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      • KCI등재

        돈황 막고굴에 나타난 다보탑의 변천

        조정식,김버들,조해현,김보람,Cho, Jeong-Sik,Kim, Bue-Dyel,Jo, Jae-Hyun,Kim, Bo-Ram 한국건축역사학회 2013 건축역사연구 Vol.22 No.5

        This study aims to investigate the architectural characteristics of the Da-bo stupa by examining the correlation among architectural languages and by studying the features of its architectural components and transitional changes shown in Da-bo stupa line drawings in Dunhuang Mogao Grottes. The results are as follows. 1st, the Da-bo stupa of Dunhuang faithfully follows the sutra of lotus, and although the form changes, the fundamental essence of Bo-tap-yong-chul and two seated Buddhas provided by the Gyun-bo-tap-pum in the sutra of lotus is consistent. 2nd, the pagoda body can be periodically divided into parasol, stupa, and royal palace types. The parasol type has an incomplete tower body, which makes distinguishing each of its architectural components difficult. The stupa type appeared between the early (AD 618-712) and middle (AD 766-835) Tang dynasty. It combines the form of Indian stupa type and East Asian wood structural architecture. The royal palace type, which appeared between the peak period of the Tang (713-765) and Sung Dynasties, shows the standardized pattern of the Da-bo stupa described as two seated Buddhas and Bo-tap-yong-chul. 3rd, the use of a stylobate does not appear in the early construction of Da-bo stupa, only in the later period, in the form of high pillars. Forms include many Su-mi-jwah and three-way stairways and Dab-do, but as time passes, the forms are simplified to the form of high pillars. 4th, the purpose of early Da-bo stupa was to provide space for Da-bo-yu-rae of Gyun-bo-tap-pum; hence, it did not have sangryoon(the top part). However, after it was influenced by general pagodas, sangryoon was established. Toward the Tang Dynasty, sangryoon has come to emphasize the forms of boryoon(nine wheels) or dome. However, this form is eventually simplified to only retain bo-joo(the orb).

      • KCI등재

        고려후기 주역 인식의 특성과 그 의미 : 白文寶를 중심으로

        김보경 한국한문학회 2003 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.32

        본고는 淡菴 白文寶(1903~1374) 周易 認識의 특성과 의미를 고찰함으로써 高麗時代 性理學의 한 면목을 고구하고자 시도되었다. 백문보의 주역 인식에는 宋代 象數易的 경향이 나타나고 있다. 그는 邵雍의 상수역 이론을 받아 들여 數를 제1의로 삼아 세계를 해석했다. 이것은 寓倬이 『程傳』을 연구·교수하고 元 制科 고시 과목에 朱子易과 함께 정신역이 포함되 있었으나, 그것이 확정적 지배력을 획득하지는 못했음을 반증하는 것이다. 한편으로는, 고려후기 元의 다기한 易學 조류를 감안하면 그의 상수역적 경향은 오히려 자연스러운 것으로 보인다. 백문보 주역 인식의 특성은 세 가지로 정리된다. 첫째, 그는 ‘一本萬殊’라는 개념을 제시하고 一本이 萬殊로 현상되는 것은 ‘此心’이 움직이고 그치는 것으로 해석했다. 이것은 이전의 문인들에게서는 좀처럼 찾아 보기 힘든, 거의 최초라고 할 만한, 세계의 본질과 생성에 대한 해석이다. 또한 일본만수는 자연과 인간, 주체와 객체가 하나의 상관하는 전체임을 함의한다. 이러한 전체로서의 세계를 가능하게 해주는 것을 一氣라고 보았다. 즉, 그는 氣를 본원자로 파악하고, 그 氣에는 天人의 조화와 합일의 근거를 찾고 있는 것이다. 둘째, 그는 이러한 一氣的 世界觀의 바탕 위에서 인간과 자연의 조웅과 합일경지를 추구했다. 인간과 자연은 美的 범주에서 끊임없이 상호 조웅을 이루며, 나아가 道德的 범주에서도 상호 융합하는 경지를 지향한다. 이 도덕적 융합의 경지가 바로 人道로써 天德에 합치하는 天人合一이다. 특히 『斥佛疏』는 성리학에 입각해 불교를 배척하는 글이거니와, 천인합일의 도덕 내용이 성리학으로 명백히 규정되고 있음이 주목된다. 셋째, 그의 주역 인식에서는 生成의 의지와 함께 變通의 논리가 적극적으로 강조되어 있다. 生成의 의지는 단순히 生物學的인 生에 그치지 않고 사회·역사적인 의미를 띠고 나타난다. 그는 邵雍의 元會運世說·皇帝玉覇說을 동원하고 檀君紀元說을 적용해 당시 고려가 변혁을 이룰 시기에 도달해 있다고 주장했다. 백문보 역시 인식에 나타난 數와 氣에 대한 강조, 一本萬殊에 입각한 세계 본질 및 생성에 대한 해석은 중대한 사상적 의미를 갖는다. 한편, 그가 주역에서 다시 고려 현실에 대응하는 논리를 끌어 내었던 점도 중요하게 지적될 수 있다. 차후 李穡 등 후배 문인들의 주역 인식을 고찰하는 작업이 이어진다면, 고려후기 사상 상황이 더욱 제 모습을 드러낼 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This thesis makes an attempt to consider the one aspects of Seongree-hak(性理學) in the latter period of Coryo by means of studying the traits and significance in the way Moon-Bo Baek(1303- 1374), a.k.a. Damam, perceived Jooyeok(周易). Moodo Baek's conception of Jooyeok shows a tendency of Sangsooyeok(象數易). He interprets the world with a primary basis on Soo(數), while accepting Ong So's theory of Sansooyeok. This fact provides the counter-evidence against the established dominance of Jeongieon(程傳), which was studied and taught by Tak Woo and served as a main role in the inclusion of Jeongiyeok(정신역) along with the doctrines of Joojayeok(朱子易) in the state examination subjects of Won In the meantime, it seems rather natural that Moon-Bo Baek should have a propensity toward Sangsooyeok, considering the divergent trends of Won's Yeok in the latter tenn of Coryo. The characteristics of Moon-Bo Baek's perception about Jooyeok can be three-fold. First of all, he proffers the notion of 'Il-Bon-Man-Soo(一本萬殊) , and renders the manifestation of Il-Bon into Man-Soo as the moving and Ceasing Of 'Cha-Sim(此心). This is almost the first interpretation regarding the essence and generation of the world, which is hardly to be found in the thoughts of his predecessors. The idea of Il-Bon-Man-Soo entails that there is an interrelational wholeness between nature and human on the one hand, and subject and object on the other. He looks upon Il-Gi(一氣) as the being that makes possible the wholeness of the world. That is to say, he considers Gi to be the source, and here he seeks the foundation of the harmony and unity of heaven and human. Second of all, He pursues the accordance and union of human and nature, on the basis of the kind of Il-Gi outlook on world. Human and nature correspond continuously with each other in the domain of beauty and, furthemore, aims at the mutual amalgamation in the domain of morality, as well. This very amalgamation of morals is called humanity which corresponds to the heavenly virtue, i.e., the union of heaven and human Cheokbulso(斥佛疏), especially, ostracizes Buddhism from the standpoint of Seongree-hak and draws attention to the fact that the moral of heaven-human unity is patently defined via Seongree-hak. Lastly, in His understanding of Jooyeok, the logic of flexibility along with the volition of generation is positively emphasized. The volition of generation is represented with m social and historical significance, which is not just a biological birth. He turns to Ong So's Wonhoiwoonse(元會運世) theory and Hwangjewangpae(皇帝玉覇) theory. In addition, he adapts Dangoongiwon(檀君紀元) theory. By dint of these theories, he argues that Coryo should come to the stage of reformation at that time. Moan-Bo Baekk emphasis on Soo and Gi, and the interpretation of the nature and generation of world, grounding on Il-Gi-Man-Soo, have critical ideological implications. Meanwhile, it is importantly pointed out that he extracts from Jooyeok the corresponding logic to the contemporary reality of Coryo. With some ensuing examinations on the perceptions of Jooyeok by the successors like Sack Lee, it is expected that the ideological situation of the late period of Coryo will come to richer light.

      • KCI등재후보

        읍성축조에 있어서 ``축성신도(築城新圖)``의 반포 목적과 고고학적 검토

        심정보 ( Jeong Bo Sim ) 동아시아문물연구학술재단 2012 文物硏究 Vol.- No.22

        외침에 대한 우리나라의 역대 방어 전략은 들판의 곡식을 깨끗이 치우고 산성으로 입보하여 적이 지쳐서 물러갈 때를 기다려 공격하는 청야입보(淸野入保)정책이었다. 이러한 전통적인 청야입보정책에서 연해읍성의 출현은 새로운 방어 전략의 모색이었다. 이는 미처 피하지 못한 백성과 옮기지 못한 가축이나 곡식의 손실에 대한 반성에서 비롯되었다. 읍성의 축성재료 면에서는 석성, 토성, 벽성, 목책도니성, 목책이 다양하게 축조되고 있었으나, 고려시대에는 토성이 보다 많이 축조되고 있었으며, 조선시대 초기만 하더라도 토축과 석축이 병행하여 이루어졌으며, 체성은 도성의 축조기법에 따라 경사면의 내탁부가 이루어지도록 축조하였다. 그런데, 세종 20년에 「축성에 대한 새로운 도본」을 반포하여, 체성을 모두 석재로 쌓도록 하고, 토사로 이루어진 경사면의 내탁부도 석재로 계단을 이루도록 하여, 읍성의 석축화(石築化)가 시행되었다. 또한, 같은 해에 세종은 적대(敵臺), 옹성(甕城), 연대(煙臺)의 도본을 내려 중요 방어시설을 설치하도록 하였다. 이와 같이 석축화가 이루어진 것은 세종 16년 3월에 최윤덕이 고려 때 모두 흙으로 성을 쌓아 民力만 낭비하고도 功이 없었다고 하여 우리나라에는 축성할 石材가 없는 곳이 없으므로 마땅히 石城을 쌓아 영구하게 하자고 거듭 건의한 것이 반영된 것이다. 읍성의 석축화를 위하여 「축성에 대한 새로운 도본」을 반포하여 규식화 한 것은 당시 병조판서였던 황보인의 건의에 의하여 추진되었으며, 도본 작성은 ‘수성전선색(修城典船色)’에서 작성하였다. 그러나, 읍성을 석재로만 축조한 이후 오히려 축성 완료후 단기간에 붕괴되는 현상이 진행되므로 세종 25년에 이보흠이 상소하여 다시 도성 축조기법에 의하여 체성을 축조할 것을 건의하기에 이르렀다. 고고학적으로 웅천읍성 증축과정에서 이러한 변화를 살필 수 있으며, 단종 1년 이후에는 도성축조기법으로 다시 축조하고 있음이 확인되고 있다. 즉 내벽에 석재를 사용하여 계단상으로 축조하였던 등성시설(登城施設)이 토사를 정교하게 다져서 경사면을 이루는 등성시설로 전환하게 된 것이다. 발굴조사 시에 체성의 기저부 조성방법과 수·개축 여부를 파악하는 것이 중요함은 바로 여기에 있는 것이다. Throughout history, Korea`s defense strategy against foreign invasion consisted in clearing the field and entering the fortress. To be more specific, Korean ancestors first removed all crops from the field and entered the fortress. They then waited until the enemies grew tired and began to withdraw. It was at that moment that Koreans started attacking them. Considering such a traditional policy of “clearing the field and entering the fortress,” construction of Yeonhae Walled City meant searching for a new defense strategy. That was because it was lamentable to lose people, livestock and crops that had still remained in the field. For a walled city, a variety of fortresses were constructed and the examples are stone fortress, earthen fortress, walled fortress and fortress composed of a wooden barricade and mud. During the Goryeo Dynasty, earthen fortresses were the most common. On the other hand, at the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty, both earth and stone were used and the inner part of the incline in the fortress body was built according to the construction technique used for the capital. However, during the 20th year of King Sejong, the Korean government published The New Guidelines on Fortress Construction. These guidelines were mainly about recommending masonry for walled cities. For example, all fortress bodies had to be built with stone and the inner parts of inclines made of earth and sand had to have a staircase made of stone. In the same year, King Sejong ordered construction of major defense facilities, providing guidelines on outer wall, outwork and storage. Stone fortresses came to be built following Choi Yun-deok`s suggestion in March of the 16th year of King Sejong. At that time, Choi constantly argued for constructing stone fortresses. To elaborate on his position, he pointed out that during the Goryeo Dynasty, all fortresses had been made of earth and that it had been just a waste of human resources because these fortresses had been useless. He also added that since stone is everywhere in Korea, it must be used to construct fortresses so that they can be used permanently. Following the advice of Hwang Bo-in, then Minister of War, The New Guidelines on Fortress Construction were published and stone became the official material of walled cities. The guidelines were drawn up by an organization called Sujseongjeonseonsaek. However, using only stone for walled cities resulted in collapse shortly after the completion of a fortress. That is why during the 25th year of King Sej ong, Lee Bo-heum asked the government to respect again the construction technique used for the capital to construct fortress bodies. Archaeological research allows these changes to be observed in the process of extending Ungcheon Walled City. Such research also makes clear that after the first year of King Danjong, the construction technique of the capital was used again. In other words, before this period, a stone staircase was built on the inner wall of a fortress while later on, an incline made of dense earth and sand was used instead. This explains why during excavation, it is important to study how the foundation of a fortress body was built and to see if construction and reconstruction were carried out.

      • KCI등재

        新羅 下代 金憲昌의 亂과 그 性格

        朱甫暾(Ju Bo-Don) 한국고대사학회 2008 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.51

        김헌창의 반란 사건은 신라사의 전개 과정에서 지닌 중요성에도 불구하고 그 동안 별로 큰 관심을 끌지는 못하였던 것 같다. 대개 하대의 政治過程을 다루면서 극히 부분적으로만 취급되었을 따름이다. 난이 비록 실패로 끝나기는 하였어도 國號를 따로 내세웠다는 점에서 신라왕조를 그대로 이어가지는 않겠다는 강력한 의지를 읽어낼 수 있다. 이는 난의 주도 세력이 신라사회가 안고 있는 구조적 모순점을 제대로 인지하고 그를 革新하려는 의도를 갖고 있었음을 반영하는 사실이다. 게다가 이미 오래전에 소멸되어 버린 독자적 年號 사용의 관행을 되살리려 하였다는 점도 그와 관련하여 깊이 吟味해 보아야 할 대상이라 하겠다. 이는 기존의 신라왕조와는 달리 강한 자주성을 지닌 새로운 성격의 국가 건설을 표방하고 있음을 엿보게 하기 때문이다. 한편 王京 출신의 유력한 귀족이 地方長官으로서 지방민을 규합하여 도모하였다는 점도 주목된다. 어쩌면 뒤이은 軍鎭勢力 張保皐의 등장 징후가 이미 여기에서 나타나며 나아가 먼 훗날 後三國 鼎立의 한 端初도 이 난에서 읽을 수 있겠기 때문이다. 이를 통하여 김헌창의 난을 실마리로 이제 정치적ㆍ사회적인 무게 중심이 점차 지방으로 옮겨지는 현상을 더듬을 수도 있다. 이는 지방이 그만큼 정치적ㆍ사회적으로 크게 주목받을 만큼 두드러지게 성장하였음을 뜻하는 사실이기도 하다. 이 글에서는 김헌창의 난과 관련 사료를 치밀하게 분석하여 그 원인과 배경, 참여범위 경과 등을 새롭게 살펴보고 나아가 그를 토대로 성격과 영향을 구체적으로 밝혀보고자 시도한 것이다. 난이 수습된 이후 진행과정에서 드러난 신라사회의 모순구조를 해소하고자 하였으나 그것은 미봉책일 뿐 근본적인 치유책은 되지 못하였다. 그나마 신라사회가 100여년 더 지속되게 된 것은 어쩌면 김헌창 난 덕분일지도 모른다. Kim Hun-Chang's Riot has not attracted a significant attention till now, in spite of its importance in the development of Silla history. Mostly, only an extremely small part of it has been dealt in the discussion of the political process of its later period. Although the Riot itself ended in failure, a strong will shown by it to discontinue the Silla dynasty can be read in its hanging up a new name of the nation. It reflects that the leading power of the Riot had correctly recognized the structural contradiction within the Silla society and had the intention to reform it. In addition, its efforts to restore the custom of using the independent name of an era which had disappeared long time ago should be deeply appreciated. It is because the leading power advocated an establishment of a new kind of nation that distinguished itself from the established Shilla dynasty in its strong independent spirit. Meanwhile, it is remarkable that a powerful nobility from Peking as a provincial governor instigated the local people to a rebellion. It is because we can predict from the Riot the subsequent appearance of the military power (군진세력) Chang Bo-Go and, furthermore, a cornerstone for the establishment of Post-Three Countries in the far future. Kim Hun-Chang’s Riot could be a clue to the phenomenon through which the political and social center of gravity was gradually transferred to the province. It means that the province had conspicuously developed both politically and socially as to be worthy of a great notice. In this article I attempted to examine the cause and background of the Riot, closely by analyzing Kim Hung-Chang's Riot and its related historical materials, and to illuminate the character and effect of the Riot in the concrete. After the Riot had been settled, Silla dynasty tried to solve the contradictory structure of its society revealed in the process, but it just ended as a makeshift, not a fundamental redress. Probably it was by virtue of Kim Hun-Chang’s Riot that the Silla society had continued for more than 100 years afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of LED light sources on morphogenesis and levels of photosynthetic pigments in Gerbera jamesonii grown in vitro

        Bożena Pawłowska,Marek Żupnik,Bożena Szewczyk-Taranek,Monika Cioć 한국원예학회 2018 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.59 No.1

        Gerbera jamesonii cv. Dura is a well-known and economically important ornamental crop that is produced using micropropagation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of various light wavelengths in six different light emitting diode (LED)treatments on biometric attributes and photosynthetic pigment content in gerbera plants grown in vitro. The LED treatmentswere B (100% blue), RB1 (50% red and 50% blue), RB2 (70% red and 30% blue), RBW (40% red, 40% blue, and 20% white),RBfR (49% red, 49% blue, and 2% far red), and R (100% red). Light quality was seen to significantly affect plant growthand development. The highest shoot multiplication rate was observed in plants grown under both RB1 and RB2. Plantletsgrown under R displayed the greatest shoot elongation, and their petioles were three times longer than those grown underB. Both B and R resulted in reduced leaf blade area. Rooting of shoots was observed in plants grown under all light treatments;however, R stimulated adventitious root formation. The average number of roots produced by plants under all lighttreatments was calculated and found to match that produced under RB2. The RBfR treatment caused a reduction in leaf dryweight compared to that produced under B, which represented the highest leaf dry weight. Control fluorescent lighting, suppliedby Philips TL-D 36W/54 lamps, had a positive effect on root dry weight. Photosynthetic pigment content was higherin the leaves of rooted plants compared to that in plants at the multiplication stage. RB2 resulted in higher concentrations ofchlorophyll a and b and carotenoids, whereas lower accumulation of photosynthetic pigments was observed under R. Theseresults demonstrate that light wavelength manipulation through LEDs can be strategically used for the rapid and large-scalepropagation of gerbera. The outcomes of this study offer potential to improve micropropagation efficiency and reduce thecosts of in vitro plant production.

      • KCI등재

        Short‑Term Load Forecasting Based on Deep Neural Networks Using LSTM Layer

        Bo‑Sung Kwon,Rae‑Jun Park,Kyung‑Bin Song 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.4

        Short-term load forecasting (STLF) is essential for power system operation. STLF based on deep neural network using LSTM layer is proposed. In order to apply the forecasting method to STLF, the input features are separated into historical and prediction data. Historical data are input to long short-term memory (LSTM) layer to model the relationships between past observed data. The outputs of the LSTM layer are incorporated with outputs of fully-connected layer in which prediction data, for instance weather information for forecasting day, are input. The optimal parameters of the proposed forecasting method are selected following several experiment. The proposed method is expected to contribute to stable power system operation by providing a precise load forecasting.

      • KCI등재

        Modelling of an Analytical Equation for Predicting Maximum Stress in an Injections Moulded Undercut Geometry during Ejection

        Boštjan Zafošnik,Uroš Božiˇc,Blaž Florjaniˇc 한국정밀공학회 2015 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        The paper presents procedure for analytical assessment of maximum stress in an injection moulded undercut geometry during ejection. Incorrect geometry definition can lead to permanent deformation of a part after ejection. Comparison of maximum stress with the mechanical properties of a material can be used for predicting permanent deformation and for designing of a tool. Investigation of stress-strain behaviour in a part made from thermoplastic polymer during ejection was carried out using experimental and numerical finite element analysis approach. A Taguchi Design of Experiments was used to reduce the number of necessary numerical analysis. The results were used to model analytical equations, for assessing the maximum stress in a part during ejection, taking into consideration height h, fillet radiuses R1,2 and the draft angle β. An artificial neural network model and models with different combinations of first order, second order, and exponential terms were evaluated to find the best fit. Verification of the analytical equations was done by determining the optimum values using a global optimization approach. The advantage of such procedure is time effective assessment of maximum stress in an injection moulded undercut geometry during ejection with analytical equation instead of a using time-consuming and complex finite element approach.

      • 유아의 동물개념발달 연구

        이보영 ( Bo Young Rhee ) 한국실천유아교육학회(구 한국Montessori교육학회) 2012 실천유아교육 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 유아의 연령에 따른 동물개념발달을 알아보고 그에 따른 유야생물교육의 방향올 제시 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 D시에 위치한 유아교육기관의 3·4·5세 유아 56명을 대상으로 이보영(2009)의 동물개념 연구에 기초하여 본 연구자가 수정 보완한 동물개념 질문지로 연령에 따른 유아들의 동물개념 변화를 분석하였다. 연구결과 유아의 연령의 증가에 따라 동물개념은 발달하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 동물개념의 범주별로 분석한 결과 동물의 특징, 동물의 생활주기, 동물의 주변환경과의 관계에 대한 개념과 문항별 분석의 결과 유아들의 동물에 대한 사전개념올 알 수 있었다. 결과적으로 유아교육현장에서 동물올 주제로 교육활동올 구성 할 때, 유아들이 지각적인 경험만으로는 정확한 개념을 획득하기 어려운 부분이 있다. 따라서 유아의 생물교육을 위해서는 지각적인 관찰과 더불어 개념, 가치 그리고 태도 획득을 위한 생물교육활동을 구성하여야 하는 필요성을 시사해 준다. This study is aimed at determining the development of animal concepts by age in young children and suggesting a direction of biology education for young children accordingly. For this purpose, a survey using revised questionnaires on animal concepts based on previous research of animal concepts (Bo-young Rhee, 2009) was conducted among 56 young children ages 3 to 5 enrolled in early childhood education institutions in D city and analyzed to investigate changes in young children`s animal concepts by age. The survey results found that animal concepts in young children are developed with advancing age. They also showed preconception on animals in young children such as the concepts on characteristics, life cycle and surrounding environment of animals. Therefore, these findings suggest that biology educational activities for acquiring concepts, value, and attitude should be organized along with perceptual observation when composing educational activities on animals in the field of early childhood education since ymmg children may have difficulty in getting correct concepts only from their perceptual experiences.

      • KCI등재

        5-6세기 금강상류(錦江上流) 지역의 정치세력과 그 향방(向方)

        주보돈 ( Bo Don Ju ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.106 No.-

        A Political Force in the Upstream Area of the Geum River in the 5th and 6th Century and its Course Ju, Bo-don [Abstract] The history of Gaya which used to have little record available has been revealed significantly due to increase in archeological materials for past 20 years. As a result, it was confirmed that Daegaya which was the most powerful political force was developed into a dynasty straddled a certain area beyond simply the leading power among allied forces after the late 5th century. Clear evidences that show this fact are inscriptions of ``Great King`` and ``subordinate`` engraved on earthenware. Daegaya expanded its territory with Gogyeong as its political base to the west. All areas into Daegaya were divided according to their characteristics. There were areas under direct control, areas with local officials dispatched, areas under indirect control and the members of union. Through archeological discoveries, cultural influence of Daegaya was confirmed to be reached to the eastern Honam area beyond our previous general assumption. Currently, there are debates regarding what relations Daegaya had with these areas. For this, this author traced its characteristic through reference materials, archeological materials and all sorts of circumstances at that time. As a result, this author concluded that Daegaya had the eastern Honam area under its political control in a time of great tumult of expansion into Baekje or Geum River area. This issue should be examined and clarified more precisely in future to determine the political level of Daegaya.

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