living arrangement, young people face different housing conditions, issues, and needs in terms of housing rights. It implies the necessity of a policy approach that takes the diversity of young households into account and strengthens the government’s role in protecting their housing rights.

      • KCI등재

        미국 주택바우처 프로그램의 저소득층 주거안정성과와 정책적 시사점

        박미선(Miseon Park) 한국도시행정학회 2012 도시 행정 학보 Vol.25 No.2

        This study aims to analyze and synthesize Housing Choice Voucher Program’s performance on low-income households in three aspects: individual, neighborhood, and operational outcomes. First of all, voucher program has a strict income target: extremely low-income households are most eligible for participating in the program. As a result, the majority of recipients consist of the underserved and vulnerable households such as extremely low-income, female-headed households, and disabled households. Second, in terms of neighborhood effect, the program has provided residential choice of recipients, which helps the underprivileged live out of poverty-stricken and minority-concentrated neighborhoods. However, neighborhood effects have tended to differ by race and ethnicity. Finally, over 25,000 public housing authorities have been responsible to administer the voucher program. Due to the cash-limit characteristics, the voucher program has burdened government with endless budget assignment, requiring relatively large amount of administrative fee. The study shows that the Housing Choice Voucher Program has contributed to relieving housing cost burden for low-income participants, and has also operated Family Self-sufficient program to help recipients get out of poverty. Based on the findings, the author provides several policy implications for Korean rental subsidy program which will introduce in the near future.

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