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      • 성견 대퇴골에 매식된 Titanium Plasma Spray 및 Hydroxyapoatite 피복임프란트 주위의 골치유 양상

        허남기,정현주 전남대학교 치과대학 1995 전남치대논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        The effect of the hydroxyapatite coatings on Titanium implants has been the subject of recent investigations. So far, the use of HA coating remains substantially controversial. This study was aimed to evaluate histologically the bone healing patterns around titanium plasm sprayed(TPS) and HA-coated implant after implantation into the femur neck of ten adult dogs. After implantation, animals were sacrificed at the intervals of 2,4,6,8 and 12 weeks. The fluorescent dyes were injected on the postoperative 4th and 12th week into the animals supposed to be sacrificed at the 12th week. The morphology and direction of new bone formation was similar in both TPS and HA-coated implants. There was a tendency toward more bone formation in the cortical bone area than in the cancellous bone area. Histologically, in the interface of the HA-coated implants, bone response and bone maturation was faster, compared to the TPS implants in the 2nd and 4th week. By fluorescent microscopy, new bone formation was active in the 4th week around both implants and was directed from the periosteum overlying cortical bone to the cancellous bone. These results suggest that the bone formation and maturation is faster during the early healing stage in the interface of the HA-coated implant and where the cortical bone quality is poor, HA coated implant is superior to the TPS implant in the early phase of new bone formation.


        Hyum, Jai Sun 서울대학교 1963 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        含水量 14.5%의 玄米 3kg 式이 들어 있는 깡통(높이 26cm, 直徑 15cm) 4 個中 3 個에는 1000頭의 쌀바구미를 實驗初에 넣고 남은 한個는 對照區로 바구미를 넣지 않았다. 깡통은 28℃의 恒溫器에 넣고 12週間을 通하여 壁에 뚫은 上中下 3個의 小孔을 通하여 每週 玄米를 採取하여 含水量, 微生物의 胞子數, 20g中의 쌀바구미 成蟲數 그리고 採取된 玄米 100粒中에서 羽化하는 成蟲數等을 調査하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 實驗區 玄米 含水量은 쌀바구미에 依하여 增大되며 下層일수록 높았다. 2. 實驗區 玄米내의 곰팽이數는 對照區에 比하여 極히 많으며 含水量의 增加, 쌀바구미의 活動과 密接한 關係가 있다. 3. 實驗區內의 곰팽이數는 下層에서부터 增加하기 始作하여 漸次 上層으로 進行한다. 4. 對照區와 實驗區는 玄米內의 곰팽이의 種類에 差가 있다. 즉 實驗區에서는 初期에는 Aspergillus repens A. restrictus A. flavus 等이 重要한것이나 A. Candidus는 거의 全期間을 通하여 優占種으로 많았으며, 中期以後에 그 數는 大端히 增加한다. 實驗後期에는 特殊한 Penicillum spp.가 增加하였다. 5. 쌀바구미는 含水量을 增加시키어 微生物의 繁殖을 間接으로 돕고 直接胞子를 運搬한다. Polished rice a moisture content of 14.5% was stored in four tin-plate cylinders, 26cm. in height and 15cm. diameter, each of which held 3kgs. of grain. Three of them infested 1000 adults of Sitophilus oryzae L., and one was free from weevil infestation as a control. The cylinders were kept at 28℃. Samples of rice were withdrawn through small holes on the wall of cylinder periodically, and measured were the moisture content, fungus population, and count the number of weevil in 20 grams of grain and the emerged adults from 100 grains in a sample. The moisture content of grain increased greatly at the bottom level in weevil infested cylinders; 41.55% after 12 weeks, while it was 12.2% at the same level in the control. The moisture content of grain in weevil infested cylinders was greater than the control in all levels. The number of mold colony increased greatly in the experimental grain. There was some change in the kind of mold species as the moisture content of grain had increased. A. repens, A. restrictus and A. flavus were the dominant species in the earlier part of experiment shortly after the experiment started. Upward movement of weevil was found as the grain deteriorated, and increased the number of mold colony in upper grain. The moisture content of grain in the control decreased and same in number of mold colony. Moisture content of grain was less in upper grain than the lower grain in all cylinders.

      • KCI등재

        특집 논문- 종교와 미디어 : 종교와 문자: 상대 종교적 매개로서 갑골문의 본질과 기능

        임현수 ( Hyum Soo Lim ) 한국종교문화연구소 2015 종교문화비평 Vol.27 No.27

        이글은 중국 상왕조의 갑골문을 종교적 매개의 관점에서 조명하였다. 갑골문은 상왕조의 문자로서 점복과 불가분의 관계를 형성한다. 상왕조의 점복은 국가 제도로서 주요 의사결정에 활용되었다. 상왕조의 점복이 지닌 특징은 점복의 시말을 문자를 이용하여 기록하였다는 점이다. 이러한 문자 기록은 점복이 시행된 갑골 표면에 칼을 사용하여새겨졌다. 이글은 단순한 물음에서 출발하였다. 상왕조에서 점복의 전말을 문자로 기록한 의도는 무엇일까. 문자가 종교에 끼친 영향은 무엇인가. 종교는 문자의 힘에 어떻게반응하였는가. 이러한 물음에 대하여 본고는 다음의 입장을 취하였다. 첫째 상왕조에서문자는 신언(神言)의 해독 능력을 시각적으로 입증하고자 하는 점복 담당자들의 의도와결부된다. 둘째 상대 문자는 역사적 시간을 발생시킨 주요 원인이었다. 셋째 상대의 문자는 역설적으로 역사적 시간을 극복하는 동력이기도 하였다. 상대 말기 형성된 주제(周祭)는 역사적 시간을 해소하는 장치로서 기능하였다. 본고는 이러한 주제가 문자 없이는성립할 수 없었다는 점을 강조하였다. This article explores the meaning and the function of bone inscriptionsas a religious media in Shang dynasty. The oracle bone inscriptions areinseparable from the divination. This divination was a part of state system andused as decision making for the state policy. The whole processes of thisdivination were written in scripts, carved with knives on the surface of turtlebones. I want to raise a simple question. Why is it written on the bone andfor what purposes? It is claimed the oracle bone divinations are for religiouscauses. How did these writings affect on religion and how was religionreacted on the inscriptions? The oracle bone divination is firstly related tovisualization of the divination of decipherer``s intentions, who were capable ofreading and interpreting the divine words. Secondly, the oracle hadconnections to creation of the historical time and thirdly to serveparadoxically to overcome and annul the historical time. The regularlyperformed rituals of the late Shang dynasty were served to a device toovercome and transcend the historical time. My arguments are all focused onthose “visualized” written inscriptions of divination.

      • HCC : PE-077 ; Primary adenosquamous carcinoma of the liver: A case report

        ( Gu Hyum Kang ),( Dae Young Kang ),( Byung Seok Lee ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.1

        Background: Adenosquamouscarcinoma is a rare tumor of the liver, which carries a poor prognosis. It has been reported mostly in form of case studies. From five hepatobiliary ASC for the past 10 years in our institute, one primary hepatic ASC was observed. We describe a case of primary hepatic ASC preoperatively diagnosed as CCC, and attempting to explore it clinicopathologically. Case: We experienced a case of primary adenosquamous carcinoma of the liver preoperatively considered as cholangiocelluar carcinoma (CCC) of the liver. MRI from our hospital showed 5cm sized lobulated mass with dilatation of peritumoral intrahepatic duct (IHD) in Left segment of the liver which was consistent with hepatic CCC and no evidence of any abnormal lymphadenopathy in significant size. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma as well as transitional area including the transformation of adenocarcinoma to squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusions: In our case, microscopically the tumor was composed of adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma as well as transitional area including the transformation of adenocarcinoma to squamous cell carcinoma. This is in accordance with the microscopic studies of four other hepatobiliary carcinoma of our institute. The adenocarcinoma component arising from the main biliary duct seemed to differentiate into the squamous cell carcinoma component.

      • KCI등재

        캐서린 패터슨의 『위풍당당 질리 홉킨스』와 『별과 같은 존재들』: 여성 언어의 치유와 융합능력

        송현희 ( Hyum Hee Song ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문학연구 Vol.44 No.2

        이 논문은 캐서린 패터슨의 『위풍당당 질리 홉킨스』와 『별과 같은 존재들』에서 여성 언어의 치유와 융합능력에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. 이 연구는 아동문학의 언어를 분석함으로써 아동 능력 회복의 중요성을 강조한다. 아동문학의 언어를 분석함으로써, 아동은 환상과 현실 사이의 과계를 조화롭게 유지시킬 수 있다. 이런 부석은 아동이 관계의 중요성을 이해하며 시작하면서 이것이 아동과 성인 사이의 조화로 이어지는 효과를 나타낸다. 여성언어에 대한 아동의 시작은 주제를 다양하게 확장시키고 인간에서 열린 결말로 인도한다. 그래서 여성언어는 인간과 자연사이의 치유 상황까지도 함축하고 있다. 결국 아동 언어는 감정이입을 하게 됨으로써 관계가 무엇인지 그 관계로 인한 결과가 무엇인지 깨닫도록 이끌어 간다. This thesis aims to present the Healing and Fusion Capacity of Feminine Language in The Great Gilly Hopkins, The Same Stuff as a Stars. This study put emphasis on the importance of the restoration of children to analyze the part of language in children′s literature. By analyzing the language in children′s literature, children can keep on their views of the harmonious relation between fantasy and reality. This kind of analysis can give children educational effect by showing them the importance of relationship. Children ′s literature begins with understanding of language and expected to draw the conclusion of the harmony between children and adults. Children ′s feminine language can give some perspectives and enlarged by the varieties of theme and open endings to human. Feminine Language connote the healing between human and nature. The empathy of children can have with language leads children to have what kind of relation will be and will be the result.

      • KCI등재

        Original Article : Prognostic Significance of p53, mTOR, c-Met, IGF-1R, and HSP70 Overexpression after the Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        ( Gu Hyum Kang ),( Byung Seok Lee ),( Eaum Seok Lee ),( Seok Hyun Kim ),( Heon Young Lee ),( Dae Young Kang ) The Editorial Office of Gut and Liver 2014 Gut and Liver Vol.8 No.1

        Background/Aims: The current study examines the expression of molecular biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and whether these findings correlate with the clinicopathologic features of the disease and patient survival. Methods: We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of p53, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), c-Met, and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) with the clinicopathologic features of 83 HCCs. Results: p53 expression was higher in the male patients with undifferentiated histological tumor grades, cirrhosis, and portal vein invasion. High 48 c-Met expression correlated with cirrhosis, and high mTOR expression correlated with the tumor grade and cirrhosis. High IGF-1R expression correlated with the tumor grade and cirrhosis. A multivariate analysis identified a significant relationship between the high expression of p53, tumor grade, and portal vein invasion. In addition, a high expression of mTOR was related to tumor grade and cirrhosis, and a high expression of HSP70 was related to portal vein invasion in a multivariate analysis. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve for patients with high versus low Edmondson grades and p53 expression was statistically significant. Conclusions: p53, mTOR, and IGF-1R expression correlated with the Edmondson tumor grade in a univariate analysis, while p53 and mTOR correlated with the Edmondson tumor grade in a multivariate analysis. In addition, the tumor grade was found to predict survival. p53 was primarily related to the clinicopathologic features compared to other markers, and it is a poor prognostic factor of survival. (Gut Liver 2014,8:79-87)

      • HCC : Prognostic Significance of p53, mTOR, c-Met, IGF1R and HSP70 Overexpression after Hepatic Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        ( Gu Hyum Kang ),( Byun Seok Lee ),( Dae Young Kang ) 대한간학회 2013 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2013 No.1

        Background: With new discoveries in cancer biology, the pathological and biological prognostic factors of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been studied extensively. Molecular biomarkers not only might predict prognosis for patients with HCC but also may provide targets for potential therapeutic agents. However, simultaneous study about variable molecular biomarker is rare in South Korea. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinicopathological significance of the expression of p53, mTOR, c-Met, IGF1R and HSP70 in surgically resected HCC. Methods: From the database of the department of pathology of Chungnam National University Hospital, 83 cases of radically resected HCCs from January 1999 to December 2011 were recruited for this study. Clinical information was reviewed respectively through electric medical records.We analyzed immunohistochemical expression of p53, mTOR, c-Met, and IGF1RB, HSP70 with patient clinicopathologic feature such as sex, age, liver cirrhosis, tumor size, Edmondson grade, microvascular invasion, portal vein invasion, hepatic artery invasion, and survival. Results: p53 was expressed higher in undifferentiated histological tumor grade (Edmondson G3/G4 vs. G1/G2), cirrhosis, portal vein invasion and male. High-expression of c-MET correlated with cirrhosis and high-expression of mTOR correlated with Edmondson grade, cirrhosis and high-expression of IGF1R correlated with Edmondson grade, cirrhosis. Multivariate analysis identified significant relationship between high expression of p53 and Edmondson grade, portal vein invasion. Additionally, high expression of mTOR related to Edmondson grade, cirrhosis and high expression of HSP70 related to portal vein invasion. The Kaplan Meier survival for patient with high vs low Edmondson grade (66.5% vs. 93.3%, P value=0.012) as well as p53 expression (63.0% vs. 85.6%, P value=0.058) was statistically significant. Conclusions: Correlation between molecular biomarker and Histological grade possibly account for pathogenesis of hapatocelluar carcinoma. Histological grade correlated with survival. Molecular markers such as p53, mTOR and IGF1R predict malignant behavior of HCCs. p53 and mTOR were independent prognostic indicators. Our result show p53 is most potent molecular predictor for carcinogenesis and malignancy from other markers. Further study is needed regarding HSP70 as a prognostic indicator.

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