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      • 실험을 통한 블륵 Lifting Lug의 Padeye Hole 강도 평가 및 Lug 구조 평가

        이성제,황외주,오영태,하수호,김윤호,이수배,김상홍 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2012 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5

        선체 블록 등의 중량물을 들어올릴 때 사용되는 리프팅 러그의 경우 padeye hole의 강도가 전체적인 구조 안전성에 중요한 평가 인자가 된다. 하지만 러그의 전체적인 구조에 대해서는 명확한 설계 기준이 있는 반면에 padeye hole의 국부적인 변형 및 안전성은 그렇지 못하다. 본 연구에서는 샤클핀과 러그 홀의 직경차이가 구조에 미치는 영향과 러그 홀의 강성을 증대시키기 위해 설치 된 pad plate가 구조에 미치는 영향을 인장 실험과 비선형 정적 유한요소 해석을 통해 검증하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        褥薩의 大城·王都 5部 駐在와 그 職任

        이성제 한국고대사학회 2018 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.92

        Yoksal (semantically, provincial governor) was a government official who resided in the five tribe areas of the capital and large castles. The large castles are Liaotungcheng (“Yodongseong” in Korean) Castle, Wugucheng (“Ogolseong”) Castle, Guoneicheng (“Guknaeseong”), Shancheng (“Chaekseong”) Castle, and Hancheng (“Hanseong”) Castle. These castles are characterized by the fact that they were provincial major hubs and military bases and that the central army stationed in them, unlike the neighboring castles that had a provincial army composed mainly of local residents. Koguryeo had a system to prepare for emergencies by making the provincial army take charge of defending the castle and placing the central army at the main hubs. This is one of the reasons why the castle-centered defense system established by Koguryeo was robust. The existence of northern Yoksal and southern Yoksal suggests that Yoksal resided in large castles in the provinces as well as the five tribe areas in the capital. The five tribe armies seen in historical records belonged to the central army commanded by Yoksal. There is a difference that these two kinds of Yoksal, whose tribe name and castle name were prefixed to their names, resided in the center and province, respectively, whereas there is a similarity in official duties that both of them commanded the central army to defend the capital and large castles, which were the bases of the country. In consideration of the contents of the command and the heavy responsibilities, the appointment of Yoksal was limited to those who won the confidence of the king among the 5th ranked military commanders. Yoksal controlled a small area rather than a large area covering several castles. There is a record that ‘the military governor and commander-in-chief control 12 province of Koguryeo and rule 37 tribes of Mohe (都督兼摠兵馬, 管一十二州高麗, 統卅七部靺鞨).’ This record shows that Shancheng (“Chaekseong”) castle was one of the 12 provinces and that another government post called commander-in-chief was needed to command these large armies. Koguryeo operated a field army for an emergency to support the castle defense system, and Yoksal was a government official to take over as a commander of this field army. Yoksal retained his main position and served as a commander of the field army at the same time. It is understood that Yoksal managed the military affairs other than the power to mobilize the army with regard to the dominance relations between large and small castles. Since Yoksal commanded the central army in a field and took a heavy responsibility on military affairs, a basic military relation seems to have been established for Yoksal to command the army in case of an emergency. 욕살은 고구려의 왕도 5부와 대성에 주재한 관이었다. 大城은 遼東城·烏骨城·國內城·柵城·漢城의 5곳으로 파악된다. 이들 성은 지방의 주요 거점이면서 군사기지로, 중앙군이 배속되어 있었다는 점이 특징적이다. 주위의 諸城이 주로 현지 주민으로 편성된 지방군을 보유하고 있었던 것과는 달랐던 것이다. 제성의 방어를 지방군이 맡도록 하고 중앙군은 주요 거점에 두어 유사시에 대비한 것으로 고구려가 구축했던 성 중심의 방어체제가 견고할 수 있었던 원인의 하나라고 여겨진다. 北部褥薩·南部褥薩의 존재는 욕살이 지방의 대성만이 아니라 왕도의 5부에도 주재했음을 알려준다. 사료에 보이는 5部兵의 존재는 이들 욕살이 지휘했던 중앙군이었다. 이 두 계통의 욕살-部名과 城名을 冠稱한-은 중앙과 지방에 주재한다는 차이에도 불구하고 중앙군을 지휘하여, 왕도와 대성이라는 나라의 근간이 되는 곳을 지켰다는 점에서 직임상 동일하였다. 또한 지휘의 내용과 막중한 책임으로 보아 욕살에의 취임은 제5위의 官位를 가진 武將 가운데 국왕의 신임을 받는 자에 한정되었다. 욕살은 여러 제성들로 이루어진 광역의 지역 공간이 아니라 훨씬 한정된 지역을 관장하였다. ‘都督兼摠兵馬, 管一十二州高麗, 統卅七部靺鞨’의 기록은 책성이 12州의 하나이며, 이들 대군을 지휘하기 위해서는 총병마라는 별도의 관함이 필요했음을 알려준다. 고구려는 성 방어체제를 뒷받침하기 위해 유사시 야전군을 운용했는데 욕살은 이 야전군의 지휘관에 취임할 수 있는 관이었다. 욕살의 本職을 소지하고 겸직으로서 야전군의 지휘를 맡았던 것이다. 대성과 제성 간의 統屬관계와 관련하여, 發兵權을 제외한 여타 군사의 일에 대해서는 욕살이 관할하였던 것으로 이해된다. 현지에서 중앙군 부대를 지휘한 욕살이고 보면 군사 방면에서의 책임이 막중했을 것이고, 유사시에 제 병력을 지휘하기 위해서 기본적인 군사관계는 마련되어 있었을 것이기 때문이다.

      • CASE 기술동향

        이성제,한종훈 제어로봇시스템학회 1997 제어로봇시스템학회지 Vol.3 No.3

        이 글에서는 공정 산업에서의 실시간 최적화 기술 동향을 살펴보았다. 실시간 최적화는 다변하는 공장환경에 안전성을 확보하여 신속하게 대처함으로써 생산물의 안정적인 공급을 할 수 있는 기술이며 전체적인 효율을 최대화할 수 있는 방법이다. 현재 이러한 실시간 최적화의 구성요소들에 대한 연구는 물론 관련 기술 개발이 급속히 진행되고 있으며 전산통합생산시스템이 구현된 공장에서의 적용은 필수적인 추세이다. 그런데 그 기술을 도입하더라도 설비나 공정이 바뀔 때 다시 외부에 기술이 종속되는 부작용을 생각할 수 있다. 따라서 실시간 최적화 기술을 자체적으로 보유할 수 있도록 보다 체계화시켜 다양한 조건에서 유연성을 갖고 적용할 수 있도록 개발해 나가야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        『동아시아사』 교과서의 「지역간 인구이동과 전쟁」 단원 서술에 대한 試論 -지역국가들의 戰略的 意志와 동아시아세계의 형성-

        이성제 역사교육학회 2011 역사교육논집 Vol.47 No.-

        Regarding a compilation of the East Asian history textbook, there is recognition that the East Asian world is one cultural area which shares many cultural elements and influences each other by constant negotiations throughout history. The ancient East Asian world was stimulated by the introduction of Chinese characters, Confucianism, law, Chinese Buddhism to Manchuria, Korean peninsula and Japanese archipelago. In this respect, the chapter of “Inter-Regional Population Shift and Wars” is very important in setting the East Asian history. This is because migration is regarded as a cause of both the spread of Chinese cultural elements to neighbouring countries and their regional acceptance. However, it seems that the migration movement which set up by the East Asian history textbook is too specific to a particular case in mind. It is understood that Han Chinese migration caused the spread of Chinese cultural elements to other countries. As a consequence, it could be easily misunderstood that the formation of the East Asian world as the assimila- tion of Chinese culture over neighbouring countries, namely “Hanization.”I believe that sharing culture by population movement is important, but the other reasons why each local area accepted these cultural elements are more important in relation to the formation of the East Asian history. On these issues, this thesis examines that to what extent historical facts indeed support the argument above. I hope this work will be a good reference in writing history textbooks in future. Installation of the Four Commanderies of Han provided Han Chinese a proper environment for collective migration. The migrants were mainly government officials, soldiers, and merchants who were related to political and military powers of the Four Commanderies of Han. It is clear to see that the immigration due to the installation of the Four Commanderies paved the way for the eastern region of Han to encounter the Chinese Civilisation. However, there was not a direct relationship between the immigration and the accommodation of Chinese culture in the region. If the issue is more focused on the cultural exchange between Han and the neighbouring areas rather than the population influx, it is found that the Han Chinese culture was passed by the media of the Commandery’s people. Nakrang Society under the Four Commanderies of Han gradually accepted Han Chinese culture. At that moment, Confucius culture was flourished in Nakrang as even Nakrang people could normally recite Han poems. On the other hand, the neighbouring countries, which were stimulated by Han as a result of the contact with the Han Provinces, were aware of the need for the introduction and implementation of the Han Chinese culture. For example, it has been proved that Goguryeo secured the Commandery’s people by encroaching on the Four Commanderies, and then learnt Chinese Characters and adopted an element level of document administration. On the other hand, the massive conflict in the period of Sixteen Kingdoms and of Southern and Northern Dynasties caused population movement in a grand scale. One of the massive migrants was the Han Chinese to Goguryeo across Liao River. The state of the Chinese migrants during this period shows that the immigrant flow even reached Goguryeo further across Liao River at the period of the sudden change in China. So, pro tanto, Goguryeo was closely linked with the international situation with China as a centre. However, Goguryeo achieved its development in its own way while keeping itself out of the political turmoil and the confrontation in China. It was a result of Goguryeo’s foreign policy which took an advantage of the Chinese immigrants. Also, Goguryeo mobilized the Chinese settlers in a management of former provinces such as Pyongyang. It was a golden age in the history of Goguryeo because the kingdom overcame its failures of king Gogukwon and furthermore, aligned its government organisation. In relati...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        高句麗와 倭의 關係 -570~572년 고구려 사절의 越 표착과 귀환 과정을 중심으로-

        이성제 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2012 동국사학 Vol.53 No.-

        The article for a Koguryo envoy drifting ashore of the Kosi(越) and returning in the biography of Emperor Kimmei(欽明紀, kinmeiki) and the biography of Emperor Bidatsu(敏達紀) of Nihon Shoki(日本書紀) is an important material which shows the fact that Koguryo participated in the diplomatic activities toward the Japanese Wa. Even though this is an important material which delivers the situation that two countries faced to each other for the first time, its details have not been analyzed properly in the previous studies. The Koguryo envoy was fooled by a powerful clan in Kosi(越) who impersonated the king of Japanese Wa and he was able to deliver the Japanese Wa after staying more than 2 years in the Japanese Wa. This fact shows that Koguryo participated in the diplomatic activities toward the Japanese Wa with little knowledge regarding the Japanese Wa, and the improvement of the relationship with the Japanese Wa was not that easy. In this respect, the fact that Koguryo envoy who went to the Japanese Wa in 570 stayed there for more than 2 years has significance in the history of negotiations between two countries. Now only he was able to expand the knowledge regarding the Japanese Wa, but also he had a chance to examine the Japanese Wa’s strategies toward outside countries. The dispatch of additional envoys in later time supports this understanding. On the other hand, the knowledge of the Japanese Wa’s envoy who accompanied the Koguryo envoy helped the royal court of the Japanese Wa to reevaluate Koguryo. The fact that Koguryo participated in the diplomatic activities toward the Japanese Wa was sufficient enough to bring a misunderstanding that Koguryo faced a significant threat. It was highly possible from the Japanese Wa’s standpoint. If there was considerable gap between the Japanese Wa’s understanding and actual reality in Koguryo, the knowledge of the Japanese Wa’s envoy was able to correct the Japanese Wa’s understanding. Through the envoy who stayed in the Japanese Wa for 2 years, Koguryo was able to gain the knowledge regarding the Japanese Wa and establish the strategies toward the Japanese Wa, and the knowledge of the Japanese Wa’s envoy who visited Koguryo became the starting point for the Japanese Wa to reevaluate and accept Koguryo as one party to negotiate. This is why we must consider that the period between 570 and 572 is very important in the history of negotiations between two countries. 『日本書紀』 欽明紀·敏達紀에 수록된 고구려 사절의 월 표착과 귀환 기사는 고구려가 對倭外交에 나섰다는 사실을 전하는 중요한 자료이다. 하지만 양국이 처음으로 대면한 사정을 전하는 자료임에도 불구하고 그 동안의 연구에서는 내용 분석이 미진하였다고 생각한다. 고구려 사절은 倭王을 사칭한 월 지역의 豪族에게 농락당하였고, 2년 넘게 왜국에 체류한 뒤에야 國書를 왜국 조정에 전달할 수 있었다. 이러한 사실은 왜국에 대한 이해가 매우 부족한 상태에서 고구려가 대왜외교에 나섰으며, 왜국과의 관계 개선이 생각처럼 쉽지는 않았다는 점을 알려준다. 이 점에서 570년에 왜국에 건너간 고구려 사절이 2년이 넘는 기간동안 현지에 머물렀다는 사실은 양국의 交涉史에서 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 장기간에 걸친 왜국에서의 체류에서 얻었을 見聞도 그러하지만 왜국의 대외전략을 살피는 기회가 되었다는 점에서 그러하다. 후속하여 사절 파견이 이어졌다는 사실이 이러한 이해를 뒷받침해준다. 한편 고구려 사절에 동행했던 왜국 送使의 견문은 왜국 朝廷이 고구려를 재평가하는데 도움을 주었다고 여겨진다. 고구려가 대왜외교에 나섰다는 사실은 고구려의 대외관계가 실제 이상으로 위협에 처해 있다는 오해를 불러오기에 충분하였다. 왜국의 입장에서는 특히 그럴 가능성이 높았다. 이러한 왜국의 인식이 고구려의 실상과는 괴리가 있었다고 보면, 왜국 송사의 견문은 그것을 바로잡는 계기가 되었을 것이다. 왜국에 2년 간 체류했던 사절을 통해 고구려는 왜국에 대한 無知에서 벗어나 왜국의 실정에 대응하는 대왜전략을 수립할 수 있었고, 고구려를 다녀온 송사의 견문은 왜국이 고구려를 재평가하고 교섭의 상대로 인정하는 출발점이 되었다. 양국의 교섭사에서 570~572년의 시기를 중요하게 평가해야 할 연유가 여기에 있다.

      • KCI등재

        唐 高宗의 泰山 封禪과 高句麗의 對應을 둘러싼 몇 가지 문제

        이성제 고구려발해학회 2019 고구려발해연구 Vol.64 No.-

        In January 666, Gaozong(高宗) of Tang climbed Taishan(泰山) and performed Bongseon ritual(封禪儀禮). Goguryeo(高句麗) sent Boknam(福男), who was a crown prince(太子), to participate in this ritual. After only two years of it, Goguryeo was defeated by the Allied Forces of Silla-Tang(羅唐聯合軍). Participating in the ritual was the last international activity and the policy toward Tang of Goguryeo. However, much has not yet been revealed about the grounds for participating in Bongseon and relationship between Goguryeo and Tang. The participation of neighboring countries including Goguryeo was an indispensable condition for Gaozong to perform Bongseon of Taishan. It was July 664 when Gaozong announced the plan of Bongseon, but there was no reference to the monarchs of neighboring nations such as Goguryeo in the object of issuance of Joseo(詔書). In other words, apart from the Joseo, Tang informed the participating countries such as Goguryeo of the plan of Bongseon. The timing and manner of the notification of this plan can refer to the articles on the negotiation between Wa(倭國) and Tang at that time. This article clarifies that the notification of the Bongseon plan was not a one-sided one such as issuance of Joryeong(詔令), but was a way to resolve the complaints of the other states and induce them to participate in Bongseon through examination of the process of negotiations between Tang and Wa. The time when Tang notified the participating countries of the plan was before the declaration of Joseo, which was July 664. Prior consultation was inevitable in order to encourage participation of non-subordinate countries such as Goguryeo. Previous studies understood that the death of Yeon Gaesomun(淵蓋蘇文) led to the emergence of new ruling powers, and they led the changes in the policy toward Tang such as participation in Bongseon. However, it is difficult to agree on the understanding of the previous study in that the notification of the Bongseon plan was before July 664. In other words, the decision to participate in the Bongseon and the dispatch of the crown prince were driven by the Yeon Gaesomun, and Cheon Namsaeng(泉男生) was given subsequent matters. Given the case of Wa, Goguryeo also intended to change the relation with Tang. Especially, Sending the crown prince expresses the strong will of Goguryeo, and through this, Goguryeo tried to make a turning point of relation with Tang. In this regard, the description in Cheon Namsaeng’s Epitaph(泉男生墓誌), “按嵎夷之舊壤, 請羲仲之新官”, is an expression implicating the relationship which Goguryeo expected. A new official(新官) of Huijung(羲仲) seems to refer to the status of King Bojang(寶藏王) as Oesin(外臣). This generally means a restoration of investitive-tributary relation. Although it was not realized, the attempt should be appreciated. However, Cheon Namsaeng tried to utilize this hard-earned turning point of relationship to strengthen his power. Including Namsan(男産), those who could not stand this situation caused political upheaval. As a result, Goguryeo was on the way of collapse right before making the breakthrough in relation with Tang by participating in Bongseon. 666년 正月 唐 高宗은 泰山에 올라 封禪儀禮를 거행하였다. 이때 고구려는 太子 福男을 보내 봉선의례에참가하였다. 이로부터 불과 2년 뒤 고구려는 羅唐聯合軍에 패망하고 만다. 봉선에의 참가는 고구려 최후의 對 外活動이자 對唐政策이었던 것이다. 그럼에도 고구려가 봉선에 참여하게 된 연유와 양국 관계에 대해서는 밝혀진 바가 거의 없다. 고종이 태산 봉선을 거행하기 위해서는 고구려를 비롯한 주변국의 참가가 필수 조건이었다. 이와 관련하여 고종이 봉선계획을 발표한 것은 664년 7월의 일이었지만, 이 詔書의 下達 대상에는 고구려 등 주변국가의군주에 대한 언급이 보이질 않는다. 즉 이때의 조서와는 별도로 당은 봉선계획을 고구려 등의 참가대상국에알렸던 것이다. 이 계획의 通知 시기와 방식과 관련하여, 이 무렵 倭國과 당의 교섭 기사가 참고된다. 당과 왜국의 교섭 과정을 검토한 결과, 봉선 계획의 통지가 詔令의 하달과 같은 일방적 통보가 아니라, 상대국의 불만을 해소시키고 봉선에 참가토록 유도하는 방식이었음을 밝힐 수 있었다. 당이 봉선계획을 고구려등 참가국에 통지한 시점은 664년 7월 조서의 포고 이전이었다. 고구려와 같이 복속되지 않은 국가의 참여를이끌어 내기 위해서는 사전 협의가 불가피했던 것이다. 한편 그동안의 연구는 淵蓋蘇文의 사망을 계기로 새로운 집권세력이 등장하였고, 이들이 봉선 참가와 같은대당정책의 변화를 이끌었다고 이해하였다. 그러나 봉선 계획의 통지는 664년 7월 이전의 시점이 된다는 점에서 그간의 이해에는 동의하기 어렵다. 즉 봉선에의 참여 결정과 태자 파견은 淵蓋蘇文의 주도 아래 추진되었으며, 그 후속의 문제들이 泉男生에게 주어졌던 것이다. 왜국의 사례로 보아, 고구려의 의도 역시 양국관계의 변화에 있었다고 보인다. 특히 태자를 보냈다는 것은고구려의 각별한 의지를 드러내는 것이며, 이를 통해 고구려는 대당관계의 轉機를 마련하려 했던 것이다. 이와 관련하여, <泉男生墓誌>의 ‘按嵎夷之舊壤, 請羲仲之新官’이란 기술은 고구려가 기대한 양국관계를 함축적으로 담고 있는 표현이 된다. 여기에서 羲仲의 새로운 官이란 外臣으로서 寶藏王의 지위를 가리킨다고 보인다. 대체로 冊封朝貢關係의 회복을 의미할 것이다. 비록 실현되지는 못했지만, 시도만큼은 평가되어야 할대목이다. 그러나 천남생은 어렵게 마련된 대당관계의 전기를 자신의 권력 강화에 이용하려 하였고, 이를 두고 볼 수없었던 男産 등이 정변을 일으켰다. 그 결과 고구려는 봉선 참여로 얻은 대당관계의 돌파구를 눈 앞에 두고, 망국의 길로 들어서게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        高句麗의 西部 國境線과 武厲邏

        이성제 대구사학회 2013 대구사학 Vol.113 No.-

        The western borderline of Koguryo has been understood to be the Liao River(遼河). It has been based on the ground that only Muryeora was the hub of Koguryo established in the west of the Liao River on the record, which was located in the west coast(西岸) of the river. However, the area is nothing more than the entrance to the west of the river, as an eastern end of the region. Considering that Koguryo was engaged in heated competitions with the Chinese people and nomads over the western area of the river, the west coast was not located in the place that cannot expect any functions of the frontline hub. The functions of Muryeora to monitor and check the passersby seem to fit for the checkpoint(關所) at the rear areas rather than a military base located in the borderline. Meanwhile, among the hubs of Koguryo in the west of the Liao River, there is also the Castle of Muryeo (武厲城) aside from Muryeora. The two regions have been considered the same one. However, the ‘ra’ (邏, guard post) of Muryeora was only a fortress or a military facility like the guard post rather than the castle (城) of Koguryo that served as a hub of regional dominance and military fortress. The Castle of Muryeo is considered a completely different place from Muryeora in terms of the size and function. The fact that the Sui Dynasty attacked the Castle of Muryeo by establishing the supply base on the frontline indicates that this region was the major hub of the western border of Koguryo. It is possible to estimate the western borderline with the location of the castle of Muryeo. The expansion of Koguryo into the west of the Liao River was marching into the west via the route used to march eastward in the former Chinese counties and prefectures. The hub of Koguryo is highly likely to be set in the historic site of the region. The former Castle of Muryeo is likely to be Muryeohyeon (無慮縣) in the Han Dynasty (prefecture of Mureyo). It is supported by the fact that the homophones of Muryeo (巫閭, Wulu) in the Han Dynasty was used as the name of the land. As the location of Muryeohyeon was in the south of Beizhen (北鎭市), the west of Koguryo is considered to cover the eastern foot of Mt. Yiwulu (醫巫閭山 東麓).

      • KCI등재

        고구려의 對唐防禦體制와 645년 전쟁

        이성제 한국고대사학회 2023 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.109

        This article aims at examining the contents of the diplomacy and defend system against Tang promoted during the reign of King Yeongnyu and reviewing the development process leading to the war in 645 and its results. Judging that there should be no crisis like the invasion of Sui, Koguryeo developed diplomacy of high dense against Tang. Koguryeo’s sense of crisis, however, heightened as Tang’s hostility was revealed, and as Tang began to show similar move as Sui, the possibility of a war increased. Koguryeo devoted all their strength to delay the timing by accepting Tang’s request for Hoemaeng(會盟) and presenting Bongyeokdo(封域圖). This was an attempt to erase the traces of the war against Sui and to prepare for the Tang invasion. Koguryeo broke diplomatic relations with Tang from 631 and began to establish a defense system against Tang invasion. A large-scale construction, in which Koguryeo strived for 16 years until 646, was to further strengthen the defense tactics that depended on the fortress based on the experience of the war with Sui. It was completed the year after the end of the war in 645. The fact that Koguryeo resumed and completed this construction after the war means that this defense system played a significant role against Tang forces in actual battles. Koguryeo lost the eastern region of Liaoxi after the war with Sui. Therefore, it was necessary to defend the Liao River line in relation to the retreat of the frontier. A part of the preparation was the beacon and bastions(城堡) along the route from Liao River to Hyeondo Fortress(玄菟城). The reinforcement work of the walls seen in Shitaizi Mountain Fortress(石臺子山城) in Shenyang is an actual example of construction to strengthen the defensive power of the fortresses that constituted the defense line against Tang. Koguryeo not only reinforced the existing fortress but also built new ones. Examples include the case of the Zhuanghe Chengshan Mountain Fortress(城山山城) and the Huchengshan Mountain Fortress. It was the progress of large-scale civil engineering works from the front line to the rear along with the large-scale maintenance of the defense line. This was a measure to protect the residents of the area under the jurisdiction of Koguryeo and goods such as grains from enemies. The defense system against Tang was an full-scale defense network that strengthened defense facilities and built a refuge(入保處) not only in the front line but also in certain areas in the rear. Therefore 16 years of long-term and extensive construction was required. The Tang army made a surprise attack and captured Liaodong Fortress(遼東城) and Gaemo Fortress(蓋牟城) during the war in 645, but the scope of the operation did not go beyond the northwest area of Liaodong even after three months had passed since the war began. The fact that the Pyongyang attacking force, which should have advanced south in the direction of Pyongyang according to the plan, failed to escape from Liaodong shows that the Tang’s strategy was disrupted. This is proof that the defense system that Koguryeo established in the Liaodong area played its role. 이 글은 榮留王代 추진된 對唐外交와 대당방어체제의 내용에 대해 검토하고, 645년 전쟁으로 이어진 전개과정과 그 성과를 살피기 위해 마련되었다. 고구려는 隋의 침공과 같은 위기를 또 다시 겪을 수 없다는 판단 아래, 밀도 높은 대당외교를 전개하였다. 그러나 당이 적대감을 드러냄에 따라 고구려의 위기의식은 커져갔고, 당이 수와 같은 행보를 보이기 시작하면서 전쟁 발발의 가능성도 높아져 갔다. 고구려는 그 시기를 늦추고자 당의 會盟 요구를 수용하거나 封域圖를 헌상하는 등 총력을 기울였다. 대당외교를 통해 對隋 전쟁의 상흔을 수습하고 침략에 대비할 여력을 마련하려 했던 것이다. 631년부터 고구려는 대당외교를 중단하고 당의 침입에 대비하는 방어체제를 세우기 시작하였다. 646년까지 16년 동안 고구려가 전력을 쏟았던 이 大役事는 대수 전쟁의 경험을토대로 성곽에 의지한 방어전술을 더욱 강화하는 것이었다. 대역사는 645년의 전쟁이 끝나고 이듬해가 되어서야 비로소 완성을 보았다. 戰後 고구려가 공사를 재개하여 이를 마쳤다는 것은 이 방어체제가 실전에서 당군을 상대로 상당한 역할을 했음을 알려준다. 고구려는 수와의 전쟁으로 遼西 동부지역을 상실한 바 있었다. 이러한 변경의 후퇴와 관련하여 遼河線에 대한 방비가 필요하였다. 요하에서 玄菟城까지의 경로에 늘어서 있던 烽燧 와 城堡들이 그 대비책의 일환이었다. 瀋陽 石臺子山城에서 확인된 성벽의 보강 작업은 대당방어선을 구성한 성곽들의 방어력을 강화하기 위한 공사의 실례가 된다. 기존 성곽의 보강과 함께 새로운 축성도 병행되었다. 莊河 城山山城과 後성산산성 등의 사례에서 이를 엿볼수 있다. 대대적인 방어선의 정비와 함께 최전선으로부터 후방에 위치한 지역에까지 대규모토목공사가 전개되었던 것이다. 관할 지역의 주민과 糧穀 등 물자를 적으로부터 보호하기위한 조치였다고 생각된다. 대당방어체제는 최전선뿐 아니라 그 후방의 일정 지역까지 방어시설의 보강과 入保處를 세우는 전면적인 방어망이었다. 16년 간의 장기적이고도 대대적인공사가 필요했던 까닭은 여기에 있었던 것이다. 645년 전쟁에서 당군은 전격적인 기습으로 遼東城·蓋牟城 등을 함락하였지만, 개전한지 석 달이 지난 시점에도 그 작전 범위는 요동 서북부에 한정되어 있었다. 계획대로라면 平 壤 방면으로 남진했어야 할 평양 공략군이 요동을 벗어나지 못했다는 것도 당군의 전략에차질이 생겼음을 보여준다. 고구려가 요동 일대에 구축해 둔 방어체제가 제 역할을 하고 있었던 것이다.

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