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        KIST-NOMAD - a Repository to Manage Large Amounts of Computational Materials Science Data

        Samuel Boateng,이광열,Deepika,조한얼,이규환,김찬수 대한금속·재료학회 2020 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.58 No.10

        We introduce the Korea Institute of Science and Technology-Novel Materials Discovery (KISTNOMAD) platform, a materials data repository. We describe its functionality and novel features from an academic viewpoint. It is a data repository designed for computational material science, especially focusing on managing and sharing the results of molecular dynamics simulation results as well as quantum mechanical computations. It consists of three main components: a database, file storage, and web-based front end. The database hosts material properties, which are extracted from the computational results. The front end has a graphical user interface and an open application programming interface, which allow researchers to interact with the system more easily. KIST-NOMAD’s panel displays the searched results on a well-organized and research-oriented web page. All the open access data and files are available for downloading in comma-separated value format as well as zipped archives. This automated extraction function was developed by utilizing database parsers and JSON scripts. KISTNOMAD also has an efficient option to download simulation and computation results on a large-scale. All of the above functions are designed to satisfy academic and research demands, and make highthroughput screening available, while incorporating machine learning for computational material engineering. We finally stress that the repository platform is user-driven and user-friendly. It is clearly designed to follow the modern big-data architecture and re-use principles for scientific data, such as being findable, accessible, and interoperable.

      • Signal Combining for Reliable WiFi Backscatter Communication

        Richard Boateng Nti(리차드),Ji-Hoon Yun(윤지훈) 대한전기학회 2021 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        The application of frequency shift in WiFi backscatter communication is efficient in minimizing the effect of the intrinsic fluctuation of WiFi signals, especially in bistate backscatter system. Nonetheless, because the backscattered signal is weak, additional signals from dominant transmitters may emerge in the shifted frequency channels, interfering with the backscattered signal substantially. To address this issue in a seamless manner to incumbent transmitters, we propose code repetition wherein the information bit is repeated a number of times equivalent to the code length from the transmitter side. Decoding at the receiver end is implemented on the basis of majority voting in the shifted channels, to reduce bit errors caused by residual interference. The focus is to investigate the impact of code repetition for WiFi backscatter communication regarding transmission reliability. We show that the proposed method improves performance as code length increases using system prototyping and testbed experiments.

      • KCI등재


        EUGENE KWADWO BOATENG MENSAH 한국국제경제법학회 2011 국제경제법연구 Vol.9 No.2

        WTO는 1995년 회원국들 간의 자유 무역을 공고히 하기 위해 설립되었다. 그러나 자유 무역은 다수의 국가들이 자유 무역 정책을 실행할 때 비로소 유익하다. WTO의 기반 시스템은 회원국들이 국제 거래의 원칙을 고수하도록 보장하는 것을 목표로 한다. WTO는 이를 어떻게 지속해야 할까. WTO가 어떻게 자유 무역을 실행해야 하는 가에 대한 모든 제안은 그것이 경제적 가치 이외의 환경보존, 자주권, 개발도상국의 발전과 같은 정당한 비경제적 가치들 또한 보호해야 한다는 관점에서 평가되어야 한다. 국가들이 무역 보호주의로의 전환을 위해 비경제적 가치를 수호할 수 있다는 사실이 WTO의 상황을 더욱 어렵게 만들었다. WTO 분쟁처리 위원회는 국가 보호주의의 수단으로서 비경제적 가치를 수호하는 것에 대한 불평이 있을 때 어떻게 WTO 국가의 정책을 재검토 할 것인가? 이것은 재검토의 기준을 발생시키는가? 분쟁처리 위원회는 자주권을 존중해야 할 것인가 그리고 그 정책을 재검토해야 할 것인가 아니면 이들은 새로이 정책을 재검토 하여 규칙기반 시스템을 촉진해야 하는가? 필자는 WTO가 맥기니스의 차별 방지 모델과 하우스의 판결 적법성의 이론을 혼합한 재검토의 기준에 응답할 수 있다는 것에 동의한다. 이것을 적용한다면 타당한 비경제적 가치를 보호하면서 자유무역을 촉진할 것이고, 분쟁처리 위원회 제도를 위원회가 정당한 결정을 내리도록 하는 규율 하에 둘 것이다. 또한 자주 국가들이 분쟁처리 위원회의 결정을 따르도록 만들 것이다. The WTO was established in 1995 to deepen freer trade among its members. However, free trade will be beneficial only when a majority of WTO countries implement free trade policies. The WTO is a rules-based system that aims to ensure that its member States adhere to the rules of international trade. How should it go about doing this? Any proposal about how the WTO should implement freer trade must be assessed in the light of the concern that the WTO must also protect legitimate non economic values such as environmental conservation, sovereignty and the development in poor countries. The WTO’s situation is made more difficult by the fact that countries can use protection of legitimate non economic values for covert protectionism. How should the WTO DSB review the measure of a WTO country when there is a complaint that it is using protection of legitimate non economic values as means of protectionism? This raises the standard of review question? Should the DSB place great store on sovereignty and review such a measure with deference or should it promote the rules-based system by reviewing such a measure de novo? I argue that the WTO can respond to the standard of review question by combining McGinnis’ anti-discrimination model and Howse’s theory of adjudicative legitimacy. When it does this it will promote free trade while also protecting legitimate non economic values. It will also be subjecting the DSB system to disciplines which will make its decisions legitimate. This will encourage sovereign States to abide by the decisions of the DSB.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The WTO and its Four Organizational Challenges

        EUGENE KWADWO BOATENG MENSAH 전남대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.32 No.3

        The WTO was established in 1995 to deepen freer trade among its members. However since its formation, the WTO has been criticized for obsessively pursuing a free trade agenda at the expense of non economic values such as environmental conservation, sovereignty and the development in poor countries. In this paper, I argue that the WTO faces four organizational challenges. First,because it is having a profound impact on many non State interest groups, it must be a forum where all interest groups that are affected by its policies can participate in the formulation of its policies. This is the democracy and participation challenge. It can resolve this challenge by improving the participation of NGOs and Parliamentarians of member States in its affairs. For the WTO to succeed in meeting its objectives it also has to have an efficient and effective organizational structure. This is the management challenge. A reformed WTO, with an executive board and a strong office of the Director‐General will meet the management challenge and help the WTO to achieve its objectives. Critics of the WTO claim that its rulemaking procedures which depend on consensus and super‐majorities are cumbersome. They argue that it does not allow the WTO to respond quickly to changes in the international trade environment. This is the rulemaking challenge. I argue that these “cumbersome” procedures are meant to protect sovereignty, which is a central concept in international relations. I argue that WTO rule‐making must continue to protect sovereignty. However, where a critical mass of countries wishes to introduce a new rule they should be able to do so. However, it should not bind countries who disagree with the introduction of the rule. The WTO also faces a dispute settlement challenge. Not all the problems that come before the WTO DSB can be resolved by litigation. Also the remedies available under present WTO rules are inadequate and in certain situations they do not provide sufficient relief to countries whose rights have been breached. The WTO therefore has to develop other dispute settlement mechanisms like mediation to resolve disputes and they must provide other reliefs such as greater trade concessions or money payments to countries whose rights have been breach instead of the withdrawal of concessions which further damages the international trading system.

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