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      • KCI등재

        Antiangiogenic-Like Properties of Fermented Extracts of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants

        Che´rif Rabhi,Guillaume Arcile,Le´on Cariel,Christine Lenoir,Je´rome Bignon,Joanna Wdzieczak-Bakala,Jamal Ouazzani 한국식품영양과학회 2015 Journal of medicinal food Vol.18 No.9

        The three ayurvedic medicinal plants, Withania somnifera, Emblica officinalis, and Bacopa monnieri, were extracted by high-pressure static extraction using the Zippertex® technology. The extracts were mixed to reach quantifiable amounts of active compounds identified by high-pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis. The mixture of extracts was incubated with resting cells of the fungus Beauveria bassiana ATCC 7159. The fermentation promoted the fluidization of the starting dense mixture, while HPLC monitoring evidenced the disappearance of glucogallin from E. officinalis extract and the concomitant increase in gallic acid content. Topical exposure of the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) to the nonfermented extract led to the extensive necrosis and destruction of the treated membrane. However, the fermented extract was shown to be free of any toxicity. Furthermore, compared with the untreated CAM, the fermented sample reduced CAM vascularization, suggesting its antiangiogenic potency. The innocuity of the fermented extract was demonstrated using the in vivo LD50 test, the morphological examination of internal organs of treated rats, as well as the evaluation of blood biomarkers of liver damage (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase). The fermented extract was developed as a nutraceutical antiangiogenic treatment of age-related macular degeneration and commercialized in an oral form named Ethnodyne-Visio™.

      • 제주 우수 육상경기 선수들의 년중 훈련효과 분석 및 처방

        김철원,임상용,김승곤,오만원,김성찬,이창준,남사웅,이세형,류재청 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1996 체육과학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The study was undertaken to analysis, evaluate, and prescribe t h e annual effect of training of periodically anaerobic and aerobic motor ability for Che-Ju representive team of elementary, middle and high school athletes. first. the performance can be obtained when it was prescribed proper training after analysis of physical fitness by each events. second, individually fitness. scientific analysis. prescription. proper management of athlete will be necessary to apply. In addition to physiology aspect, it is essential to consider sport biomechanics. sport psychology when we prescribe specific events and necessary approach in demension coach-athlete-researcher for individual.

      • 제주 우수 수영 선수들의 년중 훈련효과 분석 및 처방

        김철원,임상용,김승곤,오만원,김성찬,이창준,남사웅,이세형,류재청 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1996 체육과학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The study was undertaken to analysis, evaluate, and prescribe the annual effect of training of periodically anaerobic and erobic motor ability for Che-Ju representive team of elementary, middle and high school athletes, first the performance can be obtained when it was prescribed proper training after analysis of physical fitness by each events, second individually fitness scientific analysis. prescription. proper management of athlete will be necessary to apply.

      • KCI등재

        의료소비자의 관계혜태 지각이 관계의 질 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향

        허철선(Che이-Seon Heo),유광우(Kwang-Woo Yoo) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.1

        Medical institutions are important to develop and maintain enduring relationship with medical service conswners. So, this research aims to find out the effect of medical service conswners perception of relational benefits on relationship quality and behavioral intention. On the basis of the literature review, the research model is established. This research has been done through the survey utilizing medical service consumers in Gangwondo, and the effective 368 questionnaires are tested for the research model. The main findings are as follows. First, among 5 key dimensions of relational benefits, psychological, customization, economic, and information benefits except social benefits have significant effects on relationship satisfaction. Also, medical institutions type and medical service consumers type as moderating variables are included concurrently, and the significant differences are found in other 4 benefits except relationship between social benefits and relationship satisfaction. Second, relationship satisfaction relates positively to relationship commitment and behavioral intention. But the normative commitment, one of 3 key dimensions of relationship commitment, has no significant effects on recommendation to others. Third, the revisit intention has significant effect on recommendation to others. Finally, the findings reveal that the overall goodness fit index of the model is comparatively good and model set in this research is significant. At the end of the research, managerial implications, limitations and future research directions are suggested.

      • 의료 화상을 위한 전처리 필터들의 특성에 관한 연구

        강명아,최종주,정종필,정채영,정남채 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 自然科學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        There has been no fixed rule of pre-processing course required to do image processing that it was barely possible to find the proper pre-processing course, only to process with experience till now. In this paper, lots of application method of pre-processing algorithm, only available by the non-typified and experiential method, shall quantify and the algorithm method of algorithm according to the rule shall calculate the frequency of the value of each pixel gray level and the histogrm of the image. And then average it to all pixel number and finally set a high-ranking or optional % standardized by the average value in teh standard value. The result of a experiment showed the Median filter is superior to the Mean filter in all image of the smoothing filter. The sobel filter extracted feature. The laplacian filter presented sectional feature which not showed in original image.

      • KCI등재

        Heinrich Heine의 “Buch der Lieder”에 關한 試論 : 그의 初期作品 "Die Heimkehr”를 中心으로

        韓在弘 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 1976 교사교육연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Den Sinn der Schreibart in Heines Friihen Werken will ich innere Physiognomie seiner Gedichte beobachten. Anfangs wich Heine instinktiv seiner Phantasie aus, schlug einen großen Bogen um sie und merkte nicht, da/3 sie es war, die einen Garten fur ihn aufgebaut hatte, den Garten der Lieddichtung. Bei dem Glaube, den er allmahlich gewann, kam ihm das von Schlegel geweckte Interesse an metrischen und formalen Fragen zustatten. Im Winter 1819, der dem Schreiben der Tragodien vorausging, hatte er in Bonn August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845) kennengelernt. Auf schlegels Rat verbesserte er auch viel an alten Gedichten und schrieb neue Gedichten hinzu. Schlegels Ratschlage wiesen ihm die rechte Bahn. Vielleicht ahnte Heine, da/3 es besser sei, allein mit seinen Problemen fertig zu werden als mit Schlegels Hilfe. Heine hat erst im Schmerz neue Welten entdeckt. Jedenfalls verließ er im Sommer 1820 Schlegel und Eaon und studierte nach den Ferien zuerst in Gottingen, dann in Berlin weiter. In Berlin vollendete er einen Zyklus von 66 kleinen Liedchen, denen er den Titel "Lyri-sches Intermezzo". Nicht viel spater folgte ein zweiter Liederzyklus, "Die Heimkehr". In der "Heimkehr" griff Heine die freie Schreibweise wieder auf. So hing die Produktivitat jener Zeit gerade mit seinen Schwierichkeitea in der Lyrik zusammen. Die romantische Ironie in Heines "Die Heimkehr" lenkte sich allmahlich auf die wirklichen Welt. Erst in "Gestandnisse” (1854) wies er ihm den Platz zu, der ihm in seinem Werk gebuhrt. "Ich weiß”,schrieb er in einem Riickblick auf seine Dichtung, "es war das, letzte ireie Waldlied der Romantik', und ich bin ihr letzter Dichtung;mit mir ist die alte Schule der Deutschen geschlossen, wahrend zugleich die neue Schule, die moderne deutsche Lyrik ·von mir eroffnet ward". Zugleich damit nahm die neue Lyrik Gestalt an. In den Traum dringt die ode Alltagserfa- lirung die Leidenschaft ein, und seine Idee verzerrt sich im Spiegel der Realitat zur Grimas-se, Gefiihl und Stimmung. Schon die romantische Ironie verwies auf. die Diskrepanz von Poesie und wirklichem Leben

      • DCT 기반 영상압축에서 각 블록의 구성요소 선택 기준

        조제황 東新大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The DCT is applied to a 8×8 block and the low frequency coefficients are selected to compress. Because RMSE and the standard deviation for unselected coefficients versus each block present similar distribution, the standard deviation can be utilized to decrease the complexity and bit rate of a compression system. In 3 to 5 standard deviation, the proposed method has around 2dB lower PSNR than only b selection, but has the number of coefficients around four times as small as only b selection.

      • 만경강하구역에 서식하는 풀망둑어(Acanthogobius hasta)중의 중금속함량에 관한 연구

        장재철,권용훈,김경현 群山大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        만경강 하구에 서식하는 풀망둑어(Acanthogobius hasta)를 기관별(지느러미, 아가미, 뼈, 폐 근육, 머리)로 7가지의 중금속을 분석하였다. 그 결과 Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, As 등이 지느러미>아가미>뼈>폐>머리>근육 순으로 높게 나타났고, 반면 7가지의 중금속중에 Pb Hg 미검출 되었다. Cd, Cu, Zn, As Cr은 지느러미 뼈 머리 부위에서, 폐 아가미부위에 비해 전반적으로 높게 나타났다. 모든 중금속들은 다른 기관보다도 지느러미와 뼈에 많은 량을 함유하고 있음을 알았다. The concentration of 7 heavy metals(Pb, Hg, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Cd, and As)were measured in the tisseus(head, bone, muscle, lung, gill, pinna)of the Acanthogobius hasta of Man-kyung estuary. The order of mean value of cadimium, copper, zinc and manganese content in the five parts were shown as pinna>gill>bone>lung>head respectively. The other side among the seven heavy metal contents did not show lead and mercury. Cd, Cu, Zn, As, Cr, Mn were detected higher in the part of pinna, bone and head than lung, gill.

      • OSS 게이트웨이의 보안 요구사항

        안치홍,석승학,성열옥,한근희,정자욱 공주대학교 생산기술연구소 2002 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        OSS systems that are represented by the carrier preselection and number portability services con no longer be operated by themselves in their own domains since the freedom and various changes in electronic commerce require the interconnections between the heterogeneous OSS systems. However, since the cost of direct internonnections of OSS systems is so enormous we must consider the use of OSS gateways to interconnect heterogeneous OSS systems. In this research, we analyze the security weakness for interconnecting OSS systems throught gateways and suggest the security requirements for the OSS gateway.

      • 建築의 立面表現과 記號論 : 주택의 입면경관표현에 관한 기호론적 분석

        林采震 홍익대학교환경개발연구원 1994 환경개발연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a sign system in suburban housing elevation. The form of Housing functions not only for use but also for sign which has effect on [mentality of human life]. However, in a recently according as the variety of construction become divergent the type of housing stops to be vigible and disorder among the visual elevations disturbs the goal of elevational view of housing planning because planning is generally consisting in a conventional code which provides a proper signification for a type. Therefore, this study tries to make up a code through analyzing the correlations among visual aspects or collected from 20 individual houses. As a result of quantifying analysis based on matrix of two characteristic, the author concludes that several types are visible on two significant units, i.e. [site plan] and [Facade].

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