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        자동차산업의 형성과 산업 정책

        여인만(Inman YEO) 역사비평사 2018 역사비평 Vol.- No.122

        This paper examines the establishment of the Korean automotive industry in the 1960s and 1970s in relation to the government’s industrial policy to enhance the automotive industry. In this period, the goal of industrial policy was basically import substitution industrialization of automotive industry. e policy direction for the goal was to achieve the automobile manufacturers’ economies of scale through entry regulation and to increase the proportion of parts produced domestically. The rst policy was the Automotive Industry 5-Year Plan of 1962, backed legally by the Automotive Industry Protection Act, is act limited the number of companies entering the automotive business. to achieve economies of scale. And it gradually led to increase the proportion of parts of domestic production. However, the policy failed to achieve the goal, due to the unsystematic policy tools and the ‘rent seeking’ strategy of the automobile assemblers. The long-term automotive industry enhancement plan of 1974 appeared in the process of trial and error to solve these problems of the 1960s. In this plan, an incentive system was established in which the assembler could invest boldly to achieve economies of scale and use domestic parts. As a result, it has become possible to produce vehicles using domestic parts, in the late of 1970s. However, not all goals of policy were realized as intended. Moreover, the side eects of the policy have led to the rationalization of the automotive industry in 1980s.

      • 장기불황기 일본의 고용형태 변화와 그 의미

        여인만 ( Inman Yeo ) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2022 일본연구 Vol.37 No.0

        본고는 1990년대 이후 일본에서 나타나고 있는 고용형태의 변화와 그 의미, 그리고 일본적 고용시스템의 변화 여부를 고찰하는 것이다. 분석결과 다음과 같은 점이 해명되었다. 첫째, 1990년대 이후 비정규직 고용 비율의 급상승은 1995년의 고용포트폴리오 구상에 의한 것이다. 둘째, 2010년대 중반 이후의 비정규직 고용 비율의 정체는 ‘다양한 정사원 제도’의 도입과 한계에 의한 것이다. 셋째, 1990년대 이후 ‘잃어버린 20’년 동안 비정규직 비율의 상승에도 불구하고, 제조대기업 정규직을 핵심영역으로 하는 ‘일본적 고용시스템’에 대한 영향은 제한적이었고, 이러한 현상은 2010년대의 다양한 정사원제도를 보급시키려는 정책에도 불구하고 크게 변화하지 않았다. 일본적 고용시스템의 향후 전개방향을 전망하기 위해서는 생산시스템과의 관계를 주목해야 한다. The This paper examines the changes between employment types and their implications that have occurred in Japan since the 1990s, and reviews whether there are any changes in the Japanese employment system. As a result of the analysis, the following points were clarified. First, the rapid rise in the employment rate of non-regular employee since the 1990s is due to the employment portfolio initiative in 1995. Second, the stagnation of the non-regular employment rate since the mid-2010s is due to the introduction and limitations of the ‘diversified regular employee system.’ Third, despite the rise in the proportion of non-regular employees during the “lost 20 years” since the 1990s, the impact on the “Japanese employment system” with regular employees in large manufacturing companies as its core area was limited. And, this phenomenon also did not change significantly in the 2010s despite the policies to spread the diversified regular employees systems.

      • KCI등재

        현대 일본경제사의 새로운 시도: 『일본경제의 역사』 현대 1·2권의 서평

        여인만 ( Inman Yeo ) 경제사학회 2019 經濟史學 Vol.43 No.2

        이 글은 이와나미서점에서 간행된 『일본경제의 역사』(전 6권) 중 현대를 대상으로 한 5권 및 6권에 대한 서평 논문이다. 5권은 1937년부터 1972년까지, 그리고 6권은 1973년부터 2010년까지를 각각 대상 시기로 하고 있다. 이 시리즈의 각 권은 대상 시기의 성장률 추이 및 그 요인을 분석하는 서장과 노동, 금융, 농업, 광공업, 상업 및 서비스라는 5개의 장으로 구성되어 있는데, 이는 성장회계를 의식하고 있기 때문이다. 기존의 시리즈와 비교할 때 이 시리즈는 일본경제사·일본경제론 연구자 이외에 노동경제학·공간경제학·국제경제학 등 근대경제학 분야를 전공하는 연구자가 다수 집필에 참여하고 있고, 현대 일본경제를 1972년을 경계로 고도성장기와 저성장기로 구분했다는 특징이 있다. 그러나 선행연구에 대한 이해가 결여되고 팩트 파인딩이 부족하여 현대 일본경제사 연구에 새로운 시각을 제시했다고 인정하기 힘들다. 근대경제학자를 위한, 근대경제학자에 의한, 1937-2000년간 일본경제에 근대경제학을 적용해 본 시리즈라고 할 수 있다. The History of the Japanese Economy, which consists of six volumes, was published in Iwanami Press in 2017. This paper is a review on 5 and 6 volumes for the contemporary Japanese economy. Volume 5 covers 1937 to 1972 and volume 6 covers 1973 to 2010, respectively. In both volumes, the introductory chapter analyzes the growth rate trend and its causes. And, Both volumes consist of five chapters: labor, finance, agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and services. Compared with previous research, these books have the following characteristics. First of all, the author’s major is not confined to in Japanese economic history, but include various fields of theoretical economics such as labor economics, spatial economics, and international economics. Next, the contemporary Japanese economy was divided into the post-1972 high growth period and the pre-1972 low growth period. However, it is hard to admit that these books have given new knowledge to the study of contemporary Japanese economic history due to the lack of review of previous studies and the lack of historical fact finding. These books, written by and for theoretical economists, can be said to have applied economic theory to the Japanese economy from 1937 to 2000.

      • 운영체제 지원 종료에 따른 사회적인 보안 위협에 대한 벤더와 정부의 역할에 대한 연구

        김인만 ( Inman Kim ),오태원 ( Taewon Oh ) 한국정보처리학회 2016 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        최근 벤더의 운영체제 지원 종료에 따른 보안 문제와 그로 인한 개인 정보 침해등 피해가 발생 되어 전세계적으로 문제가 대두되고 있다. 세계 각국이 벤더와 연장 지원 계약을 하는 등 발빠른 대처를 하고 있으나, 근본적인 문제의 해결은 아직 미흡한 실정이다. 이를 위해 사용자, 벤더 그리고 정부가 운영체제 지원종료로 인한 사회적 문제에 대한 인식이 필요하며, 특히 운영체제를 생산 및 공급하며 지원의 의무를 가지는 벤더와 사회의 안전에 대한 책임을 갖는 정부의 역할에 대해 연구하였다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Axial Spondyloarthritis: Current Advances, Future Challenges

        ( Robert D Inman ) 대한류마티스학회 2021 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a chronic inflammatory joint disease with a predilection for the spine. It affects young adults and has the potential to have a major impact on quality of life, not only because of the chronic pain and fatigue, but also because of the potential for marked disability related to spinal ankylosis. Early detection of axSpA remains a major challenge, for which there is a heightened sense of urgency since it has been shown that earlier intervention with biologics can alter the progression of radiographic change in the spine. Advances in the genetics of axSpA have highlighted a number of candidate genes conferring susceptibility to the disease, but there is evidence of environmental factors playing a role as well. Recently studies in both clinical and experimental axSpA have implicated alterations in the gut microbiome as playing a key role, and the immunology of the gut-joint axis is becoming better understood. The unmet needs which are shaping the research agenda include improvement in early case identification, sensitive and specific biomarkers which could accurately reflect disease activity and severity, improved understanding of the common pathways of inflammation in the skin, eye and gut in axSpA, and novel therapeutic targets which could have curative potential. (J Rheum Dis 2021;28:55-59)

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 회계학 연구 : 현황과 개선방안

        송인만 ( Song Inman ) 한국회계학회 2018 회계저널 Vol.27 No.5

        우리나라 회계학 연구는 연구 환경의 성숙으로 말미암아 더욱 활성화되고 있다. 본 연구는 회계학 연구의 경쟁력을 강화하기 위한 몇 가지 개선방안을 제안한다. 먼저 연구가 회계실무에 도움이 되도록 실무문제를 많이 다루기를 제안한다. 특히 회계투명성 개선방안으로 도입된 여러 제도의 효과성을 검증하고 우리나라 회계환경에 필요한 새로운 조치를 제시하는 연구를 수행할 수 있을 것이다. 연구결과의 수용성을 증진시키기 위해서 개념적 틀이 명확해야 한다. 필요하다면 이를 경제학이나 사회학 등의 다른 분야에서도 찾아보도록 노력해야 한다. 또한 대부분의 연구가 준실험연구임을 고려할 때 인과관계의 설정과 외생변수의 통제가 적절한지 검토해야 한다. 특히 연구자들이 그들의 연구에 사용하고 있는 통계기법을 충분히 이해해야 한다. 마지막으로 연구결과 이용자들과의 의사소통을 특별히 강조한다. 연구결과를 이용자들에게 이해하기 쉽도록 전달하고, 연구의 한계점을 명확히 제시해야 한다. 회계학 연구의 국제적 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해서는 외국의 연구자들이 우리나라 회계학 연구에 관심을 갖도록 하는 방안을 모색해야 한다. 앞으로 우리나라 회계학 연구가 국제적으로 널리 인정받고, 연구의 결과가 우리나라 고유의 회계문제 그리고 나아가서 국제적인 회계문제의 해결에 도움이 되는 시대가 열리기를 기대한다. Korean accounting researches have been boosted rapidly along with our matured accounting research circumstances. Nonetheless, this paper raises a few suggestions to revitalize the competitiveness of our accounting researches. First of all, this paper suggests that there should be more accounting researches dealing with accounting practical problems. Specifically, we have to evaluate the effectiveness of those procedures which have been introduced to improve Korean accounting transparency. Moreover, researchers have to seek more effective procedures which are suitable to our culture. Conceptual frameworks need be more clear to improve the acceptability of research results. If necessary, we have to seek these frameworks from other areas such as economics or sociologies. Since most of researches are quasi-experimental, concrete casual relationship and proper control on exogenous variables are necessary. Specifically, researchers need to fully understand the meaning and implication of statistical methods they are employing. Also, communication between researchers and users should be smoother. Researchers should deliver their research results in a simple and understandable manner and also clearly indicate the limitations of their researches. Lastly, this paper stresses that to establish an international reputation of Korean accounting researches, we have to find a way to attract foreign researchers‘ attention.

      • 資産再評價의 動機와 再評價情報의 株價反應

        宋寅萬,鄭영基 成均館大學校 韓國産業硏究所 1994 韓國經濟 Vol.20 No.2

        This paper examines the motives of 46 Korean firms to revalue their assets and the effects of their asset revalution decision on stock prices for the period of 1987-1992. The results show that firms revalue their assets to improve financial position(measured by equity-to-total asset ratio) as well as to exapnd dividend pool by increasing owner's equity, which is permitted under the Asset Revalution Law in Korea. Upward stock price movement in the cumulative average residuals prior to the announcement date is observed, and the price movement is closely correlated with firms' current financial position as well as the size of their dividend pool. Fron the analysis it is concluded that the asset revalution system is utilized primarily to improve firms' financial position, which can not be the main purpose of the Asset Revalution Law.


        Active shape change of an SMA hybrid composite plate

        Daghia, Federica,Inman, Daniel J.,Ubertini, Francesco,Viola, Erasmo Techno-Press 2010 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.6 No.2

        An experimental study was carried out to investigate the shape control of plates via embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. An extensive body of literature proposes the use of SMA wires to actively modify the shape or stiffness of a structure; in most cases, however, the study focuses on modeling and little experimental data is available. In this work, a simple proof of concept specimen was built by attaching four prestrained SMA wires to one side of a carbon fiber laminate plate strip. The specimen was clamped at one end and tested in an environmental chamber, measuring the tip displacement and the SMA temperature. At heating, actuation of the SMA wires bends the plate; at cooling deformation is partially recovered. The specimen was actuated a few times between two fixed temperatures $T_c$ and $T_h$, whereas in the last actuation a temperature $T_f$ > $T_h$ was reached. Contrary to most model predictions, in the first actuation the transformation temperatures are significantly higher than in the following cycles, which are stable. Moreover, if the temperature $T_h$ is exceeded, two separate actuations occur during heating: the first follows the path of the stable cycles; the second, starting at $T_h$, is similar to the first cycle. An interpretation of the phenomenon is given using some differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) measurements. The observed behavior emphasizes the need to build a more comprehensive constitutive model able to include these effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        Active shape change of an SMA hybrid composite plate

        Federica Daghia,Daniel J. Inman,Francesco Ubertini,Erasmo Viola 국제구조공학회 2010 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.6 No.2

        An experimental study was carried out to investigate the shape control of plates via embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. An extensive body of literature proposes the use of SMA wires to actively modify the shape or stiffness of a structure; in most cases, however, the study focuses on modeling and little experimental data is available. In this work, a simple proof of concept specimen was built by attaching four prestrained SMA wires to one side of a carbon fiber laminate plate strip. The specimen was clamped at one end and tested in an environmental chamber, measuring the tip displacement and the SMA temperature. At heating, actuation of the SMA wires bends the plate; at cooling deformation is partially recovered. The specimen was actuated a few times between two fixed temperatures Tc and Th, whereas in the last actuation a temperature Tf > Th was reached. Contrary to most model predictions, in the first actuation the transformation temperatures are significantly higher than in the following cycles, which are stable. Moreover, if the temperature Th is exceeded, two separate actuations occur during heating: the first follows the path of the stable cycles; the second, starting at Th, is similar to the first cycle. An interpretation of the phenomenon is given using some differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) measurements. The observed behavior emphasizes the need to build a more comprehensive constitutive model able to include these effects.

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