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        Acute Shunt Malfunction after Cesarean Section Delivery: A Case Report

        황선철,김태희,김범태,임수빈,신원한 대한의학회 2010 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.25 No.4

        Shunt malfunctions that require surgical intervention during pregnancy and the postpartum period are rare. Furthermore, no study has reported on an acute shunt malfunction immediately after cesarean section. Here, we describe the case of a 32-yr-old woman who became drowsy 12 hr after cesarean section delivery of her second child. She had a ventriculoperitoneal shunt placed to treat hydrocephalus associated with meningitis at 26 yr of age. Marked ventriculomegaly was seen on brain computed tomography and her consciousness recovered temporarily after aspirating cerebrospinal fluid from the flushing device. At surgery, the distal catheter tip was plugged by a blood clot. We believe that the blood spilled over during the cesarean section. The clogged catheter end was simply cut off and the remaining catheter was repositioned in the peritoneal cavity. Her consciousness recovered fully.

      • 성인에서 소뇌 중심부에 발생한 기형종 1예

        황선철,김범태,이세영,임수빈,신원한 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        The exact preoperative diagnosis in the cerebellar midline tumor is crucial to design the operative plan such as the extent of tumor resection, preservation of critical structures, and need to be shunt. We experienced a cystic tumor on the middle cerebellum, which were suspected as usual radiologic diagnoses but were revealed as rare entities in the pathology. A 40 year-old woman suffered from lasting headache and ataxia. In the radiologic finding, it was a huge cystic mass with a mural nodule. We took into consideration cerebellar tumor such as dermoid cyst, hemangioblatoma, or cystic astrocytoma. The pathologic diagnosis was the mature teratoma. We report a case of mature teratoma occured in the midline cerebellum and review it with pertinent literatures.

      • 보건과학 기술인력의 교육현황

        황선철,이창규,윤효숙 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1993 保健科學論集 Vol.19 No.1

        Junior college education in Korea started principally as a vocational training program in 1960s mainly for enforcement of industrial intermediate technical manpower. Since first Ministry of Education of Korea approved allied health professional education program with 2-year course started in 1963, the role played by the force at various fields related with medical and health sciences has become one of the indispensable factors to bring up standard of health, and eventually dedicating the nation's improvement of welfare indices. However, the education itself has been staggering in a way because of monopoly policy of the government and self restriction of the educators involved in the junior college level of education, Another reason was that, like in any other countries, higher education, 4-year college, should go ahead of the 2-year program in every respect. Nonetheless, junior college education program has been gradually but very slowly upgraded to meet the standard set by the Ministry, and after 30 years of hard try, the balance of supply and demand of the forces became closely equivalent. Curricula of some fields were extended to 3 years from original 2 years, and even bachelor's degree along with graduate courses have been initiated. Still major working forces engaged in the country' s medical and health professions are junior college graduates with almost no opportunity to transfer for advanced educational institution due to the barrier set by the law for the time being. The restriction made the quality of the entire forces being limited and disadvantageous to cope with the ever developing professional technology of the world. To enrich the educational and vocational programs of the allied health science, the factors mentioned below should be considered seriously. 1. The transfer opportunity for junior collage graduate to higher educational institutions must be open. 2. The educational institutions should be given more liberty to operate and develop their own institutions. 3. To upgrade the quality of the forces, specialty, sub-specialty and grade cerificate system of the profession must be established by the appropriate organizations. 4. Evaluation system of institutions, students, and teaching must be strengthened as one of the means to maintain higher quality of the education. 5. The curriculum development programs for the profession should be based upon the priciple of multidisciplinary program to cover wide range of modern needs. 6. For their recognition and achievement in education, the proper degree should be awarded to the junior college graduates. Presently, only diploma is given to them.

      • KCI등재후보

        대한의학회 장애평가 기준

        황선철,이경석 대한의사협회 2009 대한의사협회지 Vol.52 No.6

        Several different tools for the evaluation of the physical impairments or disabilities have been employed in Korea. In some cases, the same impairment has received different evaluations in accordance with different evaluation criteria. Sometimes evaluation tools from abroad have been used without efforts of adapting those tools to Korean situations. The general framework for developing impairment evaluation should be objective, useful, and actual. The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences (KAMS) guides has been developed as a tool for the evaluation of impairment by the experts’ discussion and public consensus. The KAMS guides measure the impairment, not the disability, by the rate and encompass all kinds of physical impairments and diseases as many as possible. The guides need the next steps for being legislative and valid from the authorities.

      • 의료개방에 대비한 임상병리검사과학의 발전방향

        황선철 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1994 保健科學論集 Vol.20 No.1

        미국의 임상검사과학(Clinical Laboratory Science 혹은 Medical Technology)을 지원하는 학생수가 지난 5년 사이에 무려 30%나 줄어들었다. 특히 Medicare 예산이 삭감되면서 병원수련과정이(hospital based training program)줄어 들었다. 따라서 미국도 이젠 사실상 학교교육(university based program)을 중심으로 한 즉 수익자 부담 원칙에 의한 병리사 교육훈련 형태로 되어가고 있다. 임상검사과학 전공을 기피하는 이유 중에 크게 작용한 것이 AIDS 환자의 급증으로 인한 위험성 그리고 경제침체로 인한 저임금과 24시간 가동에 필요한 불편한 근무 시간대를 들고 있다. 병리사 공급에 비상이 걸린 미국에서는 문제 해결을 위하여 고등학생들을 상대로 순회 recruit 설명회, 전시회 초대 등 안간힘을 쓰고 있다. 아직 우리나라의 임상병리사 수급계획이 미국처럼 전도되지는 않았다 하더라도 대체적인 면에서 개도국의 발전 변화 과정이 선진국의 발자취를 답습 모방하는 형태였다면 우리에게도 미국과 같은 현상이 안오리라는 법 없고 지금도 어느 면에서는 부분적이긴 하나 그런 현상이 나타나고 있어 근무조건을 취업의 전제로 내놓는 경향이 있는 것도 사실이다. 더구나 근무경력, 전공분야, 학력 등이 고려되는 제도가 이루어져 있지 않은 우리나라 임상병리 분야의 앞날은 자기발전이나 이 분야 전체적인 발전을 쉽게 기대할 수 없다. 이러다가는 선진국이 누렸던 임상검사과학의 황금기는 거쳐보지도 못하고 쇠퇴기로 밀려가지나 않나 하는 걱정마저 된다. 임상검사학을 활성화하는 방법으로는 ①학제의 자율화를 통한 자질 향상의 길을 전폭적으로 개방하는 것 ② 면허제도를 개선, 단일 면허를 적어도 우선적으로 1등급과 2등급으로 분류 발급 할 수 있는 제도를 신설할 것 ③면허외에 전공분야별 자격제도를 제정하여 기준에 이르면 전문 병리사가 되어 직업에 대한 자부심과 긍지를 가질 수 있도록 할 것 ④개방화시대에 대비한 자질과 경쟁력을 향상하여 개방물결에 대응이 가능토록 할 것 ⑤임상생리기능검사 등 개발을 요하는 분야에 전력 집중하여 업무영역의 확보 내지 확장에 주력할 것 ⑥임상검사학의 관리, 운영에 관한 국제화추세를 확산시켜 임상병리사의 기능확대를 기할 것 ⑦임상검사학에 필요한 기기, 시약의 국산화를 추진할 수 있는 상설 연구팀을 구성하여 이에 전념할 수 있도록 할 것 ⑧전항의 목표달성을 위하여 산 ․ 학의 협동 체제를 구축 운영할 것 위에 열거한 것들 중 꿈같은 것들도 있으나 그렇다고 그런 사례가 없는 것을 허망하게 나열하는 것은 아니고 언젠가는 이루어져야 할 것 들임에 틀림없으며 어려운 것은 뒤로 미루고 우선 할 수 있는 일부터 지체하지 말고 시작해야 하지 않을까 한다. 시작이 반이라는 평범한 진리를 명심하면서 모두가 우리자신을 위한 것임을 강조한다.

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