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        Feminist menstrual activism in South Korea(1999–2012)

        Jieun ROH Asian Center for Women's Studies : Ewha Womans Uni 2019 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.25 No.1

        한국사회에서월경이사회적담론으로등장한것은1990년대후반에서2000년대 초반 영 페미니스트들의 월경페스티벌 문화운동, 한국여성민우회의 소비자운동, 여성환경연대의 여성건강운동, 피자매연대의 급진적 환경대안운동 등 새로운 여성운동의 흐름 속에서였다. 본 연구는 특정 시기에 나타난 이들 활동이 최초의 한국의 월경 액티비즘의 역사적 사례로서 재평가될 필요가 있다는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 본 연구에서 월경 액티비즘은 집단적 사회 운동의 형태로서 월경 문제의 실천적 특성을 가시화하기 위한 용어로 사용한다. 이 시기 한국의 풀뿌리 여성 집단에 의해서 전개된 월경 액티비즘은 “대안 생리대 운동”을 중심으로 전개된 특징을 갖는다. 이들 사례들에서 제기된 월경 이슈는 소비자본주의의 지배와 남성중심적 성차별적 성문화가 월경의 젠더정치와 연결되어 있음을 드러낸다. 또한 월경 액티비즘은 여성의 몸 경험을 남성중심적 시각에서 해석하고 평가해 온 성차별적 가부장제적 의미체계에 대한 저항이자 여성에 대한 폭력과 성차별적인 사회적 문화적 인식과 관행을 비판하는 매개로서 작동했다. This study begins with questions about the politics of menstruation that have been unspoken and neglected issues in Korean feminist history. Menstruation first appeared in social discourse in Korean society, raised by a few women’s groups in the midst of the new feminist movement. This study examines three activities of the movement: the “Menstruation Festival,” “Pad Up–Down Campaign,” and “Bloodsisters Solidarity” for evaluation as historical cases of Korean menstrual activism, 1999–2012. It considers the strategies and differences in sociocultural contexts wherein concerns about menstruation converge with the feminist agenda. Characteristics of menstrual activism in Korea surfaced in issues pertaining to women’s health advocacy, Young Feminist cultural feminism, radical feminism and eco-feminism surrounding the “alternative menstrual pad” movement. These processes of the menstrual activism of grassroots women’s groups are examined here and reveal that the dominance of consumerism and the androcentric, gender-discriminatory culture are related to the gender politics of menstruation in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        아시아 여성들의 월경 관리 사례 연구

        노지은(Roh, Jieun) 한국여성학회 2018 한국여성학 Vol.34 No.2

        월경은 생물학적 특성을 바탕으로 하는 육체적 경험일 뿐 아니라 한 사회의 젠더체계가 작동하는 사회적 관계, 지식의 체계, 문화적 해석에 영향을 받는 몸 경험이다. 월경은 한편으로 생물학적 섹스로서 여성의 생리적 현상으로 ‘통제할 수 없는 몸’에 대한 개인적 위생 관리의 문제로 치부되면서, 다른 한편 월경 혐오와 월경 수치심은 사회적 젠더로서 여성의 정체성과 행위를 구성하는 사회 문화적 믿음과 실천과 결부되어 있다. 본 연구는 집단면접을 통해 아시아 지역에서 살고 있는 여성들의 월경 경험의 맥락으로서 월경 문화의 차이와 공통성을 살펴본다. 월경 관리의 핵심인 생리대의 사용이 단지 개인의 취향에 따른 선택이 아니라 월경하지 않는 몸으로 보이기 위한 월경 패싱 전략의 기술이며 월경하는 몸을 둘러싼 젠더화된 사회문화적 실천임을 드러내고자 한다. Menstruation is not only a physical experience based on biological characteristics, but also a bodily experience that is influenced by social relations, the system of knowledge, and cultural interpretation in which a gender system operates. While menstruation is regarded as a problem of personal hygiene management of ‘uncontrollable leaking body’ as a biological phenomenon of women, menstrual taboo and menstrual shame are gendered social practices that constitute women’s identity and behavior associated with cultural norms on menstruation. The purpose of this study is to reveal the gendered socio-cultural practices surrounding menstruation, menstrual body and management focusing on the choices of Asian women to use the menstrual product in the context of the menstrual culture in their society. The data in this study are based on group interviews of 17 women, in their 20s and 40s, from Asian countries who participated in the Ewha Global Empowerment Program(EGEP) held in 2014-2016 at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대∼1990년대 생리대 광고 담론과 여성

        노지은 ( Jieun Roh ) 한국여성사학회 2014 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.21

        이 글은 한국의 1970년대∼1990년대 생리대 상품화 과정에서 여성의 `월경`과 월경하는 `여성`이 시대적으로 어떻게 사회문화적으로 의미화되었는가를 여성잡지에 게재된 생리대 광고 담론을 통하여 살펴보았다. 이 시기 생리대 광고는 여성의 월경에 대한 공적 담론을 형성하는 하나의 매개로서 전통적 구속과 육체적 제약에서`해방된` `현대 여성`이라는 새로운 주체로 호명하면서 근대 가부장제적 자본주의 젠더 규범의 문화적 기제로서 작동한다. 1975년 우리나라에서 일회용 접착식 생리대가 상품 생산된 이래, 생리대 상품 광고는 한국 사회 문화에서 상품 사용자인 여성들에게 생리대 상품을 이해시키고 소비시키기 위한 치열한 가치 경쟁의 장이었다. 자본주의 기술의 발달로 이루어진 생리대라는 상품의 혁신 과정은 기적의 흡수력과 초박형 재질, 편리한 날개를 달고 생물학적, 역사적 시공간을 넘어 여성의 `자유`를 약속한다. 이전 세대 여성들이 마주했던 장애물들을 `초월`하여 활동적이고 독립적이고 용감한 여성이 될 수 있다고 `마법`을 건다. 그러나 생리대 광고는 월경하는 여성들의 불안과 수치스러움을 강조하면서 일반적으로 금기시되고 오염으로 인식되었던 월경을 신비화하고, 이상적인 여성다움의 이미지를 중개하는 역할을 담당해왔다. 여성은 비정상적이고, 불결하고, 건강하지 않으며, 자기보호가 필요하다는 메시지는 변하지 않는다. 여성을 새로운 소비자로서 창출하려는 자본주의 상품화가 여성의 월경 경험을 비가시화하고 타자화하는 가부장제적 가치 규범과 얽혀있는 지점들을 생리대 상품 광고는 보여준다. Since self-adhesive disposable menstrual pads were first commercialized in Korea in 1975, the menstrual product market has become a field of fierce “value competition,” as female consumers accept and consume the new concept of menstrual products in a Korean socio-cultural context. This paper aims to reveal critically the cultural taboo of menstruation that alienates women`s bodily experiences and women gender as inferior by analyzing menstrual product advertisements in a Korean women`s magazine focusing on 1970s∼90s. The innovation of menstrual products, made possible by the development of capitalistic technology, promises freedom for women from biological and historical time and space, with “miraculous” absorption, ultra-thin material, and convenient “wings.” The advertisements work “magic,” claiming that women can be active, independent, and brave by “transcending” the obstacles faced by women of previous generations. On the one hand, advertisements for menstrual products have played a role in developing and improving technology, while on the other hand mediating feminine images related to women`s menstruation. Advertisements for menstrual products, occasionally in the name of science, have mysticized menstruation, which has been generally considered a taboo and perceived as contamination, by emphasizing women`s anxiety and shame. There has been an unchanging message that women are abnormal, non-daily, unsanitary, and unhealthy, all due to menstruation, and thus need self-protection. Advertisements for menstrual products in Korea show the points at which the capitalistic desire to constantly turn women into capitalistic market consumers is entwined with patriarchal values and the norms that marginalize women gender.

      • Z세대를 위한 포토부스 애플리케이션 제안

        노지은(Jieun Roh),류한영(Han Young Ryoo) 한국HCI학회 2023 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2023 No.2

        Z 세대에게 사진을 찍는 행위는 일상을 기록하는 것을 넘어 자기표현, 놀이 등 다양한 의미가 있다. 사진으로 자신을 기록하고 표현하는 Z 세대를 ‘포토프레스 세대’라고 부른다. 포토프레스 세대는 일상에서 자연스레 포토부스를 이용하여 사진을 찍는 행태를 보이며 어느새 삶의 일부로 자리 잡았다. 포토부스는 새로운 콘텐츠 문화상품으로 각광받고 있으며 포토프레스 세대를 타깃으로 한 콘텐츠에 적합하다. 따라서 본 연구는 Z 세대의 특성을 반영하여 사용자 경험을 조사 후 포토부스 애플리케이션을 제안한다.

      • Prolonged presence of antibodies against the COVID-19 both in maternal and neonate’s sera

        ( Jieun Yoo ),( Jin Young Choi ),( Hyo Eun Kim ),( Seol Gi You ),( Sang Hoon Lee ),( Jun Woo Ahn ),( Hyun Jin Roh ),( Jeong Sook Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2020 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.106 No.-

        The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues, and more pregnant women are exposed to, infected, and giving birth with the COVID-19. We report the normal full-term spontaneous delivery in a woman who had been ever infected and recovered from the COVID-19 in South Korea. Immunologic investigations reveal the existence of antibodies against the COVID-19 in the maternal and neonatal sera. This case represents the possibility of passively acquired immunity against to the COVID-19 in neonate and/or vertical transmission of the COVID-19.

      • Clinical characteristics of young age onset gastric cancer in Korea

        ( Jieun Lee ),( Myung-ah Lee ),( In-ho Kim ),( In Hee Lee ),( Sang Yooung Roh ) 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer worldwide and more frequently detected in Asian countries including Korea and Japan. The incidence of young-age gastric cancer (GC) is increasing worldwide, but clinical behavior of young-age GC patients is not well established. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical features and outcomes of GC diagnosed at young-age population. Methods: Between Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2015, 163 patients diagnosed as early, advanced, recurrent, or metastatic GC were analyzed. Based on medical records, authors analyzed the clinicopathologic characteristics and survival outcomes including overall survival (OS), disease free survival (DFS), and progression free survival (PFS). Results: One-hundred and four patients (82.8%) patients were diagnosed as GC at their thirties; especially 81 patients (31.2%) patients were diagnosed over 35 years of age. Forty-one (25.6%) patients had familial history of cancer at first or second-degree relatives. Among 41 patients, 19 (46.3%) patients had familial history of GC. The ratio of early GC and advanced GC were relatively similar (47.2% vs. 52.8%, respectively). Among stage II and III patients, 45 patients received 5-FU based adjuvant chemotherapy and recurrence rate was 48.9%. Among patients diagnosed as recurrent or metastatic GC, recurrent GC patients showed relatively superior PFS and OS after cancer recurrence, compared to metastatic GC patients, but without statistical significance. Among metastatic GC patients, patients receiving palliative debulking surgery for ovary metastases showed superior PFS compared to patients who only received palliative systemic chemotherapy (p=0.021, PFS 7.7 vs. 3.37 months, respectively). Conclusions: Young age GC were commonly diagnosed attheir thirties, with preference of familial history for GC. The incidence of advanced GC in young age patients were higher compared to general patient population. Among recurrent GC patients, palliative debulking surgery might have role for superior survival outcomes. Considering relatively higher incidence for advanced GC, active surveillance among young age patients with familial history for gastric cancer is warranted.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of the Spillover of the Japanese Television on Professional Baseball in Korea

        ( Jieun Kim ),( Youngsue Han ),( Hyunjung Roh ),( Thomas Whelan ),( Jisun Park ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2023 스포츠사이언스 Vol.41 No.3

        This paper addresses the spillover effects of Japanese television on the development of professional baseball in Korea in the 1980s. The success of professional baseball in Korea was heavily influenced by Korea’s encounter with modernity from Japanese cultural influences. There was an unintentional dissemination of Japanese broadcast television into the Busan area in which was formed a cultural contact zone between Korea and Japan. The people in Busan could indeed watch Japanese professional baseball on television due to the proximity of Busan to the Japanese mainland. We will also draw on Foucault’s concept of heterotopia to help explain and contextualize certain elements of Japanese baseball broadcasting and their impact on Korean baseball. We will postulate the idea that heterotopia can emerge even in contact zones that can create a certain level of conflict alongside the role of the propagation of Japanese media and its provision of an exceptional space where what would be considered abnormal human and social behaviors were tolerated.

      • Topology Control in Cooperative Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

        Jieun Yu,Heejun Roh,Wonjun Lee,Sangheon Pack,Ding-Zhu Du IEEE 2012 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications Vol.30 No.9

        <P>Topology control is to determine the transmission power of each node so as to maintain network connectivity and consume the minimum transmission power. Cooperative Communication (CC) is a new technology that allows multiple nodes to simultaneously transmit the same data. It can save transmission power and extend transmission coverage. However, prior research work on topology control considers CC only in the aspect of energy saving, not that of coverage extension. We observe that CC can bridge (link) disconnected networks and therefore identify the challenges in the development of a centralized topology control scheme, named shape Cooperative Bridges, which reduces transmission power of nodes as well as increases network connectivity. We propose three algorithms that select energy efficient neighbor nodes, which assist a source node to communicate with a destination node: an optimal method and two greedy heuristics. In addition, we consider a distributed version of the proposed topology control scheme. Our findings are substantiated by an extensive simulation study, through which we show that the shape Cooperative Bridges scheme substantially increases the connectivity with tolerable increase of transmission power compared to other existing topology control schemes, which means that it outperforms in terms of a connectivity-to-power ratio.</P>

      • Topology Control for Increasing Connectivity in Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

        YU, Jieun,ROH, Heejun,CAO, Jun,PACK, Sangheon,LEE, Wonjun,DU, Ding-Zhu,HONG, Sangjin (Stephen) The Institute of Electronics, Information and Comm 2010 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS - Vol.93 No.4

        <P>We propose a novel topology control scheme that reduces the transmission power of nodes and increases the network connectivity, based on the fact that Cooperative Communication (CC) technology can bridge disconnected networks. Simulation results demonstrate that our scheme greatly increases the connectivity for a given transmission power, compared to other topology control schemes.</P>

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