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      • The Effect of Renal Hypothermia for the Interruption of Renal Blood Flow in Dogs

        Cho, Dai Haing,Lim, Soo Kil CATHOLIC MEDICAL CENTER 1981 Bulletin of the Clinical Research Institute Vol.9 No.1

        We observed the histological changes of the renal tissue by temporary interruption of renal blood flow without (Group A) and with renal hypothermia by iced saline slush method(??-roup B)in 20 dogs. The renal blood flow was interrupted for 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 minutes on both groups. The histological changes of renal tissue were observed for the glomerulus, blood vessels and renal tubules. Results were as follows: 1) Glomerular congestion was observed in Group A in 40 minutes after the initiation of experiment. 2) Renal vascular congestion was observed in Group A in 40 minutes after the interruption of renal blood flow and 60 minutes in Group B. 3) Desquamation of renal tubular epithelium, vacuole formation and dilatation of renal tubular were observed in GroupA in 40 minutes after the interruption of renal blood flow and 60 minutes in Group B. 4) Renal tubular necrosis was observed in Group A in 60 minutes and in Group B in 80 minutes after the interruption of renal blood flow but it showed. 5) The congestion of glomerulus began to occur at 40 minutes of the interruption of renal blood flow in Group A, and at 60 minutes of the interruption of renal blood flow in Group B. However, there was no great difference in its changes in both groups. 6) The congestion of renal vessels began to occur at 40 minutes of the interruption of renal blood flow in Group A, and at 60 minutes in Group B, and overall changes were a little more excessive in Group A than in Group B. 7) The changes of tubules such as focal necrosis of tubular epithelium, vacuole formation, tubular dilatation, etc. began to occur first at 40 minutes in Group A and at 60 minutes in Group B, and the above changes began to be more excessive from 60 minutes in Group A and from 80 minutes in Group B. 8) The focal necrosis of tubules began to occur from 60 minutes in Group A, and from 80 minutes in Group B.

      • KCI등재

        플립러닝(Flipped Learnig)을 활용한 일본어교육 사례 연구

        趙大夏(Cho Dai Ha) 일본어문학회 2016 일본어문학 Vol.72 No.-

        Flipped Learning, the type of blended learning is combined instructional strategy between online and offline, means ‘reversed learning’ and ‘flip teaching’. Its teaching-learning method is differently proceeded from traditional classroom. In the flipped classroom, the students learned learning contents prior to offline class through watching online lecture and do a discussion or carry out the assignments about contents, what the students have already learned from online lecture, with guidance of their instructor at offline classroom. This paper is Japanese language study utilizing the Flipped-Learning. I analyze the case of flipped classroom data is directly conducted in my class for sharing with Japanese educators and researchers. In this paper, I managed using the PBL type with Flipped Learning type in ‘Japanese and Chinese characters’ class, the subject of this paper’s research and do a survey for learners satisfaction and improvement rates about new learning environment. Research result shows the Flipped Learning is specifically effective through the satisfaction rate records as high as 4.21/5.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본어교육에서의 ICT 리터러시 교육

        趙大夏(Cho Dai Ha) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.76 No.-

        コンピュータと情報通信の急速な進歩とその波及効果は簡単に予測することができない時代になって、すべての学問分野に情報通信技術を導入することは、もう不可欠な要素になったといっても過言ではない。 学生レベルでの教育情報化の成果は、主に学力の向上と創造性、問題解決力、コミュニケーション能力などで表現される。最近は、これらを達成するための基礎能力として、情報通信素養(ICT-literacy)が強調されている。これにより、世界各国では、学生のICTリテラシーレベルを体系的かつ科学的に診断するための研究を継続的に行っている。OECD生徒の学習到達度調査(PISA)によると、韓国は、コンピュータベースの評価で実施されたPISA2015の全領域にかけて到達度がやや下落した。そこで将来の社会の変化に対応して適応できる教育環境を構築し、情報通信技術(ICT)に基づく教授·学習、評価を導入するための研究と支援が必要である。 本論文は、最近、教育界で大きく注目を集めている反転授業による日本語教育と日本語ICTリテラシー教育を融合した授業の事例研究の一つとして、日本語でのICTリテラシーを培養しながら、学習者中心の日本語学習を同時に達成するために、筆者が開発した授業(ICT日本語)とその運営方法などを紹介し、この分野に関心を持って研究者と情報を共有するために作成した。 Recently, the ICT literacy has been emphasized to achieve the educational informatization, whose outcome is mainly represented by the improvement of academic ability, creativity, problem-solving capability, communication ability and high level thinking-capability at the student level. Each country has continuously conducted research to systematically and scientifically measure the ICT literacy level of students. According to theOECD’s Program for International Student Assessment(PISA), Korean student’s achievement fell slightly in all areas of PISA 2015, which were implemented by computer based evaluations. Therefore, support is needed to introduce teaching/ learning and evaluation based on the ICT and to establish an educational environment that can develop adaptability for social changes in future. As a part of class case study combining Japanese language education with Japanese ICT literacy education in terms of flipped learning which has gained much attention in educational circles, this paper introduced the operation method and lesson(ICT Japanese) developed by the author to accomplish the Japanese learner’s ICT literacy ability and learner centered Japanese learning. This study was conducted to share the information with those interested in this research field.

      • KCI등재

        韓國における日本語敎育環境の變化と對應 法案についての考察 -中,高等學校の日本語敎育現況を中心に-

        조대하 ( Dai Ha Cho ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.88 No.1

        日本以外の地域で外國語として日本語を學習する學習者、すなわち JFL(Japanese as a foreign language)學習者には、敎室の外で日本語を使う機會が 少ない。このような學習者にはインプット敎育に注意を拂わなければならな く、また、動機付けにも氣を使わなければならない。中學校·高等學校で日本 語學習の動機が形成された學生は、大學生·成人になっても日本語學習を續け る可能性が非常に高い。外國語學習における「動機付け(motivation)」には、 「統合的動機付け(integrative motivation)」と「道具的動機付け(instrumental motivation)」で分けられる。「統合的動機付け」とは、日本人·日本文化など に興味を持って、それが日本語學習の意欲につながる動機であり、「道具的 動機付け」とは、實利的な結果を願って學習する動機だ。その中に道具動機 付けは學習效果はあるものの、長く持續しないのに對して統合的動機付けは 長期的で持續的に學習に繫がれると言う。 韓國の中學生·高等學生を對象にした今回のニ-ズ調査と日本語學習につい ての意識調査でも統合的動機と道具的動機が現われた。ところが日本旅行、 日本のドラマ·アニメ-ション、日本の友達作りなど、統合的動機が强い傾向 を示している。特に中學生の場合は、生涯初めて日本語を學習する學習者が 多く、これらの年少者の學習には、統合的動機付けをもっと强化して持續で きるように指導し、その動機が日本語學習への意欲につながるように構成す るのが非常に大事であると言える。このような過程がよく進めば、中學校·高 等學校の日本語學習者は、大學生·成人になっても日本語學習を續ける可能性 が高い。 今まで韓國の日本語敎育現場では、成人の日本語學習者にも、年少者の日 本語學習者にも、道具的動機を强調してきたのではないかと思われる。これか らは、中學生·高等學生など、年少者の日本語學習者には、日本·日本人·日本文 化などに一層關心を持たせるようにカリキュラムを構成するべきであろう。 Students whom a motive of the Japanese learning was formed in a senior school have high possibility that they are likely to continue Japanese learning even if come of age. In foregin language learning, motivation is divided into “integrative motivation” and “instrumental motivation”. With “the integrated incentive,” it is an interested in Japanese culture and motived to lead to will of the Japanese learning and, “Instrumental incentive” is a motivation for studying to pray for a pragmatic result. Among them, the integrated incentive is long-term and can be continuously connected to learning, contrary instrumental incentive does not last long, even though it has a learning effect. An integrated incentive and instrumental incentive appeared by the attitude survey about this needs investigation and Japanese learning for Korean senior secondary students. And a place is a trip to Japan, a Japanese drama · animation, the integrated motive was indicated strong tendency. Especially in a secondary students case, a lot of learners is beginner so to the learning of these young people to strengthen an integrated incentive more, and to continue it and constitute for the motive can be connected in will to Japanese learning is very important. If such a process advances well; a senior · secondary students of Japanese are more likely to continue Japanese learning even if come of age. So, from now on, for the Japanese learner of the young person including the high student, it should constitute a curriculum to let them interest in Japan, Japanese, Japanese culture still more.

      • KCI등재

        PBL 기반 일본어 `교과교재연구 및 지도법` 수업사례 연구

        조대하 ( Cho Dai-ha ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.38

        한국의 일본어교육 관련 연구는 주로 일본어 학습자에 대한 직접적인 일본어교육 및 지도방안에 대한 연구였으며, 일본어교육을 직접 담당하는 교원의 일본어지도 능력 제고에 관한 연구, 특히 예비 일본어 교사인 사범대학 일어교육과 학생 및 4년제 대학의 일본어 일반교직과정 학생의 일본어지도 능력을 배양하기 위한 연구는 그다지 이루어지지 않은 것이 현실이다. 최근 정보통신 기술의 발달로 학생들의 외국어 학습자의 니즈(needs)가 다양해지고 이에 따라 학습자들은 다양한 교육 및 학습 방법을 요구하고 있다. 일본어교육 현장도 예외는 아니어서 일본어 교수법 다양화 및 새로운 교재에 대한 요구가 강조되고 있다. 본 연구는 문제해결학습(PBL)을 적용한 수업사례연구의 일환으로 교직과정 교과목 중에서 교과교육학 교과목의 하나인 `교과교재연구 및 지도법`을 대상으로 한 효과적인 수업방법에 관한 연구이다. PBL을 기반으로 먼저 중학교생활일본어 및 고등학교 일본어 교육과정을 분석해 보고 이를 바탕으로 현행 고등학교 일본어Ⅰ 교재를 분석하고 문제점을 도출하여 각각의 장점을 살리고 단점을 보완한 이상적인 교재를 창안해 보았다. 그리고 제작한 교재를 가지고 효과적인 일본어지도법에 대해 서로 논의해 보고 일본어로 실제 수업을 해 보는 과정으로 운영하였다. PBL 프로젝트를 통해 수강 학생들은 현행 일본어교재의 문제점을 도출하고 이를 해결해 가는 과정에서 일본어 교재가 어떻게 설계되고 내용이 구성되는지를 명확하게 알 수 있었다. 。 The study on instructional materials and teaching methods for Japanese in Korea is a new area compared to other languages, and that research is needed for this field. Although the study of direct Japanese education and guidance plan on Japanese learner has been the mainstream, a study on improving Japanese teaching methods of teachers, especially the preliminary Japanese teacher at Japanese education department of the college of education and the students in Japanese teaching education at university, to develop the ability for Japanese teaching is not done much. Recently, `the needs` of student in learning have been diversified in accordance with the development of information and communication technology, and learners require various educational methods. In Japanese language education too, the diversification of teaching methods and up-to-date teaching materials are needed. As a part of case study of class that employed PBL, this study is mainly focused on the teaching materials and methods which are one of the curriculums in subject-matter education. Firstly, this study derived issues through the comparative analysis of high school Japanese textbook 1 based on investigation of Japanese subjective course in middle and high school, and then discussed about the effective Japanese teaching method with making a complemented ideal textbook and progressed a real class using the textbook. Through PBL project, the students could be clearly recognized how Japanese text book is designed and composed, while identifying the problems of current Japanese textbook and solving them.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        블렌디드 러닝과 일본어교육 -유튜브(YouTube)를 활용한 수업연구-

        조대하 ( Dai Ha Cho ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.90 No.1

        ブレンディッドラ-二ングとは、オン·オフライン的學習を組み合わせた混合型學習である。これは、對面敎育、體驗的學習が欠如しているオンライン授業的短所を補うため的試みとしてはじめられたという。本稿に書けるブ兒レンデ-ドラン二ング授業硏究的對象である「日本常用汗字」は、一般的汗字學習と同じように、學習者的根氣と努力が要求される授業である。さらに、反復訓煉による强化を通して、頭に保存する的が非常に大事である。ところで、學習者が效果的な反復訓煉を續くためには、强い動機や刺激(興味)が必要である。今回的ブレンディッドラ-二ングを通して、學生たちは新しい講義形式に興味を持つようになり、それが學習動機につながって、授業に對する滿足度を高める效果があったことはアンケ-蔔調査で證明された。 特に、スマ-蔔器機を通して提供するユ-チュ-ブ(Youtube)によるオンライン講義をはじめ、書き入みを活用した質問やフィ-ドバックなどは、時間と空間的制約から離れて、いつでもどこでも學習ができるようになって、學習效果がかなりあったと判斷される。 ブレンディッドラ-二ングを活用した授業的學習效果を正確に測定するため的評價方法的開發硏究をはじめ、オンライン授業とオフライン授業と的效果的な組み合わせ方、運營方法などについて的事例硏究、デ-夕的蓄積と分析が必要であるが、今後的課題にしたいと思う。 Blended learning is used as an attempt for complementary form of online classes, which can lead to lack of Face to Face Learning and Experiential Learning. Blended learning, the fundamental contents of this class study ``Chinese Character of Japanese in Common Use`` is required many students`` patience and hard work. In addition, repetition and reinforcement is very important to memorization. So, for effective repeated learning, variety of stimuli and motives are needed. In this study, new lecture format can cause interesting stimulation which can lead to motivation and learning satisfaction. Particularly, since smart devices utilizes Youtube online lectures and questions and earn feedbacks through comments, this makes learners pull away from the constraints of time and space. These factors would be highly efficient for learning. But the teaching methods applied in blended learning is an early stage. So in order to evaluate, accurate measure outcome is highly required and effective online-offline allocation, breadth and depth of the data storage for operating method is needed.

      • KCI등재

        일본어교육(日本語敎育)을 위한 온라인프로젝트 학습방안(學習方案) 연구(硏究)

        조대하 ( Dai Ha Cho ) 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-


      • 대학생 일본어학습자의 니즈 분석 - 초급일본어학습자를 대상으로 -

        조대하(Dai ha Cho) 서울여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문논총 Vol.27 No.-

        1965년 한일국교정상화를 전후해 대학에서 일본어과가 신설되어 일본전문가를 양성하기기 시작한 이래, 대학의 일본어교육은 일본의 경제성장과 국제화의 분위기 속에서 학습자수가 증가해갔으며 2001년의 일본문화 전면개방으로 전성기를 맞이했다. 그러나 일본의 장기적인 경제 불황과 2011년 동일본지진 이후 방사능 오염사태를 비롯해 외교관계 악화 등의 영향으로 최근 일본어학습자수가 급격히 감소하는 현상을 보이고 있으며, 이러한 여파는 대학에도 영향을 미치고 있는 실정이다. 일본국제교류기금이 2012년 조사한 ‘세계의 일본실어교육실태조사’ 결과를 보면 2009년도에 비해 한국 내 일본어학습자수는 12.8% 감소했다. 본고는 최근에 나타나고 있는 일본어교육 환경변화가 대학의 일본어교육에 어떻게 영향을 미치고 있는가를 살펴보기 위한 연구이며, 이러한 변화가 학습자의 학습요구에 어떻게 영향을 주고 있는가를 중심으로 고찰했다. 고찰 대상으로써는 우리 대학의 초급일본어학습자를 대상으로 요구(needs) 조사를 실시하여 어떠한 변화가 있는지를 설문을 통해 조사·분석하고 앞으로 대학의 일본어교육의 방향을 모색해 보았다. 고찰 결과를 정리하면, 먼저 일어일문학과 교과과정의 경우, 심화과정이나 복수전공 과정 모두 일본어교육을 위한 주당 단위수가 매우 부족해 전공교육이 부실화되고 있으므로 전공과목 단위수를 높일 필요가 있다. 그리고 요구(need)조사 결과 학생들의 일본어교육 목적은 실리지향성이 높으므로 도구적 동기(instrumental motivation)가 강화되도록 취직이나 앞으로 학생들이 담당하게 될 업무와 관련된 교과목을 개발해야 하며, 이를 위해서는 산·학·연을 아우르는 연구가 필요할 것이다. The university of Japanese education is a process to train in Japanese experts. Therefore, university of works to grasp a current status of Japanese education correctly, is that will be had an important meaning in Japanology. The rapid development of the ICT (information and communication technology) and the spread of smart machinery and tools bring a big change for education including economy and a social change recently. The wave of such as a change begins Japanese education. On the other hand, while overlapping negative events such as Korea-Japan relations and radioactive contamination, Japan’s image is falling to the ground. Needs of the Japanese learner is being changed and diversified by these changes in flow. In this paper, as research of Japanese education current status grasp examine the author’s affiliated university of Japanese literature curriculum. Furthermore, check the current learning situation and think about future countermeasures though the survey of majored students needs. To summarize the study result, due to lack of Japanese education units in intensive and double major curriculum, the units should be increased. In addition, result of needs survey is that students of Japanese education purpose aim for tangible advantage, so we need to increase a class related to employment and responsibilities to enhance an instrumental motivation

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