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        지방의회의 역량강화와 주민참여

        송광태 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2003 국가정책연구 Vol.17 No.2

        이 글은 분권화시대를 맞아 권한이 확대된 지방정부 운영의 민주성과 효율성 제고를 위해서는 주민대표인 지방의회의 역량강화가 매우 중요하다는 문제인식에서 출발하였다. 그러나 우리나라 지방의회는 그간 주민의 지지기반이 매우 취약했기 때문에 향후 역량강화를 위해서는 주민대표로서의 위상회복이 절실하고, 이를 위해서는 지방의정에 대한 주민참여 확대가 필요하다고 보았다. 이에 본 연구에서는, 지방의정에 대한 주민참여의 실태를 분석하고 향후 주민참여의 활성화 방안을 모색하였다. 연구의 결과, 지방의정에 대한 주민참여 활성화를 위해서, 제도적으로 주민소환제의 도입, 주민발안제의 범위 확대와 방법의 개선, 주민투표 발의권의 확대, 지방의회에 주민옴부즈만제도 설치, 지방선서제도의 개선이 제안되었다. 한편 운영적 측면의 개선방안으로는 열린 의회의 구현에 초점을 두었고, 이를 위해 휴일 및 야간의회의 개최, 지방의회 위원회 회의의 실질적인 공개와 방송중계, 의회 의사일정의 고정과 적극적인 홍보, 공청회·자문위원회·심의회의 확대와 적극적 활용, 각종 주민조직과의 유대 강화, 주민참여 프로그램의 활용과 시민정치교육의 실시 등이 제안 되었다. The purpose of this study is to analyse the present situation of citizen participation in the activity of local council and find the way to strengthen the capacity of local council. The research result shows low participation of citizen in local councillors' election, handling of appeals, referendum and recall, right to appeal renewing of local ordinance, citizen audit system, public hearing, system of an advisory committee and in the other managing procedures etc. The findings of this study demonstrated that the reform measures needed in the system and operation. As reform measures in systems, I propose the legislation of recall, improvement of method and extend the range of referendum, establishment of ombudsman system in local council, reformation of local electoral system etc. Improvement measures for operation system in local council, I suggest introduction of off-days and night meeting, opening of standing committee meeting to the public and broadcasting, fix the opening time and day of council, operation of resident education on politics.

      • KCI등재

        환청이 있는 정신분열증 환자의 뇌간 청각유발전위

        송정준,유태열,김광수 大韓神經精神醫學會 1991 신경정신의학 Vol.30 No.2

        This study was designed for evaluation of brainstem in schizophrenics with auditory hallucination. We investigated the BAEP on 14 schizophrenics with auditory hallucination 12 schizophrenics without auditory hallucination and 15 normal controls. The results were as follows; 1) Schizophrenics with auditory hallucination had a trend of more abnormal BAEP than schizophrenics without auditory hallucination(P〈0.06) 2) The severer auditory hallucination in schizophrenics was, the more frequent abnormal BAEP showed. 3) Schizophrenics with abnormal BAEP and with normal BAEP had no differences of age, sex, psychopathology, doses of neuroleptics, onset age and genetic loading. 4) In total schizophrenics, V amplitude was significantly lower and I/V amplitude ratio was significantly higher than in normal controls(P〈0.01). This findings suggest that schizophrenics with auditory hallucination may have brainstem dysfunction, which may induce auditory hallucination.

      • KCI등재
      • 학생의 자율성 신장을 위한 학급경영 방안

        송광용,최태규 서울敎育大學校 學生生活硏究所 1999 學生生活硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        이 연구는 학생이 자율성을 건전하게 행사할 수 있는 능력과 자질을 갖출 수 있도록 하는 효율적인 학급경영의 기본 방향과, 여기에 요망되는 교사의 지도성을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 이 연구는 먼저 자율성의 의미와 그 중요성, 그리고 자율성 육성을 저해하는 요인에 대해 살펴보고, 학급 경영자로서의 교사가 발휘하게 되는 지도성과 관련하여 학생의 자율성 신장을 도울 수 있는 학급경영의 구체적인 방안에 대해 논의하였다. 학급에서 학생의 자율성을 신장하기 위해서는 개방적 분위기와 학생에 대한 허용적 태도, 학생의 의견수렴 및 참여의식 고취, 소집단별 역할분담체제 확립, 개별화 수업과 학습방법의 다양화, 스스로의 계획수립과 실천을 통한 자기규제 능력의 신장, 교사의 솔선 수범, 권위의 내적 근거에 기초한 교사의 지도성 행사 등이 강조되어야 한다. The purpose of this study is establish the basic directions for efficient classroom management which help students to develop their own capabilities to actualize students' autonomy, and to suggest the characteristics of teachers' leadership to actualize those directions. To achieve its purpose, this study made an examination of the meaning and importance of autonomy, factors which hinder in developing autonomy, and specific directions of classroom management in improving students' autonomy regarding the relationship with the teacher's leadership as classroom manager. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, the general factors which hinder in improving students' autonomy are : authoritarianism, centralization of power, uniformity, and insufficiency in the recognition of autonomy. Secondly, the hindering factors in enhancing students' autonomy in the classroom are : closed classroom climate, uniformity of the educational content, standardized instruction method, incorrect viewpoint of the educational evaluation, and the teacher's leadership on the basis of the external criteria of authority In order to enhance students' autonomy in the classroom, many things should be emphasized including open classroom climate and approving attitude toward students, adoption of students' opinions and inspiration of student participation, establishment of role-allotment system between students, individualized instruction and various learning methods, enhancement of students' self-control through establishing and implementing students' own plan, the teacher's setting an example as model personality to students, carrying out the teacher's own leadership on the basis of the internal criteria of authority.

      • 캐릭터 지다인을 위한 다변량분석의 적용방안

        정광태,송복희 한국기술교육대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        Character is one of the most important high value-added industries in 21 century. Various analyses on character are required to raise customer's satisfaction on character products. In this study, we proposed application method of factor analysis, cluster analysis, multi-dimensional scaling and application cases. From the factor analysis, aesthetic factors on character could be decided and image maps with aesthetic factors could be obtained. From the cluster analysis, characters could be grouped by its aesthetic characteristics. From the multi-dimensional scaling, a direction of character design could be decided. Finally, it is concluded that multi-variate analysis should be effectively applied to character design.

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