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        보건전문가의 핵심역량

        백도명 ( Domyung Paek ) 대한보건협회 2016 대한보건연구 Vol.42 No.3

        보건학은 건강에 영향을 미치는 건강위험을 파악하고 관리하는 학문체계로서, 작게는 세포수준의 독성으로부터 크게는 국가나 지구생태 수준의 지속가능성에 이르기까지의 건강문제를 하나의 체계로 다루는 학문이다. 이러한 보건학을 교육시키는데 있어, 가르쳐야 할 핵심역량은 보건학에서 다루어야 하는 문제들의 성격에 비추어 그 해결 능력의 핵심적인 내용을 담고 있어야 한다. 이러한 점에서 그 동안 보건학에서 요구되는 문제의 해결능력은 문제에 대한 기술적 해결이나 제도적 개선을 넘어서 행동과 가치의 변화를 도모하는 문화적 접근에 이르기까지 확대되어 왔으며, 이는 결국 각 시대가 담당한 문제의 성격과 그러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 구축되어 온 사회적 기반의 발전정도에 따라 변모되어 왔다고 할 것이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 지금까지 서구 영미권 국가들의 보건전문가 핵심역량에 어떠한 내용들이 포함되었는지를 살펴봄으로써, 각 나라들마다 주로 현재 작동하고 있는 보건체계의 구축방식과 또한 각 국가별 보건분야에서 주목하고 있는 현안들의 차이를 살펴보고자 하였다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 한국에서 맞닥뜨리고 있는 보건문제들과 그와 관련된 사회적 기반에 비추어 한국 보건전문가에게서 요구되는 핵심역량을 건강위험의 관리에 필요한 자료 측정, 정보 평가, 지식 검증, 그리고 지혜 구현이라는 4 분야에 걸쳐 정리하도록 하였으며, 그에 따라 한국 보건학 석사들에게 기대되는 역할과 그에 필요한 핵심역량을 또한 제시하였다. Public health is a system approach to control and manage health risks that can range from toxic effects to cells to country-level or ecosystem threats to the sustainability. In the public health education, the core competencies refer to the essential knowledge and skills required for the problem solving process. Over the periods, core competencies of public health have evolved, beyond and above the technical services or institutional changes, to include cultural approaches in changing behaviors and values. These changes were brought in return in response to the changing characteristics of major challenges of a given time and the developmental levels of social infrastructures for problem solving. This study tried to examine and compare the contents of core competencies of public health professionals of developed countries, and thereby to figure out various modes of public health practices and major tasks as prioritized in different countries. Based on the review of different approaches, and also considering the major health problems and related social structures of Korea, the general outline of core competencies were proposed for the Korean public health professionals to cover the areas of data measurement, information assessment, knowledge validation, and wisdom embodiment in the management of health risks. Finally, the roles expected and essential core competencies required for the master degree graduates were also delineated.

      • KCI등재후보

        교대근무가 자동차 공장 근로자들의 건강상태, 가족 및 사회생활에 미치는 영향

        백도명,손미아,전형준,김용철,조은연,김지용 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Effect of shift work on worker's health, family and social life was investigated at a automobile manufacturing plant in Inchon. In total, 2488 shift workers and 599 non-shift workers completed self administered questionnaire in their sleep pattern, subjective gastrointestinal symptoms, prevalent chronic disease status, general well-being schedule, family and social life. More shift workers complained of sleep disturbance, poor sleep quality, tiredness at awakening, and sleepiness in work than non-shift workers. More shift workers also complained of gastrointestinal disturbance than non-shift workers. Worker's mental health was assessed by General Well-Being Schedule(GWB) questionnaire developed for the U.S. Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys(HANES I). The percentage of severely distressed shift workers was significantly higher than that of non-shift workers(P<0.01). Among subscores in General Well-Being Schedule, anxiety, depression, positive well-being, vitality, and general health subscale of shift workers were lower than those of non-shift workers(P<0.05). In terms of family and social life, there was no significant difference between two groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done for discrete variables which showed statistically significant difference between shift and non-shift group. The variables included in analysis were sleep disturbance symptoms, gastrointestinal complaints, and distress level calculated from GWB score. Age, tenure, smoking, alcohol. drinking, and exercise were adjusted as confounding factors and odds ratios for above symptoms due to shift work were calculated. Odds ratios(ORs) for sleep disturbance symptoms ranged from 0.52 to 3.59. ORs for gastrointestinal complaints ranged from 1.19 to 1.34 OR for distress level was 1.31. We concluded that shift workers are suffered from physical and psychological ailments due to shift work and interventional methods for preventing worker's health from adverse effects of shift work are needed.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업병유소견자들의 사후관리 실태에 관한 조사연구

        백도명,이원진,김대성 大韓産業醫學會 1993 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 직업병유소견자고 판정된 근로자들의 사후관리 실태 및 이들을 유발시킨 유해환경에 대한 개선여부를 파악하고, 이들 사후관리 실태에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석함으로서 바람직한 사후관리대책을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. 조사대상으로는 모 특수건강진단 기관에서 1991년도에 실시한 특수건강진단결과 직업병유소견자(D( ))로 판정받은 47개 사업장 104명의 근로자들로 하였으며 조사방법은 해당 사업장을 저자가 직접 찾아다니며 직업병유소견자 및 사업장 보건업무 담당자를 면접조사 하는 방식을 취하였다. 조사는 1992년 9월부터 1992년 12월까지 실시하였으며 조사내용들로는 1) 근로자 요인으로서 질환명, 근무년수, 월평균 봉급, 연령, 학력 등을 2) 사업장요인으로는 사업장의 규모, 업종, 노동조합 및 보건관리자의 유무, 지역, 해당 지방노동관서의 방문정도 등을 3) 사후관리의 내용들로는 근로자 조치 현황, 보건교육실시 여부, 요양신청 및 보상여부, 유해공정의 개선여부, 검진결과의 통보여부 등을 4) 그리고 현장 조사를 통해서 해당 근로자와 사업장 담당자들이 직업병유소견자 판정 및 사후관리에 관해 느끼는 문제점들을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 1991년도에 직업병유소견자 판정을 받은 104 명의 근로자중 판정 받기 이전 부서와 같은 부서에서 그대로 근무하는 경우가 50.0%로 가장 많았고 퇴사한 경우가 29.8%, 작업전환된 경우가 20.2%로 나타났다. 2. 조사된 47개 사업장중 직업병유소견자들이 근무하던 부서의 작업 공정이 개선된 사업장은 12.8%인 6개사에 불과하였으며 85.1%의 40개 사업장에서는 작업환경의 변화가 없었다. 3. 직업병유소견자 자신이 검진결과를 통보 받았다고 응답한 근로자는 64명(61.6%)이었으며 통보받지 못했다고 응답한 근로자는 23명(22.1%)이었다. 4. 요양신청이 이루어진 경우는 전체 47개 사업장 104명의 근로자등 15개 사업장의 39명(37.5%)에서 실시되었고 이중에서 보상이 이루어진 경우는 5개 사업장에 있어서 5명의 근로자들(4.8%)에서 이루어 졌다. 5. 직업병유소견자들의 사후관리 실태와 유의한 관련성을 보인 변수들은 사업장의 전체 근로자 수, 사업장내 노동조합과 보건관리자의 유무, 질병의 종류등이었다. Workers in hazardous workplace should receive periodic health examination and be treated or removed from the hazardous exposures depending on the screening result. However, not all workplaces can provide alternative jobs, and some workers are diagnosed repeatedly with the same disease in the periodic health examination. To examine the follow up state of workers with occupational diseases diagnosed in 1991 in the periodic health examination by one Health Examination Institute, all 104 workers diagnosed in 47 workplaces were interviewed from September to December 1992 about their disposition results. The summary of the results is as follows ; 1. Among 104 workers, 52 workers(50.0%) remained in same department, 31 workers(29.8%) resigned their job, 21 workers(20.2%) were transferred to different department. 2. Among 47 workplaces, only 6 workplaces(12.8%) changed their work environment while 40 workplaces(85.1%) had no such changes and one workplace(2.1%) was closed. 3. Among the respondents, 64 workers(61.6%) answered that they received their personal health examination report while 23 workers(22.1%) did not. 4. Among 104 workers, 39 workers(37.5%) had received further examination and finally only five workers(4.8%) were compensated for the disease. 5. In this study, follow up state of the workers diagnosed as occupational disease showed significant association with the presence of labor union, health nanager, number of workers and the type of diseases.

      • KCI등재후보

        건강한 한국 남성 근로자의 폐활량 예측치

        백도명,최정근,최병순,정규철 大韓産業醫學會 1994 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Lung Function test results can be influenced by race, socioeconomic status, and physical fitness. The choice of the most appropriate predictive equations should be based upon these considerations as well as age, sex, and body size. About 70% of Korean males smoke, and non-smokers can be a selective group in Korea. In this study, lung function test results of 683 healthy Korean male workers were analyzed to get the predictive equations of Forced Vital Capacity(FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second(FEV₁), and FEV₁/FVC(FEV₁%). The age of studied workers ranged from 18 to 60, and most of those finished high school or less. Healthy smokers without any respiratory symptoms or disease history were included in the study, while the effect of smoking on the test results were examined in the analysis. FVC, FEV₁, and FEV₁% were regressed against age, height, weight and smoking status or smoking amount. Age and height explained FVC and FEV₁most efficiently and the contribution of other variables were not significant. Whereas, smoking was significantly associated with a decrease in FEV₁% even among healthy un-symptomatic workers. For FEV₁%, age, height, and smoking amount were significant variables, constituting the most efficient prediction model. The lower limit of normal for percent predicted values was calculated from lower 95 percentile as well as 95% confidence interval. When the results of this study was compared to those from studies of while Caucasians, the predicted FVC and FEV₁were lower for the given age and height but the differences were less than 10%. The slopes of regression equation for height and age were, however, not significantly different when the social backgrounds of the studied subjects were similar.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업병 인식의 배경과 그 진단상의 문제점 : A Review on the Current Practice in Korea

        백도명 서울大學校 保健大學院 1993 보건학논집 Vol.30 No.1

        Recognition and compensation of occupational diseases have been strongly influenced by the social structures. Occupational disease has existed ever since ancient societies witnessed the division of roles along with cultural development. However, attention was given to them only lately following changes in societal values with Industrial Revolution. Once at the beginning of the 20C, England and United States shared a common approach, but eventually adopted different systems for the compensation of occupational diseases as their social development entered into different paths. Issues in the diagnosis of occupational diseases are presented in the areas of formulating causal relationship, identifying responsible occupational exposures, ruling out ohter contributing factors, and overcoming social prejudices. Diagnostic criteria of occupational diseases can vary depending on purposes. Early detection and prevention of irreversible damage is one and cause-specific treatment and compensation is another. Diagnostic criteria for the compensation are compared between Korea and other countries, and lack of administrative guidelines in Korea is indicated as a major deficiency.

      • Humidifier disinfectants, unfinished stories

        Choi, Yeyong,Paek, Domyung The Korean Society of Environmental Toxicology 2016 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.31 No.-

        Once released into the air, humidifier disinfectants became tiny nano-size particles, and resulted in chemical bronchoalveolitis. Families had lost their most beloved members, and even some of them became broken. Based on an estimate of two million potential victims who had experienced adverse effects from the use of humidifier disinfectants, we can say that what we have observed was only the tip of the iceberg. Problems of entire airways, as well as other systemic effects, should be examined, as we know these nano-size particles can irritate cell membranes and migrate into systemic circulation. The story of humidifier disinfectant is not finished yet.

      • Humidifier disinfectant disaster: what is known and what needs to be clarified

        Kim, Sungkyoon,Paek, Domyung The Korean Society of Environmental Toxicology 2016 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.31 No.-

        Objectives After the initial investigations by the Korea Centers for Disease Control in 2011, over 1000 suspicious cases of humidifier disinfectant (HD) victims were subsequently reported by 2015, and numbers are still increasing dramatically in 2016 in the midst of the prosecutors' office investigation. This study attempts to summarize the current understandings of the related health effects of HD based upon a systemic review of published epidemiologic studies and toxicology investigations. Methods Published studies of HDs were searched through PubMed and TOXLINE under the search words 'humidifier disinfectant,' and related reports were identified from the references and published report list of regulatory agencies including the Korean National Institute of Environmental Research, US Environmental Protection Agency, and EU European Chemicals Agency. Results Case reports and epidemiologic studies have reported the clinical features of severe forms of HD lung damage, together with epidemiologic findings of seasonal occurrence and demographic variations, including the heightened susceptibility of young children. Toxicological studies have reported inhalation toxicities together with positive findings of in vitro genotoxicity studies. Conclusions This study examined unsolved issues based on cases of upper respiratory diseases and diseases of other organs, including cancers, among suspected victims of HDs. These issues should be clarified in future research for the management and prevention of health effects from HDs and chemicals of other related household products.

      • Paternal work stress and prolonged time to pregnancy.

        Lee, Mi-Sun,Paek, Domyung,Eum, Ki-Do,Siegrist, Johannes,Li, Jian,Lee, Hye-Eun,Cho, Sung-Il Springer-Verlag 2009 INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRON Vol.82 No.2

        <P>The aim of this study was to explore an association between psychosocial stress at work in married men and their spouses' prolonged time to pregnancy (TTP).</P>

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