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      • KCI등재

        Examining a causal effect of private tutoring in Korea: does private tutoring damage students’ self-regulated learning?

        Hyekyung Jung,Eun Hee Seo 서울대학교 교육연구소 2019 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.20 No.3

        Previous findings on the relationship between private tutoring and self-regulated learning are inconsistent. In this study, we assumed that the inconsistency of these findings was due to a combination of methodological issues, differing definitions of self-regulated learning and failure to account for the amount of time spent in private tutoring. The purpose of the study is to examine a causal effect of private tutoring on students’ self-regulated learning based on a social-cognitive perspective via the marginal mean weight through stratification method (MMW-S). We especially investigated if the effect of private tutoring varies depending on the quantity of private tutoring. Based on the hours of private tutoring per week, 3750 Korean middle school students were classified into six subgroups, and the population average causal effect of multivalued private tutoring was estimated with MMW-S. This finding indicated that private tutoring had a null effect on self-regulated learning across different levels of private tutoring, and no evidence was found that excessive private tutoring for academic subjects had a positive or negative impact on self-regulated learning. The findings imply that private tutoring itself neither progresses nor damages students’ self-regulated learning abilities.


        Cloning and Analysis of a Rat cDNA Encoding a Nuclear Factor 1 - like Protein ( NF1 - L )

        Hyekyung Jung,Kyu Jeong Ahn,Jong Sang Park 생화학분자생물학회 1993 BMB Reports Vol.26 No.4

        NF1 is a family of transcription factors found in many kinds of animal. A cDNA (NF1-L2) partially overlapping with the previously known NF1-L cDNA was found in screening a rat liver cDNA library with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. The clone NFl-L2 contained the missing 4 N-terminal amino acid residues including the Met translational initiator codon that were absent in the NF1-L cDNA sequence published previously. The clone NF1-L2 also included and extremely long 5` noncoding region in which multiple upstream ORFs were found. These short ORFs may be involved in translational regulation of NF1 ORF in some way. Results of Northern analysis indicate that the structure of NF1 transcripts in rat may be diverse and that several related genes may generate a large family of NF1 proteins.

      • Courtship and Poetic Authority in Katherine Philip's Female Friendship Poetry

        Hyekyung Jung Ewha Institute of English and American Studies 2019 Journal of English and American studies Vol.17 No.2

        This paper recounts the courtship strategy in Katherine Philips’s female friendships. Philips female friendship poetry has been read and related to either her lesbian desire or her political sympathies. Considering that friendship was regarded as a relationship for mutual benefits and advancements in the early modern period and considering Philips’s association with her friends in her coterie, “Society of Friendship,” however, female friendship poetry needs to be understood as a kind of literary strategy for establishing Philips’s own position in her coterie. In her poetry, Philips uses the Petrarchan sonnet convention, a literary convention of “a discourse of desire” for courtship, a rhetoric strategy to woo one’s beloved as well as a political strategy for courtiers during the early modern period. Philips employs the revised Petrarchan convention and courtship strategies, which indicates that she deploys this wooing rhetoric in her female friendship poetry. Therefore, this paper analyzes Philips’s female friendship poetry to argue that Philips establishes her authority as a poet within her society by employing her revised version of the sonnet convention and the idea of courtship. First, the paper examines how Philips employs courtship strategies in her female friendship poetry, representing herself as a Petrarchan writer-lover and forming love and friendships with her female friends. Compared to conventional one-sided Petrarchan love, Orinda’s relationship is mutual and can be understood as a Neoplatonic conceptual love association. In the second part, this paper deals with how Philips’s poetry creates an imaginary place with morals and virtues, and how her associations with her female friends become beneficial to both her and her society. In her friendship that resembles Neoplatonic conceptual love, Orinda’s virtuous female friends mirror Orinda herself, which makes both her and her female friends virtuous.

      • KCI등재

        국문장편소설의 유통 지형과 서지학적 과제 -판본별 서지 데이터를 중심으로-

        정혜경 ( Jung Hyekyung ) 우리어문학회 2021 우리어문연구 Vol.70 No.-

        본고는 판본별 서지 데이터를 한데 모아 분석함으로써 국문장편소설의 유통 환경과 지형을 입체적으로 조감하고자 하였다. 이를 통해 국문장편소설사에서 인지도가 높고 오랜 생명력을 유지한 작품군을 찾고, 유통 환경과 구조에 따라 달라진 국문장편소설의 위상과 전개 과정을 살필 수 있었다. 지금까지 발굴된 판본별 서지 데이터는 필사본 1,106편, 활자본 67편, 석인 본 1편으로 그 총량이 1,174여 편에 달했다. 국문장편소설사에서 예외적으로 풍부한 필사본을 남긴 작품은 <현씨양웅쌍린기>, <유씨삼대록>, <옥린몽>, <창란호연록>, <유효공선행록>, <명주기봉>이며, 굴곡진 유통사에서 가장 다채로운 채널과 플랫폼을 확보한 작품은 <옥린몽>이었다. 이들 작품이 보유한 필사량과 유통 채널은 작품의 인지도, 생명력, 장르의 전변 과정 등을 탐색하는 근거가 된다는 점에서 유의미하다. 94%의 이본이 필사본으로 유통되었으며, 작품별 필사량을 확인한 결과 25% 안팎의 작품이 소설사를 주도한 것으로 나타났다. 연작형 소설의 경우 후속편이 전편의 흥행에 미치지 못하는 소포모어 징크스를 보였다. 아울러 작품의 길이와 필사량은 상관성이 떨어지는 등 필사시 작품성과 흥미성 등 다른 요인이 우선 고려된 정황이 포착되었다. 18세기 중엽부터 국문장편소설은 책쾌와 세책점을 통해 영토 확장에 나갔다. 현존하는 세책본은 35종으로 추산되며 세책 시장에서도 연작 지향성이 강한 장르적 특질을 확인할 수 있었다. 19세기 후반 고소설이 주도한 활자 인쇄 시장에서 국문장편소설은 큰 영향력을 발휘하지 못했다. 1913년 <옥린몽>과 <임화정연>을 시작으로 7~11종이 출간되었을 뿐이다. 이러한 출판 환경 속에서 긴 생명력을 보인 작품은 <하진양문록>이며, 시장에서 잘 팔린 작품은 <임화정연>이었다. 활자본으로 탄생한 작품은 영웅 서사와 부부 갈등/애정 문제를 다룬 활자본 DNA를 가진 것들인데, 이들은 새로운 독자층의 기호에 맞게 당시 유행하던 영웅소설 또는 기봉류계 소설과 더 가까운 형태로 변모하는 양상을 드러냈다. 국문장편소설은 출판시장의 다변화 전략의 하나로 1915년과 1925년 사이에 주로 발행되지만, 1930년대 이후부터는 그마저도 위축되고 1956년에 <하진양문록>을 끝으로 활자본 국문장편소설사는 막을 내렸다. 유통 환경의 변화는 국문장편소설의 향유 구조와 방식에도 영향을 미쳤다. 특히 세책 시장은 거대한 국문장편소설의 스토리 월드를 집합적으로 소비할 수 있는 향유 환경을 제공함으로써 새로운 시장가치와 팬덤을 형성해낸 의미가 있다. 그러나 80여 종 가까이 되던 작품은 세책본으로 가면서 절반 가까이 줄었고 활판 인쇄 시장에서는 1/5로 감소했다. 이는 19세기 중후반부터 새로운 작품을 시장에 내놓은 위험성 대신에 대중성이 확보된 작품을 지정 선택하여 유통한 결과였다. 이러한 유통 구조는 국문장편소설의 영토를 축소하고 장르적 기반을 흔드는 요인 중 하나로 작용했다. 그런데 장르적 위기는 19세기 중엽 이후 창작량이 급감한 때부터 응축된 것이다. 상층에 기반을 두고 성장한 장르의 고유한 미감과 특질이 태생적 한계로 작용하면서 점차 독자의 흥미를 끌지 못했던 것이다. 방대한 판본별 서지 데이터를 끌어모아 거기에 담긴 의미를 해독하는 일은 장르의 현재성을 확보하고 미래를 탐색하는 과정으로써 의미가 있다. 이 과정에서 발견한 서지학적 과제는 서지 연구의 한계를 극복하고 새로운 연구 방향을 모색하는 토대가 될 것이다. This study would stereoscopically see the entire view of the topography of the distribution of Korean full-length novels, collecting and analyzing bibliographic data by version. Through this, it was possible to excavate groups of works that had high awareness and maintained a long life force in the history of Korean full-length novels and the position and flow of Korean full-length novels that differed depending on the distribution environment and structure. The bibliographic data of Korean full-length novels by version excavated until now, including various lists and advertisements are 1,106 manuscripts, 0 commercial wooden printing edition, 67 printed books, and 1 stone seal edition, 1,174 in total. The works that left exceptionally rich manuscripts in the history of Korean full-length novels are Hyeonssiyangungssangninki, Yussisamdaerok, Okrinmong, Changranhoyeonrok, Yuhyogongseonhaengrok, and Myeongjugibong. In the series of novels, there was Sophomore Jinx in which the volume of different versions of subsequent books decreased. Meanwhile, the correlation between the length of the works and the volume of transcription decreased. Novels for lending created new market values and formed fandom of full-length novels by providing an environment of enjoyment in which readers could consume the story world of Korean full-length novels collectively. 7-11 printed books were published, starting with Okrinmong and Imhwajeongyeon in 1913. They were intensively published between 1915 and 1925, but since the 1930s, the vigor was discouraged, and there was no more publication after Hajinyangmunrok in 1956. Printed books were circulated after modification/summarization for the readers’ preferences and tastes, centered around full-length heroic novels or full-length family novels that dealt with marital conflicts and eccentric encounters. Changes in the distribution environment also affected the structure of Korean full-length novels and the method of the enjoyment of them. The number of works which had been about 80 halved works decreased to nearly half as they moved to novels for lending, and reaching printed books, the volume was reduced to one-fifth. Since the mid-to-late-19th century, Korean full-length novels tended to selectively designate and distribute the works with popularity guaranteed, instead of the risk of putting new works on the market. This enjoyment structure worked as a factor reducing the vitalization of enjoyment by reducing the domain of Korean full-length novels and weakening active enjoyment. Collecting bibliographic data by version and interpreting meanings in them has significance as an attempt to seek a new research direction. This is because the bibliographic tasks discovered in the process of collecting and organizing bibliographic data can open up the way to overcome the limitations of the research utilizing bibliographic data and fill up the gaps in bibliographic research.

      • KCI등재

        A Between-School Design Approach in Multi-Site Evaluations of Programs Involving Eligibility Cutoffs

        정혜경(Hyekyung Jung) 한국교육평가학회 2012 교육평가연구 Vol.25 No.2

        기초수준 미달 학생 지원 정책의 일환으로 도입된 학력 향상 중점학교와 같이 교육정책 혹은 지원 프로그램들을 배정하는데 있어 특정 수준 이상 또는 이하의 자격조건에 근거하는 경우가 많다. 이처럼 비실험연구 중에서도 자격조건을 결정하는 분할점을 기준으로 교육 프로그램이나 정책 수혜 대상을 선정하는 경우 이에 대한 인과효과 추정을 위한 유사 비교집단을 구성하는 데 어려움이 따른다. 본 연구는 이러한 상황에서 선정기준(예, 기초수준 미달 비율) 정보를 활용하여 분할점 주변의 비교집단을 활용하는 학교간 설계 및 분석 방법을 소개하고, 읽기에 어려움을 겪는 장애 아동을 대상으로 제공된 읽기 처지 프로그램 효과 분석 사례를 통해 학교간 설계ㆍ분석 방식의 유용성을 논의하였다. 아울러 이와 같은 비실험연구 상황에서의 인과효과 추정 시 프로그램 대상 목표 집단, 관심 모수치, 자격조건과 실제 참여 정도의 중요성을 강조하였다. Assigning education services targeting certain subpopulations often involves eligibility cutoff points (e.g., School for Improvement policy). However, challenges arise in evaluating the causal effects of such programs, because there are insufficient comparable comparison groups due to the predetermined eligibility criteria. This study suggests a between-school design strategy entailing the use of control schools that just missed a school-level eligibility criterion. The basic idea is to attempt to approximate a cluster-randomized design for treatment and control schools by focusing on subsets of comparable schools close to the school-level cutoff point. Data from an evaluation of a reading intervention for elementary students with disabilities in a large school district were used for illustrative purposes. This study discusses an approach combing a design and analysis strategy based on an array of factors, including careful consideration of the target populations, the treatment effects of interest, the degree of the association between the eligibility criterion and actual participation.

      • KCI등재

        애니메이션에서 관찰되는 분할화면에 대한 연구

        정혜경(Hyekyung Jung) 한국애니메이션학회 2012 애니메이션연구 Vol.8 No.4

        이논문은 영화와 애니메이션 비선형 편집에서 나타나는 분할화면의 개념을 살펴보고 형태에 따른 구분과 내러티브적 역할에 대하여 논의한다. 영상화면에서 연출되는 분할화면은 각 프레임간의 상호관계를 내러티브에 접목시키며 프레임의 형태에 따라 그 상징과 의미를 가지고 있다. 애니메이션은 영화와는 달리 한 콤마씩 촬영하는 제작특성 상 애니메이션만이 연출할 수 있는 분할화면의 형태와 또한 스토리텔링 역할의 가능성을 주목한다. 폴 드리센(Paul Driessen)은 그의 애니메이션 작품에서 자신만의 독특한 방법으로 분할화면을 연출하였다. 그의 작품분석을 통해 분할화면 형태의 다양성과 다중화면 프레임들 간의 시간과 공간의 경계를 초월한 새로운 내러티브의 구조를 제시한다. 본 논문은 영화적 해석에서 독립하여 애니메이션에서만이 표현할 수 있는 분할화면의 형태와 함축적 영상언어로서의 기능에 대해 서술하고자 한다. 폴 드리센은 단순히 전체 이야기 테두리에서 종속의 도구가 아닌 그 자체로서의 분할화면의 이미지텔링 가능성을 제시한다. 폴 드리센 분할화면 사례와 분석을 통해 실험적인 방법을 추구하는 작가주의 감독들에게 내러티브 전달의 다양성을 제시하고 예술적 이해와 응용에 도움을 주고자하는 것이 본 논문의 목적이다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of the split-screen in the non-linear editing of films and animations, and discuss the classification narrative roles according to the type. With the correlation between frames integrated into a narrative, the frame has its symbol and signification that varies depending on the type. Due to the nature of the animation production that is shot by one comma unlike film, it is worth noting there is the type that can be directed by animation only and the possibility as story telling. Paul Driessen has directed the split-screen in his animations in his unique way. This paper suggests the structure of new narrative transcending spatial and temporal boundaries between frames and the diversity of the split-screen types through the analysis of his animations. Furthermore this paper describes the split-screen types that be expressed only in animations independently from the interpretation from the viewpoint of films and its function as implicit film language.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서지 데이터로 본 국문 장편소설 -작품의 목록과 존재 양상을 중심으로-

        정혜경 ( Jung¸ Hyekyung ) 한국고소설학회 2020 古小說 硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to examine the overall topography of Korean classical novels by collecting and organizing its bibliographic data. Because the total amount of bibliographic data of the novel has increased, and many errors on previous studies has corrected. It is meaningful as the study that objectively complemented the history of the Korean long story. First, classical novels written in Korean were selected from among 1,500 works in Joseon Dynasty and its list was made. The total amount of works on the classical novel was approximately 103 works, including 65 existing works and 36 undiscovered works. Based on a work, 50% of the works are around 25.7 volumes, and the work of less than 30 books reaches 75%. There were only eight works of more than 70 volumes. However, based on the series, the length and volume of the work are doubled. Most notable is the fact that more works have been entangled in the series and derivative works than the researchers expected. Including undiscovered works, that figure is more then 80%. It shows that the genre has strong series orientation and great interaction between works. It contributed to build one world of stories. As writers and readers cross each other's roles when they read or created to the works, and the genre had a circular structure of production-connection-consumption. The characteristics of these novels are like the principle of trans-media storytelling. It is valuable in that it presents new possibilities for classical novels.

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