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        『天地瑞祥志』의 역사적 의미와 사료적 가치 : 撰者에 대한 재검토와 『高麗史』 所引 記事 검토

        김일권 한국고대사학회 2002 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        In this paper I analyzed the historical meaning and the significance of Chenjj-Seosangji, a Chinese astronomical text written in A.D. 666 during the time of the Tang dynasty. Despite its Chinese origin it has been used in ancient Japan for interpreting astronomical, atmospheric and geographical phenomena. Though the book was written during the Tang dynasty, its existence and its title was not known in China until now. Instead, up to now, it has been mentioned in the Japanese historical records from 9th century to 16th century. Also, the text had been printed and transmitted by the Japanese. Other than Japanese records, I have discovered parts of the Chenji-Seosangji's contents recorded in the Koryo-sa (The History of Koryo) which presents evidence for its authorship. It is apparent that the Koryo astronomers had also used this text for interpreting astronomical phenomena at that time. In a recent article published in a Korean academic journal (1999), a new argument had been presented that Sal Su - jin (薩守眞), the author of Chenji-Seosangji was not a Chinese, but a Korean, a person of the Silla dynasty. However, in this paper I present a new argument by analyzing the problem surrounding the author in various ways-his identity, his social position, and authorship. In conclusion, I have shown that the author of Chenji - Seosangji is an astronomical chief officer (Tae-sa, 太史) of Nan-dae (蘭臺) or Tae-sa-guk (太史局) , the astronomic observatory office of the Tang dynasty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        A rare case of spontaneous live unilateral twin tubal pregnancy with both fetuses presenting with heart activities and a literature review

        ( Chang-ihll Kim ),( Tae-yeem Lee ),( Sung-taek Park ),( Hong-bae Kim ),( Sung-ho Park ) 대한산부인과학회 2018 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.61 No.2

        Ectopic pregnancy is an extrauterine pregnancy, and 98% of which occur in the fallopian tube. The incidence of twin tubal pregnancy is rare but is increasing due to assisted reproductive technology. Spontaneous unilateral twin tubal pregnancy is extremely rare, and only a small number of case reports have been made. We herein report a rare case of spontaneous unilateral twin tubal pregnancy with both fetuses presenting with heart activities and a literature review. Right salpingectomy was performed in this case. Pathologic and histologic assessment confirmed the 2 distinct pregnancies in the same tube. The twins were dichorionic and diamniotic.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        양한대의 오행론적 세계관에 따른 오교 의례 고찰

        김일권 ( Ihll Gwon Kim ) 중국사학회 2003 中國史硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        In this Paper, 1 studied on the Five Rural Sacrifice Rituals developed in Han dynasty period, which are important for understanding how the Five Changes Thought is applied to national process of rituals. The rituals are sacrificed to what we called O-dge in Chinese wu-di, the Five Heavenly Emperors, being believed as the governing gods against five directions : the east Blue emperor, the south Red emperor, the west White emperor the north Black emperor and the middle Yellow emperor. They are corresponded to wood, fire, metal (or iron), water and earth respectively based on the Five Changes Theory. In those days, however, the O-dge are not regarded as directional deities in the earth like later understanding, but are sacrificed as the Superme Being reigning over the heaven. This fact is a very important and difficult problem. Because their concept of Superme Being is plural. To solve these difficult problems, they provided for the aspect of the open-close relationship. In opening aspect the Five Emperors are regarded as plural superme deities, but otherwise in closing aspect they are regarded as a single deity of totality In this case they are called Shangti as the Heavenly Prime God. The former is pluralism or polytheism, the latter is monism or monotheism. As this, though it is obvious they are five beings, in that they are managed to a single deity without complete separation, 1 would like to contrast with so called kathenotheism or henotheism developed in the ancient Hindu myth tradition. 1 thought that`s a very interesting and important point of view in understanding ancient Chinese way of thinking about god or heaven. A new Supeme Being is introduced into the national systems of rural sacrifices during the period of Emperor Hanwudi (r. 141-87 B.C.). The god is named Taj-yi, meaning literally the big one symbolizing the north polar star regarded as the cosmic center· He is the supreme god sacrificed to the prime ritual serving Heaven. As a result of that, the O-dge are retired from the main deity on the rural rituals and became assistants to the Tai-yi god. After this, the O-dge are reborn as the guarding gods receiving holy spirits or vitality from five directions in the Five Suburban or Rural Sacrifice Rituals in Later Han dynasty. This new ritual system is initiated by a Confucian politician Wang-mang (B.C.45-A D.23). In this system the O-dge are boiled as each a main sod governing each directions and each seasons, as it were natural orders.

      • KCI등재

        김시습과 조선 초기 도교의 天文思想

        Kim Ihll-gwon(김일권) 한국도교문화학회 2001 道敎文化硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        In the history of Korean self-cultivation tradition, the practitioners of the early Choson dynasty developed their doctrines and theories of cultivation into what is called "Danhak", a method of cultivation based on the Daoistic philosophy of Choson. We can, first of all, approach the philosophy of Danhak using the thoughts outlined in the works of Kim Si-sup (1435-1493) of early Choson. As scholars have mentioned, he is seen as a pluralistic theorist who studied not only Confucianism but also Buddism and Daoism. In relation to Daoism, his text of "Maewoldang-jip" contains many Danhak principles of cultivation written from the aspect of astronomical cosmology. It is noteworthy that he had cited the parts of "Jinmoo-Kyung(眞武經)" and "Yonsaeng-Kyung(延生經)", Daoistic texts of China. These texts have come to be regarded as an important part of the Daoist canon and been used by the "Sokyokseo", the Government Daoistic Office of the early Choson. It is recorded in the part of rites of "Kyonggukdaejeon(經國大典)" that the "Yonsaeng-Kyung(延生經)", "Taeihll-Kyung(太一經)", "Okchu-Kyung(玉樞經)", "Jinmoo-Kyung(眞武經)" and “Yongwang-Kyung(龍王經)" and other texts were used in the test for electing the officers of Sokyokseo. This fact is important in the better understanding of the astronomical ideas of Choson Daoism for which we have little data. "Jinmoo-Kyung" is one of the Daoistic canons that described the northern deity, called "JinMoodaeje(眞武大帝)", the Dark Warrior, one among the Four Deities including the Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Phoenix. It's contents readily reveal to us the pantheon and the worldview of the astronomical cosmology of the early Choson Daoism. Next, "Yonsaeng-Kyung" contains a belief system of the Northern Dipper that was popular among the populace and often worshipped in the Korean temples up to present time. Originally known as "Bookdoobonmyung-yonsaengjing-Kyung(北斗本命延生眞經)", it describes an astrology where the worshippers of the Big Dipper can pray for help and longevity. This paper shows this life lengthening thought was used in explaining the principles of Danhak as expressed in Kim Si-sup's writings. As above, we are able to discern the theoretical tendency of the early Choson Daosim and note the canonical groundings from the fact that Danhak ideas of Kim Si-sup were closely related with the Daoistic canons which the "Sokyokseo" regarded highly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • 지역산업체 정보망구축을 통한 “토탈 산학협력 시스템” 개발에 관한 연구

        이정일 ( Jeong-ihll Lee ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2000 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        In line with modern requirement, it is very desirable to make use of cyber space effectively in the management of firms, but it is extremely difficult to practice this in small firms. And also a new system of industrial-academical cooperation is required to carry out it effectively and to settle its actual problems. Our college established exclusive information network system through Internet to make it possible for firms to use cyber space properly and our college also developed the total system for industrial-academical cooperation to settle the essential difficulties or industrial-academical cooperation. This system called KITTI NET (domain name) contains only firms in the northern part of Kyung gee Do. At present, this system contains 200 firms, and plans to contain 500 new firms a year. Now industrial-academical cooperation is made in 14 cases of 4 parts and firms and professors positively respond to this cooperation.

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