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      • KCI등재

        Effect of design parameters on the anti-penetration properties of space armor

        Tso-Liang Teng,Ta-Ming Shih,Cheng-Chung Lu 국제구조공학회 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.28 No.6

        New types of armor, including space armor, multiple-layered armor, composite armor and modular armor have been successfully developed and installed on the armored vehicles of several nations. The protective capability of armor against penetration is established. Of developed composite armor, space armor has a simple structure and is easy to produce and can be produced at low cost. This study uses the finite element package DYTRAN and the pre and post processor PNTRAN to elucidate the ballistic resistance and penetration of space armor. Factors such as armor thickness, space between armors and projectile profile are considered. A technique for simulating the protection afforded by armor and supporting the design of space armor is developed.


        Effect of design parameters on the anti-penetration properties of space armor

        Teng, Tso-Liang,Shih, Ta-Ming,Lu, Cheng-Chung Techno-Press 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.28 No.6

        New types of armor, including space armor, multiple-layered armor, composite armor and modular armor have been successfully developed and installed on the armored vehicles of several nations. The protective capability of armor against penetration is established. Of developed composite armor, space armor has a simple structure and is easy to produce and can be produced at low cost. This study uses the finite element package DYTRAN and the pre and post processor PNTRAN to elucidate the ballistic resistance and penetration of space armor. Factors such as armor thickness, space between armors and projectile profile are considered. A technique for simulating the protection afforded by armor and supporting the design of space armor is developed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Increase in Plasma Glucose Lowering Action of Rosiglitazone by Electroacupuncture at Bilateral Zusanli Acupoints (ST.36) in Rats

        Hui-Ching Pai,Chung-Yuh Tzeng,Yu-Chen Lee,Chin-Hsien Chang,Jaung-Geng Lin,Juei-Tang Cheng,Shih-Liang Chang 사단법인약침학회 2009 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.2 No.2

        Objectives: Hypoglycemia induced by electroacupuncture (EA) is due to an increase of insulin secretion and/or mediation of β-endorphin. We applied EA at the Zusanli (ST.36) acupuncture point (acupoint) in combination with rosiglitazone (TZD) administration to evaluate their effect on plasma glucose and to explore possible mechanisms of action. Methods: Thirty six normal adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: the 0.1 mg/kg TZD group (0.1TZD), 0.1 mg/kg TZD and EA group (0.1TZD + EA), EA group, and control group. In other experiments, streptozotocin was used to induce type 2 diabetes mellitus in neonatal rats; these were then randomly divided into a 0.1TZD group, 0.1TZD + EA group, and EA group and changes in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations evaluated. Results: A marked hypoglycemic response was observed in the normal rat 0.1TZD, 0.1TZD + EA and EA groups, with the response more significant in the 0.1TZD + EA group than in the 0.1TZD group. Among the diabetic animals, the hypoglycemic responses in the 0.1TZD + EA and EA groups were greater than in the 0.1TZD group. In both the normal and diabetic rats, insulin secretion was increased by EA or 0.1TZD + EA treatment, but not by 0.1TZD. Conclusions: The plasma glucose lowering action of rosiglitazone was increased by EA in both normal and diabetic rats, indicating that the application of EA may enhance the hypoglycemic action of this insulin sensitizer. Objectives: Hypoglycemia induced by electroacupuncture (EA) is due to an increase of insulin secretion and/or mediation of β-endorphin. We applied EA at the Zusanli (ST.36) acupuncture point (acupoint) in combination with rosiglitazone (TZD) administration to evaluate their effect on plasma glucose and to explore possible mechanisms of action. Methods: Thirty six normal adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: the 0.1 mg/kg TZD group (0.1TZD), 0.1 mg/kg TZD and EA group (0.1TZD + EA), EA group, and control group. In other experiments, streptozotocin was used to induce type 2 diabetes mellitus in neonatal rats; these were then randomly divided into a 0.1TZD group, 0.1TZD + EA group, and EA group and changes in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations evaluated. Results: A marked hypoglycemic response was observed in the normal rat 0.1TZD, 0.1TZD + EA and EA groups, with the response more significant in the 0.1TZD + EA group than in the 0.1TZD group. Among the diabetic animals, the hypoglycemic responses in the 0.1TZD + EA and EA groups were greater than in the 0.1TZD group. In both the normal and diabetic rats, insulin secretion was increased by EA or 0.1TZD + EA treatment, but not by 0.1TZD. Conclusions: The plasma glucose lowering action of rosiglitazone was increased by EA in both normal and diabetic rats, indicating that the application of EA may enhance the hypoglycemic action of this insulin sensitizer.

      • An overview of the Publicly Funded Medical Education System in Taiwan

        Jen-Hung Yang,Chung-Liang Shih 대한의사협회 의료정책연구소 2020 의료정책포럼 Vol.18 No.3

        저자 楊仁宏教授(Jen-Hung Yang, MD, Ph D)는 대만 양명의대 공비생으로 입학하여 피부과 전문의가 되고 이후 대학교수와 타이완 ‘추치(慈濟 Tzu Chi) 의대학장’을 역임하고, 현재 彰化基督教醫院의 교육주임과 카오슝의과대학 교수로 재직하고 있다. 우리나라에서 논의되고 있는 공공의대를 몸소 경험하고 졸업생으로서 공공의대에 대한 의견을 기술하고 있다. 타이완은 1975년 정부 주도로 취약지역과 제대 군인을 위한 ‘원호 의료’ 등을 목적으로 하는 현재 우리나라의 공공의료대학의 설립취지와 동일한 ‘국립양명의대(國立陽明大學)’를 설립하였다. 양명의대는 입학생 모두를 ‘공비(公費) 장학생’으로 선발하였고 등록금과 생활비까지 지원했다. 그럼에도 1988년에 자비로 부담하는 일반 학생의 입학도 허용하기 시작하였고 이후 단독 의과대학에서 여러 보건의료계열을 거느린 국립양명대학교로 지난 1994년에 개편되었다. 저자는 현재까지 3가지 유형의 공비장학생과정에 대한 자세한 설명을 도표와 함께 하고 있다. 그럼에도 공통적인 것은 6년간의 의무기간 중 4년은 전공의교육 그리고 2년이 실제 취약지역, 공중보건, 국제보건 등의 직무를 위한 의무 복무 기간 이었다. 과거 별도로 1년간의 군복무 의무도 부여되었으나 지금은 군복무 기간이 4개월로 줄어들었다고 한다. 2년간의 의무 복무기간 면허는 개인 소유가 아니어서 양명대 학생들은 이에 헌법소원을 제기하였으나 2년간의 의무 복무기간 중 정부 차원의 면허의 관리는 ‘합헌’으로 판정받기도 하였다. 과거 장학금에 대한 1:1 배상을 하면 의무복무도 면제되었으나 최근 2016부터 자신이 공비(公費)로 받은 금액의 4배를 배상하여야 해제된다고 한다. 이것은 2016년부터 속칭 비인기과 전공을 지원하는 정책으로 입학전형이 바뀌었기 때문이다. 공비 장학생은 점차 줄기 시작하여 2009년에 와서는 소수 몇 명의 도서지방 출신 학생을 제외하고 학생 전원 자비 교육생으로 바뀌었다고 한다. 34년간의 공비학생제도가 자비학생으로 전환되었던 이유는 2년의 의무 복무로 더 이상 졸업생들을 보낼 지역이 없었다는 점이다. 지난 1982년~2017년 사이 양명대 졸업생 4,111명을 대상으로 한 취업 현황 파악을 살펴보면, 약 31.7%는 의료원에서, 38.5%는 지역병원, 29.8%는 1차(기층) 진료에 종사하고 있는 것으로 분석됐다. 총 6,557명의 졸업생 중 84%는 도시에 남았고, 전체 16%만이 취약지에 남았다. 양 교수는 도시와 시골간의 불균형은 공공의대로 해결할 수 없는 문제라고 지적하고 있다. 보다 더 정교한 공공성이 강화된 의학교육제도의 구축과 혁신이 필요함을 주장하고 있다. We briefly review the origin, planning, development, and outcome of the publicly funded medical education program (PFMP) in Taiwan. The general PFMP was launched in National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine in 1975. Approximately 6,600 PFMP graduates filled the gap of medical needs at that time, and at least a part (16%) of graduates still served at medically underserved areas. We demonstrated the contributions of the PFMPs to improve the healthcare in medically underserved areas and our public health system. We recognize that PFMP alone cannot overhaul the inadequacy of healthcare resources and physician supplies between the urban and rural underserved areas. We need more efforts and innovations to construct a more sophisticated public-funded medical education system to achieve an even and fair distribution of good healthcare resources.

      • KCI등재

        Comprehensive profiles and diagnostic value of menopausal-specific gut microbiota in premenopausal breast cancer

        Hou Ming-Feng,Ou-Yang Fu,Li Chung-Liang,Chen Fang-Ming,Chuang Chieh-Han,Kan Jung-Yu,Wu Cheng-Che,Shih Shen-Liang,Shiau Jun-Ping,Kao Li-Chun,Kao Chieh-Ni,Lee Yi-Chen,Moi Sin-Hua,Yeh Yao-Tsung,Cheng Chi 생화학분자생물학회 2021 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.53 No.-

        In Western countries, breast cancer tends to occur in older postmenopausal women. However, in Asian countries, the proportion of younger premenopausal breast cancer patients is increasing. Increasing evidence suggests that the gut microbiota plays a critical role in breast cancer. However, studies on the gut microbiota in the context of breast cancer have mainly focused on postmenopausal breast cancer. Little is known about the gut microbiota in the context of premenopausal breast cancer. This study aimed to comprehensively explore the gut microbial profiles, diagnostic value, and functional pathways in premenopausal breast cancer patients. Here, we analyzed 267 breast cancer patients with different menopausal statuses and age-matched female controls. The α-diversity was significantly reduced in premenopausal breast cancer patients, and the β-diversity differed significantly between breast cancer patients and controls. By performing multiple analyses and classification, 14 microbial markers were identified in the different menopausal statuses of breast cancer. Bacteroides fragilis was specifically found in young women of premenopausal statuses and Klebsiella pneumoniae in older women of postmenopausal statuses. In addition, menopausal-specific microbial markers could exhibit excellent discriminatory ability in distinguishing breast cancer patients from controls. Finally, the functional pathways differed between breast cancer patients and controls. Our findings provide the first evidence that the gut microbiota in premenopausal breast cancer patients differs from that in postmenopausal breast cancer patients and shed light on menopausal-specific microbial markers for diagnosis and investigation, ultimately providing a noninvasive approach for breast cancer detection and a novel strategy for preventing premenopausal breast cancer.

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