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        호접란과 풍란 속간교잡종 유향성 ‘핑키뷰티’ 육성

        이종원,이종원,오훈근,이경자,박재성 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.3

        The Chungcheongbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Service has developed a new intergenic hybrid orchid cultivar released under the name ‘Pinky Beauty.’ The marketable qualities of this new cultivar include an abundance of flowers, a good fragrance, and a relatively long flowering period. It was derived from an initial intergeneric cross between (Phalaenopsis pulcherrima x P. parishii ) x Neofinetia falcata ‘Hwacheon’ in 2007. The seed germination, cultivation, selection, and characteristic evaluation trials were conducted from 2008 to 2014. After selecting a line that grew well and had desirably shaped and colored flowers, its morphological characteristics were investigated, from 2015 to 2017, according to the survey standard for agricultural experimentation and research that is used for the evaluation of new N. falcata varieties. The selection had pink flowers, which were determined to be Red-purple Group 68D based on the RHS color chart, on a dark green stem. The length of the flower stem was measured on average to be 25.8 cm, and the number of flowers per stem was 16.3. The width of a typical flower was about 2.5 cm, and the flowers had a short spur similar to N. falcata on the back of the lip. The plant height was on average 12.7 cm, which is similar to the control cultivar P. pulcherrima, while the leaf width was 1.6 cm. The overall volume of the flower pot was high. The flowering time of the hybrid was in late May, and its flowering period was about 34 days. Furthermore, it had a noticeably pleasant scent. Due to this desirable combination of characteristics, the selection was released as the cultivar ‘Pinky Beauty’ in 2018. 충청북도농업기술원에서는 연한 분홍색의 향기가 있고, 꽃수가 많으며, 개화기간을 오래 지속할 수 있는 속간 교배종 난‘핑키뷰티’를 육성하였다. 신품종 ‘핑키뷰티’는 2007년 Phal. pulcherrima × Phal. parishii 교배종을 모본으로, Neof. falcata ‘Hwacheon’을 부본으로, 속간교배하였다. 종자 발아, 재배, 선발, 특성검정은 2008년부터 2014년까지 진행되었다. 생육이 좋고꽃의 색, 모양이 우수한 계통을 선발 한후, 2015년부터 2017년까지3년에 걸쳐 국립종자원 신품종 심사기준으로 특성검정 결과, 우수성이 인정되어 2018년 최종 선발하여 “핑키뷰티”로 명명하였다. 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 화색은 연분홍색으로 Red-purple Group 68D(RHS칼라차트)이며, 향기가 있고 화경색은 암록색이다. 식물체 크기는 12.7cm로 대조품종과 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 잎의 폭은 1.6cm로 대조품종인 P. pulcherrima에 비해 좁은 편이 다. 화경장은 25.8 cm이며, 소화수는 16.3개로, 전반적으로 화분의볼륨감이 우수한 편이다. 꽃의 크기는 2.5cm 정도이며, 꽃의순판 뒤쪽에 풍란과 같은 짧은 거가 있는 것이 특징이다. 개화기는5월 하순이며, 개화기간은 34일 정도이다.

      • 외상성 기뇌증의 임상적 분석

        이인수,최순관,변박장,신원한,이종원 순천향대학교 1989 논문집 Vol.12 No.3

        We have encountered 30 cases of traumatic pneumocephalus(2.3%) out 1317 acute head injury patients who hospitalized in the Department of Neurosurgery, Soonchunhyang University Hospital from January, 1987 to April, 1988. They were all diagnosed by computed tomography immediately after admission. They were classified into 2 types of pneumocephalus-direct and basal-according to the manner in which air entered the cranial cavity, and another 2 types-brain stem and non-brain stem-according to the location of intracranial air on the computed tomography. In the direct type of 8 cases, air entered directly through open depressed fractures or injured skull defects, whereas in the basal type of 19 cases, air entered by way of basal skull fractures and found to be in the basal cisterns. In the brain stem type of 13 cases, air could be seen aroud the brain stem, whereas in the non-brain stem type of 17 cases, air could be seen throughout the entire cranial cavity but not around the brain stem. Eight of 30 patients died during treatment, giving an overall mortality of 26.7%; and the mortality of each type was 31.6% in the basal type, 38.5% in brain stem type, 12.5% in the direct type, and 17.6% in non-brain stem type. We suggest that the basal or brain stem type carries a higher mortality.

      • RICARDO-TORRENS 比較優位論의 再吟味

        李鐘垣 水原大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Comparative advantage theory of trade is maintained by two british economists Ricardo and Torrens in the early 19th century. According to them all (in this case only two countries) countries corncered could enjoy benifits from foreign trade when they trade commodities between the domestic relative price of two countries. Although we accept it as a milestone of trade theory, we doubt that it still be valid in the real trade situation as it is based on many unrealistic hypotheses. In this paper we relaxed some important hypotheses to meet real situation; first we introduced money. wage and foreign exchange rate instead of unrealistic barter trade, second we extend two country-multi commodity, multi country-two commodity and multi commodity-multi country from two-two model, third we analyze more realistic case considering transport charge.

      • EC 共同農業政策(CAP)의 問題點과 政策轉換方向

        李鍾垣 水原大學校 社會科學硏究所 1989 社會科學論集 Vol.1 No.-

        The Common Agricultural Policy(CAP) of European Community is facing a crisis from budgetary, political conflict and international trade. CAP was successful for the producer's protection and self-suffiency at the sacrifice of consumers and foreign producers. This paper discussed the background and the evolution of European agricultural policy and found out problems concerning CAP. And the followings are suggestions to settle those problems and to reform the CAP: First, reduction of commom price. Second, revitalization of market principle. Third, maximum guarantee threshold/coresponsibility levies. Fourth, direct subsidy(deficiency payment) is better than indirect subsidy(variable levies). Fifth, new structrul policy by reduction of cost. Sixth, in case of wheat, production quota and two-tier plan are better than price reduction and coresponsibility levies. Seventh, national aid/or communitary budgetary reduction for the exports of LDCs.

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