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        Huan Chen,Ye Wang 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        With its fast growing economy and huge population, China has become one of the most lucrative markets for luxury brands (Zhan and He 2012). In fact, China has surpassed Japan and become the No.1 luxury products spender in the world, accounting more than one-quarter of the global luxury brand expenditure (Artsmon et al. 2012). Chinese middle-class consumers thus have become important targets of luxury brands (Zhan and He 2012). However, China’s culture is different from Western cultures (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012), and Chinese luxury consumers have their distinctive characteristics (Buchwald, 2015). Therefore, Chinese luxury consumption may not follow the trends of Western world (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012). Previous studies have explored Chinese luxury consumers’ perceptions and receptivity of luxury brands in different cultural contexts (Bian and Forsythe 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Zhan and He 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Li, Li and Kanbelle 2012; Oswald 2010, Li and Su 2007; Wang and Ahuvia 1998). However, all those studies have only investigated luxury brands’ marketing strategies in traditional offline worlds. With the emergence of digital technology, luxury brands have started building presence in online world through different digital marketing strategies (Okonkwo 2009). Among all the digital marketing tools, social media marketing has become an increasingly important marketing communication weapon (Kim and Ko, 2012). While the luxury brands have widely accepted social media marketing, the academic research largely lags behind, Only limited number of studies have examined luxury brands’ social media marketing strategies (Tynan, McKechnie, and Chhoun, 2010; Kim and Ko, 2012). No study, to the authors’ knowledge, has been conducted to investigate luxury brands’ social media marketing strategies in connecting with Chinese consumers. In addition, previous studies on luxury brands marketing have conducted either quantitatively (Bian and Forsythe 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Zhan and He 2012; Wang, Sun and Song 2011; Li, Li and Kanbelle 2012) or qualitatively (Oswald 2010, Li and Su 2007; Wang and Ahuvia 1998) from either consumers’ or marketer’s perspective. In order to fill the research gaps, the current study is designed to explore the phenomenon with a mixed method by integrating both marketers’ social media marketing strategies and consumers’ interpretation of those marketers’ social media marketing in the contextof China. Specifically, a quantitative content analysis was conducted to examine marketers’ social media marketing strategies on a Chinese social media platform: WeChat; in the meanwhile, a qualitative study was conducted to explore Chinese female affluent consumers’ interpretations of those social media strategies transmitted via WeChat. Based on the research purpose, two overarching research questions were proposed: R1: Do Western luxury brand use social media platform of WeChat to build social presence, create self-presentation or interact with consumers? R2: What are Chinese female affluent consumers’ perceptions and interpretations of luxury brands’ social media marketing communication strategies via WeChat? Methodology The current study used a mixed methodological approach (Creswell 2014). Specifically, a quantitative content analysis (Krippendorff 2012) and a phenomenological study (Creswell 2012) were conducted to investigate luxury brands’ social media marketing communication strategies via WeChat and Chinese female affluent consumers’ perception toward those marketing communication strategies. Initial Findings Study 1 So far, 50% (N = 60) of the sample was analyzed. RQ1 asked about the luxury brands’ marketing communication strategies. The initial frequencies of each coded variable are reported in Table 1. Table 1. Frequencies of Coded Variables The results showed that more than half of the coded messages had images, showed products/brands in images or videos, provided event, discount and other promotional information, described products’ physical features and attributes, contained celebrities, sought action-based participation, and applied hyperlinks. The initial data suggest that a major use of social media in luxury brand advertising is to build the brand’s social presence by extensively using visuals. Images were found in 44 messages, and 25 of them used 6 or more images. Most of these images showed products or brands. Video also appeared in 14 messages. The initial results also suggest consumer interaction and engagement is restricted to the lowest level. The two major ways of interaction were hyperlinks and action-based participation. A close examination showed that these two were often used together. A hyperlink used anchor text that contained a call for action-based participation, like “read more,” “get the coupon,” etc. A lot of these actions related to consuming content, like reading, downloading or sharing, which is the lowest level of brand related-activeness on branded social media sites (Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit 2011).Additionally, product/brand information and physical features and attributes were frequently mentioned, suggesting that luxury brands use social media for information dissemination. WeChat has a large size of active users, and self-disclosure of information on social media can create a sense of close relationship (Kaplan and Haelein, 2010). High product quality, especially in terms of design and craftsmanship were frequently addressed, suggesting that that social media are used to communicate the nuances of brand’s social meanings. For example, some messages described the conceptualization of the design, the processing of handcrafting, and the meaning of the design, etc. These deeper meaning of a brand is often left out of traditional methods of advertising because of limited space or time. Celebrity was one of the major methods to create social meaning, suggesting that luxury brands use social media to leverage parasocial interaction between celebrities and consumers. Parasocial interaction refers to consumers’ perception of personal relationship with media personalities (Men and Tsai 2013). Among the sample messages, there were interviews with famous designers, advices and recommendations from celebrities about luxury brand and fashion, etc. These messages offer an opportunity for consumers to connect with celebrities, and subsequently, associate luxury brands with these iconic figures (McCraken, 1989). All in all, Western luxury brands largely use social media to build social presence, disseminate information, and communicate brand’s social meanings. Luxury brands frequently interact with audiences on social media but the level of consumer engagement is restricted. Study 2 The participants’ interpretations of WeChat provide a unique context and form a crucial referential framework for them to interpret luxury brands’ marketing communications on this particular social media platform. Specifically, the themes that emerged regarding those Chinese female affluent consumers’ perceptions of the social medium are an intimate friend vs. an everyday assistant, simple vs. complicated, and stickiness vs. interactivity; and, the themes regarding the participants’ interpretation of luxury brands’ marketing communications include inactive, conservative, and distance. Based on their own experiences of social media marketing and from consumers’ perspectives, the participants also provided insightful suggestions for luxury brands to improve their social media marketing to better connect with their consumers. Interpretation of WeChat An Intimate Friend vs. An Everyday Assistant According to the participants, their usage and composition of friends on WeChat has kept changing and evolving. At the initial stage of their usage, all the friends on WeChat were family members and close friends. At that time, WeChat constructed a small, closed, and intimate social circle for them to communicate, socialize, and entertain themselves and their WeChat friends in a carefree and relaxing way. In this sense, WeChat is like a good friend, who can accompany them and chat with them whenever they need him/her. Later, with the number of WeChat friends increasing and expanding, the composition of theirWeChat friends has also become complicated: different social relationships have been added to their WeChat friend list. Accordingly, based on the closeness and remoteness, they categorize their WeChat friends and communicate and socialize with them in a more cautious and delicate way. In this sense, WeChat has also changed to an office assistant who helps them to manage and maintain their social relationships. Simple vs. Complicated With the change of WeChat and the revolution of participants’ usage and experiences, in the life-worlds of the participants, WeChat has transformed from a simple chatting app to a multi-functional personal service hub. At the initial usage of stage, according to the participants, the major function of WeChat is a chatting app to communicate with their friends conveniently. Later, with more functions to be added to WeChat, WeChat has evolved to a complicated personal service hub to serve various personal and commercial purposes for the participants. Stickiness vs. Interactivity According to the participants, WeChat is a unique social media platform with high stickiness but low interactivity. The participants indicated that they use WeChat all the time, and they have to check their WeChat numerous times during a day. In other words, WeChat is considered as a high frequency social media app. In the meantime, the participants felt that WeChat is lacking interactivity when comparing to other social media platforms such as microblogging. They stated that the possible interactive activities on WeChat are very limited. In other words, in the life-world of the participants, WeChat is perceived as a less reciprocative social media platform. Interpretation of Luxury Brands’ Marketing Communication on WeChat Inactive According to the participants, the luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are less active than other brands’ public accounts. Those luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts post information less frequently and seldom interact with followers. This is actually put those luxury brands in a relatively negative marketing position on WeChat. The participants indicated that they follow many public accounts. Because the luxury brands’ public accounts are not very active, without constant reminder, the followers may gradually forget about those luxury brands’ public accounts and stop checking their accounts’ updates. Conservative In addition to be seen as inactive, the luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are also perceived to be conservative. According to the participants, compared to other brands, luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts are too serious, less interesting, and lacking entertainment. The participants felt that the luxury brands are very cautious and careful regarding their WeChat presence. Therefore, their WeChat posts are generally too conservative and formal, lacking creativity and uniqueness. As a result, the participants couldn’t remember any impressive and unforgettable post from those luxury brands’ WeChat public accounts.Distance In the participants’ eyes, the luxury brands are perceived to intentionally keep a certain distance from WeChat users. The participants felt that on the one hand the luxury brands are trying hard to connect with their consumers on social media, on the other hand, they are also trying to preserve their luxury brand image on this media platform by alienating general WeChat users. However, the participants felt it is not easy for luxury brands to achieve those two purposes successfully on WeChat. Suggestion of Luxury Brands’ Marketing Communication on WeChat Based on their perceptions and experiences of luxury brands’ social media marketing, the participants offered several insightful suggestions for luxury brands to improve their social marketing endeavors to better connect with their consumers. According to the participants, the most important marketing communication strategy via social media that luxury brands could adopt is to collaborate with opinion leaders (Katz and Lazarsfeld 1957) on social media to humanize, personalize, and entertainize their marketing communications. As the participants indicated, there are many successful and popular personal fashion public accounts on WeChat which have millions of loyal followers. Those personal fashion public accounts usually have unique styles and characteristics that are attractive to and well-liked by their followers. Compared to luxury brands’ official public accounts, those personal public accounts are perceived more humanized, personal, and closer to consumers. In addition, those accounts also have more flexibility to be creative and entertaining thus providing a better social media experience for luxury brands’ consumers. For luxury brands’ own public accounts on social media, the participants suggested that those luxury brands should become more active on social media by posting messages more frequently and constantly reminding consumers of their social presence. In addition, the participants think those luxury brands should be more adventurous on social media by being more creative and expressing more entertaining spirit.

      • KCI등재

        First-Principles Study of the Influence of Zirconium on the Diffusion of Uranium Defects in Uranium Dioxide

        Huan Wang,Yu Zou,Zhong Zhang,Kai-Yuan Wang,Huan An,Chang-Yong Zhan,Jun Wang,Jian-Chun Wu 한국물리학회 2019 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.74 No.8

        The migration properties of uranium vacancies and interstitials in zirconium-doped uranium dioxide are studied by using density functional theory (DFT) and the climbing-image nudge elastic band (CI-NEB) method. The strong correlations among uranium $5f$ electrons were described by using a spherically averaged Hubbard parameter. In the model, the zirconium atoms are introduced by replacing the uranium atoms at the nearest and the next nearest neighbor sites along the diffusion path of uranium defects. The doping with zirconium obviously reduces the migration barriers for defects in uranium dioxide. The effect of doping with zirconium on the diffusion of uranium defects decreases with increasing distance between the zirconium dopant and the uranium defects. Further, we investigated the lattice distortion and the electron transfer associated with the migration of uranium defects, and we analyzed the physical origin of the reduction in the migration barriers caused by zirconium doping.

      • Research of Book Positioning System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

        Huan Wang,Kai Wang 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Future Generation Communi Vol.8 No.5

        In order to meet the need of book management in smart library and achieve the positioning of perception node for book position, ZigBee wireless smart network technology is adopted to achieve the information interaction of book information and book management, and RFID technology is used to provide communication perception platform for monitoring book node. Least square method and RSSI (Received signal strength indication) are used to achieve the optimized 3d positioning for book node. The simulation result shows that the amount of calculation for the algorithm is small, whose positioning accuracy reaches 1.21%.


        Huan Chen,Ye Wang,Eric Haley 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        “Today I was persuaded to spend more than $200 on a lotion in Barneys. The price difference (between online and store) is $75. However, the store salesman told me that it is only few dollars way! I felt humiliated by the upscale society.” Lawrence, a 22 years old male Chinese who is an international undergraduate student studying marketing in a public U.S. university, posted the above status on his WeChat moments. With its fast growing economy and huge population, China has become one of the most lucrative markets for luxury brands (Zhan and He 2012). In fact, China has surpassed Japan and become the No.1 luxury products’ spender in the world, accounting more than one-quarter of the global luxury brand expenditure (Yousuf 2012). According to Bian & Company’s study (2016), $ 17.6 billion were spent on Chinese luxury market in 2015. In the past, the core Chinese luxury consumers are female middle-class and up-class consumers (Zhan and He 2012). In recent years, the faces of Chinese luxury consumers have gradually changed: more and more Chinese luxury goods buyers are males, and they actually spend more money on average than women do (Chen, 2016). In addition, the Chinese culture is different from the Western culture (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012). Accordingly, Chinese luxury consumption follows its own patterns and trends, which may not always resemble those of the Western world (Li, Li and Kambelle 2012). Previous studies have revealed unique characteristics of Chinese luxury consumers, in terms of motivations, for example, Mianzi (prestigious face) (Li and Su 2007; Wang and Ahuvia 1998), subcultures (Wang, Sun and Song 2011), public meaning (Wang, Sun and Song 2011), gift giving (Li and Su 2007), and reference groups (Li and Su 2007). All of those studies emphasized the cultural and social dimensions of luxury brands’ consumption. Given these distinctive characteristics of the Chinese market, Western luxury brands have made use of all possible communication methods to connect with Chinese consumers. One of the seemingly promising channels is the Internet. The Internet breaks down geographical and temporal boundaries (Kozinets 1999), and enables Western luxury brands to connect with overseas markets. Among all the digital advertising tools, social media have become increasingly important in the Chinese market (Kim and Ko 2012). In 2015 alone, there were 574 million active mobile social media users in China (Kemp 2015). Due to the large number of social media users, Western luxury brands, like Burberry (Phan, Thomas, and Heine 2011), have started practicing social media advertising (Okonkwo 2009). Accordingly, several challenges emerge. With the rising popularity of social media, Chinese consumers increasingly demand Western luxury brands’ social presence online. Looking at the bright side, social media allows Western luxury brands to show a desirable brand image (Okonkwo 2009; Tynan, McKechnie, and Chhoun 2010) and maintain customer relationship (Kim and Ko 2012). However, concerns about negative consumer comments and their potential impact on brand images (Britten 2013; Macnamara and Zerfass 2012; Singer 2014) loom large. Thus, it remains a question whether and to what extent Western luxury brands embrace the interactive media. Moreover, it is unclear how Chinese consumers perceive their social media advertising effort. In particular, how Chinese young males, the new market segment, interpret luxury brands’ social media advertising presence is an untapped research field. Thus, the purpose of this study is to fill the research gap by exploring how Chinese young male consumers understand and interpret luxury brands’ social media advertising. Given the exploratory nature of the study, a qualitative research approach is adopted (Creswell 2013).

      • KCI등재

        How Does Leadership Influence Follower Creativity? - The Role of Follower Identifications and Perceived Organizational Support -

        Wang Huan Huan,Zhang Hong Peng,Kim Jong Kwan,Lee Yun Kyeong 한국인적자원관리학회 2018 인적자원관리연구 Vol.25 No.5

        오늘 날 4 차 산업혁명으로 명명되는 기술적 융합과 디지털 신기술의 태동으로 인간의 노동을 대체할 수 있는 인공지능의 등장은 인간의 가치가 창의적인 사고에 있음을 다시금 깨닫게 하고 있다. 이와 같은 환경의 병화에서 많은 조직과 기업들은 창의적인 사고, 지식 공유 등을 통하여 고유한 가치를 개발하고 발전시키기 위해 노력하고 있다. 조직 내 창의성은 단순히 창의적인 개인으로 인하여 만들어 질 수 있는 것이 아니라, 구성원이 창의적일 수 있는 조직문화가 중요하다. 많은 연구에서는 리더의 역할이 조직문화 조성에 중요한 기반으로 보고 있다. 본 연구에서는 변혁적 리더십과 거래적 리더십의 개념 및 구성요소에 대한 명확한 설명을 토대로 팔로어의 창의성과 리더십의 관계를 검증하고자 한다. 기존에 연구된 리더십과 창의성의 관계에 팔로어의 정체성을 매개변수로, 지각된 조직지원인식을 조절변수로 하여 보다 포괄적인 관계를 알 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. 연구를 위해 중국 북경과 상하이의 기업을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 242 부의 설문지를 통계에 사용하였다. 가설검증 결과 변혁적 리더십과 거래적 리더십은 오두 팔로어의 창의성에 긍정적인 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 팔로어의 정체성이 리더십과 팔로어의 창의성의 관계를 매개하고 있으며, 리더십과 팔로어의 관계적 정체성은 지각된 조직지원인식에 의해 조절되고 있었다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 바탕으로 연구의 시사점, 한계점 및 향후의 연구 방향이 제시되었다. The importance of creativity to an organization and society is undeniable, simultaneously, leadership is a key factor affecting the creativity of followers within an organization. Based on the clarification of the concepts and dimensions of transformational leadership and transactional leadership, this paper examined follower identifications as a mediator and employees’ perceptions of organizational support as a moderator in the relationship between leadership and follower creativity. Using a sample of 242 employees who engaged in manufacturing working in Beijing and Shanghai, China, we found that most of our hypotheses were supported. Specifically, results showed that follower identifications mediate the positive influence relationship between leadership on follower creativity, and follower’s perceived organizational support moderate both transformational leadership and transactional leadership in the relationship with follower relational identification. Implications of the findings, Limitations of the study and directions for future research are discussed.


        Dynamic analysis of maritime gasbag-type floating bridge subjected to moving loads

        Wang, Huan-huan,Jin, Xian-long The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2016 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.8 No.2

        This paper studied the dynamic response of a new gasbag-type floating bridge under the effect of a moving load. The arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method was used to simulate the movement of seawater and air, and the penalty-based method was used to study the coupling between gasbags and fluid. A three-dimensional finite element model of the floating bridge was established, and the numerical model was verified by comparing with the experimental results. In order to prevent resonance, the natural frequencies and flexural mode shapes were analyzed. Based on the initial state analysis, the dynamic responses of the floating bridge subjected to different moving loads were investigated. Vertical displacements and radial deformations of gasbags under different loads were compared, and principal stress distributions of gasbags were researched while driving. The hinge forces between adjacent modules were calculated to ensure the connection strength. Besides, the floating bridge under wave impacting was analyzed. Those results can provide references for the analysis and design of this new floating bridge.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Dynamic analysis of maritime gasbag-type floating bridge subjected to moving loads

        Huan-huan Wang,Xian-Long Jin 대한조선학회 2016 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.8 No.2

        This paper studied the dynamic response of a new gasbag-type floating bridge under the effect of a moving load. The arbitrary Lagrangian- Eulerian (ALE) method was used to simulate the movement of seawater and air, and the penalty-based method was used to study the coupling between gasbags and fluid. A three-dimensional finite element model of the floating bridge was established, and the numerical model was verified by comparing with the experimental results. In order to prevent resonance, the natural frequencies and flexural mode shapes were analyzed. Based on the initial state analysis, the dynamic responses of the floating bridge subjected to different moving loads were investigated. Vertical displacements and radial deformations of gasbags under different loads were compared, and principal stress distributions of gasbags were researched while driving. The hinge forces between adjacent modules were calculated to ensure the connection strength. Besides, the floating bridge under wave impacting was analyzed. Those results can provide references for the analysis and design of this new floating bridge.

      • KCI등재

        Nitro-oleic Acid Decreases Transcription of the Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Gene in Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells

        Huan Wang,Hongsheng Ouyang,Yaping Tian,Zhuang Liu,Xiaolei Han,Xingxing Liu,Guangyao Ran,Gangqi Wang,Daxin Pang,Xiaochun Tang 한국생물공학회 2014 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.19 No.4

        Nitroalkene derivatives of nitro-oleic acid(OA-NO2) regulate pluripotent cell signaling in vivo underphysiological and pathological conditions. Angiotensin IItype 1 receptor (AT1R) plays an important role in thecardiovascular system. In this study, OA-NO2 reduced theAT1R mRNA level, specifically in primary smooth musclecells, showing a 70% reduction in rat smooth muscle cells(RASMCs) and a 50% reduction in pig smooth musclecells (PASMCs). These effects were not observed in CHOcells, which highly express AT1R. The AT1R mRNA decayrate was unchanged after OA-NO2 compared with OAtreatment. Nitric oxide (NO) and peroxisome proliferatoractivatedreceptor gamma (PPARγ) did not alter thereduced effects of OA-NO2 on the AT1R mRNA level inSMCs. However, Sp1-mediated activation of the AT1Rpromoter was reduced in response to OA-NO2 in RASMCsbut not 293T cells. In addition, the nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-κB) pathway was involved in the OA-NO2-mediateddownregulation of AT1R transcription in SMCs. Takentogether, our results demonstrate that OA-NO2 specificallyinhibits AT1R mRNA expression in primary smooth musclecells via the NF-κB pathway.

      • KCI등재

        Feeding and related morphology of salivary glands of Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera: Sciaridae)

        Huan-Huan Gao,Yi-Fan Zhai,Xue Cao,Xian-Hong Zhou,Zhong-Yan Wang,Fang Wang,Hao Chen,Yi Yu 한국응용곤충학회 2016 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.19 No.2

        The amount of Bradysia odoriphaga larval feeding at each developmental stage and the related morphology of salivary glands were investigated in this study. The amount of daily feeding in the third instar was greatest among all the developmental stageswhile the amount of cumulative feeding in the fourth-instar accounted for 53.56% of the total amount of larval feeding. The daily amount of feeding by B. odoriphaga during the whole larval stage peaked in the 8th and 14th day after hatching. The paired and transparent salivary glands of B. odoriphaga were characterized by two distinct regions: an anterior region and a posterior region. At the fourth-instar and pupal stage, the length of salivary glands decreased significantly compared with that of the third-instar, and the integrity of epithelium cytoplasm in the salivary glands also decreased markedly because of the formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles and degradation of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. We concluded that the decrease of daily feeding amount in the last instar was related to the structural change of salivary gland closely. The function of salivary glands in B. odoriphaga was mainly secretion of silk and cocooning-like materials during the last larval instar.

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