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        페놀 컴포지트 실용화의 길 - 영국의 경우 (CASE STUDY 2)

        ( Kanemasa Nomaguchi ),( Ken L. Forsdyke ),( Denver E. Brown ) 한국복합재료학회 2004 Composites research Vol.17 No.2

        철도차량의 객실 자체는 많은 부분이 예전엔 목재 등으로 만들어져 있다고 기억하는 사람이 많다. 목재는 가벼우며 단열성과 흡습성이 있어서 사람이 만졌을 때, 온기가 있어서 좋은 느낌을 준다. 또 재료가 가공하기가 쉬운 점도 장점이다. 목재를 사용할 때는 목수 작업으로 했기 때문에, 철도 차량 부재의 용어에도 「키세」(키세루=입히다=cover) 등의 단어가 남아있다. 일본에서도 전쟁 전 그리고 전쟁 시에도 목재 차량이 사용 되었지만, 전쟁 후 「사쿠라 키죠 사건」 등, 큰 차량 화재로 많은 인명을 잃었던 적이 있었기 때문에 불연화의 노력에 힘쓰고 있다. 그러나, 1971년 10월 6일, 山陽本線에서 급행열차 「雲仙3號」의 10호차 세면장 부근에서 화재가 발생하여 10호 차량 전소, 11호 차량 일부가 소실되고 인명사고도 있었다. 그 때문에 현재의 「A·A 기준」이 실시되고, 지금까지 오랫동안 이 방법에 따르고 있다. 영국에서는 옛날에 「A·A 기준」과 비슷한 방법이 있었지만, 이미 앞의 보고서에서처럼 「다운톤 침대열차사고」 「런던 지하철사고」를 거치며, 특히 철도차량에 대해서는 BS6853의 적용이 시작됐다. 그러나 이것을 지키기 위해서는 많은 문제가 있었다. 이 문제에 관하여 지금도 국가적 프로젝트로 노력을 하고 있지만, 당시 그 중심에 있었던 두 사람, Forsdyke 씨와 Brown 씨가 지난 날을 회상하면서 다음과 같이 말하고 있다. 이번 호에서는 철도차량 설계 부문의 재료 선정 책임자였던 Brown 씨의 기록을 중심으로 소개한다. 이 분야의 관계자 여러분에게 참고로 된다면 좋겠다. ``Phenolic composite, one of safety composites was chosen to build rolling stock in England while it was applied to building materials in London Underground facilities. This paper was written by Mr. Denver E. Brown. He emphasizes, from visibility and toxicity points of view, phenolic is the best and Mr. Forsdyke says, there is no question, passenger`s lives are No.1 issue, material recycling is not No.l!

      • KCI등재

        Two new species of Xenolepis Diakonoff from Papua New Guinea, with the first reported larval host plants (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)

        John W. Brown,Scott E. Miller 국립중앙과학관 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.16 No.3

        Two new species of Xenolepis are described and illustrated from Papua New Guinea: X. neoguineana Brown & Miller, n. sp., and X. slipihalo Brown & Miller, n. sp. All specimens examined were collected as larvae, most from Syzygium spp. (Myrtaceae), but a few from Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Ziziphus (Rhamna ceae), Amyema (Loranthaceae), and Gomphandra (Stemonuraceae), which represent the first reportedfood plants for Xenolepis. The new species bring to seven the number of described species in the genus. We also present DNA barcodes, host plants, and an illustration of the male genitalia of an undescribedspecies from New Guinea, but refrain from naming it owing to the paucity and poor quality of thespecimens. Available descriptions and illustrations indicate that Xenolepis, as presently defined, com prises two distinct species groups that are superficially disparate but possess very sim


        Effects of Size and Rate of Maturing on Carcass Composition of Pasture- or Feedlot- Developed Steers

        Brown, A.H. Jr.,Camfield, P.K.,Baublits, R.T.,Pohlman, F.W.,Johnson, Z.B.,Brown, C.J.,Tabler, G.T.,Sandelin, B.A. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.5

        Steers (n = 335) of known genetic backgrounds from four fundamentally different growth types were subjected to two production systems to study the main effects and possible interactive effects on carcass composition. Growth types were animals with genetic potential for large mature weight (LL), intermediate mature weight-late maturing (IL), intermediate mature weight-early maturing (IE), and small mature weight-early maturing (SE). Each year, in a nine year study, calves of each growth type were weaned and five steers of each growth type were developed on pasture or feedlot and harvested at approximately 20 and 14 mo of age, respectively. Data recorded were chilled carcass weight and percentages of forequarter, foreshank, chuck, rib, plate, brisket, hindquarter, round, rump, shortloin, sirloin, flank, lean, fat, bone, and retail cuts. The growth $type{\times}production$ system interaction was an important source of variation in chilled carcass weight (p = 0.0395) and percentage retail cuts (p = 0.001), lean (p = 0.001), fat (p = 0.001), rump (p = 0.0454), shortloin (p = 0.0487), and flank (p = 0.001). The ranking of the growth $type{\times}production$ system means for percentage lean was LL-pasture>IL-pasture = IE-pasture = SE-pasture>LL-feedlot, IL-feedlot>IE-feedlot = SE-feedlot. The growth $type{\times}production$ system interaction was non-significant (p>0.05) for forequarter, foreshank, chuck, rib, plate, brisket, hindquarter, round and bone. Growth types of IE and SE yielded greater (p<0.05) mean forequarter than did growth types of IL and LL ($51.6{\pm}0.3$ and $51.5{\pm}0.3$ vs. $51.1{\pm}0.3$ and $50.8{\pm}0.3%$). Mean bone was highest (p<0.05) for the LL growth type and lowest (p<0.05) for the SE growth type ($19.5{\pm}0.5$ vs. $16.8{\pm}0.5%$). Mean bone was greater (p<0.05) for the pastured steers than for the feedlot steers ($21.8{\pm}0.8$ vs. $14.5{\pm}0.6%$). These data indicate that growth type responded differently in the two production systems and that these results should be helpful in the match of genetics to production resources.

      • KCI등재

        삼각기둥의 Stereology 문제에 관한 이론적 고찰

        Browne, J. D.,Jaffrey, D,이주완 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1984 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.22 No.9

        A theoretical model has been developed to calculate the aspect ratio distribution generated by random sectioning of an equilateral triangular prism. The calculations also show the extent to which this distribution depends upon the dimensional ratio of the prism. The results suggest that it would be feasible to compare the calculated and experimentally determined aspect ratio distributions and thereby establish the dimensional ratio of the real prisms.


        Memory Effects on Adsorption Tubes for Mercury Vapor Measurement in Ambient Air: Elucidation, Quantification, and Strategies for Mitigation of Analytical Bias

        Brown, Richard J. C.,Kumar, Yarshini,Brown, Andrew S.,Kim, Ki-Hyun American Chemical Society 2011 Environmental science & technology Vol.45 No.18

        <P>The short- and long-term memory effects associated with measurements of mercury vapor in air using gold-coated silica adsorption tubes have been described. Data are presented to quantify these effects and to determine their dependence on certain relevant measurement parameters, such as number of heating cycles used for each analysis, age of adsorption tube, mass of mercury on adsorption tube, and the length of time between analyses. The results suggest that the long-term memory effect is due to absorption of mercury within the bulk gold in the adsorption tube, which may only be fully liberated by allowing enough time for this mercury to diffuse to the gold surface. The implications of these effects for air quality networks making these measurements routinely has been discussed, and recommendations have been made to ensure any measurement bias is minimized.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/esthag/2011/esthag.2011.45.issue-18/es201454u/production/images/medium/es-2011-01454u_0001.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/es201454u'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        Interaction of Beef Growth Type${\times}$Production System for Carcass Traits of Steers

        Brown , A.H. Jr.,Camfield, P.K.,Johnson, Z.B.,Rakes, L.Y.,Pohlman, F.W.,Brown, C.J.,Sandelin, B.A.,Baublits, R.T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.2

        Steers (n=335) of known genetic backgrounds from four fundamentally different growth types were subjected to two production systems to study differences in carcass traits. Growth types were animals with genetic potential for large mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-early maturing and small mature weight-early maturing. Each year, in a nine-year study, calves of each growth type were weaned and five steers of each growth type were developed on pasture or feedlot and slaughtered at approximately 20 and 14 months of age, respectively. Data collected were pre-slaughter shrunk body weight (SBW); hot carcass weight (HCW); dressing percentage (DRESS); fat thickness at the $12^{th}$ and $13^{th}$ rib interface (FAT); percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH); longissimus muscle area (LMA); marbling score (MARB); quality grade (QG); and yield grade (YG). Year and growth type were significant for all carcass traits. The growth type${\times}$production system interaction was an important source of variation in SBW, HCW; FAT, YG and MARB. The same interaction was non-significant for DRESS, KPH, LMA and QG. Carcass differences in measures of fatness were greater in the feedlot system than in the pasture system. These data could aid producers in matching beef growth type to the production system most suitable for efficient use of resources.


        Brown William M. Korean Society of Applied Entomology 1976 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        As the technology of rice production in Korea has rapidly developed and progressed over the last few years, many problems in rice production have been solved. But with the introduction of new genetic material, the increased use of pesticides, higher fertilizer rates and closer plantings, new problems are beginning to emerge. The brown plant hopper outbreak in 1975 resulted to a great extent from some of the changes in management practices. Some rice diseases and nutritional problems that have existed in Korea but have not been considered of serious consequence, are now becoming increasingly severe and possibly as limiting as the hopper outbreak in 1975. Other diseases and nutritional problems are completely new and their cause and significance have not yet been adequately defined. In this discussion there is no Intention to state, nor is there evidence to support a statement, that any of these problems are going to be limiting factors in the future production of rice on the Korean peninsula. Rather this is an attempt to bring together some of the current field problems in Korean rice so that they can be discussed and where necessary receive suitable consideration for research and control.

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