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      • An Introduction to Immigration Laws of Vietnam

        Ngo,Huy Cuong 한국입법정책학회 2010 입법정책 Vol.4 No.2

        베트남이 통일된 지 36년이 지났다. 통일 당시 해외로 도피했던 교민들이 이제는 해외에서 형성한 부를 모국 베트남의 국가건설 에 투자하면서 자신의 정체성을 찾고자 한다. 2010년 현재 베트남 의 해외교민 4백30만 명 중 약 3백만 명 이상이 북미에 거주하고 있다. 이들은 베트남 전쟁 후 이주한 세대와 그 자손들이 대부분 인데, 베트남 정부는 해외교민을 ‘과거에 집착해서 큰 것을 놓치 면 안 된다’는 철저한 실용주의 원칙으로 대하고 있다. 베트남 부 는 민족이라는 기치아래 국가발전을 위한 베트남인의 대단결을 호소하고 있으며 해외교민의 국내 투자와 국내귀국을 독려하고 있다. 베트남정부는 베트남을 출입국 및 통과하는 외국인들에게 최상 의 환경을 제공하며; 베트남 법률과 베트남이 국제조약에 맺은 규 정에 의하여 베트남에 거주하는 외국인의 생명, 재산, 권리 및 기 타의 이익을 보호하도록 규정하고 있다. 베트남에 출입국, 통과, 거주하는 외국인은 베트남의 전통, 풍습, 습관 및 베트남의 법을 준수하고 존중해야 한다. 베트남의 출입국, 통과, 거주가 법률위반 을 위한 목적으로 이용되는 것을 엄격히 금하고 있으며 외국인 출입국, 통과, 거 주에 관하여 베트남이 국제조약에서 맺은 규정과 이 법령 규정사이에 차이가 있다면 국제협정규정이 우선하도록 하고 있다. 외국인은 신고한 입국목적과 맞게 외국인 왕래금지 구역을 제 외하고 베트남 영토 내에 자유스럽게 다닐 수 있다. 금지구역에 출입하려면 금지구역을 관리하는 정부심사기관의 허가를 받아야 한다. 또한 장기체류 외국인은 공안부 출입국관리기관에서 장기체 류증을 발급 받는다. 이 장기체류증을 소지한 자는 베트남 출입국 시 비자가 면제된다.

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Satisfaction and Commitment in SMEs: A Case Study in Vietnam

        Thuy Dung PHAM THI1,Anh Tin NGO2,Nam Tien DUONG3,Van Kien PHAM4 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees in small and medium-sized enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The study hypothesized that organizational culture has a significant influence on employees’ satisfaction and that satisfaction also significantly impactsorganizational commitment among employees. The data are collected from a sample of 240 office employees. Structural Equation Modeling is used to determine the influence of organizational culture dimensions,including open working environment, salary, and rewards, empowerment, management style, corporate values, on employees’ satisfaction and organizational commitment. The findings showed that the five dimensions of organizational culture positively impact employees’ satisfaction and that job satisfaction significantly influences organizational commitment. Thus, job satisfaction serves as the bridge between organizational culture and commitment. The current study contributes to providing a practical insight into the relationships between organizational culture, employees’ job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Based on that, managers can develop suitable personnel policies for their organizations to simultaneously enhance employees’ performance and satisfaction, which makes them stay with the company.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Climate Change Response Policies in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

        Ngo Hoai Son,김판석 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2023 東南亞硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        NGOs play a crucial role in climate change response strategies in Vietnam through their involvement in policymaking. This study reviews the areas of NGO engagement in climate change policies in the context of Ho Chi Minh City, and presents suggestions for improving their participation. Based on the theory of climate services, it employed a content analysis technique using NVivo 11 software to examine the participation of 30 registered NGOs. The results indicate that engagement in climate change response policies is comparable to that reported in other studies on the same topic. NGO participation in the implementation of climate change response policies focuses primarily on policy lobbying, community capacity building, research and consultation, and livelihood development. NGOs have played a crucial role in assisting and supporting the most severely affected communities by helping people consolidate and enhance their capacity to adjust to the effects of climate change through adaptation measures, disaster preparedness, and capacity building.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing the Purity of Carbon Nanotubes by Using Different Methods

        Ngo Thi Thanh Tam,Nguyen Xuan Nghia,Nguyen The Quynh,Phan Hong Khoi,Phan Ngoc Minh 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.5

        The purity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was evaluated by using a variety of methods: X-ray diraction, Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and energy dispersive X-ray uores- cence spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used for a qualitative evaluation of impurities and energy dispersive X-ray uorescence spectroscopy was utilized for a quantitative determination. All experimental results evaluating the purity ob- tained from these techniques are consistent with each other for CNT samples with different degrees of purity. The purity of the CNT samples was found to be greatly increased when they were annealed in air or in vacuum. The contributions of Si-related, crystalline carbon, non-crystalline carbon and Fe and Ni components are discussed. The purity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was evaluated by using a variety of methods: X-ray diraction, Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and energy dispersive X-ray uores- cence spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used for a qualitative evaluation of impurities and energy dispersive X-ray uorescence spectroscopy was utilized for a quantitative determination. All experimental results evaluating the purity ob- tained from these techniques are consistent with each other for CNT samples with different degrees of purity. The purity of the CNT samples was found to be greatly increased when they were annealed in air or in vacuum. The contributions of Si-related, crystalline carbon, non-crystalline carbon and Fe and Ni components are discussed.


        In Situ Oxidation of GaN Layer and Its Effect on Structural Properties of Ga2O3 Films Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

        Ngo, T. S.,Le, D. D.,Tran, D. K.,Song, J. H.,Hong, S. K. Springer Science + Business Media 2017 Journal of electronic materials Vol.46 No.6

        <P>Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) was used to grow Ga2O3 films on oxidized GaN layers on nitrided sapphire substrates. The GaN layer was grown by PAMBE, and the in situ oxidation of the GaN layer was achieved through exposure to oxygen plasma, which resulted in the formation of monoclinic beta-Ga2O3. Crystalline monoclinic beta-Ga2O3 films were grown on the GaN layers, with and without oxidation. The orientation relationships were [] Al2O3//[] AlN//[] GaN//[102] beta-Ga2O3 and [] Al2O3//[] AlN//[] GaN//[010] beta-Ga2O3. The grown beta-Ga2O3 films were not single-crystalline but showed rotational domains along the growth direction with three variations, which resulted in six-fold rotational symmetry instead of two-fold rotational symmetry. The surface roughness of the grown beta-Ga2O3 film was closely reflected to that of as-grown GaN and oxidized GaN. By analyzing the x-ray omega rocking curves for the on-axis () and off-axis (002) reflections, it was concluded that rotational domains dominantly affected the crystal quality of the beta-Ga2O3 films.</P>

      • KCI등재

        토속종교가 베트남 사람들의 생활문화에 끼친 영향

        Ngo Van Le 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2009 국제문화연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Mekong delta is the largest delta in Vietnam with an area of 39000㎢, or 12% of the country’s. Therefore, the delta, together with Hochiminh City, has been and will be playing a very crucial role in Vietnam’s cultural-economic development strategies. Yet, while Mekong delta is a fairly new land in comparison with our nation’s long history, it has been a “promise land” or a “land of hope” to many migrants who have migrated to and resided over the delta in their pursuing of wealth and happiness. Many generations of the Vietnamese, side by side with other ethnic peoples, have exploited and protected the region which resulted in several magical achievements during wars against foreign invaders as well as in peace time. Mekong Delta is resided by multi-ethnic peoples. These peoples, who are different in terms of economic development level, social structure and religion, have come to existence over the land at different time points. However, through long history of co-residence, due to cultural exchange and acculturation, among the peoples there have emerged many common cultural features and this process is currently still on progress under proactive influences of modern circumstance. As a result, there have been many religions in the delta; besides world religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, there have existed local religions. Obviously, these religions contribute greatly to the cultural diversity of the whole southern part of the country. The Vietnamese is a majority people in the region. The culture of the Vietnamese in Mekong delta has selectively inherited cultural values of Vietnamese tradition. During their residing in the delta, the people has also adopted and created cultural features that are adaptative to natural and social environment of the region. For instance, at the end of 19^(th) century and early 20^(th) century, the Vietnamese in Mekong delta created several religions with ubiquitous local identities. In general, local religions have played very crucial roles in the life of the Vietnamese in the delta; however, their impacts have seldom spread out of the Vietnamese communities. In this paper, by viewing religion as both a social phenomenon and a cultural one, I concentrate on proposing the reasons for the birth of local religions of the Vietnamese in Southern Vietnam at the end of 19^(th) and early 20^(th) century. Also, I want to take a look at these religions’ impacts over cultural life of the people in the region. Assumedly, they were born under specific conditions of the South and only have impacts upon the life of the people. Furthermore, the paper proposes that, on one hand, the Vietnamese in the South have selectively inherited traditional cultural values which have created Vietnamese cultural values as the whole; on the other hand, they have made their own ones within the context of their new living conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication and Photoluminescence Properties of ZnS Nanoribbons and Nanowires

        Ngo Xuan Dai,Do Thanh Long,Nguyen Ngoc Long,Nguyen Thi Thuc Hien 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.5

        Zinc-sulfide (ZnS) nanoribbons and nanowires were fabricated via thermal evaporation of ZnS powder using a gold catalyst. The ZnS nanoribbons had thicknesses of about 100 nm, lateral di- mensions of several micrometers and lengths of hundreds to thousands of micrometers. The ZnS nanowires have diameters of 200 nm and lengths of thousands of micrometers. The photolumines- cence of the as-synthesized ZnS nanostructures in temperature range from 15 K to room temperature was investigated. We observed two groups of lines, one in the ultraviolet (UV) and one in the visible regions of the photoluminescence spectrum, at 15 K for the ZnS nanoribbons and nanowires. The UV lines were located at 3.777 eV (328.3 nm), 3.735 eV (332.0 nm), 3.699 eV (335.2 nm), 3.657 eV (339.0 nm), 3.618 eV (342.7 nm), 3.573 eV (347.0 nm) and 3.391 eV (365.6 nm). The visible lines were located at 3.024 eV (410.0 nm), 2.842 eV (436.3 nm) and 2.450 eV (506.1 nm). The origins of these emission lines will be discussed. Zinc-sulfide (ZnS) nanoribbons and nanowires were fabricated via thermal evaporation of ZnS powder using a gold catalyst. The ZnS nanoribbons had thicknesses of about 100 nm, lateral di- mensions of several micrometers and lengths of hundreds to thousands of micrometers. The ZnS nanowires have diameters of 200 nm and lengths of thousands of micrometers. The photolumines- cence of the as-synthesized ZnS nanostructures in temperature range from 15 K to room temperature was investigated. We observed two groups of lines, one in the ultraviolet (UV) and one in the visible regions of the photoluminescence spectrum, at 15 K for the ZnS nanoribbons and nanowires. The UV lines were located at 3.777 eV (328.3 nm), 3.735 eV (332.0 nm), 3.699 eV (335.2 nm), 3.657 eV (339.0 nm), 3.618 eV (342.7 nm), 3.573 eV (347.0 nm) and 3.391 eV (365.6 nm). The visible lines were located at 3.024 eV (410.0 nm), 2.842 eV (436.3 nm) and 2.450 eV (506.1 nm). The origins of these emission lines will be discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Promoting Civic Participation in Vietnam: the Case of the New Rural Program in a District of Ho Chi Minh City

        Ngo Hoai Son,김판석 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2016 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        The government of Vietnam has implemented “the National Target Program on New Rural Development” for the period 2010–2020. The New Rural Development Program was launched in 2008 focusing on development of rural areas in several dimensions (i.e. rural planning; infrastructure development, economic structure transition, economic development, and income increase, etc.). The key to the success of this program falls on not only the political will, but also the civic participation, in the local area. Although local citizens in rural areas have growing expectations for the development of their area, they have not been historically active under the socio-political culture in Vietnam. Local residents participating in the local development programs engage in discussions with local authorities about program implementation. However, there appears to be a low level of participation in every arena of participation. Accordingly, this paper argues that people in rural areas do not have sufficient opportunity to interact efficiently with local government for a better policy implementation. A developed local infrastructure needs to be improved to ensure a long-term and sustainable growth to meet requirements of industrialization and modernization in line with the national and regional development plans. Moreover, the politico-administrative competences and quality of officials at the grass roots level should also be strengthened. Furthermore, the openness of government to public discussion and involvement is another factor that allows successful civic participation.

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