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      • KCI등재
      • Spinal Growth Modulation with Use of a Tether in an Immature Porcine Model :

        Newton, Peter O,Upasani, Vidyadhar V,Farnsworth, Christine L,Oka, Richard,Chambers, Reid C,Dwek, Jerry,Kim, Jung Ryul,Perry, Andrew,Mahar, Andrew T Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2008 Journal of bone and joint surgery Vol.90 No.12

        <P>BACKGROUND: Spinal growth modulation by tethering the anterolateral aspect of the spine, as previously demonstrated in a nonscoliotic calf model, may be a viable fusionless treatment method for idiopathic scoliosis. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the radiographic, histologic, and biomechanical results after six and twelve months of spinal growth modulation in a porcine model with a growth rate similar to that of adolescent patients. METHODS: Twelve seven-month-old mini-pigs underwent instrumentation with a vertebral staple-screw construct connected by a polyethylene tether over four consecutive thoracic vertebrae. The spines were harvested after six (n = 6) or twelve months (n = 6) of growth. Monthly radiographs, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans (made after the spines were harvested), histologic findings, and biomechanical findings were evaluated. Analysis of variance was used to compare preoperative, six-month postoperative, and twelve-month postoperative data. RESULTS: Radiographs demonstrated 14 degrees +/- 4 degrees of coronal deformity after six months and 30 degrees +/- 13 degrees after twelve months of growth. Coronal vertebral wedging was observed in all four tethered vertebrae and progressed throughout each animal's survival period. Disc wedging was also created; however, in contrast to the findings associated with vertebral wedging, the tethered side was taller than the untethered side. Magnetic resonance images revealed no evidence of disc degeneration; however, the nucleus pulposus had shifted toward the side of the tethering. Midcoronal undecalcified histologic sections showed intact bone-screw interfaces with no evidence of implant failure or loosening. With the tether cut, stiffness decreased and range of motion increased in lateral bending away from the tether at both time-points (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In this porcine model, mechanical tethering during growth altered spinal morphology in the coronal and sagittal planes, leading to vertebral and disc wedging proportional to the duration of tethering. The resulting concave thickening of the disc in response to the tether was not anticipated and may suggest a capacity for the nucleus pulposus to respond to the compressive loads created by growth against the tether.</P>

      • KCI등재

        SME Development in Cameroon: A Policy Perspective on SME Industrial Clustering

        Newton Tebongne Mbih,이헌대,최명식 한국무역연구원 2018 무역연구 Vol.14 No.6

        Laws, reforms and SME policies in Cameroon are lacking and should be amended. If industrial clustering as a development tool for SMEs is applied when good reforms and policies have been set in place then, industrial clustering can better yield fruit. The survey testing results find that industrial clustering is directly related to SME’s growth and development. The influential roles of industrial clustering for SME’s development are the ease of information, cluster density, business performance, certain levels of innovativeness, social networking, adaptive networking capability, negative external networking capability, and lack of reforms and policies in Cameroon. This paper, therefore, proceeds to recommend that the evolving relationship between the state’s entrepreneurial role and market factors are parts of the success picture. More importantly, support policies may seem to be invalidated by the unbalanced relationship between the state and market. Unfortunately, the Cameroonian government has not thoroughly identified such consideration.

      • Molecular simulations of hydrated phyllomanganates

        Newton, Aric G.,Kwon, Kideok D. Elsevier 2018 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Vol.235 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Hydrated phyllomanganates are layered Mn-oxide minerals with interlayers that can possess variable water contents and react strongly with trace metals due to octahedral vacancies in the layer. The unique properties of phyllomanganates afford them a significant role in many environmental phenomena that affect soil and water composition mainly via cation exchange and adsorption of trace metals. Slight variations in the structural and chemical composition often result in a dramatic difference in the chemical reactivity of the minerals. Molecular simulations at the classical mechanical level of theory, which uses a simplified description of the interatomic potential energies, can provide an atomistic perspective of the relationship between the chemical composition and the bulk and interlayer structures. We introduce a set of interatomic potentials for hydrated phyllomanganates with variable vacancy and Mn<SUP>3+</SUP> content and report the classical mechanical simulation results performed at standard temperature and pressure. The potentials we introduce provide not only a reasonable reproduction of the experimentally determined atomic structures of the chalcophanite group, but also new insights on similar phyllomanganate minerals with hexagonal symmetry and a range of vacancy contents. When a vacancy is protonated, Mn<SUP>3+</SUP> is unstable in the hexagonal birnessite layer and occupies the interlayer as a cap on the associated vacancy. When a vacancy was charge-balanced by Mn<SUP>3+</SUP> and Na<SUP>+</SUP>, considerable amounts of Mn<SUP>3+</SUP> were incorporated into the hexagonal birnessite layer, but only at total Mn(III) contents greater than ∼10% and with disordered layer stacking. The potentials also predicted a vacancy-free, triclinic Na-birnessite structure with Mn(III)-rich rows in the layer which were arranged parallel to the <I>b</I>-axis and separated by two rows of Mn(IV) octahedra. The dominant interlayer Na complex at a water content ≥0.7 H<SUB>2</SUB>O/MnO<SUB>2</SUB> was an octahedrally-coordinated, split interlayer site with two birnessite O atoms in the axial positions and four interlayer H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the equatorial positions. Other interlayer Na complexes including some edge- and face-sharing complexes existed in trace amounts (<10%). These classical mechanical simulations represent a successful first test of the introduced interatomic potentials, which can be used to further explore the interlayer and surface complexes of phyllomanganate and birnessite-group minerals.</P>

      • KCI등재

        문법적 탐구와 해체 : 『데리다와 비트겐슈타인』에 대한 토론

        뉴턴가버(Newton Garver) (토론자),이승종(Seung-Chong Lee) (토론자) 한국분석철학회 2009 철학적 분석 Vol.0 No.20

        우리의 저서 『데리다와 비트겐슈타인』에 대한 어떤 서평자들은 그 제목 때문에 데리다와 비트겐슈타인 중 누가 이 책에서 승자로 선언되는지에 대한 모종의 판단을 찾고자 했다. 어떤 서평자들은 우리가 비트겐슈타인을 승자로 선언하는 것이라 생각하고 이를 개탄했고 어떤 서평자들은 이에 환호했다. 물론 그러한 의미의 ‘승자’는 있을 수 없다. 철학사와 문학사에서 이미 고전의 반열에 오른 이 두 사상가에 대해 어떤 최종적 판단을 내리려는 것 자체가 어리석은 시도이며 그것이 우리의 의도였던 것도 아니다. 문학사의 관점에서는 데리다의 작품이 분명 더 흥미롭다. 그의 문체가 그 이유의 하나이겠지만 그보다 더 중요한 것은 그동안 무시되어온 텍스트에 대한 우리의 관심을 불러일으킨 그의 업적 때문이다. 그러나 우리의 관심사는 문학보다는 철학이며, 철학사의 관점에서는 비트겐슈타인의 무게감이 더하다. The title of our book, Derrida and Wittgenstein, led some reviewers to look for some sort of judgment as which of the two authors was to be declared more significant. If one judges from the perspective of the history of literature, Derrida's work is certainly more interesting, partly because of his style and more significantly because of his achievement in bringing neglected texts to the forefront of our attention. Our primary focus, however, is on philosophy rather than literature, and from the perspective of the history of philosophy, it is Wittgenstein who looms larger.

      • KCI등재

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