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      • KCI등재후보

        A Rerouting-Controlled ISL Handover Protocol For LEO Satellite Networks

        ( Wei Dong ),( Junfeng Wang ),( Minhuan Huang ),( Jian Tang ),( Hongxia Zhou ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2012 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.6 No.10

        In this paper, a rerouting-controlled ISL (Inter-Satellite link) handover protocol for LEO satellite networks (RCIHP) is proposed. Through topological dynamics and periodic characterization of LEO satellite constellation, the protocol firstly derives the ISL related information such as the moments of ISL handovers and the intervals during which ISLs are closed and cannot be used to forward packet. The information, combined with satellite link load status, is then been utilized during packet forwarding process. The protocol makes a forwarding decision on a per packet basis and only routes packets to living and non-congested satellite links. Thus RCIHP avoids periodic rerouting that occurs in traditional routing protocols and makes it totally unnecessary. Simulation studies show that RCIHP has a good performance in terms of packet dropped possibility and end-to-end delay.

      • KCI등재후보

        ATCS: An Adaptive TCP Coding Scheme for Satellite IP Networks

        ( Wei Dong ),( Junfeng Wang ),( Minhuan Huang ),( Jian Tang ),( Hongxia Zhou ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2011 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.5 No.5

        In this paper we propose ATCS, a practical TCP protocol coding scheme based on network coding for satellite IP networks. The proposal is specially designed to enhance TCP performance over satellite networks. In our scheme, the source introduces a degree of redundancy and transmits a random linear combination of TCP packets. Since the redundant packets are utilized to mask packet loss over satellite links, the degree of redundancy is determined by the link error rates. Through a simple and effective method, ATCS estimates link error rates in real time and then dynamically adjusts the redundant factor. Consequently, ATCS is adaptable to a wide range of link error rates by coding TCP segments with a flexible redundancy factor. Furthermore, the scheme is compatible with traditional TCP variants. Simulation results indicate that the proposal improves TCP performance considerably.

      • KCI등재

        The Feasibility of Using Biomarkers Derived from Circulating Tumor DNA Sequencing as Predictive Classifiers in Patients with Small-Cell Lung Cancer

        Yu Feng,Yutao Liu,Mingming Yuan,Guilan Dong,Hongxia Zhang,Tongmei Zhang,Lianpeng Chang,Xuefeng Xia,Lifeng Li,Haohua Zhu,Puyuan Xing,Hongyu Wang,Yuankai Shi,Zhijie Wang,Xingsheng Hu 대한암학회 2022 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.54 No.3

        Purpose To investigate the feasibility of biomarkers based on dynamic circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) to classify small cell lung cancer (SCLC) into different subtypes. Materials and Methods Tumor and longitudinal plasma ctDNA samples were analyzed by next-generation sequencing of 1,021 genes. PyClone was used to infer the molecular tumor burden index (mTBI). Pre-treatment tumor tissues [T1] and serial plasma samples were collected (pre-treatment [B1], after two [B2], six [B3] cycles of chemotherapy and at progression [B4]). Results Overall concordance between T1 and B1 sequencing (n=30) was 66.5%, and 89.5% in the gene of <i>RB1</i>. A classification method was designed according to the changes of <i>RB1</i> mutation, named as subtype Ⅰ (both positive at B1 and B2), subtype Ⅱ (positive at B1 but negative at B2), and subtype Ⅲ (both negative at B1 and B2). The median progressive-free survival for subtype Ⅰ patients (4.5 months [95%CI: 2.6-5.8]) was inferior to subtype Ⅱ (not reached, p<0.0001) and subtype Ⅲ (10.8 months [95%CI: 6.0-14.4], p=0.002). The median overall survival for subtype Ⅰ patients (16.3 months [95%CI: 5.3-22.9]) was inferior to subtype Ⅱ (not reached, p=0.01) and subtype Ⅲ (not reached, p=0.02). Patients with a mTBI dropped to zero at B2 had longer median overall survival (not reached vs. 19.5 months, p=0.01). The changes of mTBI from B4 to B1 were sensitive to predict new metastases, with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 85.7%. Conclusion Monitoring ctDNA based <i>RB1</i> mutation and mTBI provided a feasible tool to predict the prognosis of SCLC.

      • KCI등재

        The synergistic effects of cerium presence in the framework and the surface resistance to SO2 and H2O in NH3-SCR

        Yinming Fan,Wei Ling,Bichun Huang,Lifu Dong,Chenglong Yu,Hongxia Xi 한국공업화학회 2017 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.56 No.-

        Mn-Ce/CeAPSO-34 was prepared, in which cerium was incorporated in the SAPO-34 framework throughusing a one-step hydrothermal method, while manganese and cerium were supported on the surface bythe Ethanol dispersion method. The conversion of NOx in selective catalytic reaction with NH3(NH3-SCR)over Mn-Ce/CeAPSO-34 catalyst reached nearly 97.7% at 140 C and remained about 100% in thetemperature range of 160–240 C. Besides, the synergistic effects of cerium in the framework and thesurface on the resistance to SO2 and H2O in low-temperature NH3-SCR were investigated. The resultsdemonstrated that a strong synergistic effect existed in Mn-Ce/CeAPSO-34 catalyst, which showedoutstanding SO2 tolerance and H2O resistance. At the same time, the structural properties and possiblemetal-support interaction of the catalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, H2-TPR, XPS and TG-DSC. According to the characterization results, Ce could inhibit the deposition of NH4HSO4 on the surface ofthe catalysts and preferred to react with SO2, hence protecting the manganese active sites. Meanwhile,the theoretical results of DFT calculations suggested that Ce site supported on the surface neighbored byCe site in the framework was more capable of reacting with SO2.

      • KCI등재

        Transcriptional profiling reveals the molecular bases of immune regulation in Apis mellifera in response to Ascosphaera apis infection

        Bo Xu,Yingzhe WANG,Shixin ZHU,Haizhu ZHOU,Changlong GOU,Wenlong DONG,Yu Wang,Yunhang GAO,Hongxia MA 한국곤충학회 2019 Entomological Research Vol.49 No.1

        Chalkbrood, which results from Ascosphaera apis infection, is one of the bee diseases that causes serious damage to the bee colony. Understanding the molecular bases underlying immune response to chalkbrood disease would facilitate the genetic breeding of bees by selecting races with superior chalkbrood resistance. In this study, transcriptome sequencing was performed to identify genes and pathways involved in the immune response to As. apis infection in A. mellifera larvae. In total, 2,890 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (FDR < 0.001) were identified between the healthy and As. apis infected bee larvae, including 2,214 up‐regulated and 676 down‐regulated unigenes. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway classification of the DEGs revealed association with development, energy metabolism, signal transduction, disease, and immune response. Among the immune‐related genes, p38, toll‐like receptors (TLRs), integrin, and antimicrobial peptides were up‐regulated under As. apis infection. This study provides valuable gene transcriptional information towards the investigation of molecular mechanisms related to chalkbrood immune response and host pathogenesis in A. mellifera.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of abdominal acupuncture combined with routine rehabilitation training on shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke: A randomized controlled trial

        Zhan Jie,Ai Yirang,Zhan Lechang,Pan Ruihuan,Wang Yiqiao,Dong Cong,Wang Qiuchun,Chen Hongxia,Lu Liming,Li Mei 한국한의학연구원 2022 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.11 No.2

        Background: Post-stroke shoulder-hand syndrome (SHS) is a common complication after stroke. To date, there is still a lack of consistently effective and good patient compliance methods for SHS. Methods: Fifty patients with SHS were included in this study. Patients in the control group received rehabilitation training (RT) for 2 weeks; each session was 30 min, 1 time per day, and 5 times per week. Patients in the observation group were additionally given Bo’s abdominal acupuncture (BAA) with the same frequency and duration. The primary outcome was the change value in the VAS score from baseline to 2 weeks. The secondary outcomes measured were motor function of the upper limb, shoulder range of motion, ADL, and swelling volume. Results: Compared with baseline values, the mean VAS score at 2 weeks was reduced by 3.68 in the observation group and by 1.92 in the control group, with a difference between the two groups of 1.84 (P < 0.001); the mean MBI score at 2 weeks increased by 10.44 in the observation group and by 4.79 in the control group, with a difference between the two groups of 5.84 (P = 0.032); the mean swelling volume at 2 weeks decreased by 9.64 in the observation group and by 3.29 in the control group, with a difference between the two groups of 6.48 (P < 0.001). BAA-related adverse events were not found during the study. Conclusions: BAA combined with RT is superior to RT alone in improving shoulder pain, swelling, and ADL in post-stroke SHS patients. Trial Registration: ChiCTR2100045464 (www.chictr.org.cn).

      • KCI등재

        Proteome alterations of reverse photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice (Oryza sativa L.) at fertility transformation stage

        Zhen Chen,Han-lai Zeng,Haixia Li,Xueli Ma,Hongxia Dong,Dong Ma 한국유전학회 2014 Genes & Genomics Vol.36 No.6

        The two-line system has been widely used inhybrid rice seed production, and the reverse photoperiodsensitivegenic male sterile line is a new germplasm withan opposite phenotype compared with normal photoperiodsensitivegenic male sterile rice. To better understand themolecular mechanisms of fertility regulation in reversephotoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice, a comparativeproteomic approach was used to analyze the proteinprofiles of three different tissues (young panicles, flagleaves and leaf sheaths) of D52S during the sensitive periodof pollen fertility transformation under sterile and fertileconditions. By quantitative analysis, 66 protein spotswere identified to be significantly changed in the threetissues. Bioinformatics analyses revealed that in sterilerice, a number of proteins involved in lignin-flavonoidbiosynthesis pathway were down-accumulated in panicles. The majority of proteins associated with energy metabolismwere down-accumulated in leaf sheaths while theproteins up-accumulated in leaves and leaf sheaths wereexclusively photosynthesis and defense related. Based onthe proteomics data, a short-day induced male sterilityprotein network was proposed. In addition, the genes ofselected protein spots were further analyzed by qPCR. These findings provide data for better understanding theregulation of pollen fertility in reverse photoperiodsensitivegenic male sterile rice, which could assist in thedevelopment of practical reverse photoperiod-sensitivegenic male sterile rice for large-scale crop breedingprograms.

      • KCI등재

        Genome Sequencing Highlights the Plant Cell Wall Degrading Capacity of Edible Mushroom Stropharia rugosoannulata

        Guo Mengpei,Ma Xiaolong,Zhou Yan,Bian Yinbing,Liu Gaolei,Cai Yingli,Huang Tianji,Dong Hongxia,Cai Dingjun,Wan Xueji,Wang Zhihong,Xiao Yang,Kang Heng 한국미생물학회 2023 The journal of microbiology Vol.61 No.1

        The basidiomycetous edible mushroom Stropharia rugosoannulata has excellent nutrition, medicine, bioremediation, and biocontrol properties. S. rugosoannulata has been widely and easily cultivated using agricultural by-products showing strong lignocellulose degradation capacity. However, the unavailable high-quality genome information has hindered the research on gene function and molecular breeding of S. rugosoannulata. This study provided a high-quality genome assembly and annotation from S. rugosoannulata monokaryotic strain QGU27 based on combined Illumina-Nanopore data. The genome size was about 47.97 Mb and consisted of 20 scaffolds, with an N50 of 3.73 Mb and a GC content of 47.9%. The repetitive sequences accounted for 17.41% of the genome, mostly long terminal repeats (LTRs). A total of 15,726 coding gene sequences were putatively identified with the BUSCO score of 98.7%. There are 142 genes encoding plant cell wall degrading enzymes (PCWDEs) in the genome, and 52, 39, 30, 11, 8, and 2 genes related to lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, chitin, and cutin degradation, respectively. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that S. rugosoannulata is superior in utilizing aldehyde-containing lignins and is possible to utilize algae during the cultivation.

      • KCI등재

        Sorcin can trigger pancreatic cancer-associated new-onset diabetes through the secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as serpin E1 and CCL5

        Gong Jiali,Li Xiawei,Feng Zengyu,Lou Jianyao,Pu Kaiyue,Sun Yongji,Hu Sien,Zhou Yizhao,Song Tianyu,Shangguan Meihua,Zhang Kai,Lu Wenjie,Dong Xin,Wu Jian,Zhu Hong,He Qiaojun,Xu Hongxia,Wu Yulian 생화학분자생물학회 2024 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.56 No.-

        A rise in blood glucose is an early warning sign of underlying pancreatic cancer (PC) and may be an indicator of genetic events in PC progression. However, there is still a lack of mechanistic research on pancreatic cancer-associated new-onset diabetes (PCAND). In the present study, we identified a gene SRI, which possesses a SNP with the potential to distinguish PCAND and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), by machine learning on the basis of the UK Biobank database. In vitro and in vivo, sorcin overexpression induced pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. Sorcin can form a positive feedback loop with STAT3 to increase the transcription of serpin E1 and CCL5, which may directly induce β-cell dysfunction. In 88 biopsies, the expression of sorcin was elevated in PC tissues, especially in PCAND samples. Furthermore, plasma serpin E1 levels are higher in peripheral blood samples from PCAND patients than in those from T2DM patients. In conclusion, sorcin may be the key driver in PCAND, and further study on the sorcin-STAT3-serpin E1/CCL5 signaling axis may help us better understand the pathogenesis of PCAND and identify potential biomarkers.

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