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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Kidney Toxicity Induced by 13 Weeks Exposure to the Fruiting Body of Paecilomyces sinclairii in Rats

        Jeong, Mi-Hye,Kim, Young-Won,Min, Jeong-Ran,Kwon, Min,Han, Beom-Suk,Kim, Jeong-Gyu,Jeong, Sang-Hee Korean Society of ToxicologyKorea Environmental Mu 2012 Toxicological Research Vol.28 No.3

        Paecilomyces sinclairiis (PS) is known as a functional food or human health supplement. However concerns have been raised about its kidney toxicity. This study was performed to investigate the kidney toxicity of PS by 13 week-oral administration to rats. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, and kidney damage biomarkers including beta-2-microglobulin (${\beta}2m$), glutathione S-transferase alpha (GST-${\alpha}$), kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), calbindin, clusterin, cystatin C, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and osteopontin were measured during or after the treatment of PS. BUN, creatinine and kidney damage biomarkers in serum were not changed by PS. However, kidney cell karyomegaly and tubular hypertrophy were observed dose-dependently with higher severity in males. KIM-1, TIMP-1 and osteopontin in kidney and urine were increased dose dependently in male or at the highest dose in female rats. Increased urinary osteopontin by PS was not recovered at 2 weeks of post-exposure in both genders. Cystatin C in kidney was decreased at all treatment groups but inversely increased in urine. The changes in kidney damage biomarkers were more remarkable in male than female rats. These data indicate that the PS may provoke renal cell damage and glomerular filtration dysfunction in rats with histopathological lesions and change of kidney damage biomarkers in kidney or urine. Kidney and urinary KIM-1 and cystatin C were the most marked indicators, while kidney weight, BUN and creatinine and kidney damage biomarkers in serum were not influenced.

      • Mito-Tempo Can Protect Against the Allergic Airway Inflammation through Reducing Mitochondrial ROS Generation

        ( So Ri Kim ),( Yong Chul Lee ),( Dong Im Kim ),( Yang Keun Rhee ),( Heung Bum Lee ),( Seoung Ju Park ),( Chi Ryang Chung ),( Seung Yong Park ),( Mi Ran Kang ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2012 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.114 No.-

        Oxidative stress is well known to be implicated in the development of asthma. The mitochondrial respiratory chain is a major site of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and, at the same time, an important target for the damaging effects of ROS. Mito-Tempo is a specific mitochondrial ROS inhibitor and it is known to be associated with opening of mi-tochondrial permeability transition pore and inhibition of cell necroptosis or apoptosis. However, there is little information on the protective effects of Mito-Tempo on the inflammatory airway disorders including bronchial asthma and its acute exacerbation. We investigate the effects of Mito-tempo on the allergic airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness using the mice sensitized with OVA and LPS and then challenged with OVA (OVALPS-OVA mice). The OVALPS-OVA mice showed the typical features of neutrophilic asthma; increased airway inflammatory cells, the pathologic changes, the increased levels of Th2 cytokines in lungs of OVALPS-OVA mice, increased mitochondrial ROS generation, and increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Interestingly, we found that in OVALPS-OVA mice, Mito-Tempo, a novel mitochondrial targeting agent significantly reduced the increases in inflammatory cytokines, mitochondrial ROS generation, airway inflammation, and bron-chial hyperresponsiveness. These findings indicate that mitochondrial dysfunction including oxidative damage may be im-plicated in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma and provide the therapeutic potential of a mitochondrial targeting agent, Mito-Tempo, for bronchial asthma.

      • 일자리 참여 프로그램이 노인의 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향

        민순 ( Soon Min ),주리애 ( Ree Aie Ju ),정현필 ( Hyon Pil Jung ),정영주 ( Young Ju Jung ),김미란 ( Mi Ran Kim ),김윤경 ( Yun Gyung Kim ) 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2008 동서간호학연구지 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 G시 D복지관에 있는 60세 이상 된 노인 70명을 대상으로 일자리 참여 프로그램이 노인들의 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 한다. 단일군 전후 원시실험설계로 노인들의 대조군이 없는 현실적인 문제를 갖고 있어 비교할 수 없는 제한점을 갖고 있지만 노인들에게 일자리를 참여시키므로 그들을 돕는데 의미를 두고 있으며, 본 프로그램에서 얻어진 결과를 토대로 논의하고자 한다. 일자리 프로그램에 참여하기 전 자아인식의 평균이 참여 전3.31에서 참여 후 3.50으로, 자아가치는 참여 전 평균이 3.04에서 참여 후 3.46으로, 자아존중 정도도 참여 전 평균 3.31에 참여 후 3.48로 모두 유의하게 향상되었다. 이는 저소득 노인의 자아존중감이 낮다는 Shim (2005)의 연구결과와 일치했고, 월 사용 지출액에 따라 자아존중감이 차이가 있다는 Kim2003)의 연구 결과와 월수입이 많은 사람 즉 경제적으로 나은사람이 자아존중감이 높다는 Kim (2002)의 연구 결과 및 일자프로그램 참여를 여가활동으로 여겨 이에 참여하는 사람이참여하지 않는 경우보다 자아존중감이 높다고 한 Kim (2007)연구 결과와도 유사한 결과를 보였다. 노인에게 자아존중감은 정신건강을 결정짓는데 중요한 요소로, 자아존중감은 노인의 우울과 역상관관계가 있는데(Park,1993), 본 연구에서 노인들이 일자리에 참여하므로 자존감 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타난 바, 이는 노후에노인 대상자들에게 여가활동과 소정의 수익을 통해 용돈이나기초생활에 필요한 경비를 조달받게 된 것이 자아존중감을 높인 것으로 사료된다.그러므로, 본 연구에서도 일자리 참여 프로그램이 노인들의 자아존중감을 향상시키는 점을 볼 때, 노인의 일자리 참여는 자신들의 소득을 확보하려는 경제적인 측면뿐 아니라 사회참여의 욕구도 포함하고 있어 노인에게 일자리 참여는 매우 중요한 의미를 지니고 있고, 소일거리와 여가선용 차원에서도 노인에게 일자리 참여의 기회를 제공해주는 것은 노후의 경제적인 자립생활은 물론 사회적으로도 바람직한 방안이라 할 수 있어 일을 통해 보람도 얻고, 단체 활동을 통한 소속감을 가지고 경제활동도 할 수 있는 방안도 모색해야 할 것이다.일자리 참여 프로그램 전과 후의 생활만족도의 변화에서, 일자리 프로그램에 참여하기 전 평균 3.04점이었고, 일자리 프로그램에 참여한 후 평균 3.24점으로 유의하게 향상하였는데, 이는 일자리 참여자와 비참여자들을 비교 연구한 Kim (2007)과Seo (2007)의 연구 결과와 일치하였고, 시니어클럽에 참여하고 있는 노인이 참여하지 않고 있는 노인보다 생활만족도가 유의하게 높게 나타난 Bang (2005)의 연구 결과와도 일치하였다.노인들의 생활만족도에 관한 선행연구를 고찰한 결과 노인의 생활만족도는 배우자가 있는 경우, 주관적 건강상태가 좋을수록, 경제수준이 높을수록, 교육정도가 높을수록 생활만족도가 높다고 보고되고 있으며, 노인의 사회적 지지나 자아존중감이 높을수록 생활만족도가 높다고 하였다(Jang, 2006; Kim,2005; Park & Lee, 2006).노인들이 일자리 프로그램에 참여하므로 생활만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타난 바, 이는 노인대상자들에게일자리를 통해 심리적, 경제적 여건에 도움이 된 것으로 여겨지며, 이로 인해 생활만족 정도를 높인 것으로 사료된다. 노후의시간활용 방법에 대한 2004 전국 노인생활실태 및 복지욕구조사 결과에서 가장 선호되는 것이 소득창출 27.8%, 취미활동16.3%, 소일거리 14.5%, 자원봉상활동 3.1%, 자아계발 활동2.4%로 나타났다(Jung et al, 2005). 그러나 노인의 일자리 참여는 여러 가지 문제에 봉착하게 된다. 우선 노인시장에 유입되는 신규 노동력의 과잉과 기업의 인사정체, 그리고 노인취업에 대한 잘못된 인식으로서 기능주의적 사회격리이론은 인간의 노화를 기능주의적으로 이해하려는 사회적 편견인데 노인이 반드시 체계적, 생물학적으로 또는 정신적으로 결함이 있다는 편견으로 인해 노인인력 활용가능성을 근본적으로 저해하는 요인이 된다(Jung, 2007). 또한 본 연구 대상자들에게 연구일자리 프로그램 유형에 따른 생활만족도와 자아존중감 정도를 분석한 결과에서는 유의하지 않았는데 노인들에게 일자리 참여 자체가 생활만족과 자아존중감 정도에 영향을 주는 것이지 유형별로는 큰 의미가 있는 것은 아닌 것으로 보인다. 본 연구 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 어떤 형태이든 간의 노인의 일자리 참여는 고령화 사회에서 나타나는 심각한 노인문제를 해결하고 노후 생활에 대한 적응력을 높이며, 노년기의 역할변화에 따른 적절한 대응을 통해 역할상실에 대한 대비를 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 노인 스스로의 자아존중감과 생활만족도 향상을 위해 필요하다. Purpose: The effects of job participation on self-esteem and life satisfaction were investigated. Methods: Seventy residents of D welfare center located in G city who were >60 yr-of-age were selected for the study. The SERS research tool (Nugent and Thomas,1993; modified by Koh, 2002) was used to assess self-esteem before and after a job participation program. The Cronbach`s αvalue-based reliability of this tool was 0.923 and 0.920 before and after the job participation program, respectively. Cronbach`s αvalue-based life satisfaction as measured according to Choi (1986) was 0.932 and 0.933 before and after the job participation program, respectively. Results: The hypothesis that job participation program increases self esteem was supported by the results. The mean self esteem of subjects before and after the job program, 3.31 and 3.48, respectively, represented a significant increase. The hypothesis that the job participation program increases life satisfaction was supported by the results, The mean life satisfaction index of subjects before and after the program, 3.04 and 3.24, respectively, represents a significant increase. Conclusions: Increased job opportunities and income guarantee for adults, particularly the elderly, can increase self-esteem, life satisfaction, and emotional stability.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution of Aquaporins (Water Channels) in the Rat Salivary Glands

        정지연(Ji-Yeon Jung),한창룡(Chang-Ryoung Han),정연진(Yeon-Jin Jeong),오원만(Won-Mann Oh),김미원(Mi-Won Kim1),김선헌(Sun-Hun Kim),김옥준(Ok-Joon Kim),김현진(Huyn-Jin Kim),고정태(Jeong-Tae Koh),최홍란(Hong-Ran Choi),김원재(Won-Jae Kim) 대한해부학회 2002 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.35 No.3

        침샘은 하루 1.5 l의 침을 분비하며, 일반적으로 침샘에서 수분이동은 능동적 염분 이동에 따른 삼투현상에 의해 일어난다. 따라서 침샘에서 높은 수분투과성으로 인해 수분통로 단백인 aquaporin (AQP)들이 풍부하게 존재할 수 있다. 지금까지침샘에 4가지 형태의 AQP이 존재한다고 알려져 있지만 침샘에서 정확한 위치와 수분 이동에 대한 각 AQP들의 역할은 아직 확실치 않다. 본 연구는 300 g 정도의 흰쥐를 pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg, IP) 마취하에서 carbarchol (10 μg/kg)을 복강 내 투여한 후 AQP들의 역할과 분포를 면역조직화학방법으로 조사하였다. AQP1은 침샘의 미세혈관의 내피세포와 샘세포와 샘관 주위에 존재하는 근육상피세포에 존재하였다. AQP4는 침샘관의 마지막 부위인 배출관에 존재하였다. AQP5는 주로 장액세포의 바닥가쪽과 세포사이 분비소관을 포함한 세포꼭대기쪽막 에 존재하였으며 콜린성 분비 자극으로 세포꼭대기쪽막으로 이동되어 밀집되었다. AQP5는 모든 침샘의 사이관과 줄무늬 관에도 존재하였으며 점액세포는 약하게 존재하였다. AQP8은 AQP5처럼 장액세포의 바닥쪽막과 세포사이 분비소관을 포함한 세포꼭대기쪽막에 존재하였으며 콜린성 침분비 자극으로 세포꼭대기쪽막쪽으로 이동되어 밀집되었다. 이상의 실험결과는 AQP5와 AQP8이 장액세포에서 일차 침 형성시 일어나는 수분이동의 주된 통로임을 시사하였다. The salivary glands produce 1.5 l of fluid per day. As in other organs, the general paradigm in the salivary glands is that water movement occurs secondary to osmotic driving forces created by active salt transport. Therefore, high water permeability in salivary glands is expected to need a variety of aquaporin (AQP), a water channel. Although four AQPs have been known to reside in salivary glands, the precise location and roles of AQPs have been not well examined. This study is aimed to investigate the distribution of AQPs in 3 major salivary glands and their changes after cholinergic stimulation using immunohistochemical study in Sprague Dawley rats weighing 300 g under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia. AQP1 was localized in the endothelial cells of all salivary capillary vessels and the myoepithelial cells. AQP4 was demonstrated in the epithelium of the excretory ductal cells of all salivary glands. AQP5 and 8 were abundantly present in the basolateral membrane and apical membranes of the serous acini including intercellular secretory canaliculi, whereas AQP5 was weakly present in mucous acini. In addition, AQP5 was found in the epithelium of the intercalated and striated ducts. Upon stimulation of carbachol (10 μg/kg, I.P). AQP5 and 8 tended to translocate from basolateral membrane to the apical membrane, appearing as clusters of dots. These results suggest that AQP5 and 8 are the candidate molecules responsible for the water movement in salivary acinar cells.

      • KCI등재

        A New Lignan Glycoside from the Stem Bark of Styrax japonica S. et Z.

        Mi-Ran Kim,Hyun Teak Moon,Dong Gun Lee,Eun-Rhan Woo 대한약학회 2007 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.30 No.4

        A new lignan glycoside was isolated from the stem bark of Styrax japonica (Styracaceae). This lignan glycoside, named styraxjaponoside C (1), was identified by spectroscopic methods. In addition, six known compounds, arctiin (2), pinoresinol-4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (3), matairesinoside (4), methylsyringin (5), syringin (6), and egonol (7) were isolated from this plant. The structures of 1-7 were determined on the basis of spectroscopic and physicochemical data. Compounds 2 and 5 were isolated from this plant for the first time.

      • Anti-inflammatory effects of tectroside on UVB-induced HaCaT cells

        KIM, SUNG-BAE,KANG, OK-HWA,JOUNG, DAE-KI,MUN, SU-HYUN,SEO, YUN-SOO,CHA, MI-RAN,RYU, SHI-YONG,SHIN, DONG-WON,KWON, DONG-YEUL Spandidos Publications 2013 International journal of molecular medicine Vol.31 No.6

        <P>Ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation causes skin damage and inflammation by inducing the secretion of various cytokines, which are immune regulators produced by cells. To prevent skin inflammation, keratinocytes that have been irreversibly damaged by UVB must be eliminated through apoptosis. Ixeris dentata (I.?dentata) (family Asteraceae) is a perennial medicinal herb indigenous to Korea. It is used in Korea, China and Japan to treat indigestion, pneumonia, diabetes, hepatitis, contusions and tumors. Guaiane-type sesquiterpene lactones were isolated from the whole extract of I.?dentata. This led to the isolation of the anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene lactone compound tectroside (TES), which was tested on a human keratinocyte cell line. To determine the anti-inflammatory effects of TES, we examined its influence on UVB-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine production in human keratinocytes (HaCaT cells) by observing these cells in the presence or absence of TES. In the present study, pro-inflammatory cytokine production was determined by performing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and western blot analysis to evaluate the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). TES inhibited UVB-induced production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, TES inhibited the expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and the phosphorylation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) MAPKs, suggesting that it inhibits the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 and COX-2 expression by blocking MAPK phosphorylation. These results suggest that TES can potentially protect against UVB-induced skin inflammation.</P>

      • <i>Ex Vivo</i> Characteristics of Human Amniotic Membrane-Derived Stem Cells

        Kim, Jiyoung,Kang, Hyun Mi,Kim, Haekwon,Kim, Mee Ran,Kwon, Hyuck Chan,Gye, Myung Chan,Kang, Sung Goo,Yang, H. Seung,You, Juice Mary Ann Liebert 2007 Cloning & stem cells Vol.9 No.4

        <P>Cells were isolated from four human amniotic membranes, and their biological characteristics analyzed during ex vivo expansion. Morphologically homogenous populations of fibroblast-like cells were obtained from the second or third passage. Under the appropriate culture conditions, these human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal cells (HAM) were shown to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes, chondrocytes and neuronal cells, as visualized by Oil Red O, von Kossa, alcian blue, anti-Neu N, and anti-Gal C antibody staining, respectively. Immunophenotype analysis of HAM cells revealed the presence of antigens for SSEA-3, SSEA-4, collagen type-I, -II, -III, -IV, -XII, fibronectin, alpha-SMA, vimentin, desmin, cytokeratin18 (CK18), HCAM-1, fibroblast surface protein, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) ABC. ICAM-1 protein was weakly detectable, and proteins of TRA-1-60, VCAM-1, von Willebrand factor, PECAM-1, and HLA DR were not detected. HAM cells reached senescence after 14.5+/-0.9 passages, over a period of 146.8+/-8.9 days, and underwent an average of 36.9 4.7 population doublings. RT-PCR analysis showed that all four HAM cell lines consistently expressed genes of Oct-4, Rex-1, SCF, NCAM, nestin, BMP-4, GATA-4, HNF-4alpha, vimentin, and CK18, regardless of the passage number. The genes of Brachyury, FGF-5, Pax-6, and BMP2 were never expressed. Strikingly, alpha-fetoprotein (alphaFP), HLA ABC, and HLA DR genes were expressed in an earlier passage but not expressed in later passages. Telomerase activity of two HAM lines was discernable upon the third passage. These observations strongly suggest that HAM might be immune-privileged and, thus, advantageous as therapeutic cells.</P>

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