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      • 저체중 출생이 학동기 및 청소년기 소아 천식의 중증도에 미치는 영향에 대한 고찰

        정훈 ( Hoon Jeung ),김형대 ( Heung Dae Kim ),이윤진 ( Yun Jin Lee ),이균우 ( Kyun Woo Lee ) 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회(구 대한소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회) 2006 소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목 적 : 본 연구는 저출생 체중아로 출생한 소아에 있어서 학동기 및 청소년기 소아 천식의 중증도에 미치는 영향에 관해서 후향적으로 검토하였다. 방 법 : 대동병원 소아과와 호흡기내과에 통원 중에 있거나 부산 동래구 및 연제구 소재 개인의원에서 대동병원으로 전원 된 천식 환자 중에서 8세 이상 18세 이하의 소아 및 청소년을 대상으로 출생체중을 기준으로 1,500 g 이상 2,500 g 미만인 15명을 추출하여 연구군으로 하고 출생체중 2,500 g 이상이며 연구군의 나이에 일치하는 순서대로 2명씩 추출하여 이 30명을 대조군으로 하였다. 결 과 : 양군을 비교한 결과 천식 중증도는 연구군에서 유의하게 높았다.(P=0.015) 또 흡입 스테로이드 약의 사용 빈도(증례군 13명/15명, 대조군 4명/30명 : P=0.0001)와 사용 기간에 있어서도 연구군에서 유의하게 높게 나왔다.(P= 0.009) 혈중 총 IgE치와 아토피피부염의 유병률은 대조군에서 높았다.(각각 P=0.007, P=0.0001) 폐기능 검사와 PC(20), 특이 IgE 항체는 두 군 사이에 유의한 결과를 볼 수가 없었다.(P>0.05) 결 론 : 천식의 중증도와 흡입 스테로이드 사용의 빈도와 기간 등으로 미루어 볼 때 저출생 체중은 소아 천식의 중증도를 증가시키는 요인 일 수 있음을 시사한다. Purpose : Over the past several decades, the survival rates of low birth weight(LBW; birth weight <2,500 g) infants have been improving. Many of these infants have had bronchial asthma(BA) at childhood and aldolescence. The aim of this study is to investigate whether LBW influenced the severity of BA in prealdolescent children and aldolescence by a retrospective case control study. Methods : 15 LBW children(1,500 g<birth weight<2,500 g) between 8 year-old and 18 year-old with BA visiting Dae-dong hospital as the case group were compared with 2 BA children to each case as the control group(total 30 children) on the basis of following criteria : the same age, he/she attended Dae-Dong hospital or local medical center after 8 years old, birth weight was more than 2,500 g. Asthma severity was modified from 2003 Guideline for management of childhood asthma at The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease. PFT(Pulmonary function test) were measured using a portable spirometer. The value are expressed as percentage predicted using standard reference values. Total IgE and specific IgE Ab. were assessed by the PRIST method and MAST Allergy Test. Methacholine challenge test and PC20 was assessed by the Masterlab. Results : LBW group had : a significantly more severe symptoms between 8 year-old and 18 year-old than control group.(P=0.015) A significantly more used to ICSs(Inhaled corticosteroids) and add-on therapy than control group.(P=0.009)(P=0.0001) There were no significant differences in the PFT and PC(20) and specific IgE Ab. between LBW group and control group. But, total IgE level is higher in the control group than in the LBW group. Conclusion : These results suggest that LBW is a risk factor for the severity of BA. We suggest that infants with birth weight of less than 2,500 g have a more severe risk of asthma during prealdolescent children and aldolescence than who were birth weight of more than 2,500 g. [Pediatr Allergy Respir Dis(Korea) 2006;16:38-46]

      • Unity 3D Engine을 이용한 3D FPS 게임

        박대호, 박동원, 안성옥, 김수균, 이현우 배재대학교 공학연구소 2012 공학논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Emerging and one complete game engine, Unity 3D Engine by the FPS genre of games were produced. Unity 3D Engine to provide several features in the production of the game, basically, terrain making, Unity 3D Engine from collision, particle effects and AI of the enemies is set to create a game using only one genre FPS not be enough to be an element of fun to think that the basic framework of the FPS genre adventure genre of games by adding the elements of the game more fun.

      • KCI등재후보

        번역시의 운명 : 한-불 번역의 경우 le cas corieen-francais

        한대균 서울대학교 불어문화권연구소 2002 불어문화권연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Le traducteur commence la traduction de la poe´sie ㅇ문 l'enthousiasme a` l'e´gard du texte. Il ne faut pourtant pas que l´on perc¸oive sa subjectivite´ entre l'original et le texte traduit, mais qu'il l'abandonne pour accepter la conscience de l'atueur. Par example, Yves Bonnefoy a traduit le titre d'un poe´me de Yeats, Sailing to Byzantium par Byzance-l'autre rive. Ce poe`te-traducteur franc¸ais re`ussit ainsi a` e´viter le danger de la traduction mot-a`-mot, c'est-a´-dire la traduction du transcodage. Pour de´montrer cette ne´cessite´de l'effacement du traducteur nous avons analyse´ trois proble´mes que le traducteur pourrait rencontrer dans sa traduction, notamment dans la traduction franc¸aise de la poe´sie core´ene. Nous allons parler, en premier lieu, de la traduction de la poe´sie qui s'appuie sur la connaissace intuitive de la langue maternelle : un poe´me de Jung Jin-Gyu dont le premier vers pourrait e^tre traduit de fac¸on litte´rale "nous ne pouvons pas arriver jusqu'a´ nous". Ce vers, qui n'est pas en accord avec l'usage franc¸ais, est loin d'e^tre un bon vers franc¸ais. Il faut donc penser a´ la notion d'e´quivalence et examiner le sens du vers original. A partir de la´, nous pouvons proposer cette traduction ; "nous ne savons pas le chemin / par ou´ nous pourrions nous connai^tre". Celle-ci est explicative et de´nue´e de tension poe´tique, mais le vers devient compre´hensible aux lecteurs franc¸ais. Deuxie`mement, il faut prendre en compte la traduction du discours. C'est un concept diffe´rent de la traduction, dans laquelle la langue est a` transcoder en respectant les re`gles grammaticales. Ici, nous avons analyse´ les poe`mes de Song Chan-Ho et de Ko Un. Par example, a` la place de "devant l'e´toile filante qui passe rapidement" nous pourrions proposer d'enlever le mot "rapidement", car c'est une e´vidence (l'e´toile filante des mots e´le´ments de la langue d'origine et modifier la formulation dans la langue d'arrive´e. Troisie`mement la traduction comme acte d'une cre´ation litte´raire. Pour que l'acte de traduire soit conside´re´ comme selui de cre´er un texte, le traducteur doit re´fle´chir sur le langage poe´tique en la polyvalence des signes du texte. Me^me s'il n'existe pas d'e´quivalent exact d'un mot dans la langue d'arrive´e, le traducteur se voit force´ de privile´gier une des notions possibles : il doit prendre l'habitude de s'attacher au sens de l'e´nonce´ ou a` ses me´taphores. Comment traduire le "spleen" baudelairien et la "mauvaisete´" de Rimbaud ? Bonnefoy de´finit ces mots par ce qui appartient aux mondes impe´ne´trables. Face a` cette difficulte´ de la traduction, le traducteur est appele´ a` e´couter l'auteur "jusqu'au moment ou` il pourrait le devancer dans toute son e´criture". Il ne faut pas le refle´ter, car la traduction n'est pas une copie, ni une technique, mais il cre´er un autre texte en niant la pre´sence du poe´me traduit.

      • 스포츠 외상에 의한 척추·척수손상 분석

        김대경,임완기,임정일,김범수,추해광,강은균 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        I have researched 46 examples, 43 are spinal column and cord injury and 3 are thoracic vertebrae and cord injury, of J hospital S health caring center. 46 patients were cured by this J hospital medical staffs, and their external injury were caused by sports accidents. I have acquired next four meaningful conclusions. First, the external injury caused by golf sports are 24 cases, and this is the primary cause of injury. Second, high-rank bonn fracture are 78.8 percent in C4, C5, C6 situation. And the bone-fracture, tear-drop fracture, figure in the activity of gold is 45.8 percent, and fracture dislocation is 63.2 percent in other sports activities. Third, there are twenty six cases of paralysis that links frankel C. Four, the sports injuries such as bone fracture are able to prevent by education and effective learning programs.

      • 韓國의 國立公園 管理體系 改善方案에 關한 硏究

        송대근,강용관 문화관광연구학회 2000 문화관광연구 Vol.2 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to find out improvement plan of effective management system of national park through researching management status of national park in Korea. Improvement plan of management system of national park can be divided into visitor management, resource management, and management system. The role of national park is getting more important and the number of visitors is increasing. They use the facilities indiscriminately so the environment is being spoiled. And more facilities are needed for the visitors. So the location of national park and effective utilizing plan is really important To protect and preserve national park, it is urgently needed to strengthen management system and thereby positive investment & organization management ability is very important.

      • 잉어 담즙이 간장에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        김대중,양승하,안상묵,강상균,김의한 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.1

        To investigate the effect of Cyprinus carpio bile acid on human liver, concentrated and 10:1 diluted Cyprinus carpio bile acid were injected at the dose of 10ul at mouse tail vein One, three, five, seven and nine days after injection, the mice were sarcificed. The change in hepatic function were estimated by determining GOT, GPT and compared to histologic findings of liver tissue. The results of GOT level was not consistent, but the GPT was significant. From these, we concluded. 1. In concentrated injected group (A), the GPT level was highest in first day and the increased level lasted through observation. 2. In 10:1 diluted injected group (B), the GPT level was only high above normal in first day. Thereafter, the GPT level curiously decreased below the normal, which need more study. 3. Histologic hepatic changes in A group, until 3 days, hepatic cell cord disarrary and marked hepatic cellular degeneration around the central vein were seen. Therefater, although elevated GPT level, the hepatic changes showed only mild regenerated change Histologic hepatic change in B group showed no remarkable change. Above findings suggested that the liver injury was dependent on injected concentration and the hepatic injury, which was observed in early phase, appeared to be reversible. So the hepatic injury by the Cyprinus carpio bile acid appeared complete recovery course without specific complication.

      • 유치원 건축의 안전성·편리성·쾌적성 실태에 관한 연구

        이대균,김주영 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2006 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the actual conditions of the kindergarten structure focusing on safety, convenience, and comfort to suggest consideration of desirable kindergarten construction. The subjects of this study were 15 public kindergartens and 15 private kindergartens in D province. The instrument was developed by the investigator and a pilot test of the instrument was approved by specialists of early childhood education who were kindergarten principals and vice-principals, teaching staffs, professors and supervisors. The instrument contained three different sections: (1) Safety (21 items), (2) Convenience (23 items), and (3) Comfort (22 items). Based on instrument the investigators visited kindergartens to examine condition of kindergarten structure utilized an illuminometer and a sound level meter. The results of this study on safety of kindergarten showed no kindergarten set up with a fire escape facility which is able to escape directly from above a two-story classroom. 13% of kindergartens’ classroom door fit up with protection strips to prevent child finger door trapping accidents and 40% of kindergarten’s gate door fit with protection strips. Also, only 6% of kindergartens’ staircase set up with a children handle. The results of this study on convenience of kindergarten showed no kindergarten’s classroom door was appropriate for child’s height and no kindergarten’s washstand in the classroom and restroom was suitable for child’s height. Also, 23% of kindergartens set up with child’s lunch room. The results of this study on comfort of kindergarten showed 13% of kindergartens set up with appropriate height of classroom window for child’s height. 47% of kindergartens’classroom luminous intensity was suitable. 57% of kindergartens set up with heating system in the hallway and only 33% of kindergartens fit up with a mosquito net.

      • 유아교육 및 보육의 공공성과 책무성 확립 방안

        이대균 배재대학교 인문과학연구소 2005 人文論叢 Vol.22 No.-

        The education and care systems for young children have developed steadily for last ten decades in behalf of publicity. Though the legalistic and administrative support systems have almost accomplished, the financial support systems are still insufficient for publicity. For the publicity establishment of early childhood education and child care systems, private kindergartens and child care centers need both government financial support and deliberate concerns and efforts about the quality management of these institutes in the view of social responsibility. In consequence of this study, the following suggestions are proposed for the publicity establishment of early childhood education and child care care systems First, leading private kindergartens to body corporate Second, clear accounting management of private kindergartens For the establishment of social responsibility of early childhood education and child care systems, First, the self-efforts for the quality management Second, by the level of quality management, graded financial support. Third, the soon enforcement of the kindergarten accreditation

      • 내장형 시스템을 위한 재목적 링킹 로더

        李大憲,禹德均,表昌祐 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2000 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        In a development environment for embedded system with a connection between host and target system, the linking loader of host system links the cross-compiled object file and a modules of target system and downloads the linked object file to the target system. In this research, we separate this linking loader into the module dependent on object file format and the module independent on object file format. The dependent module gets the linking information independent of file format from the object file, and the independent module actually does the linking process with this linking information. We implemented the dependent module by using BFD library of GNU development environment, and this implementation can improve the portability of our linking loader for a new target system or object file format. Currently, we developed this linking loader in the embedded system development environment ESTO to be prepared for a commercial product.

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