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      • KCI등재

        A Study of the Content Validity of Reading Comprehension Tests in NMET II

        Zhen-Jie Liu,Ming-Hao Jin 대한언어학회 2018 언어학 Vol.26 No.4

        Liu, Zhen-Jie & Jin, Ming-Hao. (2018). A study of the content validity of reading comprehension tests in NMET II. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 26(4), 103-124. Based on Bachman and Palmer’s (1996) framework of task characteristics, this paper aims to compare the reading comprehension tests of the 2013-2017 National Matriculation English Test II (NMET II) with the requirements of the New Curriculum Standards and Testing Syllabus, in particular, concerning the content validity of the tests in terms of the characteristics of input and expected responses. The implications of this study are discussed for test designers, teachers, and students. The results show that reading comprehension tests from 2013 to 2017 basically meet the requirements of the New Curriculum Standard and Testing Syllabus and have a high content validity. In terms of the characteristics of input, the length, reading speed, and readability of comprehension passages are appropriate for students; however, the distribution of topics and genres in each year is uneven. In terms of the characteristics of expected responses, the wordings of questions and the design of question items are reasonable. However, the response type is mainly restricted to selected response questions (multiple-choice), and the measure of reading skills coverage is unbalanced.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Salinity on Strength Behavior of Cement-treated Dredged Clay at High Initial Water Contents

        Jie Yin,Wen-xia Han,Gui-zhong Xu,Ming-ming Hu,Yong-hong Miao 대한토목학회 2019 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.23 No.10

        This paper presents the experimental investigation into the effect of salinity on the strength behavior of cement-stabilized dredged clays as fills at high initial water contents. One source of dredged clay was dredged from Baima Lake of China. Specimens were prepared having different porewater salinities by blending the air-dried clays with NaCl solution at different salt concentrations. The prepared saline dredged clay specimens were thereafter adjusted to different initial water contents and blended with cement with different amounts. Unconfined compression tests were performed on cement-stabilized dredged clay specimens after 28-day curing. All tested specimens show strain softening behavior where the axial strain corresponding to the peak stress varies with amount of cement. Stress-strain curve for the specimen with lower salinity lies above on that of higher one. Initial water content has a negative effect on the strength of cement-treated clays while cement has a positive effect on the development of strength for cement-treated dredged clays due to the pozzolanic reactions. The presence of salt has an adverse influence on the obtaining of strength for cement-treated dredged clays because salt can inhibit cement from generating C-S-H and C-A-H. Unconfined compressive strength almost linearly decreases with the increasing salinity. A quantitative expression was presented to calculate the unconfined compressive strength for cement-treated saline dredged clays concerning the effects for initial water content, porewater salinity and amount of cement.

      • SCOPUS

        Effective online large-group teaching in health professions education

        Jie Ming Nigel Fong,Li Ping Marianne Tsang,Nigel Choon Kiat Tan,Daniel Salcedo,Kevin Tan 한국의학교육학회 2022 Korean journal of medical education Vol.34 No.2

        Online large-group teaching (OLGT), employed to reach a large group of learners in separate physical locations, allows asynchronous learning and facilitates social distancing. While online large-groups can be a powerful and resource-lean means of health professions education, it has challenges and potential pitfalls that may affect the learning process and outcomes. Through a sociomateriality framework, this article describes strategies for effective online large-group teaching in health professions education in three key strands. Firstly, to optimize learning, OLGT sessions should match learning needs with appropriate OLGT platforms, incorporate strategies to sustain learner attention, and accommodate learners of different abilities. Secondly, to develop a learning culture, OLGT must not only focus on cognitive aspects of learning but also build a community of practice, nurture digital professionalism and professional identity. Thirdly, we discuss the avoidance of pitfalls such as cognitive overload of both tutors and learners, technical issues and security risks, mitigating inequities in access to online learning, and the use of program evaluation to plan for sustained improvements. We conclude with a case vignette that discusses the challenges of OLGT and the application of the above strategies in a teaching scenario.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructure and Abrasive Wear Properties of Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Alloy Cladding Manufactured by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

        Jie-Hao Chen,Chih-Chun Hsieh,Pei-Shing Hua,Chia-Ming Chang,Chi-Ming Lin,Paxon Ti-Yuan Wu,Weite Wu 대한금속·재료학회 2013 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.19 No.1

        A series of Fe-Cr-C hardfacing alloys is deposited by gas tungsten arc welding and subjected to abrasive wear testing. Pure Fe with various amounts of CrC (Cr:C=4:1) powders are mixed as the fillers and used to deposit hardfacing alloys on low carbon steel. Depending on the various CrC additions to the alloy fillers,the claddings mainly contain hypoeutectic, near eutectic, or hypereutectic microstructures of austenite γ-Fe phase and (Cr,Fe)7C3 carbides on hardfacing alloys, respectively. When 30% CrC is added to the filler, the finest microstructure is achieved, which corresponds to the γ-Fe+(Cr,Fe)7C3 eutectic structure. With the addition of 35% and 40% CrC to the fillers, the results show that the cladding consists of the massive primary (Cr,Fe)7C3 as the reinforcing phase and interdendritic Fe+(Cr,Fe)7C3 eutectics as the matrix. The (Cr,Fe)7C3 carbide-reinforced claddings have high hardness and excellent wear resistance under abrasive wear test conditions. Concerning the abrasive wear feature observable on the worn surface, the formation and fraction of massive primary (Cr,Fe)7C3 carbides predominates the wear resistance of hardfacing alloys. Abrasive particles result in continuous plastic grooves when the cladding has primary γ-Fe phase in a hypoeutectic structure.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of the sintering technology on the properties of fired brick from quartz sands

        Jie-Guang Song,Fang Wang,Xiao-Bo Bai,Da-Ming Du,Yin-Yan Ju,Ming-Han Xu,Gang-Chang Ji 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2011 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.12 No.4

        River sands as low grade natural raw materials are used to prepare the fired brick to replace clay fired bricks, which aims to save land resources and use low grade natural resources to realize high cost performance. In this paper, the effect of sintering technology of bricks on their performance is discussed. The compressive strength of fired bricks is first increased and then decreased with an increase in the sintering temperature, the compressive strength of bricks prepared by the isostatic compaction shaping is higher than that of bricks prepared by the plastic shaping under the same conditions. The compressive strength of bricks reaches 28 MPa when sintered at 1150 oC by using a 20MPa isostatic compaction shaping method. The compressive strength of bricks is first increased and then decreased by prolonging the holding time, the compressive strength of bricks reaches 28.9MPa when sintered at 1150 oC for 2 h.

      • KCI등재후보

        일반논문 : 한,중 문헌에 등장하는 한자어 분류사의 통시적 연구 - 동물성 분류사의 대조를 중심으로-

        단명결 ( Ming Jie Dan ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2014 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        본고는 한국어와 중국어의 동물성 분류사(양사)1)(量詞) 중 ‘頭(두), 首(수), 匹(필)’의 변화와 교류 과정을 통시적으로 살펴보고 특히 이들 동물성 분류사(양사)들이 각 언어에서 어떤 명사부류와 결합하는지 종합적으로 검토하여 그 특징을 알아보고자 한다. 중국어 양사(분류사)는 3천년 이상의 유구한 역사를 거쳐서 발전되어 왔으며, 특히 동물성 양사(분류사)는 일찍이 전국시대부터 보이기 시작한다. 시대가 변하면서 잠깐 사용된 후 소멸된 양사(분류사)가 있는 반면 어떤 양사(분류사)는 일찍부터 고유한 사용법을 굳어져서 현대에까지 이어지기도 하였다. 양사(분류사)들이 결합하는 명사부류 유형도 확장되기도 축소되기도 하였다. 예를 들어 동물성 양사(분류사) ‘首(수)’는 한(漢)나라부터 당·송·원(唐宋元)시기까지만 물고기, 양에 쓰였고 그 후로는 동물을 세는 용법으로는 쓰이지 않은 것으로 보인다. ‘頭(두)’의 경우에는 한(漢)나라부터 아주 좁은 범주에서 사용되었지만, 위진남북조(魏晉南北朝)시기에는 매우 넓은 범주에 쓰였다가 그 후에 다시 사용범주가 축소되어 현대에는 작은 범주 영역의 전문 양사(분류사)로 쓰이고 있다. 이와 달리 ‘匹(필)’은 전국시대부터 지금까지 줄곧 비슷한 용법으로 사용되어 오고 있다. 한국어 한자어 동물성 분류사(양사)는 중국어에서 차용되었지만 명사와 결합하는 범주에 있어 많은 차이를 보인다. 중국어와 동형 한자어 동물성 분류사(양사)‘頭(두), 匹(필), 首(수)’의 시대별 용법을 살펴보면 이 세 가지 분류사(양사)에서 비슷한 공통점을 찾을 수 있다. 모두 삼국시대부터 차용되었고, 중세전기의 용법 범주가 조금씩 확대되어 중세후기에 전성기에 이르렀다는 점이다. 현대 한국어에서 한자어 동물성 분류사(양사)는 ‘두(頭), 필(匹), 수(首)’만 아직까지 사용하고 있지만 나머지 한자어 동물성 분류사(양사)는 거의 안 쓰이고 대신 고유어 분류사(양사) ‘마리’는 거의 모든 동물을 셀 때 쓰이고 있다. 본 논문은 한국어와 중국어 동물성 분류사(양사) 중 선택한 3가지 분류사(양사)에 대해 역사적 비교를 하여 이 3가지 분류사(양사)가 동일한 시기에 한국어와 중국어에서 각기 어떤 범주에서 사용되었는지 확인하고 두 언어의 동형 한자어 동물성 분류사(양사)의 차이점을 찾아보고자 한다. This paper is a historical research on the development process of Chinese animality quantifiers and Korean animality classification words “두”, “필”, “수”, made comprehensive research center of mutual influence on the relationship between them in order to classify words meaning of the expansion and reduction for. Chinese quantifiers has a history of over 3,000 years. Especially of animality quantifiers was be found from the Zhan Dynasty but some one was be used in a very short time and disappeared and some ones was be used on till today. For example, the ainimality quantifiers words ‘首’ was used when referring to the fish and sheep from Han Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty, but this kind of usage completely disappeared after Yuan Dynasty. Also the ainimality quantifiers words ‘頭’ and ‘匹’ have the similar situation. Korean Chinese characters animality classification words ‘頭’, ‘匹’, and ‘首’ borrowed from Chinese but the combination of the noun and the classification is very different from the Chinese. In this paper I will research the history of the development process of these three animality classification words and the difference between them.

      • KCI등재

        The role of ginsenoside Rb1, a potential natural glutathione reductase agonist, in preventing oxidative stress-induced apoptosis of H9C2 cells

        Hui-Jie Fan,Zhang-Bin Tan,Yu-Ting Wu,Xiao-Reng Feng,Yi-Ming Bi,Ling-Peng Xie,Wen-Tong Zhang,Zhi Ming,Bin Liu,Ying-Chun Zhou 고려인삼학회 2020 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.44 No.2

        Background: Oxidative stress-induced cardiomyocytes apoptosis is a key pathological process inischemic heart disease. Glutathione reductase (GR) reduces glutathione disulfide to glutathione (GSH) toalleviate oxidative stress. Ginsenoside Rb1 (GRb1) prevents the apoptosis of cardiomyocytes; however,the role of GR in this process is unclear. Therefore, the effects of GRb1 on GR were investigated in thisstudy. Methods: The antiapoptotic effects of GRb1 were evaluated in H9C2 cells by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, annexin V/propidium iodide staining, and Western blotting. Theantioxidative effects were measured by a reactive oxygen species assay, and GSH levels and GR activitywere examined in the presence and absence of the GR inhibitor 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the binding of GRb1 toGR. The direct influence of GRb1 on GR was confirmed by recombinant human GR protein. Results: GRb1 pretreatment caused dose-dependent inhibition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cellapoptosis, at a level comparable to that of the positive control N-acetyl-L-cysteine. The binding energybetween GRb1 and GR was positive ( 6.426 kcal/mol), and the binding was stable. GRb1 significantlyreduced reactive oxygen species production and increased GSH level and GR activity without altering GRprotein expression in H9C2 cells. Moreover, GRb1 enhanced the recombinant human GR protein activityin vitro, with a half-maximal effective concentration of z2.317 mM. Conversely, 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea co-treatment significantly abolished the GRb1’s apoptotic and antioxidative effects of GRb1in H9C2 cells. Conclusion: GRb1 is a potential natural GR agonist that protects against oxidative stresseinducedapoptosis of H9C2 cells.

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