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      • 晋州市 上鳳東洞 一帶의 나방相에 대하여

        朴重錫,吳泰植 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1988 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.4 No.-

        1984년 3월 31일부터 11월 2일까지 32주 동안 晋州市 上鳳東洞 一帶의 나방相을 調査 한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 採集 同定된 나방類(Heterocera)는 총19科, 260屬, 329種, 8,215個體였으며 이들 중에서 Idaea trisetata Prout 외 10종이 한국미기록종으로 同定되었다. 2. 出現個體數는 月別로는 8月, 季節別로는 여름에 가장 많았다. 3. 나방類의 出現시기는 年中 1회 출현하는 種, 2個月 以上 간격으로 2회 출현하는 種. 6個月 以上 계속 出現하는 種, 봄, 여름 및 가을에만 出現하는 種 등 크게 6가지 類型이 있었다. 4. 優占種은 쌍줄점갈고리나방 (Nordstroemia japonic Moore)이었으며 優占科는 밤나방과(Noctuidae)였다. 5. 時間別 出現樣相은 23~02시 사이에 가장 많이 出現했고, 가장 많이 採集된 時間은 봄 23시, 여름 02시, 가을 20시였다. 6. 기온별 出現樣相은 20~26℃ 사이에 出現個體數가 많았다. 7. 濕度別 出現樣相은 50%에서 다소 출현하기 시작하여 습도가 높아짐에 따라 출현개체수가 증가하다가 90% 이후에는 다소 감소하는 경향이었다. Seasonal fluctuations of the moth fauna in relation to time, air temperature and relative humidity were investigated in Sangbongdong-dong, Chinju-city, Gyo˘ngsangnam-do, Korea from March 31, to November 2, 1984. This study was based on an examination of 8,125 individuals. 1. The collected and identified moth were 329 species, 260 genera, 19 families, and the dominant species and family were Nordstroemia japonica Moore and Noctuidae, and the unrecorded species in Korea were 11. 2. Biogeographically the ration between the Paleoarctic and the Oriental species was 4 to 1. 3. Appearence pattern was classified into 6 types according to the frequency, and the collected numbers of individuals. The moths were most abundant in August and through Summer. 4. The moths appeared most abundantly from 23 to 02 o'clock through the year, and at 23, 02and 20 o'clock in Spring, Summer and Autumn, respectively. 5. By air temperature, the collected numbers of individuals were most from 20℃ to 26℃. 6. By relative humidity, the collected numbers of individuals were none at 45% and increased from 50% and most at 90%

      • 金谷面一帶의 나방相에 대하여

        朴重錫,柳容秀 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1986 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.2 No.-

        1982년 3월 7일 부터 12월 5일 까지 40주 동안 慶尙南道 晋陽郡 金谷面一帶의 나방相을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사된 나방類(Heterocera)는 총 19科 256屬 352種 5,655 개체가 채집 동정되었으며, 이 중 4科 15種은 韓國末記錄種이었다. 2. 월별, 계절별 출현개체수는 7월과 여름에 각각 가장 많이 채집 되었다. 3. 나방류의 출현양상은 년중 1회, 1개체만 출현한 종, 계절별로 봄, 여름, 가을에만 각기 출현한 종등 크게 6가지 유형으로 고찰되었다. 4. 優占種은 곧은띠비단명나방(Herculia glaucinalis Linne)이었으며, 優占科는 밤나방科(Noctuidae)였다. 5. 생물지리학적 분포계열은 舊北區系의 종이 전체의 73%로 가장 우세 하였다. 6. 시간별 출현양상은 21시~23시 사이에서 활발하였으며, 그 중 22시에서 가장 활발 하였다. 계절별로는 봄은 23시, 여름은 22시, 가을은 21시에서 가장 많이 채집 되었다. 7. 기온별 출현양상은 18℃~24℃ 사이에서 활발하였으며, 19℃와 24℃에서 각각 가장 많이 채집 되었다. 24℃까지는 기온이 높을수록 유의적(P<0.05)으로 출현 개체수가 증가되었다. 8. 습도별 출현양상은 70% 대에서 부터 다소 출현하기 시작하여 90% 대에서 가장 활발하였으며, 습도가 높아질수록 유의적(P<0.01)으로 출현이 증가 되었다. Seasonal changes of the moth fauna in relation to time, air temperature and relative humidity were investigated in Kuˇmgok-myon, Kyoˇngsangnam-do, Korea from(March 7, to December 5, 1982. This study was based on an examination of 5,655 individuals. 1. The collected and identified moths were 352 species, 256 genera, 19 families, and the dominant species and family were Herculia glaucinalis; Linne and Noctuidae, and the unrecorded species in Korea were 15. 2. Biogeographically the ratio between the Paleoarctic and the Oriental species race was 4 to 1, Kumgok-myoˇn belongs to the Paleoarctic. 3. Appearance pattern was classified to 6 types according to the collecting frequency, and the collecting numbers of individuals were most abundant in July and through summer. 4. The moths appeared most abundantly from 21 to 23 o'clock through the year, and at 23, 22 and 21 o'clock in spring, summer and autumn, respectively. 5. The collected numbers of individuals were most at 18℃∼24℃. 6. The collected numbers of individuals were none below 50% of the relative humidity, increased from 70%, and most at 98%.

      • 韓國産 고치벌科(Braconide)에 관한硏究 : 2. 韓國産 흰허리고치벌亞科(Cheloninae)의 1未記錄種에 대하여 2. One Unrecorded Species, Ascogaster formosensis Sonan of Cheloninae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

        朴重錫 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1985 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.1 No.-

        한국산 고치벌科(Braconidae)에 관한 연구의 일환으로 채집한 표본을 조사한 결과 1未記錄屬(Genus Ascogaster), 1未記錄種(Ascogaster formosensis Sonan)을 同定하였다. The identification for the specimens collected from July 1981 to August 1981 in Korea were carried out. One unrecorded genus Ascogaster and species Ascogaster formosensis Sonan, are added to Cheloninae of Braconidae.

      • 慶南 馬山市 舞鶴山의 나방相

        朴重錫,呂相德 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1996 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.4 No.1

        Heterocera fauna was investigated at the Mt. Muhak located in the Masan-city, Myo˘ngsangnam-do between May 20, and November 21, 1994. Identified Heterocera are 4,751 individual insects belonging to 298 species, 240 genera and 19 families. Out of them, Cleora koreana (Alpheraky) and the other 10 species are the newly recorded species in Korea. The moths are the most abundant in Summer, in Particular, in June. The dominant species was Spilarctia seriatopunctata Motschulsky in Arctiidae. The active temperature for moths was between 18 and 24℃, while the most abundant between 22 and 24℃. The moths appeared from 55% of relative humidity and were active between 90 and 93%. The factor affected to appearing frequency is likely to be humidity rather than temperature. Total numbers of samples were different depending on the amount of rainfall. Lower rainfall, lower individuals appeared. Species diversity of moths is significantly associated with the flora of investigated sites.

      • 우수 사과酒酵母의 分離와 利用에 關한 硏究

        朴允仲,金燦祚,李錫健,吳萬鎭,孫天培 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1978 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.5 No.1

        Extensive selection works on wild yeasts of fruits were carried cut to obtain strains which are applicable to apple wine making. Among the total number of 1,358 yeast strains which were isolated from various fruit samples collected from the vicinity of Daejeon and other regions of Korea, the strains SH-49, SH-129 and SH-338 were found to be useful. Then experiments on their morphological and physiological characteristics, and on the aspects of practical use in apple wine making were proceeded. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The strains SH-49 and SH-129, particularly SH-49, were appeared to have good fermentation ability, tolerance to sulfur dioxide and to produce fine quality of apple wine. 2. Apple wines made by using the strain, SH-49 and SH-129 contained less amount of total acids than those by other strains. 3. Apple wines of SH-49 and SH-129 were clarified rapidly during the primary fermentation period, and their absorbancy at 430 nm after 45 days of storage were approximately half of others. 4. Apple wine of SH-338 contained higher amount of residual sugar and its quality was superior to others. It is considered that this strain could be used in the production of apple wine of a characteristic quality. 5. The strains SH-49 and SH-338 were identified as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae according to Taxanomic Study of Yeasts by Lodder, however, classification of SH-129 was suspended for further study.

      • 한국산 고치벌과(벌목)의 연구

        박중석 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 1997 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.5 No.1

        고치벌과(Braconidae)의 곤충은 산림과 농작물을 가해하는 해충의 내·외부에 기생하므로 이들 해충들을 생물학적으로 방제하는데 기여하는 곤충이다. Achterberg에 의하면 고치벌과에 관한 분류와 생물학적 연구에 관한 역사는 200년 이상이 되며, 고치벌과에 관한 분류는 새로운 종이 계속 발표되면서, 재분류되여 새로운 아과(subfamily)와 새로운 속(genus)이 기재되였으며, 많은 종이 동종이명(동종이명)으로 정리되였다. 지금까지 기재(記載)되여 발표된 종은 13,000여종이 되며, 지구상에는 적어도 40,000여종이 서식하고 있다고 한다. 한국산 고치벌과에 관한 연구는 1931년 Cushman이 목포에 분포하는 3신종을 기재하여 발표한 것이 처음이며, 그후 Achterberg, Kim, Paik, Papp, Park, Shestakow, Stray´ Taeger, Watanabe등이 한국산 고치벌과에 관한 논문을 발표하였다. 따라서 지금까지 한국산 고치벌과에 관한 문헌을 수집하여 Achterberg와 Fischer의 분류체재에 따라 정리한 결과 31아과(subfamily) 110속(genera) 490종(species)이 되였다. 그리고 생물학적 방제를 위한 기초자료로 종마다 숙주(host), 분포구역(distribution), 산지(locality)을 기록하였다. Braconidae is insect of endoparasitoid and ectoparasitoid in noxious insects which give damage forest and crop, and contibute biological prevention against these harmful insects. According to Achterberg, the history of classification and biological research of Braconidae is over 200 years, and Braconidae has been reclassified as new subfamilies and genera due to report of new species, and the large number of species were classified as synonym. Braconidae inhabit at least 40,000 species in the world. Among them, only 13,000 species were reported with their description up to now. Three new species of Braconidae, which were distributed in Mokpo, were reported the first as Korean Braconidae by Cushman in 1931, and then Watanabe, Kim, Papp, Achterberg, Paik, Park, Taeger, Shenefelt, Shestakov, Stary reported about Korean Braconidae Therefore, Korean Braconidae were analysed from collected literatures about Korean Braconidae and reclassified using classificational method of Achterberg and Fischer, as the result, up to now 31 subfamilies, 110 genera and 490 species were distibuted in Korea. In addition, as basic materials for biological prevention, every species was recorded their host, distribution and locality.

      • 정신지체 학생에게 적용된 사회인지 재활프로그램의 성과와 한계

        조근숙,박중규 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2009 再活科學硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        많은 정신지체 학생들이 일정기간의 교육을 받은 후에도 사회의 구성원으로 통합되어 지역주민들과 상호작용 하며 그 역할을 다하며 살아가는 것에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이는 사회인지 기능에 따른 문제점이라 생각되어졌다. 이에 권정혜(2003)가 개발하고 Choi와 Kwon(2006)이 그 효과를 검증한 사회인지 재활 프로그램을 특수학교에 재학중인 정신지체 학생들에게 적용하여 사회인지 능력의 향상정도&#8228;사회기술의 향상 정도를 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 상주시에 있는 S정신지체 특수학교 고등학생·전공과 학생을 대상으로 대상자들의 생활연령과 사회적 요구에 맞게 일부 수정된 사회인지 재활프로그램을 16회기에 걸쳐 실시하였고, 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사회인지 재활프로그램은 정신지체 학생들의 사회인지 능력 향상에 있어서 유의미한 결과를 가져오지 못했다. 둘째, 사회인지 재활프로그램은 정신지체 학생들의 사회기술 능력 향상에 있어서 대인관계기능평가에서는 유의미한 결과가 나타났으나, 사회생활기술척도에서는 유의미한 결과가 나타나지 않았다. 이는 사회인지 능력이나 사회기술이 단기간에 향상되는 것이 아니라는 것을 보여주며, 학교와 가정이 연계된 교육적인 접근이 필요함을 시사한다. A number of mentally retarded students have a great difficulty interacting with members of the community and performing their roles as an adult. It is estimated that this is not because of the mental retardation but because of the problem with social cognition function they have. Accordingly, the degree of improvement in social cognition ability and social skill was investigated, by applying Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program- developed by Kwon Jeong-Hye(2003) and approved by Choi and Kwon(2006) - to the mentally retarded students in a special school. The purpose of this study is to prove the effect of Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program on the improvement of social cognition ability and social skill for the mentally retarded students. The specific purposes are as follows. First, does Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program improve the mentally retarded students' social cognition ability? Second, does Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program improve the mentally retarded students' social skill? In this study, Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program reorganized by chronological age and social needs was conducted 16 times among the students in mental retardation special school in Sang-ju. The results were as follows. First, Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program has no meaningful effects on the improvement of the mentally retarded students' social cognition ability. Second, Social Cognition Enhancing Rehabilitation Program has interactive effects by groups on the improvement of the mentally retarded students' social skill in terms of personal relationship skill evaluation. However, there are no significant interactive effects by groups in terms of social life skill scale. This indicates that social cognition ability and social skill cannot improve in a short period and that there is a need for educational approach connected with home and school.

      • 갑상설관 낭종에서 발생한 유두상암 1례

        고중화,박기현,이원석,박광화 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1996 아주의학 Vol.1 No.1

        Thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common developmental anomaly of the thyroid and the second most common pathology among childhood cervical masses. They present non-tender palpable mass on midline neck, and they are usually asymptomatic. The cysts are usually benign, but one percent of cases is associated with malignancy. From the world literature, 115 cases of malignant thyroglossal duct cyst are available for review. Despite aspiration cytology and the radiologic images, malignant thyroglossal duct cysts are usually comfirmed after surgery. The authors experienced a case of papillary carcinoma arising from the thryroglossal duct cyst without evidence of local invasion.

      • KCI등재

        한천, Sodium Alginate 및 Carrageenan첨가가 유과(부수게)바탕의 품질에 미치는 영향

        김중만,전예정,박효숙,송영애,백승화,김명곤 한국식생활문화학회 2005 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        This study was to evaluate effects of agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan on quality of Yugwa(Busuge) base. In the base preparation agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan were added 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0%(w/w), respectively. Volume, shape, hardness. color(L, a and b value), crude lipid content and sensory evaluation(taste and crispness) of the Yugwa base was measured. Volume of the base was higher than control in case of 0.1~0.5%(w/w) agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan, of which sodium alginate was the highest. Shapes were similar to control. Hardness and crude lipid content was decreased proportional to amount of addition of the three seesweed polysaccharides. the whiteness(L-value) was increased but the yellowness(a-value) and the redness(bvalue) decreased. Taste and crispness were increased in the case of 0.1~1.0%(w/w) of sodium alginate, but agar and carrageenan decreased.

      • Guinea pig의 腹腔動脈과 前腸間膜動脈에 관하여

        金鍾涉,朴重錫,曺台純 慶尙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        In order to investigate the variation in the pattern of origin of the celiac and the cranial mesenteric arteries, forty-four specimens (guinea pig) anesthetized by ethyl ether were heparinized and exsanguinated. Neoprene latex solution was injected into common carotid artery of thirty-two specimens for gross dissection. Twelve specimens angiography were prepared by injecting fifty per cent of barium sulfate solution into exsanguinated animals and then radiographed on a soft X-ray apparatus (Shimadzu Waltes 60). 1. The celiac artery and the cranial mesenteric artery were observed to be arosed mostly from a common trunk of the abdominal aorta, the celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(68.2%), but in three animals from thirty specimens an anastomotic branch was examined between the abdominal aorta and the celiac artery(6.8%). 2. The celiac artery and the cranial mesenteric artery were branched from separated origin of the abdominal aorta(31.8%), and an anastomotic branch was examined between the celiac artery and the celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(6.8%) in three animals from thirty specimens. 3. the hepatic artery was arosed from three different origin such as celiac artery branched from celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(45.4%), celiac-cranial mesenteric trunk(22.2%) and the celiac artery branched from the abdominal aorta(31.8%).

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